部落格落落長文在這裡: https://vegesoup.blogspot.com/2021/07/762021.html
Matches指定商品買滿250美金/200歐元可以用八五折碼: SUMMER15 所有的人應該都可以打折!
https://slooks.top/4XaD/66 女款指定入口
https://slooks.top/4XaC/66 男款指定入口
► https://slooks.top/4XbD/66 (八五折碼: SUMMER15 非常粉嫩好看的YSL運動鞋可以打折 尺碼齊)
► https://slooks.top/4XbE/66 (八五折碼: SUMMER15 超可愛的Nano Puzzle可以打折)
✔ https://bit.ly/3jSpLmr Nordstrom周年慶入口出來啦! 現在可以預覽 一般的卡友7/13號可以入場買, 先來加購務車!
✔ https://bit.ly/3jLex31 Nordstrom的Beyond Yoga好幾款在特價! 通常這個牌子很不打折的, 大家買的時候注意買space dye的布料才會最舒服喔!
https://bit.ly/3qNRt5o (這個很划算, 是2盎司X2罐總共4盎司的蘭蔻Absolue面霜, 美國這樣價值444美金, 特價只要298, 卡友7/13可以入場買!)
https://bit.ly/2U3NeUH Farfetch折扣區 又有八千多件商品降價! 也是可以逛一逛喔! 自從我那天被拖去自然保護公園觀察貓頭鷹之後, 覺得全身都很累, 不過昨天有好好休息, 今天又精神百倍的可以血拚了! 哈哈~~
https://bit.ly/3AJPmUO (我女兒說 絕對沒有too pink這兩個字! 在她的字典裡只要是粉紅色都好看~~ 不過這件Oscar de la Renta是真的好看, 絲質, 通常這樣的小洋裝肩膀都會做成蝴蝶結 可是這件是做成葉子呢, 很別緻, 打對折)
https://bit.ly/3jNY6TD (這件打六折, 有復古明星走紅毯的感覺, 脖子後面綁大蝴蝶結, 太浪漫啦!)
https://bit.ly/3AwnxPz (我連Model手上拿的包包都喜歡! 迷你尺寸eel皮革所以比較貴)
https://bit.ly/2TxKC3T (小尺寸容量比較大又是羊皮的反而便宜)
https://bit.ly/3nPMFKe SpaceNK點這裡 對折起 買滿40英鎊免國際運費, 結帳那一頁還會有16%的退稅, 有七百多件商品大家可以自己慢慢逛!
https://bit.ly/3hK459x (古源修護滋養蜂蜜面膜 30ML的有特價, 大家都說是Fresh家最好用面膜, 尤其適合乾皮, 不需要太多就可以抹全臉, 建議使用之前先用任何保濕噴霧把臉噴濕, 再上這個面膜, 敷約10分鐘洗掉, 臉會柔嫩有彈性, 而且香味宜人, 想買的人也可以參考 https://bit.ly/3hJxQXM Nordstrom的一百六十個好評 !)
同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅馬天佑 Mayao,也在其Youtube影片中提到,NET-A-PORTER Summer Shop: https://www.net-a-porter.com/en-hk/shop/what-to-wear/the-summer-shop Giveaway截止日期: 4 June 2021 得獎嘅幸運兒我將會喺IG Story公佈? —— 加...
matches puzzle 在 Jacky 玩具匣 Facebook 的精選貼文
DreamWorks Distribution Limited. 1/12 Wally你在那,你細個一定有搵過佢囉 😂
而這個1/12版 ,1/12分為普通同豪華版,分別在豪華版更多配件。
高度方面是18cm ,180mm,
參考 mezco blade 是16cm . Mezco Darkseid是19cm
不過這個Wally 1/6反而用布做😂。
DreamWorks Distribution Limited.Wally 1/12
Only toys news.
Have you found Wally yet?”
Blitzway presents the Wally from ‘Where’s Wally?’, 1/12th scale MEGAHERO series.
Wally is an iconic character beloved by many fans since its debut as a children’s puzzle book called ‘Where’s Wally?’ in 1987.
Blitzway has taken the character from the book and brought him into the real world for all the ‘Where’s Wally?’ fans.
This 1/12th scale Wally action figure features the highly detailed Wally head sculpt, the newly designed body that allows for Wally’s signature poses, and the book-shaped base that matches Wally’s characteristics.
Do not miss this adorable Wally, and bring him home for your collection right now!
1. Head: PVC
2. Body: ABS, PVC
3. Shoes & Accessories: ABS, PVC
4. Stand: ABS
5. 2D gifts: Paper
6. Package: Color Box + Blister
[5PRO-MG-20302] Where’s Wally? : Wally – 1/12th scale action figure (Normal ver.)
Highly detailed likeness of Wally in ‘Where’s Wally?’ book
Newly designed and developed body of Wally
Eight (8) pieces of replaceable hands
The newly designed book-shape figure stand
Six (6) stand decorating parts
Two (2) decorating graphics
Two (2) clear clips for decorating graphics
One (1) cross-body bag
One (1) cane
2D gifts:
One (1) ‘Where’s Wally?’ postcard
One (1) ‘Where’s Wally?’ stickers pack
matches puzzle 在 Vegesoup Facebook 的最佳解答
不好意思的承認, 我最近又迷上Netflix的影集Stranger Things, 通常我對這種怪物奇幻的題材沒甚麼興趣, 可是這個真的不愧是Netflix的神劇, 緊湊好看, 薇諾娜瑞德演的好棒! 小童星們也都很出色, 是演員跟劇本都上乘的影集, 值得一看! 說了劇情你們搞不好反而不想看, 就不多說了, 年假沒事的話趕快一起來追劇!
1. 新文: https://vegesoup.blogspot.com/2021/02/242021_4.html 不要問了好價格直接打包就是(BV包, NEO機車包, 最新款Nano Puzzle包, 我愛的Ultraboost, Burberry圍巾)
2. 稍早發的這一篇也是今天寫的新文 https://vegesoup.blogspot.com/2021/02/242021.html 有大量限時好價YSL包包, 像是學院包我真的難得看到那麼便宜耶! 還有Lou跟相機包都划算極了!
下面都是限時三天寄台灣的超好價機車包, BV包, 還有Balenciaga的運動鞋
https://bit.ly/3aB0UgH (顏色也太好看了吧! 鍊條雲朵包€2,291, 同款不同色在matches https://slooks.top/4AkH/63 賣約€3,020)
https://bit.ly/2MX9deN (綠色也非常美! 鏈條雲朵包€2,291, 同款在matches https://slooks.top/4AkJ/63 是€3,020)
https://bit.ly/3rnRLz0 (焦糖雲朵包好價€1,500, 同款在matches https://slooks.top/4AkB/63 賣約€2,242)
https://bit.ly/36IpOtL (金鍊版本的雲朵包€2,291, 同款在matches https://slooks.top/4AkD/63 定價約€3,020)
https://bit.ly/3tvSaku (降為€1,424, 同款在matches https://slooks.top/4AkE/63 約€1,780)
https://bit.ly/39Rirlu (超級好價的黑色鍊條Cassette包€2,369, 同款在matches https://slooks.top/4AkF/63 賣€3,122)
https://bit.ly/39LHQ01 (好幾個網友指定要買的淺焦糖色Cassette包€1,826, 同款在matches https://slooks.top/4AkG/63 約€2,406)
https://bit.ly/3awJyl9 (Balenciaga襪套鞋這裡是€544 matches同款賣760! 貴超多!)
https://bit.ly/2Lfl0V4 (純粉紅色的是€574, Matches賣€675)
https://bit.ly/36FeVJk (經典配色襪套鞋是€514 Matches同款賣600)
https://bit.ly/3apsXja (YSL的相機包現在價格只要€809耶! 之前超過一千的喔! )
https://bit.ly/3oIJCDp (黑色的中尺寸學院包, 價格超好啊是€1350, 好久沒有看到這樣的好價, 喜歡的趕快打包)
LVR的新年活動來了! 全場正價商品八五折碼: CNY15
幾乎通通可以打折! 沒有金額限制沒有星號限制
他們說很多都可能是只有第一天可以折扣所以動作要快! 越後面越多品牌會被移出去喔!
他家寄全球價格都已經含關稅, 寄美國結帳收州稅
不參加品牌: Gucci,Bottega Veneta,Moncler,Stone Island
因為是全球的折扣, 有英國還是歐洲地址的人買更划算喔! 轉運都是ok的
https://bit.ly/3tw7Sfs (八五折碼: CNY15 最新款的Nano Puzzle可打折! 這是紅色)
https://bit.ly/39RSGBT (八五折碼: CNY15 綠色)
https://bit.ly/3pLqTsd (八五折碼: CNY15 粉藍色)
https://bit.ly/39LXQ25 (八五折碼: CNY15 Loewe的藤編包可以直接打折! 這是小尺寸我覺得最實用)
https://bit.ly/3pQsX2b (八五折碼: CNY15 Hammock的拼色版本)
https://bit.ly/3rm1DZY (八五折碼: CNY15 這個也是小尺寸藤編包 經典配色)
https://bit.ly/3aCEPOO (八五折碼: CNY15 我的愛鞋Ultraboost 我每天慢跑, 所以通常我三個月就會換一雙, 平常需要囤貨, 哈哈)
https://bit.ly/3rtk4vX (八五折碼: CNY15 男生同款在這裡)
https://bit.ly/3avLaLY (八五折碼: CNY15 男款還有銀灰色版本)
https://bit.ly/3aPMz0f (八五折碼: CNY15 有發現這是Ultraboost的涼鞋喔! 前面腳趾是透氣的! 這雙是跟Stella McCartney聯名款)
https://bit.ly/3tusPr9 (八五折碼: CNY15 這雙Stella McCartney聯名款的新色也好看)
matches puzzle 在 馬天佑 Mayao Youtube 的最佳貼文
NET-A-PORTER Summer Shop:
Giveaway截止日期: 4 June 2021
得獎嘅幸運兒我將會喺IG Story公佈?
加入 愛馬士同學會 成為我的初級同學&榮譽班長?
過嚟我 IG say個 hi 啦 @Mayaoo ❤️
買野想要Discount? 入嚟我個 Telegram啦 !
▶️【改造Youtuber】文靜氣質女生能夠駕馭歐美風搭配嗎?! 人氣Youtuber Dora十分鐘駁髮大變身! 皮褸穿搭
▶️[還原靚靚拳] 原宿風馬志威曾國祥 與K11 造型師一起改造”HEHE”舞蹈藝術家男友
▶️【0號實驗室#10】問題天天都多 with 歐倩怡Cindy
▶️【#12】一不小心 (0號實驗室 mix) with 張新悅Nicola
▶️Mayao 馬天佑 《超過些》Official Music Video
▶️Mayao 馬天佑 《大妄想家》Official Music Video
▶️馬天佑 Mayao / 鹿角少年 (Official Music Video)
[Other Video]
▶️走入IFC名店購入最便宜單品! 跟馬老師做購物狂?荷包大出血?揀份平得嚟又唔失禮的情人節禮物
▶️[還原靚靚拳] 國際巨星篇✨與Jessica連線扮靚靚?
▶️[試晒上咀]痴線爆靚唇膏系列??空氣絲霧唇釉全試色? 搽完即刻變高文英?? 螢光橙色效果如何??|推薦+試色
?Please like the video and leave a message if you enjoyed it
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To brands:
If you are looking for a collaboration or wanted me to review products, here is the detail.
8/F C Wisdom Centre,
37 Hollywood Road, Central
#記得訂閱並開啟小鈴噹 #購物狂速成班 #ad

matches puzzle 在 Jonstyle Youtube 的最佳貼文
Uncharted 4 - Chapter 19 All Collectible Locations, Treasures, Journal Entries, Notes, Conversations
Uncharted 4 Playlist: https://youtu.be/h5Vvs7aD9hc?list=PL-KBFVwBwS-7daYnA32egadiOUNU0MMdi
✦ Facebook臉書: https://www.facebook.com/bunbunjon
✦ Donate贊助: https://www.twitchalerts.com/donate/jonstyle69
✦ Website網站: http://www.jonstyle.com/
✦ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jonstyle68
✦ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonstyle69
More Videos 更多影片:
❤ Uncharted 4 | 秘境探險4 : https://goo.gl/FHsHlw
❤ Uncharted 4 | 秘境探險4 寶藏位置大公開: https://goo.gl/kI5VaR
❤ 勇者鬥惡龍 創世小玩家: https://goo.gl/ip4weW
❤ 火影忍者疾風傳 終極風暴4: https://goo.gl/SIFUV1
❤ The Division | 全境封鎖: https://goo.gl/se0x3z
❤ COC | 部落衝突: https://goo.gl/F5NGfC
❤ GTA5 Funny moments: https://goo.gl/TTrjAc
All Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Trophies & Achievements:
One Last Time
Collect All The Trophies
Charted! - Explorer
Complete the game in explorer mode
Charted! - Light
Complete the game in light mode
Charted! - Moderate
Complete the game in moderate mode
Charted! - Hard
Complete the game in hard mode
Charted! - Crushing
Complete the game in crushing mode
Charted! - Speedrun
Complete the game in 6 hours or less
First Treasure
Find a Treasure
Treasure Hunter
Find 50 treasures
Treasure Master
Find all Treasures
Relic Finder
Find the Strange Relics
Jot This Down
Find a Journal Entry
Lost Art of Journaling
Find all Journal Entries
Take a Note
Find a Journal Note
Lost History
Find All Journal Notes
Head of the Class!
Defeat 20 enemies with headshots
You Have a Head for this Business
Defeat 50 enemies with headshots
Hangman's Bullet
Perform 20 headshots from the rope
Stealth First Ask Questions Later
Stealth take-down 5 enemies
Shh Sleep Now
Stealth take-down 30 enemies
I Thought I Heard Something
Perform 30 vertical stealth takedowns
Defeat 50 enemies from-the-hip or blind-firing
Defeat 10 enemies in a row, alternating gunplay and hand-to-hand
Defeat 100 enemies in a row without dying in combat
Complete game with 70% or higher shot accuracy
Rushing Roulette
Defeat enemies with a pistol, machine gun, and grenade, in that order, in 15 seconds
Ghost in the Cemetery
Get through Scotland cemetery combat encounter without killing or being seen
Make 10 enemies drop their grenades
Boom County
Defeat 4 enemies with the same explosion (all explosive items and weapons apply)
Defeat 10 in 60 -- China Lake GL
Defeat 10 enemies in 60 seconds with the China Lake Grenade Launcher
Hang Tough!
Destroy 10 vehicles while being dragged from the rope
Run the Table
Defeat enemies with a stealth attack, melee attack, headshot, and explosives, in that order, in 15 seconds
Hitting a Brick Wall
Defeat 5 armored enemies with melee only
Peaceful Resolution
After being marooned, leave everyone alive until the Treasury
Perform 10 combo buddy takedowns
Pull 20 enemies over when hanging from a ledge
Ludonarrative Dissonance
Defeat 1000 enemies
Don't Feed the Animals
Play with the lemur in the market and let it steal your apple
I Accidentally All the Guns
Use every weapon in the game
Not a Cairn in the World
Knock over all rock cairns in Madagascar
I Can See My House From Here!
Climb to the very top of the Clocktower in the City
Trials and Tribulations
Solve the first Trial in Scotland in 10 moves or less
Best Score!
Beat the best score in the retro videogame
Gift of Gab
Listen to all optional conversations in game
Marco Polo Returns!
Play in the ocean near the sunken ship
Stage Fright
Just prior to City Chase, stand perfectly still for 30 seconds (stage demo fail)
Just Floor It!
Drive away in the jeep with Elena without killing any enemies
On Porpoise
Get three dolphins to follow the boat
Still Got It!
Hit all targets in the attic with the toy gun
Glamour Shot
Take a photo of Sully
Perfectly parry Rafe in the sword fight without getting slashed or stabbed
Continue the Adventure
Complete the Uncharted Multiplayer Introduction
Get in the Game
Complete 5 matches in Multiplayer
Trials by Fire
Complete all trials on Moderate (difficulty) in Multiplayer
Friends Forever!
Spawn 10 Sidekicks in Multiplayer
Revive 10 Allies in Multiplayer
如果你喜歡我的影片 ❤請訂閱❤ 是支持我最大動力!

matches puzzle 在 Jonstyle Youtube 的精選貼文
Uncharted 4 Treasures | 秘境探險4 - Ch.9 有資格者 所有收藏位置、寶藏、日記、篇章、對話
Uncharted 4 Playlist: https://youtu.be/h5Vvs7aD9hc?list=PL-KBFVwBwS-7daYnA32egadiOUNU0MMdi
✦ Facebook臉書: https://www.facebook.com/bunbunjon
✦ Donate贊助: https://www.twitchalerts.com/donate/jonstyle69
✦ Website網站: http://www.jonstyle.com/
✦ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jonstyle68
✦ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonstyle69
More Videos 更多影片:
❤ Uncharted 4 | 秘境探險4 : https://goo.gl/FHsHlw
❤ Uncharted 4 | 秘境探險4 寶藏位置大公開: https://goo.gl/kI5VaR
❤ 勇者鬥惡龍 創世小玩家: https://goo.gl/ip4weW
❤ 火影忍者疾風傳 終極風暴4: https://goo.gl/SIFUV1
❤ The Division | 全境封鎖: https://goo.gl/se0x3z
❤ COC | 部落衝突: https://goo.gl/F5NGfC
❤ GTA5 Funny moments: https://goo.gl/TTrjAc
All Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Trophies & Achievements:
One Last Time
Collect All The Trophies
Charted! - Explorer
Complete the game in explorer mode
Charted! - Light
Complete the game in light mode
Charted! - Moderate
Complete the game in moderate mode
Charted! - Hard
Complete the game in hard mode
Charted! - Crushing
Complete the game in crushing mode
Charted! - Speedrun
Complete the game in 6 hours or less
First Treasure
Find a Treasure
Treasure Hunter
Find 50 treasures
Treasure Master
Find all Treasures
Relic Finder
Find the Strange Relics
Jot This Down
Find a Journal Entry
Lost Art of Journaling
Find all Journal Entries
Take a Note
Find a Journal Note
Lost History
Find All Journal Notes
Head of the Class!
Defeat 20 enemies with headshots
You Have a Head for this Business
Defeat 50 enemies with headshots
Hangman's Bullet
Perform 20 headshots from the rope
Stealth First Ask Questions Later
Stealth take-down 5 enemies
Shh Sleep Now
Stealth take-down 30 enemies
I Thought I Heard Something
Perform 30 vertical stealth takedowns
Defeat 50 enemies from-the-hip or blind-firing
Defeat 10 enemies in a row, alternating gunplay and hand-to-hand
Defeat 100 enemies in a row without dying in combat
Complete game with 70% or higher shot accuracy
Rushing Roulette
Defeat enemies with a pistol, machine gun, and grenade, in that order, in 15 seconds
Ghost in the Cemetery
Get through Scotland cemetery combat encounter without killing or being seen
Make 10 enemies drop their grenades
Boom County
Defeat 4 enemies with the same explosion (all explosive items and weapons apply)
Defeat 10 in 60 -- China Lake GL
Defeat 10 enemies in 60 seconds with the China Lake Grenade Launcher
Hang Tough!
Destroy 10 vehicles while being dragged from the rope
Run the Table
Defeat enemies with a stealth attack, melee attack, headshot, and explosives, in that order, in 15 seconds
Hitting a Brick Wall
Defeat 5 armored enemies with melee only
Peaceful Resolution
After being marooned, leave everyone alive until the Treasury
Perform 10 combo buddy takedowns
Pull 20 enemies over when hanging from a ledge
Ludonarrative Dissonance
Defeat 1000 enemies
Don't Feed the Animals
Play with the lemur in the market and let it steal your apple
I Accidentally All the Guns
Use every weapon in the game
Not a Cairn in the World
Knock over all rock cairns in Madagascar
I Can See My House From Here!
Climb to the very top of the Clocktower in the City
Trials and Tribulations
Solve the first Trial in Scotland in 10 moves or less
Best Score!
Beat the best score in the retro videogame
Gift of Gab
Listen to all optional conversations in game
Marco Polo Returns!
Play in the ocean near the sunken ship
Stage Fright
Just prior to City Chase, stand perfectly still for 30 seconds (stage demo fail)
Just Floor It!
Drive away in the jeep with Elena without killing any enemies
On Porpoise
Get three dolphins to follow the boat
Still Got It!
Hit all targets in the attic with the toy gun
Glamour Shot
Take a photo of Sully
Perfectly parry Rafe in the sword fight without getting slashed or stabbed
Continue the Adventure
Complete the Uncharted Multiplayer Introduction
Get in the Game
Complete 5 matches in Multiplayer
Trials by Fire
Complete all trials on Moderate (difficulty) in Multiplayer
Friends Forever!
Spawn 10 Sidekicks in Multiplayer
Revive 10 Allies in Multiplayer
如果你喜歡我的影片 ❤請訂閱❤ 是支持我最大動力!
