A crispy, yet fluffy meringue-based cake known as Pavlova. It is said to have been created to commemorate visits by the Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova to Australia and New Zealand in the 1920s.
We made a Christmas cake with Pavlova. Our favorite part is that we can make it easily since we don’t need a mold. If you want to enjoy its crispiness, we recommend that you decorate the cake right before you eat it. We also like to eat it after some time when the whipped cream and the fruits have nicely blended.
1. Lightly beat six egg whites, and add 180g granulated sugar while stirring.
2. Also add a 1/3 teaspoon of baking powder, a little bit of vanilla oil, and a teaspoonful of lemon juice, and whisk until peaks form.
3. Lastly, add a pinch of cornstarch and whisk.
4. Put it into a pastry bag.
5. Squeeze it out into six circles. This time, we made 6 circular paper molds, each 1.5cm bigger than the previous one, the smallest with a radius of 2 cm. We used them as guides when squeezing out the meringues. You can also put the meringues directly onto a baking sheet without using a pastry bag.
6. Preheat the oven to 130℃, and bake the meringues for 1.5 hours.
7. After 1.5 hours have passed, leave the meringues in the oven until it cools down.
8. Put about 10g of granulated sugar into 300ml of cream and whisk lightly.
9. Put the whipped cream and 12 midsize strawberries and some blueberries on the meringues, and then layer the meringues on top of each other.
10. Sprinkle the cake with powdered sugar that doesn’t melt easily.
11. Put a star on top and you are done. With the impressive freshness of lemon, your Pavlova is ready.
We made a star-shaped decoration by cutting out an empty box of sweets into a star and then wrapping it with aluminum foil. (We can’t show you the other side of the star because it is a little sloppy.)
1.卵白 6個分を軽くほぐし、グラニュー糖 180gを加えながら混ぜる。
2.途中、ベーキングパウダー 小さじ1/3、バニラオイル 少々、レモン汁 小さじ1も加え角が立つまで泡立てる。
3.最後にコーンスターチ ひとつまみも加え泡立てる。
5.6個の円形に絞り出す。今回、半径 2センチから1.5センチずつ大きくした円の型紙を6個用意して、絞り出す目安にしました。絞り袋を使わず、直接メレンゲをオーブンシートの上に置いても大丈夫です。
8.生クリーム 300mlにグラニュー糖 10gほど加え、ゆるめに泡立てる。
9.7の上に8をのせ、中くらいの苺 12粒とブルーベリーものせ、重ねていく。
#Pavlova #Christmastree #cake #recipe #ASMR #oddlysatisfying #relaxing #soothing #therapeutic #Japan #音フェチ #クリスマス #クリスマスツリー #ケーキ

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