The Power of Fasting and Prayer
God’s word reveals to us that fasting has many benefits, such as it being a channel of healing, health, answered prayers, and a great way to cast out unbelief from our hearts.
I'm sure that if God is leading you to fast, He is preparing you to receive a manifestation of blessing!
One benefit we are going to look at is increased sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s voice. We can sense God’s directions for our lives better when we fast.
When the disciples in the early church fasted, it seems like they became more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. They were able to receive God’s instructions and leading easier. It also helped them to make the right decision when faced with a big task.
“Now in the assembly that was at Antioch there were some prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen the foster brother of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. As they served the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, “Separate Barnabas and Saul for me, for the work to which I have called them.” Then, when they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them, they sent them away.” (Acts 13:1-3 WEB)
If you are at a crossroads in life and need to make an important decision, the Holy Spirit may lead you to fast to seek God for His guidance and wisdom.
I believe that fasting makes one’s spirit more in tune with the spiritual things of God so we're able to hear from Him with greater clarity.
This is likely because when we fast, we are denying the flesh of its desires and are more focused on the Spirit.
Whenever fasting is mentioned in the Bible, it is mostly combined with prayer. I would liken fasting to an amplifier, making your prayers more effective by casting out unbelief from your heart and also making you more sensitive to the Holy Spirit and what He wants you to pray for.
Do you need to receive wisdom to make an important decision? Maybe you feel like you can’t sense what God wants from you at this point in time. Perhaps it’s time to dedicate a fast to the Lord, and make it a season to receive and hear from Him.
“Let the husband give his wife the affection owed her, and likewise also the wife her husband. The wife doesn’t have authority over her own body, but the husband. Likewise also the husband doesn’t have authority over his own body, but the wife. Don’t deprive one another, unless it is by consent for a season, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer, and may be together again, that Satan doesn’t tempt you because of your lack of self-control. But this I say by way of concession, not of commandment.” (1 Corinthians 7:3-6 WEB)
The Apostle Paul taught that there are seasons whereby we should put aside fleshly indulgences like physical intimacy with your spouse, and just commit time to fasting and prayer.
The last time I fasted, I had to make a decision whether or not to listen to someone who was many years older than me. He preached God’s word locally and overseas.
After my fast, we met up. I could clearly sense that he was speaking nonsense, and I could easily discern the motivations that were shaping his words. It was obvious that his words were not to be trusted.
If I had listened to him I might have wasted precious years of my life doing something that was not God’s will for me.
Don’t overlook the powerful combination of fasting and prayer. We need to hear clearly from God, especially in difficult seasons and moments of standing at crossroads.
You can learn more about New Covenant fasting in my eBook “How to Fast Under Grace”. It is a short read, and it will clear up many misconceptions believers have about fasting:
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,第一個單字是 archbishop、a-r-c-h-b-i-s-h-o-p、archbishop 大主教,例句是:The archbishop has strongly criticized Trump. 美國白宮很多人在和平抗議,他們不滿警察亂殺黑人。結果,川普竟然對他們用催淚瓦斯、橡膠子彈,叫...
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My God is So Big and Mighty
“At the end of twelve months he was walking in the royal palace of Babylon. The king spoke and said, Is not this great Babylon, which I have built for the royal dwelling place, by the might of my power and for the glory of my majesty? While the word was in the king’s mouth, a voice came from the sky, saying, “O king Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is spoken: The kingdom has departed from you. You shall be driven from men; and your dwelling shall be with the animals of the field. You shall be made to eat grass as oxen. Seven times shall pass over you, until you know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever he will.” This was fulfilled the same hour on Nebuchadnezzar. He was driven from men, and ate grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of the sky, until his hair had grown like eagles’ feathers, and his nails like birds’ claws.” (Daniel 4:29-33 WEB)
It is extremely sobering to think that this God that has a personal relationship with every believer, “rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever he will.”
God deals with major things like the rise and fall of kingdoms. He speaks to kings and yet He is also taking care of our lives, making sure that we have whatever we need.
““Aren’t two sparrows sold for an assarion coin? Not one of them falls on the ground apart from your Father’s will, but the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore don’t be afraid. You are of more value than many sparrows.” (Matthew 10:29-31 WEB)
Not even a cheap sparrow falls to the ground without Abba God noticing. He even knows the exact number of hairs on your head.
The one who sets up kings in the world also takes care of the birds, the flowers, the bees, and me. Wow! God’s power is so vast and His love for His creation is so deep and personal. The one who rules Heaven and earth is a good God.
“Behold, the nations are like a drop in a bucket, and are regarded as a speck of dust on a balance. Behold, he lifts up the islands like a very little thing. Lebanon is not sufficient to burn, nor its animals sufficient for a burnt offering. All the nations are like nothing before him. They are regarded by him as less than nothing, and vanity. To whom then will you liken God? Or what likeness will you compare to him?” (Isaiah 40:15-18 WEB)
Abba God must be huge because in comparison to Him, the nations put together are just like a drop of water in a bucket.
Have you held a water droplet before and pondered how tiny it is?
It is amazing that someone so big and mighty is so gentle. He lifts up the microscopic-sized islands without destroying them.
If the nations together are like a speck of dust, imagine handling one island—it must be like the size of the smallest microorganism.
To a God like that, whatever you offer Him is intrinsically worthless. It is too tiny and useless to Him, but He does not despise what you give to Him sincerely.
“Yahweh appeared to him by the oaks of Mamre, as he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day. He lifted up his eyes and looked, and saw that three men stood opposite him. When he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself to the earth, and said, “My lord, if now I have found favor in your sight, please don’t go away from your servant. Now let a little water be fetched, wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree. I will get a morsel of bread so you can refresh your heart. After that you may go your way, now that you have come to your servant.” They said, “Very well, do as you have said.”” (Genesis 18:1-5 WEB)
When God took the form of a man and appeared to Abraham, Abraham was pleasantly surprised. He offered bread with water and the Lord accepted the humble offerings.
This huge, powerful God who promotes kings and sets up kingdoms, will not despise your heartfelt worship and acts of faith. Whatever you give to Him, He loves it even though they are intrinsically useless to Him.
Whatever challenge you may be facing now is insignificantly tiny as compared to your God. Have faith—you are much more value than many sparrows!
If you encounter days whereby the enemy’s attacks seem so huge and insurmountable, getting a right perspective from God’s word can change that. In “Messiah’s Miracles: The Power of Having Faith in Jesus Christ”, you will see God’s power and His heart of love, grace, and mercy towards you. Breakthroughs and miracles will happen when you have faith:
liken 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最讚貼文
第一個單字是 archbishop、a-r-c-h-b-i-s-h-o-p、archbishop 大主教,例句是:The archbishop has strongly criticized Trump.
美國白宮很多人在和平抗議,他們不滿警察亂殺黑人。結果,川普竟然對他們用催淚瓦斯、橡膠子彈,叫他們「讓讓」,我要走到白宮對面的教堂,拍 照。
川普這樣做,惹得大主教森 77,大主教痛批川普,把教堂拿來作秀、拿來騙選票!補充一下什麼是大主教。天主教把整個世界分成一個一個教區,就像台灣被分成一個一個縣市,而每個教區的首長,就是大主教,就像是桃園市長、台南市長這樣。這個大主教就是 archbishop。
第二個單字是 liken A to B,liken 是 l-i-k-e-n、liken A to B 意思是:覺得 A 跟 B 很像,例句是:French people has likened the death of Adama Traoré to the killing of George Floyd in the US.
法國也有警察殺黑人。2016 年時,就有黑人被憲兵壓制,之後死亡。這次美國的抗議,掀起了法國人的傷痛跟共鳴,他們覺得,兩位黑人都是被公權力殺死,情況很相似。當你覺得 A 跟 B 很像,就可以說 liken A to B。
第三個單字是 Incognito、i-n-c-o-g-n-i-t-o、Incognito 無痕模式,例句是:Google continues to track your internet activity even when you’re in "Incognito" mode.
Google 瀏覽器有個無痕模式,在這個模式下,你搜尋了什麼糟糕的東西,都不會被存下來。欸聽起來不錯耶,可以偷看一下謎片?登登登登,代誌無這簡單!在無痕模式下,你的相關數據還是會被 Google 寄出去!寄給你造訪的網站、你老闆、你學校、或是網路公司。現在就有一件法律事務所,要告上法院,說 Google 的無痕模式騙很大。無痕模式就是 incognito。
第四個單字是 ravage、r-a-v-a-g-e、ravage 蹂躪,例句是:Coronavirus-ravaged Mumbai braces for its first-ever cyclone.
印度的孟買正在努力防疫,結果熱帶氣旋跑來亂!已經有 10 萬人緊急撤離,其中包括武漢肺炎的病人啊。也就是說,病患無法好好隔離耶,真擔心病毒會傳染得更快啊... 孟買被武漢病毒蹂躪,這個蹂躪就是 ravage。
最後一個單字是 caremonger、c-a-r-e-m-o-n-g-e-r、caremonger 關懷互助的人,例句是:Caremongers India has helped connect volunteers with the people who most need their help.
印度有個臉書社群,叫做 Caremongers India,意思是「關懷互助的印度人」,這個社群很大愛喔!封城會帶來很多問題嘛,比如說老人家很難取得食物跟藥品,而這個臉書社群就彼此互助、解決問題。這些關懷互助的人,就是 caremonger,而這種散播關懷、散播愛的善良舉動,就是 caremongering。
簡單複習:archbishop 大主教、liken A to B 覺得 A 跟 B 很像、Incognito 無痕模式、ravage 蹂躪、caremonger 關懷互助的人。
恭喜你!今天學了 5 個新單字,還聽了 5 則國際大事!希望你可以訂閱我們的 podcast,然後為我們留 5 顆星的評價。如果有什麼意見,歡迎留言,也可以到 IG 搜尋賓狗單字,私訊我聊聊喔~謝謝收聽,下次通勤見 ❤️

liken 在 Rinozawa Youtube 的最佳解答
2012年7月30日/Y:0歳9ヶ月/R:3歳2ヶ月 After they liken a watermelon to a drum, and having played, it is time to eat a watermelon.
When a mom cuts a watermelon; she is hyper.
This watermelon finishes being similar for the number of people and eats.
This one is a share of the moms
This is my share
She is very talkative.
Suica was very sweet, and she ate a lot very with great relish.
She ate only a sweet part ...
The center
The watermelon which he ate for the first time seemed to be delicious
【Rino&Yuuma 2nd Channel】

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Liken is a standalone service and can be easily integrated with any test management system using a pluggable architecture. By default Liken is integrated both ... ... <看更多>
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A défaut de pouvoir planter des arbres ce mois ci, on en profite pour avancer sur la traction animale. Merci à Balou et ses gros sabots pour la démo ... ... <看更多>