👙<台北內湖-歐嚕歐嚕夏威夷餐盒 Olu Olu Hawaiian Plate Lunch>
🍤 解封後,最想去的地方就是夏威夷啦! 不過可以先來個夏威夷必吃的蝦蝦飯,每條蝦子都很大,而且經過特殊烹調,就成了很有夏威夷風味的香蒜奶油蝦蝦飯。
🐃 第二推薦的是牛小排! 夏威夷的古蘭尼牧場養了很多牛,而這些牛其實是「侏羅紀公園」裡的恐龍,先用牛拍攝再用電腦特效改為恐龍的,所以到夏威夷也一定要吃牛排!
☕️如果要經濟一點也可以選擇沙朗牛跟上肩豬。不過不要錯過的還有夏威夷Kona 咖啡喔,有很多種「風味」,不用擔心要有「調味」又要吃進很多熱量。
(可外帶 也可以外送喔!)
ps. 最後一影片是夏威夷某飯店,解封後一定要去住一下。
kona咖啡 推薦 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答
這裡我們要隆重介紹 #焦糖美國胡桃肉桂捲!手工揉桿麵糰後,撒上肉桂糖粉,進入二次發酵讓布里歐麵糰更蓬鬆,烘烤到外皮金黃再撒上滿滿的美國胡桃,胡桃的微苦和奶香,讓肉桂捲吃起來甜而不膩,柔軟、蓬鬆、濕潤不乾柴,每一口都帶有嚼勁,帶點焦糖味搭配香濃肉桂味,從外圈咬到漩渦狀的中心,享受到最軟、最甜、最好吃的部分…再來杯夏威夷可那KONA咖啡,簡直是人間天堂~光是想到畫面就忍不住口水直流...
想知道哪裡可以吃到這麼美味的肉桂捲嗎?AIT農業組的粉絲專頁美國美食報你知 United Tastes in Taiwan推薦由2018世界盃麵包大師賽冠軍 #王鵬傑師傅、莎士比亞烘焙坊出品的焦糖美國胡桃肉桂捲!想來一顆嗎?可以去以下這篇貼文 (https://bit.ly/3sysimr)留言贏得吃肉桂捲的機會喔!
🥳America’s Food on Taiwan’s Table: Scavenger hunt
😋Food is part of our friendship DNA! U.S.-Taiwan people-to-people ties have long thrived on our shared love of food and the fusion between our cuisines. AIT’s “scavenger hunt” food series introduces eateries around Taiwan that use U.S. ingredients.
Taiwan recently is totally blown away by CINNAMON ROLL! I bet you’ve tried one already!? Cinnamon rolls come into tons of creative variations in terms of dough type, cinnamon spices, topping options, light or heavy, sticky or non-sticky, you name it!
But the best American-style cinnamon rolls:
Are soft, fluffy and moist, never dry. Are satisfyingly chewy, as in bready and not cakey. Are sometimes gooey and somewhat sticky and caramelized on the bottom. Have plenty of swirls so you can slowly work your way to the center of the roll, which is the softest, sweetest and gooiest part of all! Drooling already….
Our favorite cinnamon roll is the one with pecans! The toasty, slight bitter pecan flavor goes perfectly well with buttery, sugary cinnamon rolls. Pairing it with a cup of KONA coffee feels like having found Heaven on earth! Plus, pecans are an excellent source of copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc and vitamin E. They can help reduce LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol levels in the blood. They are also rich in dietary fiber. Thinking about all the health benefits of pecans alleviate the guilt of eating too much sweetness! Can’t wait to try a pecan cinnamon roll?
We’re excited to introduce you to a mighty tasty pecan cinnamon roll just launched by 2018 World Master Baker Champion Chef Jay Wang at #Shakespearbakery (莎士比亞烘焙坊)!
Wanna try some? You could win the delicious cinnamon rolls at this Facebook post: https://bit.ly/3sysimr Check it out!
#Scavengerhunt #美國美食報你知 #美國胡桃 #美式肉桂捲 #unitedtastesintaiwan #usda #exports #uspecans #americancinnamonrolls
kona咖啡 推薦 在 捲捲 & 土豆拿鐵 美食/旅遊/生活 Facebook 的最佳貼文
隱藏版菜單, 最喜歡這一道菜♥️咖啡館裡吃烤雞超特別👏
推薦 #法式普桑雞(半雞),做法是先用香草籽醃漬後烤,切開肉汁豐潤,肉質甜嫩,搭配莎莎醬生菜沙拉清爽不膩。
#鳳山 #鳳山美食 #文山特區 #金茂宜文濱店