Happy not having menses for 9 months? Don't be happy too early! 😔
It will come BACK to you as revenge with 1 month's worth of 'menses' known as lochia.
Lochia is the vaginal discharge after giving birth, containing blood, mucus, and uterine tissue. Lochia discharge typically continues for four to six weeks after childbirth.
While the amount varies from person to person, it is definitely not welcomed when we have to deal with wounds, newborn crying and their irregular feeding time.
Wear disposable panties and place a blue sheet underneath when you are sitting or sleeping! This is to prevent your panties, bed or sofa getting stained, saving you the hassle of washing too.
Lunavie disposable maternity panties is completely seamless and breathable, it has a comfortable fit to secure the pad effectively.
Their maternity pads are extra-long and comfortably padded to give confident and secure protection. It also has anti-bacterial surface which effectively provides extra protection against bacteria causing skin diseases and vaginal itching.
For those who are following strict rules of not bathing or using herbal bath, you can boil a small pot of water, wait till the water turns warm and start cleaning. Keeping good hygiene is important to prevent infection and foul smell.
All products are available at @wilynnsg @ Singapore
lochia amount 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答
CheckCheckCin:失胎的傷痛沒有言詞能表達,生命裡某些事就是要讓時間治療。無論是自然還是人工流產,都對小產婦的身體有一定的傷害,所以不管是心靈還是身體還需要好好調理 。流產後的調補名為「小月子」,坐小月的飲食調補和生活起居注意事項基本上與坐月相約,流產後不宜馬上大補,如立即服用鹿茸、人參、雞酒等溫性食材,應先以平補方式調理脾胃、活血祛瘀,排清惡露。隨後配合體質,滋陰養血、強腰補腎。小產婦要盡量疏導情緒,收拾心情,不能只將情感埋藏,要向身邊親人訴說分憂。很多原因能導致流產,千萬不要執著於「為什麼」或怪罪於自己。悲傷未必能消逝,學會與它共存,將對小天使的愛放在心內。
功效:解鬱寧神 、理氣活血,有助排清惡露,紓緩憂鬱引起的失眠等症狀。
Miscarriage recovery
"Twenty weeks after pregnancy, my baby suddenly had no heartbeat so I had induced labour. After the loss, I am still suffering from symptoms such as uterine contraction and lochia. What am I doing wrong?"
CheckCheckCin: The pain of losing a child cannot be expressed with words. Time will heal the pain. Whether it is natural or artificial abortion, it has a certain level of damage to the body of women, and the mind and body needs to be properly regulated. The period after the loss is called a small confinement month. The diet adjustments and daily living notes of it are basically the same as a full confinement month. It is not appropriate to have overly nourishing food such as pilose antler, ginseng, chicken wine that are warm in nature immediately after the loss. Women should mildly replenish their bodies by nourishing the spleen and stomach, activating blood and relieve stasis and clearing lochia. Then nourish yin and blood, strengthen lower back and kidney according your body condition. Women should try to relieve their emotions. They should not bury their emotions, but also tell their loved ones about their feelings. There are many reasons for such loss, and try not to be obsessed with "why" or blame yourself. Sorrow may not subside easily, learn to coexist with it, and put the love of the little angel in the heart.
Albizia flower tea with hawthorn and longan
Ingredients: 9g albizia flower, 6 pieces of hawthorn, 10 longan, appropriate amount of dried citrus peel
Preparation: Rinse all ingredients thoroughly and place into thermos, add in hot water again and steep for 10 minutes.
Effects: Reduces stress and calms the mind, regulates qi and activates blood, helps to clear the lochia, relieves symptoms such as insomnia caused by depression.
#女 #我有壓力 #氣滯 #血瘀 #孕婦 #坐月
lochia amount 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文
「坐月」實在是一種傳統智慧,意思是婦女在生產後的首100天要好好休息養生,當然在於都市人,能騰出一個月已很難得了,最重要還是促進身體復原。在中醫角度而言,產婦身體多「瘀」多「虛」,原因是生產時動用力氣,加上大量出血,導致元氣大傷,氣血虧損。但如果只是補,體內的惡露瘀血會滯留不清。平素生活忙碌、容易心煩氣躁、晚睡、嗜重口味食物都會令體質偏向熱性。擁有此類體質的媽媽如果產後過分進補— 每天飲用鹿茸、高麗蔘、雞湯、紅棗炒米水等熱性食療,不但會令她心情更煩躁、潮熱盜汗、便秘、生口瘡等。產後哺乳者,更會把其「溫熱」傳給嬰兒,導致嬰兒出現睡不安寧、哭鬧不停、便秘、出汗疹等症狀。如果產後媽媽的體質症狀只是氣血虛弱,就可以適量的調補。坐月時要忌諱的事看似很多,但其實只要注意一點,跟隨生活習慣及現代化生活稍作調整,不要給自己太大壓力就好!
• 如果半夜餵奶時不為意著涼,可以先煮一鍋薑皮、薑片茶,再倒進浴缸裡面泡15-20分鐘浴,或將薑茶倒進一個洗手盤,睡前泡一泡腳
• 早上梳洗的時候可先調暖水,才刷牙洗臉
• 洗頭後要立即將頭髮吹乾,以免著涼
• 養好脾胃。當脾胃正常運化,才可為身體帶來營養,滋養氣血
• 盡量抽時間補眠,養好身體才能有充足母乳
• 保持心情開朗
• 盡量利用新鮮食材調補身體(避免屬性寒涼食材),不應盲目服用進補藥材
#男 #女 #嬰兒 #坐月 #便秘 #口瘡
How to have a good confinement month?
Confinement month is a traditional idea that says ladies who just gave birth should have proper rest and recovery in the first 100 days postpartum. For the modern urbanite, finding a month for recovery may sometimes be a challenge, but it is still very important to help your body recuperate properly. From a Chinese medicine perspective, women after birth have taken quite the beating on their bodies due to the amount of energy exerted and the amount of blood loss during birth, and both qi and blood are asthenic. But some people just consume tonic foods, and that could cause the lochia to remain in the body. If the mommy is only displaying asthenic qi and blood symptoms after labor, then she can appropriately condition the body accordingly. It may seem like there are a lot of restrictions during confinement but in reality, they can be small adjustments to daily habits. It is important not to have too much pressure too!
Tips for confinement month:
- If you catch cold nursing in the middle of the night, try cooking a pot of ginger skin and ginger, then soak in it for 15-20 minutes in the tub, or pour ginger tea into a bucket and soak your feet with it before sleep.
- Use warm water to brush your teeth and wash your face in the morning
- Nourish your spleen and stomach. Healthy spleen and stomach helps to bring proper nutrients to the body and to nourish qi and blood.
- Try to sleep as often as possible as your body needs to recover to produce breastmilk
- Stay in a happy state of mind
- Try to use fresh ingredien