為了麥子,來學丹麥文! 未來還會再見面? 希望在明天呀嘛~!!! 開心地被Duolingo貓頭鷹追殺🦉
Finally make use of a Newt notebook brought years ago~ I’m dropping Danish notes with it~ Yes! Learning Danish, and I can tell you it’s 100% because of Mads Mikkelsen XD
Not taking it too serious, not attending a class, just check in Duolingo everyday, get chased by the crazy owl, it’s fun🦉~ Now I can understand Mads’ accent better, knowing how Danish “swallow” every sound like he described in RDC.
Wish one day I can say something in Danish and let him correct my pronunciation XD I know there might not be cons for sometime, but hey let’s keep hope in our hearts.
#newt_scamander #FantasticBeasts