[實事英文] Righteous Among the Nations: Chiune Sugihara
No matter who you are, where you are from, always remember that you are an empathetic human being. Always help those in need.
Chiune Sugihara (杉原千畝) was a vice consul of the Japanese Consulate in Kaunas, Lithuania. During the Second World War, Sugihara helped some six thousand Jews flee Europe by issuing transit visas to them, risking his job and the lives of his family.
1. vice consul 副領事
2. Japanese Consulate in Kaunas, Lithuania 日本駐立陶宛考納斯領事館
3. issue transit visas 簽發過境簽證
4. risk his job and the lives of his family 冒著失去工作和家人性命的危險
As the Soviet Union occupied sovereign Lithuania in 1940, many Jewish refugees from Poland and Lithuanian Jews tried to acquire exit visas. Without the visas, it was dangerous to travel, yet it was impossible to find countries willing to issue them.
5. occupy sovereign Lithuania 佔領完全獨立的立陶宛
6. Jewish refugees 猶太難民
7. acquire exit visas 獲得出境簽證
Hundreds of refugees came to the Japanese consulate in Kaunas, trying to get a visa to Japan. At the time, the Japanese government required that visas be issued only to those who had gone through appropriate immigration procedures and had enough funds. Most of the refugees did not fulfill these criteria.
8. appropriate immigration procedures 適當的移民程序
9. have enough funds 擁有足夠的資金
10. do not fulfill these criteria 沒有達到這些標準
From 18 July to 28 August 1940, aware that applicants were in danger if they stayed behind, Sugihara decided to ignore his orders and issued ten-day visas to Jews for transit through Japan. Sugihara hand wrote visas, reportedly spending 18–20 hours a day on them until 4 September, when he was forced to leave his post before the consulate was closed. By that time he had granted thousands of visas to Jews, many of whom were heads of households and thus permitted to take their families with them.
11. be aware that... 意識到...
12. ignore his orders 無視他的命令
13. transit through Japan 過境日本
14. be forced to leave his post 被迫離開他的崗位
15. heads of households 一家之主們
16. be permitted to take their families with them 被允許帶走他們的家人
According to witnesses, Sugihara was still writing visas while in transit from his hotel and after boarding the train at the Kaunas Railway Station. He threw visas into the crowd of desperate refugees out of the train's window even as the train pulled out. As he prepared to depart, he said, "Please forgive me. I cannot write anymore. I wish you the best." When he bowed deeply to the people before him, someone exclaimed, "Sugihara. We'll never forget you. I'll surely see you again!"
17. while in transit... 在途中...
18. desperate refugees 因絕望而拼命的的難民
19. prepare to depart 準備要離開
20. bowed deeply 深深地鞠躬
In 1985, the State of Israel honored Sugihara as one of the Righteous Among the Nations for his actions. He is the only Japanese national to have been so honored.
21. Righteous Among the Nations 國際義人
Saw this on Google...just the story we need today.
時事英文新聞: https://bit.ly/2Gtsduy
empathetic vs. empathic
lithuania wiki 在 a仔.音樂.旅遊 Facebook 的精選貼文
The Days in Europe 第11話 – 十字架
之前好幾集都講我在拉脫維亞的生活,今次鏡頭一轉,一起來看看立陶宛(Lithuania)又是怎麼樣。先簡介一下立陶宛這個國家吧。跟拉脫維亞一樣,同稱波羅的海三小國 (另外還有最北面的愛莎尼亞,Estonia),地理上立陶宛最南,接壤波蘭、白俄羅斯、俄羅斯的加里寧格勒州 (地圖上有片地方屬於俄羅斯國境但又不位於俄羅斯大陸),當然也接壤拉脫維亞。
雖然立陶宛首都位於維爾紐斯(Vilnius),不過最為人熟悉的其中一個景點,是位於希奧利艾(Siauliai, 讀音大約是「哨喱」)的十字架山。顧名思義,十字架山是一座上面有極多十字架的小山丘 (根據Wiki的資料,至今應該有5萬個),而這個小山丘為何會有這麼多十字架,相傳是在19世紀立陶宛反俄起義之後,當地人就放置了第一批的十字架在這位置,之後,其他人看見有十字架在此,就照樣模仿。故事大概是這樣,亦有它的道理,又因為當地沒有《新假期》或者《東張西望》的存在,所以十字架的數目還未達7位數字…….合理!
很想去吧? 東北歐的交通始終不及香港(或者台灣)發達,而這座十字架山亦非座落於市中心,事實上它只有沿著高速公路旁的一條小支路進去,不過小支路只有一條,你坐對了車,下對了車,一定去得到。
Siauliai巴士總站Platform 12坐巴士前往,一個幾小時一班車,車程約25分鐘,Domantai站落車,想放心的話,上車時和司機說聲要在Domatai下車,若果還是怕司機叔叔不諳英語,給他看一看十字架山的圖片,保證他會明白,下車後看到高速公路旁有一條小支路進去,走2km (大約半個小時) 就到,回程就回去對面的巴士站,同樣係每一個多小時才一班,記得在網上查好巴士的班次,歐洲巴士甚少不準時 (那時候要等20分鐘才有車,然後同行的朋友說不如揚手看看有沒有順風車,結果很快就有車把我們載到市中心XD)
上集: 《第10話 - High Five!!》
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