Dugaan hari ni, dapur terbakar. Masa menaip ni pun, debar di dada masih belum hilang. Tangan pun masih ketar lagi.
2.15 p.m
CikSue tengah tengok TV dengan anak-anak kat ruang tamu. Tiba-tiba Abang Irfan jerit, "Umi, api!". CikSue bangkit dan tengok api di dapur belah kiri dah marak sampai ke atas.
Allah je tahu perasaan CikSue masa tu. Dengan anak-anak duk main dekat ruang tamu lagi. Dik Hannah duk ralit bergayut kat sofa. CikSue cuba tenangkan diri, ingat CikSue lupa tutup api. Tapi bila check, dapur tu elok je tertutup.
Masa tu dah start panik. Mujurlah ada dua orang abang tukang yang tengah siapkan rumah kat sebelah rumah CikSue ni. CikSue jerit sekuat hati mintak dia datang tolong. Air mata dah laju mengalir.
Abang-abang tu berlari masuk dalam rumah. Asap dah tebal, dan alarm pun dah berbunyik. CikSue masuk dalam bilik tidur, ambik fire extinguisher, terus CikSue hulur kat diorang.
Mulanya ingatkan api tu dekat atas dapur tu je. Rupanya bila abang tu buka kabinet, api dah marak menyala kat tepi tong gas! Allahuakbar. Rasa nak pitam masa tengok. Mujur tak meletup!
Abang tu pantas bertindak, terus sembur fire extinguisher tu kat punca api dan lepas 5 saat, api padam. Masa tu, ada bunyi desir kuat kedengaran. Abang yang sorang lagi pun terus tutup kepala gas tu.
Allah masih bagi peluang pada kami empat beranak. Kalau abang tu takde, memang CikSue tak mampu buat apa. Mampu tengok je. Masa tu, otak tak mampu nak fikir langsung.
Lepas dah reda, CikSue call encik suami sambil menggigil tahan dari menangis. Suami telefon Bomba, dalam 15 minit dia datang. Bila dia check, katanya hos paip tu dah bocor. Gas duk berkumpul bawah kabinet. Bila CikSue bukak suis elektrik, terus dia spark api.
Katanya lagi, nasib baik rumah CikSue dah ada fire extinguisher tu. Kalau tunggu bomba sampai, alamatnya lagi besar api. Silap2 bomba sampai, rumah dah hangus dijilat api. Dahlah laluan ke rumah kami ni takde jalan besar. Hanya ada tali air, jadi jentera bomba memang takkan boleh masuk. Jadi sebagai persediaan sebaiknya WAJIB ada Fire Extinguisher ni, sebaiknya 9kg tu.
Lepas ni, dia pesan suruh beli hos hitam yang bergetah. Katanya walaupun mahal sikit, tapi lebih berkualiti dan selamat sebab dia bergetah, elastik dan tak mudah patah. Bila dah jadi macam ni, CikSue dah tak kisah pasal harga. Kalau harga lebih RM1000 pun CikSue sanggup beli daripada tengok satu rumah dijilat api. 😭😭
Teringat perasaan masa tengah panik tengok api besar tu. Dalam hati duk jerit, "Allah, bagi aku peluang ya Allah. Aku taknak mati lagi ya Allah. Aku takut ya Allah. Tolonglah jangan ambik lagi nyawa aku, aku belum bertaubat ya Allah"
Perasaan tu CikSue takkan lupa. Takut yang teramat sebab sedar diri ni masih berselut dengan dosa. 😭😭😭
Semoga pengalaman ini dapat dijadikan iktibar buat sahabat CikSue semua.
Today's challenge, kitchen is on fire. Time to type this, the thump in the chest is not gone yet. Even the hands are still tight.
2.15 p. m m
CikSue is watching TV with the kids in the living room. Suddenly Abang Irfan screams, ′′ Umi, fire!". CikSue rises and sees the fire in the kitchen left side is angry and upstairs.
Only Allah knows the feeling of CikSue at that time. With the kids playing in the living room again. Sis Hannah duk ralit sulking on the couch. CikSue is trying to calm down, remember CikSue forgot to close the fire. But when checking, the kitchen is nice to cover.
That time already started panicking. Luckily there are two brothers who are preparing the house next to CikSue's house. CikSue screams as loud as you ask him to come please. Tears are flowing fast.
The brothers ran into the house. Smoke is thick, and the alarm is going off. CikSue enters the bedroom, picks up fire extinguisher, then Ms.Sue will put it to you.
At first I thought the fire was near the kitchen. Apparently, when the brother opens the cabinet, the fire is angry at the gas barrel! Allahuakbar. Feels like closing in time to watch. Luckily it didn't explode!
The brother is quick to act, he sprayed the fire extinguisher at the cause of the fire and after 5 seconds, the fire is extinguished. At that time, there was a sound of thunderstorm. Even the other brother keeps the gas head shut down.
Allah still gives us a chance to give birth. If the brother is not there, CikSue can't do anything. Just able to watch. At that time, the brain couldn't even think at all.
After finishing, CikSue calls Mr. Husband while shivering from crying. Husband called Firefighter, in 15 minutes he came. When he checked, he said that the pipe was leaked. Gas duk together under the cabinet. When CikSue opens the electric switch, then she sparks fire.
He said again, luckily CikSue's house has a fire extinguisher. If you wait for the firefighter to arrive, the address is bigger than the fire Firefighters have arrived, the house has been burnt by fire. There is no way to our house. There's only water strap, so the fireworks won't be able to enter. So as preparations as well as MUST have this Fire Extinguisher, it's better to be 9 kg.
After this, he ordered to buy a gummy black host. He said even though it's a little expensive, but it's more quality and safe because he's gummy, elastic and not easily broken. When this happens, CikSue doesn't care about the price. If the price is more than RM1000, CikSue would be willing to buy from watching one house lick fire. 😭😭
Remembered the feeling of panic watching the big fire. In my heart screams, ′′ Allah, give me a chance ya Allah. I don't want to die anymore ya Allah. I'm afraid ya Allah. Please don't take my life anymore, I haven't repented ya Allah ′′
That feeling CikSue won't forget. Afraid of the extreme because I realize that I am still struggling with sin. 😭😭😭
Hopefully this experience can be made a result for all CikSue friends.Translated
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過92萬的網紅EVA GAMER,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#JustDieAlready #คนแก่ #EVAGAMER สำหรับชาว ชาวคอนโซล ไม่ว่าจะเป็น PS4 , XBOX, Nintendo Switch ฯลฯ ต้องร้านนี้เลย iSquare Soft Game ที่ MBK Center ชั้น...
just die already switch 在 QiuQiu Facebook 的最佳貼文
I haven't tried seeing 3 different doctors in 3 consecutive days but the last 3 days it happened 😅 First day i was running a fever, second day the fever refuse to go away and it got to 40 degree Celsius at some points, it was so bad i couldn't stand straight wth. Turns out i got lung infection?! So random why. Then on the third day i have contractions every 5-6 mins, each time lasted 30-40 seconds for almost an hour. And i was like cannot beeee wth don't scare me NICU bill for premature babies damn expensive 😰 So i call my gynae clinic and they arranged for me to see covering doctor immediately cox Dr Law was overseas for some seminar if i'm not wrong. Towards the end i went to sit on the toilet and then manage to lao sai three times LOLOLOL wth turns out i just have very bad stomach ache becox i was on an anti-biotics that causes diarrhea and i later found out it's not so suitable for pregnant ladies 😖 Thank god i only had 2 dosage and thank god the covering doctor spot the mistake earlier and switch me out of that anti-biotics on a milder one + prescribe probiotics to restore good bacteria for the fetus guts 😌 I learnt my mistake already, next time anything i don't go GP liao i go straight to Dr Law. Flu also just go find him. At least he knows to give the right meds for pregger 😌 Thankful for the help of his covering doctor! Most of all, thank you @jawsure for taking care such good care of me the last few days!!! All the good soup you cooked and all the rest i can take becox you help take over Meredith ❤️ I tried the whole pregnancy not to take any meds that's bad for the baby but lung infection is really boh bian i don't want to pass it to Meredith so yeah, in case anyone judge die me say why pregnant still anyhow take meds 😐 GP gimmie one don't stone me. Lol. This is a picture of me doing some test to check for contractions 😁 I look huge. Also, this pregnancy is so much harder and complicated than when i was pregnant with Meredith 😣 I want to smack her bumbum when she comes out 😠😙
just die already switch 在 EVA GAMER Youtube 的精選貼文
#JustDieAlready #คนแก่ #EVAGAMER
สำหรับชาว ชาวคอนโซล ไม่ว่าจะเป็น PS4 , XBOX, Nintendo Switch ฯลฯ
ต้องร้านนี้เลย iSquare Soft Game ที่ MBK Center ชั้น6
บริการดี เป็นกันเอง ราคาถูก
Credit Sound : Epidemic sound
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just die already switch 在 真電玩宅速配 Youtube 的最讚貼文
《Just Die Already》是由《模擬山羊》(Goat Simulator)前遊戲設計師領軍的研發團隊打造的惡搞風沙盒新作,故事設定在不遠的未來,人們已經不再生孩子,千禧世代寧願打電動也不願工作,結果沒人能付養老金。身為退休老人的玩家,就必須自食其力在這個「全世界都希望老人快點死掉」的環境生存。不得不說這樣的遊戲設定在很多人心中可能覺得非常傷風敗俗吧,但遊戲的世界就是可以這麼天馬行空沒有極限。
本作預計5月20日於Switch、PC、PS4、Xbox One等平台推出,在這個防疫只能多在家的煩悶時刻,這款惡搞新作會是很不錯的舒壓小品喔。
(C)Curve Digital

just die already switch 在 老頭 OldMan Youtube 的精選貼文
🔴方舟 生存進化 所有系列 【播放清單】:http://bit.ly/2bOpMDq
CPU:intel I9-7940X
(內搭塔扇:日系 Scythe Mugen 5 無限五 CPU風扇散熱器)
顯示卡: RTX 技嘉 2080Ti GAMING OC 11G
硬碟: 固態硬碟 EZLINK 2.5吋 256G
固態硬碟 Kingston M2 480G
傳統硬碟 Seagate 2TB 3.5吋
傳統硬碟 WD【黑標】4TB 3.5吋電競硬碟
記憶體:Kingston 金士頓 DDR4 2400 HyperX Fury 16G兩支
機殼:AORUS C300 GLASS(GB-AC300G 機殼)
電源供應器:銀欣650W 金牌/半模
鍵盤:TESORO鐵修羅 剋龍劍Gram RGB機械式鍵盤-紅軸中文黑
滑鼠:羅技 Logitech G300S
麥克風:AT2020USBi 靜電型電容式麥克風