เพราะโลกก็มีเดดไลน์และขีดจำกัด! ผุด Climate Clock นาฬิกานับถอยหลังสู่หายนะโลกร้อน เราเหลือเวลาแค่ 7 ปี! ในการช่วยโลกมุ่งสู่คาร์บอนศูนย์ ไม่ให้อุณหภูมิโลกสูงเกิน 1.5 องศา ก่อนที่เราจะเผชิญหายนะโลกร้อน แบบไม่มีวันกลับมาเหมือนเดิม (หรือเวลาอาจจะน้อยกว่านั้น ขึ้นอยู่กับเราทุกคน)
ขณะนี้โลกกำลังเผชิญอุณหภูมิที่สูงขึ้นเฉลี่ย 1.1 องศา (หากเปรียบเทียบกับระดับอุณหภูมิเฉลี่ยก่อนยุคอุตสาหกรรม ปี 1850-1900) ที่ทำให้เราเผชิญสภาพภูมิอากาศเปลี่ยนแปลง ร้อนหนัก แล้งหนัก ไฟป่า น้ำแข็งละลาย ระดับน้ำทะเลสูงขึ้น การสูญพันธุ์ และอื่นๆที่คาดการณ์ไม่ได้
ทั่วโลกจึงมีข้อตกลงร่วมกันในความตกลงปารีสที่จะให้อุณหภูมิโลกไม่สูงกว่า 2 องศา และพยายามลิมิตไม่ให้เกิน 1.5 องศา
เพราะหากโลกร้อนเกิน 1.5 หรือ 2 องศาเซลเซียส หรือมากกว่านั้น เราอาจจะเผชิญวิกฤตสภาพภูมิอากาศที่ไม่สามารถย้อนกลับได้ ผลกระทบต่อสภาพภูมิอากาศนั้นจะรุนแรงกว่านี้หลายเท่าตัว
ซึ่งสิ่งที่ทำให้อุณภูมิโลกสูงขึ้นก็คือก๊าซเรือนกระจก ก๊าซคาร์บอน ที่ถูกปล่อยออกมาอย่างมหาศาลจากกิจกรรมต่างๆของเรา ทำให้เกิดภาวะเรือนกระจกฝาชีครอบความร้อน
ทั่วโลกจึงมีความมุ่งมั่นในการลิมิตจำกัดปริมาณการปล่อยก๊าซคาร์บอนที่ถูกปล่อยสู่ชั้นบรรยากาศ เพื่อที่จะไม่ให้อุณหภูมิสูงเกิน 1.5 องศาเซลเซียส เราจึงมีปริมาณจำกัดของก๊าซเรือนกระจกที่สามารถปล่อยได้ เรียกว่า "Carbon Budget"
และหากเรายังปล่อยก๊าซเรือนกระจกอยู่แบบนี้ เรามีเวลาเหลือเท่าไหร่กัน ก่อนที่เราจะใช้ Carbon Budget นี้หมด? (ปล่อยคาร์บอนเกิน) และทำให้อุณหภูมิสูงเกิน 1.5 องศา หรือ 2 องศา
จากรายงานในปี 2018 IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C เผยว่าเรามีลิมิตปริมาณคาร์บอนที่สามารถปล่อยได้ (Carbon budget) ไม่เกิน 420 gigatonnes (Gt CO2) ในการที่จะทำให้อุณหภูมิไม่สูงเกิน 1.5 องศา
และเรามีลิมิตปริมาณคาร์บอนที่สามารถปล่อยได้ (Carbon budget) ไม่เกิน 1170 Gt CO2ในการที่จะทำให้อุณหภูมิไม่สูงเกิน 2 องศา
โดยในปัจจุบันนี้โลกเราปล่อยก๊าซคาร์บอนไดออกไซ์ประมาณ 42 Gt CO2 ในแต่ละปี และหากเรายังปล่อยอยู่แบบเดิม เราจะเหลือเวลาอีกนานเท่าไหร่ที่จะใช้ Carbon Budget หมดกันนะ?
และทั้งหมดนี้ก็คือที่มาของ Carbon Clock และ Climate Clock ซึ่งเป็นนาฬิกาที่นับถอยหลังนี้สู่วันที่เราจะใช้ Carbon budget หมดนั่นเอง โดยทำเพื่อที่จะตอกย้ำให้เรามุ่งปล่อยก๊าซเรือนกระจกให้น้อยที่สุด หรือจนกระทั่งเป็น 0
Carbon Clock และ Climate clock (แถบสีแดง) นาฬิกาที่นับถอยหลังนี้เผยให้เห็น Deadline ว่าตอนนี้ (วันที่ 26 กันยายน 63)
1. เราเหลือ Carbon Budget 305 Gt CO2 ที่สามารถปล่อยสู่ชั้นบรรยากาศได้ โดยที่จะทำให้อุณหภูมิโลกไม่สูงเกิน 1.5 องศา ซึ่งหากเราปล่อยก๊าซคาร์บอนแบบในปัจจุบันนี้ ในอีก 7 ปี คาร์บอน Budget นี้จะหมด (เราเหลือเวลา 7 ปีในการมุ่งสู่คาร์บอนศูนย์)
2. และเราเหลือ Carbon Budget 1055 Gt CO2 ที่สามารถปล่อยสู่ชั้นบรรยากาศได้ โดยที่จะทำให้อุณหภูมิโลกไม่สูงเกิน 2 องศา ซึ่งหากเราปล่อยก๊าซคาร์บอนแบบในปัจจุบันนี้ ในอีก 25 ปี คาร์บอน Budget นี้จะหมด (เราเหลือเวลา 25 ปีในการมุ่งสู่คาร์บอนศูนย์)
นอกจากนี้บน Climate Clock ยังมีตัวหนังสือสีเขียวที่แสดงถึงเปอร์เซ็นต์การเติบโตของการผลิตพลังงานจากแหล่งที่หมุนเวียน เรียกว่า Lifeline ที่ ณ วันนี้ คิดเป็น 27% โดยเราต้องทำให้ Lifeline หรือการผลิตพลังงานจากแหล่งหมุนเวียนให้เป็น 100% ก่อนที่ Deadline ของเราจะถึง 0 หรือ ก่อนวันที่ Carbon Budget หมดนั่นเอง
นาฬิกานับถอยหลังนี้คงเป็นสิ่งย้ำเตือนให้เราเร่งลงมือปฏิบัติในวันนี้ ในการลดการปล่อยก๊าซคาร์บอนจากกิจกรรมต่างๆในชีวิตของเรา เพื่อไม่ให้อุณหภูมิโลกสูงเกิน 1.5 หรือ 2 องศาที่จะทำให้เราเผชิญหายนะในอีก 7 ปี หรือ 25 ปีข้างหน้า
โดยนาฬิกานี้เปรียบเสมือนการนับถอยหลังสู่หายนะ ที่เราทุกคนจะต้องเผชิญเหมือนกัน หากไม่ลงมือทำอะไรเลย เพราะฉะนั้นเราทุกคน ทุกภาคส่วน จะต้องร่วมมือกันในการมุ่งสู่เป้าหมายปล่อยคาร์บอนศูนย์ เพื่อเราทุกคนเอง
ขณะนี้หลายๆเมืองที่ได้นำ Climate Clock นี้ไปติดตามตึกต่างๆ อย่างใน Berlin, New York, และ Paris เพื่อย้ำเตือนผู้คนถึงให้ตื่นละตระหนักถึงความเร่งด่วนในการลงมือ Take Action กับเรื่องสภาพภูมิอากาศ โดยทุกท่านเองก็สามารถมีนาฬิกาถอยหลังนี้ไว้ที่บ้าน มือถือ หรือเมืองของตัวเองได้ เพื่อย้ำเตือนตัวเองตลอดเวลาว่านี่คือเวลาที่เหลือที่เราจะช่วยโลกได้
และอย่าลืมว่าโลกก็มีเดดไลน์ และขีดจำกัดของมัน
Climate Clock https://climateclock.world/…
Carbon clock https://www.mcc-berlin.net/en/research/co2-budget.html
ศึกษาข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับการจำกัดไม่ให้อุณหภูมิสูงเกิน 1.5 องศา ของ IPCC
หวั่นช่วยโลกไม่ทัน! รายงาน UN ชี้ โลกอาจร้อนเกิน 1.5°C เลยเกณฑ์ข้อตกลงปารีสตั้งไว้ ภายในไม่เกิน 10 ปี! ขณะนี้สูงขึ้น 1.1°C 5 ปีที่ผ่านมาร้อนสุด จ่อเผชิญภัยภิบัติรุนแรงหนักขึ้น วอนตัดมลพิษ-มุ่งคาร์บอน 0 ภายใน 2050
ร่มธรรม ขำนุรักษ์
ณิชากร บัวทรัพย์
ขอชวนทุกคนเข้าร่วมงาน The EnDay วันรวมพลคนรักษ์โลก ตอน โรคไป ใครเจ็บ? วันเสาร์ที่ 10 ตุลาคมนี้ ณ Siam Discovery โซน Ecotopia ชั้น 3-4 เวลา 11:00 - 20:00 น. มาหาทางออกโลกร้อนร่วมกัน
กดเข้าร่วม และติดตามข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมที่ https://m.facebook.com/events/688603932010819/
Because the world has a deadline and a limit! Climate Climate Clock. Countdown to global warming disaster. We have only 7 years left! In saving the planet, aiming to zero carbon, not over 1.5 degrees, before we face a never-ending global warming disaster. (or less time, it's up to us all)
The world is currently facing a temperature of an average of 1.1 degrees (compared to pre-industrial average temperature of 1850-1900) that has us facing climate change, hot warming, heavy drought, wildfires, melting ice, sea level rise, extinction, etc. Unpredictable
Globally, there is a mutual agreement in Paris agreement to provide global temperatures not higher than 2 degrees and try Limit not to get above 1.5 degrees.
Because if the global warming is above 1.5 or 2 degrees Celsius or more, we might face an irreversible climate crisis. The climate impact is slightly more severe.
What makes the world higher is the greenhouse gases, carbon gases released greatly from our activities, causing the greenhouse, heated capsules.
Globally, it's determined to limit atmospheric carbon emissions limit, so that it won't be higher than 1.5 degrees Celsius. We have limited quantities of greenhouse gases that can be released as ′′ Carbon Budget
And if we still have greenhouse gases like this, how much time do we have before we use this carbon Budget? (Over Carbon Release) and make the temperature higher than 1.5 degrees or 2 degrees.
According to a report in 2018, IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C reveals that we have limited quantity of carbon that can be released (Carbon Budget) under 420 gigatonnes (Gt Gt) in the temperature. Not higher than 1.5 degrees
And we have a loose carbon limit (Carbon Budget) under 1170 Gt Gt to make the temperature higher than 2 degrees.
At this time, the world we emit approximately 42 GT Gt carbon dioxide each year, and if we keep releasing the same old way, how long will we have to spend our Carbon Budget?
And all of this is Carbon Clock and Climate Clock which is a clock that counts down to the day we use carbon budget. It's done to ensure we focus on minimal greenhouse gases or until 0
Carbon Clock and Climate Clock (red strip). The clock that countdown reveals Deadline now (September 26, 63)
1. We have a carbon Budget 305 Gt CO2 that can be released into the atmosphere, causing the Earth's temperature to not exceed 1.5 degrees, which is if we release the current carbon gas in the next 7 years. This Budget is almost gone (we have 7 years left to go to zero carbon)
2. and we have a carbon Budget 1055 Gt CO2 that can be released into the atmosphere, which will make the world temperature not higher than 2 degrees, if we release this current carbon gas in the next 25 years, Carbon. This Bon Budget is going to be sold out (we have 25 years left to reach zero carbon)
In the Climate Clock, there is a green book that represents the percentage of growth of energy production from renewable sources called Lifeline today. It's 27 % responsible for us having to make Lifeline or energy production from renewable sources to 100 % before our Deadline. Until 0 or before the day that Carbon Budget is sold out.
This countdown clock is a reminder to us to speed up today's action to reduce carbon emissions from activities in our lives, so that the world temperature is higher than 1.5 or 2 degrees will make us face disaster in our lives. 7 years or 25 years later
This clock is like a countdown to disaster that we all have to face if we don't do anything. Therefore, we all, all sectors, must cooperate to target carbon zero for all of us.
Now, many cities that are leading the Climate Clock follow buildings like Berlin, New York, and Paris to remind people to wake up and realize the urgency to take Action Action on climate matter. Everyone can have a clock backwards. It's your mobile home or city to remind yourself all the time that this is the rest of our time to save the world.
And don't forget that the world has a deadline and its limits.
Climate Clock https://climateclock.world/?fbclid=IwAR3TG3UfrwaFxXYW6uJ7n6OgDvZ05ktkEPxl00HXS13DbMhM54xJjaeHsW8
Carbon clock https://www.mcc-berlin.net/en/research/co2-budget.html
Learn more about limited temperatures above 1.5 degrees of IPCC
Fearless to save the world! UN reports indicate that the world could be hotter than 1.5°C. The Paris Agreement criteria set in under 10 years! Now it's up to 1.1°C 5 years ago. The hottest, severe disaster, heavier. Won cutting pollution - aiming carbon 0 within 2050
Dharma Umbrella. Laughing Narak.
Nicha Khon Bua Sao
About Man
Inviting everyone to attend The EnDay, World Lovers Day, when the disease is gone. Who is hurt? Saturday October 10th at Siam Discovery son Ecotopia, 3-4th floor, 11:00 pm-20:00 pm. Let's find solutions to global warming together.
Press join and follow for more information at https://m.facebook.com/events/688603932010819/Translated
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【大嶼填海 為誰而建】
【漠視民意 事倍功半】
(Please scroll down for English Version)
陳彥璘 蔣偉騏 黎可頴 林穎茵 陳潔華
林芷筠 柳凱瑩 關兆倫 鄭炳鴻 敖鋅琦
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【Lantau Tomorrow - Who is it for ?】
In the 2018 Policy Address, Chief Executive Mrs. Carrie Lam announced the “Lantau Tomorrow Vision” which targets to construct artificial islands with a total area of about 1700 hectares through massive land reclamation. As Election Committee members of the Architectural, Surveying, Planning and Landscape Subsector, we have reservations on the objective, scale and procedures of the proposal:
【Oversupply of land, who is it for ?】
According to the projection of the Census and Statistics Department, population of Hong Kong will reach its peak at 2043 which means there will be an increase of 880,000 people compared to the current population. Population will then decrease gradually. If we disregard the current land and housing development and vacant residential units, the proposed artificial islands alone can accommodate 1,100,000 people. Why do we have to create more supply than demand?
Important information like planning visions and land use plan was not announced, justification of reclamation scale and site selection was also absent. This is unusual and far from satisfaction for such a massive development proposal. The CE claimed that the proposal is for “making Lantau a “Double Gateway” to the world and other Greater Bay Area cities.” This makes people speculate whether the land created will be for solving housing problem in Hong Kong?
【Public Opinion Ignored】
The public consultation on land supply has just completed and the Task Force on Land Supply has not concluded the public opinions. During the consultation process, a lot of ideas were discussed and submitted. The feasible land supply options include: brownfield sites, military sites, sites under private recreational leases, vacant government land and near-shore reclamation. Surprisingly, the CE announced the massive reclamation proposal before the report of the Land Supply Taskforce, without paying respect to the consultation and all public opinions collected. Moreover, comparing to massive reclamation, the options raised in the consultation process cost less, face less technical difficulties and have less impact to the environment. Professional knowledge is apparently not thoroughly considered in the proposal.
【Not Cost Efficient】
The CE mentioned the cost of reclamation will be “roughly 4-5 hundred billions”. However, engineering experts estimated that, including all the connecting roads and railways with consideration of recent trend of infrastructure over budget, the cost of constructing the artificial islands will be at least a thousand billions ---- this will be equivalent to half of Hong Kong’s foreign currency reserve. If unforeseen conditions were encountered during construction, such as drifting of artificial island in the Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge construction, the cost will be further soared. When we assess whether a project is cost efficient, we will try to see whether there is any lower cost alternatives that can achieve the same objective. The one-thousand-billion artificial islands are obviously not cost efficient as there are other options that cost a lot less such as developing the Fanling golf course and developing brownfield sites in the N.T.
【Balanced Resources Allocation】
Land and housing problems need to be solved in 3 stages: short-term, medium-term and long-term. Resources have to be allocated appropriately to all stages in order to have a coherent result. If a thousand billions were invested in a single long-term project, the resources for short-term and medium-term solutions will inevitably be limited. Such resource imbalance cannot create the desired social return.
【Living with Natural Harmony】
Our memory is fresh with the destruction of Typhoon Mangkhut which we experience the consequence of global warming. Massive reclamation is a bad response to climate change. It will spend massive energy, vast amount of carbon emission and it will bring irreversible impact to the ecosystem. Although our CE claimed that “climate risks can be mitigated”, natural force is nothing human being can be compared. In addition, this scale of massive reclamation will need incredible amount of marine sand. It will bring forth ecological disaster to the reclamation area as well as the marine sand mining area. For sustainable development, land supply shall adopt methods that are harmonious with the environment and design that balance between human habitat and nature. Just following the “New Town Development” mode that was used a century ago is not going to be a good solution. Even reclamation is inevitable, progressive reclamation along the coast shall be considered first which is more friendly to the marine ecology and less impactful to climate change.
As Architects, Surveyors, Planners and Landscape Architects, we are deeply concerned with the land and housing problems in Hong Kong. We also understand this is an urgent issue that we have to face and tackle immediately. However, we doubt whether the “Lantau Tomorrow Vision” can solve the problem, indeed, we worry that it will even bring us irreversible impacts.
In the past 5 months during the public land consultation, the official land task force and many civil research groups have proposed many feasible solutions for land supply. We urge the CE, for the sake of sustainable development in Hong Kong and for our generations to come, suspend the “Lantau Tomorrow Vision” proposal. Let’s work together with the people for a better Hong Kong and bring hopes to our future.
Chan Yin Lun Jeremy, Tseung Wai Ki, Lai Ho Wing, Lam Wing Yan, Chan Kit Wah Eva, Lam Tsz Kwan, Lau Hoi Ying, Kwan Siu Lun, Chang Ping Hung, Ngo Tsz Kei, Lai Wing Fung, Wong Chi Kwan, Paul Zimmerman, Chan Yuen King Paul, Gavin Coates, Lau Siu Hay Derek, Wong Ching Lok Christopher, Chan Yiu Kwan, Lui Man
man energy solutions 在 Azizan Osman Facebook 的精選貼文
[10 Leadership traits that we could learned from the 7th Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad]
9th May 2018, the day Malaysians witnessed unbelievable radical change for the first time in the political history of this country.
And how did this all happen? It took one MAN with a VISION on a MISSION to help REFORM MALAYSIA and of course with the vote from the people.
Reflecting on the recent scenario that has impacted every individual in this thriving nation, both rivals and supporters are impressed by the leadership of one man to bring about change in the next 5 years.
Now what makes this man so remarkable and to be the talk of the town and the world is his compelling LEADERSHIP.
That’s one reason why I love observing leaders. I enjoy reading and following their journey. Being able to reflect on the reasons I admire countless leaders opens my eyes to the qualities of Great Leadership.
What makes a Great Leader?
As far as I can recall, my childhood years till I was a young adult were during the 22 years reign of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as the 4th Prime Minister back then.
In general, life for Malaysians were rather peaceful with a sense of growth and progress for the country though there may be differing opinions on this subject.
Since then, I have always admired Tun as a great leader to this country. I was so inspired by him so much so that I even adapted my signature similar to his.
Today, in my private circle business coaching and mentoring session, I laid down 10 things that Tun has done right in “leading” the changes in the government together with all the parties that were once his foe and opponents.
How could this be possible?
It wouldn’t have materialized unless it’s being done by a person who has great leadership traits. And this brings my point to how you could apply these traits at work and in leading your businesses, organizations and team.
1. The Power of Alignment - Setting a clear Vision.
A great leader possesses a clear vision. He is courageous to lead that vision and has a clear focus of what needs to be done to attain that vision.
In many circumstances in the past few weeks leading to the elections, we saw one very clear role that Tun and his team of leaders had. They all led the role of articulating a clear vision for the future of Malaysia with a 100-day manifesto and this short-term vision gave hope to Malaysians of what Malaysia could be in the next 5 years to come if they are the governing administration.
Tun not only united the parties for a common goal but he was able to influence and unite the hearts of the rakyat to achieve this one similar vision – to REFORM MALAYSIA.
Likewise, in business, the power of alignment between a leader and the team plays a significant role in ensuring the vision, goals and objectives are met.
2. Identifying the same purpose - The Big Why and the common frustrations.
What are the main drivers of frustration for your team at the work place? What are the frustrations of your clients? In this context, what are the common frustrations of the rakyat. What are the common identifiable struggles? What's the future frustration if the problem is not resolved now?
Identifying the root problem is the foundation of addressing the common frustration as the livelihood of the rakyat depends on this. Likewise, if you don’t know what the critical issues and problems are faced by your team and clients within your organization, they will resort to other leaders, other products and brands or to any other available options to help them solve their frustrations.
That's why understanding, identifying, and eliminating the causes of frustration is critical for success.
Being a leader requires a lot of soft skills as you need to make sure that your team is comfortable with the goals that you are setting for the team. What is the Big Why for your team? Your organization? Why do you do what you do?
Leaders need to have a better working strategy and make sure that each and every one on the team is focused on achieving the same Big Why and results. This is what separates a high performing team from failing or underachieving.
Common goals are important not only because it gives your team focus on the big picture but because it brings people together and encourage them to communicate problems and results. This allows for a much earlier and faster recognition of problems to address as you progress to achieve your goals.
An obvious thing we have witnessed is the common goals and frustrations addressed by Tun and the party leaders. If that connection wasn’t clear, they would have been on shaky grounds. And by addressing the frustrations of the rakyat, they have minimized and eliminated fear, doubts and uncertainty about the rakyat’s future.
As such, it is critical to identify the common values of your team members. Goals need to be aligned with common values or you definitely won’t get people buying in.
3. Harnessing teamwork by negotiating for one coalition on an agreed and acceptable win-win formula for all parties involved.
Being a strategic planner, Tun first garnered teamwork by uniting the 4 parties to be represented as 1 united coalition for the 14th General Elections. By doing this, he had reduced confusion among the voters and lessened the dispersion of votes. So, voters did not have to decide among the 4, they just had to choose 1 unified party.
Imagine if Tun had not done so, the voters would have been undecided to elect their representatives as there are about 9-10 parties including the independent candidates.
It was definitely not an easy feat to unite the 4 parties as one, and this leads me to my next point – the negotiation skills of a leader, his ability to influence without authority and his proposed winning formula for one coalition.
4. Negotiate with the decision makers, the right people with influence over others.
A key skill relevant to leaders at all levels is the ability to positively influence people in such a way that others follow and act willingly, as opposed to complying because of the authority factor. This is the power to influence others without imposing your authority.
It’s a great skill that you could develop over time and with experience but it’s definite a powerful skill to have when you are able to influence others to voluntarily and willing act out of their own will just by sharing your vision or negotiating for common values and benefits.
Enemies. Rivals. Adversaries. Foes. Competitors. Haters. Critics. Skeptics. Sadly, in politics and business, we all have them.
They make our lives more difficult and less pleasant. And regrettably, enemies will always exist in your life. But they are just an additional obstacle on the way towards your goal. If you look for solutions, you can defeat them or make them your allies. We all have the ability to win over our enemies.
Let me explain. Here’s how. Win them over with cooperation.
Sometimes you can’t ignore them. If so, it is better to enlist the help of these people, rather than oppose them. Tell them that you understand their concerns. But tell them too that their help and support is very important to you. This is where the power to negotiate comes to play.
You must first understand your rivals. Who are they? What are they goals? Why do they oppose you? It’s the same scenario in the work place. Your rivals could be your colleague, your boss, a customer or anyone related to your work and business. Study them, their strengths and weaknesses and propose your winning formula for cooperation that benefits both you and your rival.
With great humility, Tun met his opponents requesting for cooperation. As we know, the opponents and Tun himself have had a painful past and unpleasant experiences, but for a common goal, they are willing to be professionally united though with differences in opinions. They are willing to let go of the past to achieve a higher goal that mutually benefits everyone for the future.
5. Lead from the front. Be the example.
The key factor to any leader is connection to the people they are leading. Who are the people that you are leading and do they believe in you? To be a great leader, first and foremost, mutual trust between you and your team is essential.
Nobody is going to give their all for a leader who can’t be forthright with the information or fails to keep up their end of a deal. Responsibility and dependability are critical traits of a great leader, and it earns respect from those who are working with you to achieve your vision.
At the end of the day, the key to effective leadership is commitment to the cause, being the first on and the last off the battlefield.
Did Tun and the party leaders portray this? Definitely they have led by example. They did their homework, they met the rakyat at grass-root level, they addressed their concerns, they communicated clearly with everyone and they shared with clarity how they plan to resolve the problems of the rakyat.
Is that a winning formula? I would say yes.
6. Declaring the winning manifesto which reflected the key frustrations of the people. Understanding what people want.
Why is it important to understand what people want? What do your clients or customers want? What do your employees want?
Basically, the social perception involves you as a leader being able to identify the mental states of others, their thoughts by putting yourself in someone else's shoes. This helps us understand their beliefs, feelings, experiences and intentions.
By understanding someone means you have the ability to empathize with that person. You are able to think along the lines of what the other person is thinking. You are able to reason out what transpired in someone’s mind before doing what they have done.
For example, understanding why did the rakyat protest the previous government? Or why did your customer buy from a competitor? Why did your employees leave?
Understanding with empathy is important because it helps us understand how others are feeling so we can respond appropriately to the situation. When you are able to empathize with others, you can build and sustain meaningful relationships, hold a job, or client effectively.
And the winning formula with the rakyat was creating a manifesto that understands and empathizes the rakyat’s frustrations.
7. Tun has been consistent in “advising” and “demanding for changes” up to the point that he is even willing to do whatever it takes to create the change.
Tun had always been outspoken in his views with regards to the progress of the country and the direction that the nation was heading to even long after his retirement 15 years ago.
He was always consistent in championing causes for the rakyat’s future. He wrote on his blogs, he spoke in public, he addressed the media, he collaborated with people, he met his opponents with humility, he admitted and apologized for his past mistakes, he adapted technology, he embraced young people, he in fact did everything possible to ensure he achieved his goal. And that every effort he built consistently over 15 years gave him his biggest victory.
Similarly, growing and running a business takes a tremendous amount of roll-up-your-sleeves and hard work. The long hours and "do whatever it takes to get the job done" work ethic is important to achieve success especially in the early phase of your business.
And as leaders and entrepreneurs, if you're going to do it, do it well, do it right. Be a role model for others to follow. You have to push yourself to be the best in what you do and stay laser-focused till you achieve success.
8. Push till the last mile. Never give up.
Sometimes, there comes times in the lives of all great leaders when they are pushed to their physical, emotional, mental or spiritual limits. Fatigued, exhausted and drained by their experiences, they still relentlessly pursue their journey. They never give up. It is their attitude and mindset to hold on to their hopes, dreams, determination and life’s purpose.
When the rakyat was rather uncertain on the victory rate of Tun and his party due to various known and unknown factors, Tun and his team still pursued relentlessly to campaign till the last mile. They exhausted every single medium, resources and people to reach out to the rakyat to champion for a common goal.
We`ve seen the content on social media, the virality of the news, the uprising of the rakyat and the gathering by thousands of people all over the country in very medium and platform.
The leaders were willing to sacrifice their time, resources, energy and effort to be that servant leader of love, caring and hope for the rakyat.
Would you do the same for your people, your team or your customers?
9. Constantly updating and communicating the progress. To build trust, confidence and to gain more support.
Communication is at the core of every political campaign. Certainly, issues like the economy, GST, unemployment, money laundering and policies matter, but the way Tun and the leaders conveyed their ideas to the voters hinges their success and ability to communicate messages effectively to the people.
Today, political parties no longer determine the election. The leaders and candidates must appeal to the voters directly and with greater frequency. They have to sell themselves to grab people's attention. And we’ve seen in the recent elections how social media has aided these leaders in their quest to effectively engage voters.
Leaders are communicators. Their key responsibilities are to “communicate, communicate and communicate even more.” Why? Because communication is fundamental to building trust.
It creates an environment of trust around leaders that enables them to lead effectively, engage employees and ultimately deliver results. And building trust in an organization requires a personal effort on the part of the leaders themselves besides a team effort.
10. Committed to Leadership
What does it mean to be a committed leader?
First of all, making a commitment involves dedicating yourself to a person, to something or to a cause. A commitment obligates you to do something. And leadership is a decision and obligation that you have towards others.
Are you prepared to lead the way to whatever you believe is right? We've all worked with leaders who show up every day with such determination, and others who are just there. Real leaders accept responsibility as the heads of their teams, and they're always working to do things better.
And once you've made that deliberate decision to be a leader, you must accept that the expectations are higher for you than for everyone else in your organization. You have a duty to your team, your customers, and your community.
To make a vision stick, you have to be committed to a set of core values that will bring the vision to life.
You need to understand that the values that you uphold as a leader will determine the behaviors, the culture and the success of your organization.
And when you do all that, your customers, your team and your people can see the difference.
As leaders and entrepreneurs, you must remember that you are not here merely to make a living or achieve your own success. You are here in order to enable the world to live more abundantly, with greater vision, with a greater spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world with your presence.
And that is what we see in Tun’s leadership. “Tun walk the talk.”
A wise quote from Ronald Reagan, the 40th U.S. President, “The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things."
Didn’t we all witness this on 9th May 2018? This day will be a day in the history of our country and the world for generations to come, and it is all because of one remarkable man and a great leader, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Azizan Osman
Founder, Richworks International
Entrepreneur & SME Business Training & Coaching Consultant Firm
The writer is a renowned world class Business & Marketing Growth Strategist & Accredited International Master Coach for Entrepreneurs & Small & Medium Businesses
Any opinions, findings, and conclusion or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author for the purpose of education on leadership.
Forbes Asia Astro AWANI The Economist The Star Online New Straits Times Online Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad Mukhriz Mahathir
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