#SKRstory 陶山的“第一個“錄音室!!在他西雅圖的家中小小的地下室裡... Skot's first studio in his Mom's basement, Seattle, WA.
At 14, Skot received a birthday present he had always dreamed of having-a 4 track recorder! (Yeah, definitely something 14 year old boys dream of) From then on, his path was set.
While others were outside playing, he was at home recording song after song, and by the age of 19 he already had over 300 demos recorded in an assortment of cassette tapes. At this time, he joined the Musicians’ Institute (MI) through a fully paid scholarship, and with the stipend given bought Pro Tools 5 and a laptop to assist him in upping his game. All his music continued to be created in his basement, slowly getting together a group of friends who loved music to create even more amazing songs together.
14歲的陶山,收到了一個他夢寐以求的生日禮物 - 4軌錄音機(4 track recorder)!從此開始了他的錄音生涯~
這時他也申請進入了洛杉磯的音樂學院Musicians Institute,拿到加州政府給的全額獎學金,他拿著這筆錢買了電腦和Pro Tools 5,從此升級了他的錄音品質。