Taiwan is like a diamond in Asia: Veteran educator Doris M. Brougham
“Taiwan is like a diamond in Asia,” U.S. educator and the founder ( ) of “Studio Classroom,” Doris M. Brougham, said on Wednesday.
“The Diamond is very small, but diamonds shine all around,” she added.
Doris M. Brougham, who has been working in Taiwan for more than 70 years, gave a speech at the opening event of the exhibition ( ) “Foreigners Love Taiwan” organized ( ) by the Taipei City Archives on Wednesday at the West Benevent Square ( ).
Echoing ( ) the theme of the exhibition, Brougham, 95, said she has stayed in Taiwan for more than 70 years and recalled ( ) that when she first came to Taiwan, the land was still developing and many people were facing illnesses.
The veteran educator explained that “the great thing about Taiwan is that people are very willing ( ) to change and to learn.”
She added that Taiwan is a beautiful place and that although “there are many beautiful places around the world, the place is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the people.”
The 95-year-old who has dedicated ( ) several decades to English education in Taiwan amusingly ( ) shared that buffaloes ( ) could even be seen on Zhongshan Road when she first arrived in Taiwan.
She recalled that she learned to speak Mandarin, Taiwanese, and even some indigenous ( ) languages. Yet, she stressed ( ) that the most important thing is to be able to communicate no matter what language we speak.
And we all communicate with each other based on the connection that we are all part of this beautiful island, she remarked ( ).
Brougham ended her speech by stressing that Taiwanese people are very tolerant ( ), and those who have been here all agree that Taiwanese people are very friendly.
“No matter what languages we speak, we are all people living in Taiwan and we are all Taiwanese.”
The “Foreigners Love Taiwan’ exhibition will open from March 10 to April 8, between 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
‘The exhibition features three major sections ( ): “Foreigners Who Love Taiwan,” “Sentiments Beyond 100 Years,” and “High-Five Love Taiwan,” featuring ( ) the stories of foreigners who have made selfless ( ) contributions to Taiwan, such as Mackay, Marjorie Ingeleiv, Robert Swinhoe, Sidney Barton and Marjorie Landsborough, Yoichi Hatta and more.
資深教育家彭蒙惠女士 讚許台灣如鑽石般瑰麗
#高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文
#高中英文 #成人英文
#多益家教班 #商用英文
marjorie 中文 在 舊時香港 Facebook 的最佳貼文
黃秋生是中英混血兒,英文名字叫Anthony Perry,父親是英殖時代香港高級公務員Frederick William Perry,去年他曾在facebook貼出一張黑白全家福,希望網民可以幫忙尋父,他還曾接受BBC訪問,使網民再次關注秋生尋父事件。
根據黃秋生提供資料,秋生父親於1955年偕妻子Vera Marjorie來港,妻子生於1919年9月8日,兩人有一名77歲女兒Vera Ann、以及一對74歲孖仔John William及David Frederick。
marjorie 中文 在 羅怡君:孩子教我們的事 Facebook 的精選貼文
其中King of the Sky 中文版才剛剛熱騰騰的出爐...
😝小編亂翻譯之【紐約時報2017最佳兒童圖畫書得獎書單 The Best Illustrated Children’s Books of 2017】
今年是這個獎項的第65屆,同時也是第一次與紐約公共圖書館(New York Public Library)合作。紐約時報和紐約公共圖書館享有一個共同的使命:「表揚最佳的兒童文學作品,並將優良讀物帶給年輕的讀者們」,所以接下來也會將這個獎項正式更名為The New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children’s Books Award。
👨Steven Guarnaccia-紐約帕森斯設計學院的插畫系副教授、並且也是很多書的作者與插畫家。
👱♀Marjorie Priceman-許多兒童書籍的作者和插畫家,兩屆凱迪克獎得主、並得過兩次紐約時報最佳圖畫書獎。
👨Louise Lareau-紐約公立圖書館兒童中心的館長。
🙄至於小編為什麼那麼努力翻譯這篇文章呢?還不是因為我們的《天空之王(King of the Sky)》實至名歸地就在得獎書單內了(撒花🎊)!入選原因是這樣的(這段徵求熱心粉絲幫忙翻譯了,小編已累):
Starting life in a new country much colder and darker than his homeland, an Italian boy is forlorn until he meets an older man who keeps and races pigeons, helping him bridge his old and new worlds. With soft and smudgy yet deliberate mixed-media art that seems at once modern and timeless, Carlin’s warm, nostalgic images find a surprising visual connection between a northern mining region and a sunny southern land.