拓展運動外交 歡慶美台友誼
運動家精神是在面對挑戰時,堅持到底不放棄,比賽過程中也能塑造領導力。美國史上第1位非裔球員傑基·羅賓遜(Jackie Robinson),在1974年第1次站上美國職棒大聯盟(MLB),打破了種族的歧見。他的傳奇不僅鼓舞人心,也促進了社會的向心力,這就是運動的精髓。對體育活動的熱忱,讓我們打破種族國籍和宗教信仰的界限,使我們更加團結。
Celebrating Sports Diplomacy
Did you binge eat during the Lunar New Year? Stay fit with AIT! AIT will be launching a series of sports programs and campaigns to celebrate sports diplomacy in February.
Sports to many people is about the excitement of competition and the thrill of winning. But it also has deeper meanings as it is a symbol of cultural understanding and teamwork.
The spirit of sports represents perseverance when facing challenges, and it shapes leadership.
Jackie Robinson, broke the “color barrier” in 1947 when he became the first African American to play in Major League Baseball. His legend inspires and brings people together.
The love and the passion of sports breaks boundaries and unites us together despite race, nationality, or religion.
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