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「matlab cos^2」的推薦目錄:
matlab cos^2 在 Matlab.Compute $f(x) = \sin(x) + \cos(x)-1 - Mathematics Stack ... 的推薦與評價
Hint: sin2θ=12(1−cos2θ). I don't really understand why we need to do any kind of substitution to avoid uncertainty. ... <看更多>
Hint: sin2θ=12(1−cos2θ). I don't really understand why we need to do any kind of substitution to avoid uncertainty. ... <看更多>
#1. How do I graph the function f(x) = cos^2(x) - MathWorks
It's December 2021. What version of MATLAB are you mainly using? R2021b (latest official release).
#2. HOW to write cos^2(t) in matlap - - MathWorks
HOW to write cos^2(t) in matlap. Learn more about matlab.
#3. how do i write sin^2(x) in matlab? - - MathWorks
I am trying to plot sin^2(x) together with cos^2(x) between [0,2pi]. but cant get my matlab to accept sin^2(x). here is what I wrote, what am i doing wrong?
#4. how do I plot cos^2(2x) for x values between 0 and pi/2 ...
this is my attempt for the first figure and I just get an error not having enough input points. Any help much appreciated. 1 Comment.
#5. How do I graph the function f(x) = cos^2(x) - MathWorks
Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Start Hunting! エラーが ...
sin(x)^2. Learn more about matlab. ... How to expand a function like sin(x)^2 to output 1/2*(1-cos(2*x))? I tried expand(sin(x)^2) but it returns the same.
#7. Symbolic cosine function - MATLAB cos - MathWorks
A = -0.4161 -1.0000 0.8660 -0.6235 0.0044. Compute the cosine function for the numbers converted to symbolic objects. · symA = [ cos(2), -1, 3^(1/2)/2, -cos((2* ...
#8. How do I correctly enter the function sin^2 *(2*pi*f*t)? -
How do I correctly enter the function sin^2... Learn more about can't enter into matlab. ... c) cos 2 (t) + sin 2 (t). d) sec 2 (t) + cot(t).
MATLAB ? • step 1 進入Windows. • step 2 載入Matlab ... Ex 2: 求. >>exp(-3)*cos(3)/asin(0.5) ans = -0.0941. • Ex 3: 23=? >>2^3.
#10. 绘制y1=sin(2x)和y2=cos(2x)在区间[0,4*pi]的曲线 - 百度知道
用MATLAB编写代码:绘制y1=sin(2x)和y2=cos(2x)在区间[0,4*pi]的曲线,用加号标出两条曲线的交点以及标注... 用MATLAB编写代码:绘制y1=sin(2x)和y2=cos(2x)在区间[0 ...
#11. Matlab Exercises 1. Compute the following quantities: sin2(π/4 ...
sin2(π/4) + cos2(π/4). (by typing sin(pi/4)^2+cos(pi/4)^2↵) eiπ. +1. (by typing exp(sqrt(-1)*pi)+1↵) ln(e3), log10(e3), log10(106). (1+3i)/(1-3i).
#12. 雙紐線r 2 4cos2用matlab怎麼程式設計 - 好問答網
雙紐線r 2 4cos2用matlab怎麼程式設計,1樓匿名使用者t 0 1 2 pi r sqrt 4 cos 2 t polar t r 求雙紐線r 2 a 2 cos 2 所圍平面圖.
#13. Introduction to Matlab for engineers - Passei Direto
Veja grátis o arquivo Introduction to Matlab for engineers enviado para a ... C = expand(C) C = 6*sin(theta)^2+6*cos(theta)^2 Thus, Matlab was able to apply ...
#14. Solved Create a plot in Matlab that plots the function f(x) - Chegg
Question: Create a plot in Matlab that plots the function f(x) = cos(2x) and g(x) = sin(x) into one plot for x in [0; 2pi]. Pick two different line styles (your ...
#15. 求用MATLAB編寫一波形程式xcos2pi - 第一問答網
matlab 中t=0:0.01:0.5*pi; y = cos(2*pi*260*t); 這個函式是什麼意思,生成的函式影象為什麼是這樣的. 2樓:rax4超風. 把t=0:0.01:0.5*pi; ...
#16. DO IN MATLAB PLEASE Plot the function f(x) = sin2(x) cos(2x ...
1 Answer to DO IN MATLAB PLEASE Plot the function f(x) = sin2(x) cos(2x) and its derivative f'(x) = -2 sin2(x) sin(2x) + sin(2x) cos (2x), ...
#17. Matlab在同一圖中用紅色*標出sin,cos的交點,步長爲pi/200
,把之前的圖給清掉,如果想保留,用指令hold on下面是sin和cos的圖像plot(cos(0:,顯示紅色需要這樣添加plot(sin(0:pi/20:2*pi),'or');o表示circle圈圈, ...
#18. Matlab标点符号实例_mob60475700e001的技术博客
5. 6. 7. 8. 2、逗号(,). >> %sin(2),cos( ...
#19. y=conv(x,h); figure(1) stem((0:N-1),x) hold o
x=cos(2*pi*F*(0:N-1));. M=2; h=ones(1,M)*1/M; y=conv(x,h); figure(1) stem((0:N-1),x) ... The matlab function used to generate h is again fir1:.
#20. Python, MATLAB, Julia, R code: Chapter 10 - Introduction to ...
MATLAB code for Example 10.5 x = zeros(1000,20); t = linspace(-2,2,1000); for i=1:20 X(:,i) = rand(1)*cos(2*pi*t); end plot(t, X, 'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', ...
#21. 创建常见的二维图- MATLAB & Simulink Example - MathWorks
2 ); figure plot(x,y). Figure contains an axes. The axes contains an object of type line. 线图可显示多组x 和y 数据。 y1 = sin(x.^2); y2 = cos(x.
MATLAB is a math software package with many built-in functions. ... A=1;f=1000;p=0;T=1/f;t=0:T/100:5*T;s=A*cos(2*pi*f*t+p);. >> plot(t,s);grid;title('Cosine ...
#23. Integrating sin(2x) in MATLAB [closed] - Stack Overflow
It's not incorrect. cos(2x) = 1 - 2 * sin^2(x). So: (-1/2) * cos(2x) = sin^2(x) - (1/2). MATLAB gave you an equivalent answer.
#24. MATLAB: Plotting Graphs - learnOnline
In this section we will use MATLAB 's plot command to produce graphs. ... legend('y1=cos(t)','y2=cos(3*t)','y3=y1+y2') ... speed=sqrt(4*cos(2*t).
#25. 关于MATLAB中cos(pi2)不等于0的问题_Azahaxia的博客
#26. Lecture 1.5: Plotting operations and MATLAB graphics
cos (t) + i*sin(2*t));. plot(real(z),imag(z),'--'); % the graph is plotted by dashed line . polar: plots a function in polar coordinates (radius versus ...
#27. Differential Equations
MatLab has a powerfull capability for solving ordinary differential equations symbolically. ... y=dsolve('D2y + y = cos(2*x)', 'Dy(0)=0', 'y(0)=1').
#28. MATLAB: I have the equation: sin(x)=cos(2x^2), [0,2] - iTecTec
MATLAB : I have the equation: sin(x)=cos(2x^2), [0,2]. write a fuction. How do I put this in as a matlab code to find four startvalues for x0.
#29. 資通訊能力檢定 MATLAB 練習題庫
1. 6. 2. 3 2. 3. 2 3. 4. 0. 13. (B) 在matlab 中一訊號序列為x, 將此訊號做傅利葉轉換的指令為. (A)plot(x) (B)fft(x) (C)cos(x) (D)fftshift(x).
#30. x=cos(2*pi*t) - MATLAB中文论坛
MATLAB 中文论坛MATLAB 信号处理与通信板块发表的帖子:x=cos(2*pi*t)。弱弱的问一下为什么cos(2*pi*t)或x=cos(2*pi*t)能运行,x(t)=cos(2*pi*t)就不对 ...
#31. Matlab Help - WSU Math Department
Here are some Matlab example commands for plotting two functions on the same graph: ... ezplot( 'x^4 - 2*x^3 + cos(2*x)', [-1 3] ) Here are some Matlab ...
#32. MATLAB Lesson 5 - Multiple plots - maths@unsw
Multiple plots. The plot command can plot several sets of vectors. Plot the functions y1 = sin(2 pi x) and y2 = cos(2 pi x) for x in the interval [0, ...
#33. Matlab 是一個工程型計算器---三角與反三角函數 - 計算機概論
Matlab 並不提供角度量的三角函數, 使用者必須自行轉換。 ... cos(pi). 真的是-1,而. sin(pi/2). 真的是1。 六個反三角函數在Matlab 中對應的函式是 ...
#34. Solution Manual for Additional Problems for SIGNALS AND ...
The following MATLAB script is used. % Pr. 0.5 clear all; clf. T=3; Tss= 0.0001; t=[0:Tss:T]; xa=4*cos(2*pi*t); % continuous-time signal.
#35. MATLAB 子圖示題| D棧
matlab Copy clc t = 1:0.01:2; x = sin(2*pi*t); y = cos(2*pi*t); figure subplot(1,2,1) plot(t,x) title('Sine Wave') subplot(1,2,2) plot(t,y) ...
#36. Exercise 1
Ceate a MATLAB vector sig9 = 4.0cos(2π1000t) + 1.5cos(2π3000t). Figure 19 – Ex14: sig9. Exercise 17. Create a MATLAB vector sig10 = cos(2*pi ...
#37. 求雙紐線r 2 a 2 cos 2所圍平面圖形的面積用MATLAB怎麼做
求雙紐線r 2 a 2 cos 2所圍平面圖形的面積用MATLAB怎麼做,1樓洪範周如圖所示雙紐線r 2 a 2 cos 2 所圍平面圖形的面積a 如何用定積分求雙紐線r 2 4cos2 ...
#38. Graphing Polar Equations in Matlab - College of the Redwoods
r = cos 2 θ ,. called the four-leaf rose. We can use Matlab's polar command to plot the graph of this equation on [ 0 , 2 π ] .
#39. [問題] cos wave 頻率- 看板MATLAB - 批踢踢實業坊
其實我不知道是我code寫錯還是數學問題一直覺得很奇怪為什麼cos wave畫出來的頻率 ... 是不是少了這個cos (2*pi*f*t), f=100才是你要的 03/09 01:03.
#40. Matlab.Compute $f(x) = \sin(x) + \cos(x)-1 - Mathematics Stack ...
Hint: sin2θ=12(1−cos2θ). I don't really understand why we need to do any kind of substitution to avoid uncertainty.
#41. 4.1數學基本函數 - MATLAB 之工程應用
cos /cosd, 餘弦函數,輸入參數單位為弧度/度數 ... >>sin(theta)^2;+cos(theta)^2; ans = 1 ... 所以MATLAB在處理數值時,開方根並不限於正值。
#42. Basic Trigonometric Functions in MATLAB - YouTube
#43. Use MATLAB to calculate $$ a. e ^ { ( - 2.1 ) ^ { 3 } } + | Quizlet
\cos ^ { 2 } \left( \frac { 4.12 \pi } { 6 } \right) \quad d. \cos \left( \frac { 4.12 ... Analysis. Use MATLAB to compute the given expressions in the task ...
#44. MATLAB Basics - Bonnie Heck
After each MATLAB command, the "return" or "enter" key must be depressed. ... creates a vector x with elements equal to cos(2t) for t = 0, 1, 2, ..., 10.
#45. In MATLAB The value of cos(x) can be approximated using a ...
Which can be expressed compactly as cos(x) = {(-1)+7 (2(k-1))! 00 2(k-1) k-1 Write Matlab code using a while loop that calculates cos(2) with 5 terms of ...
#46. MATLAB function plotting | Physics Forums
QUESTION: Plot the function f(x) = cosx sin(2x) and its derivative, both on the same plot, for π ≤ x ≤ π . Plot the function with a solid ...
#47. A trigonometric identity is given by: cos^2(x/2)=(tanx+sinx)/2tanx
Looking for MATLAB Training? Find best MATLAB Training in your locality on UrbanPro. Find Now. Are you a Tutor ...
#48. 我的泰勒级数图代码cos(2x) 而不是Matlab 中的cos(x) - 小空笔记
我正在编写一个函数来计算任何函数的泰勒级数。 这是Matlab 代码。 我的问题是它绘制cos x 而不是cos x ,类似地它绘制ln x 而不是ln x 等等。
#49. cosd (MATLAB Functions)
Y = cosd(X) is the cosine of the elements of X , expressed in degrees. For odd integers n , cosd(n*90) is exactly zero, whereas cos(n*pi/2) reflects the ...
#50. MATH.2720 Introduction to Programming with MATLAB
The basic MATLAB graphing command is the plot command. ... >>x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100); ... >>T = 20-5*cos(2*pi*t/24);. >>p = 1000+20*(t/24).^2;.
#51. MATLAB Examples - Mathematics - halvorsen.blog
Mathematics with MATLAB. • MATLAB is a powerful tool for mathematical calculations. • Type “help elfun” (elementary ... c = sqrt(a^2 + b^2 - 2*a*b*cos(C));.
#52. But, Our MATLAB Tutorial is Not Over! MATLAB Has Many ...
Example: Plot f(x) = sin(2x) and its derivative g(x) = 2cos(2x) on the same graph. x = 0:pi/100:2*pi; y1 = sin(2*x); y2 = 2*cos(2*x); plot(x,y1,x,y2); ...
#53. MATLAB Environment
Afterwards clear all the variables and the MATLAB command window. >>x=2*cos(pi/6); <enter>. % define variable x. >>y=5 ...
#54. Evaluating Fourier Transforms with MATLAB - CSUN
MATLAB Tutorial #2. Evaluating Fourier Transforms ... Using MATLAB to Plot the Fourier Transform of a Time Function ... x=cos(2*pi*100*t)+cos(2*pi*500*t); ...
#55. Fast Fourier Transform and MATLAB Implementation
Time-Frequency Analysis. • A signal has one or more frequencies in it, and can be viewed from two different standpoints: Time domain and Frequency domain.
#56. Construct MATLAB code to compare three cosine waves in the ...
Solution:The MATLAB code to compare three cosine waves in the time ... Time Domain F2 = 150; y2 = cos(2*pi*F2*t); subplot(3,2,3); plot(t ...
#57. Appendix: MATLAB and C Programs - Wiley Online Library
A.1 Chapter 1 MATLAB Programs. In this chapter we discussed the types of ... A.2 Chapter 2 MATLAB Programs ... r=0.95;f=0.2;p=2*cos(2*pi*f);g=(1-r*r)*0.5;.
#58. Extras: Plotting in MATLAB
One of the most important functions in MATLAB is the plot function. ... x = linspace(0,2*pi,50); y = sin(x); z = cos(x); plot(x,y,'r', x,z,'gx').
#59. 開始學習Matlab_計算功能_微分diff/求導或向量矩陣比較 - 台部落
開始學習Matlab_計算功能_微分diff/求導或向量矩陣比較 ... -4*cos(2*a) Trial>> diff(f,a,2) ... Trial>> k=[sin(k*x),cos(k*x);-cos(k*x),-sin(k*x)]
#60. 4-1 基本的三維繪圖指令
z = [0 2 1; 3 2 4; 4 4 4; 7 6 8]; mesh(z); xlabel('X 軸= column index'); % X 軸 ... 為了方便測試立體繪圖,MATLAB 提供了一個peaks 函數,可產生一個凹凸有致的 ...
#61. The College of Staten Island - CSI Math
MATLAB responds with f = cos(x)^2 + sin(x)^2. First, we defined x to be a symbolic variable. Next, we defined f to be a symbolic function of.
#62. MATLAB TUTORIAL for the First Course. Part 1.1: Plotting
Let the independent variable be x and the range be interval [0 , 2π] and we want to plot the function y=2sin3x−2cosx. The Octave command sequence is.
#63. Cos()^2 - Mein MATLAB Forum - goMatlab.de
MATLAB Forum - Cos()^2 - ... kann ich so eine "normale" Cosinus-Funktion erstellen und diese auch plotten, aber mit cos(x)^2 eben nicht.
6√2(cos − 2)3(3cos − 2)sec . [73 − 80cos + 9cos(2 )]3/2. Problem 2 (4 Points): Type this array into a MATLAB Script File to carry out the ...
#65. 求大神幫我看一下這個matlab程式怎麼改
*a.*cos(2.*pi. *f.*t)).^2));. delt2 = quadgk(f1,0,c) % quadgk比quad好用一些.
#66. How to plot Sine Cosine wave in MATLAB - Circuits DIY
These plots can be in 2-D or 3-D as lines, surfaces, or meshes. You can create plots in Cartesian or polar coordinates. You also can create ...
#67. matlab实现采样定理 - 知乎专栏
设置原始信号t = -0.2 : 0.0005 : 0.2; N = 1000; k = -N : N; W = k * 2000 / N; origin = sin(2 * pi * 60 * t) + cos(2 * pi * 25 * t) + sin(2 ...
#68. Basic syntax and command-line exercises
Read sections 2 and 4 of Introduction to Matlab I in the lecture notes. Then do the exercises below. Most of the exercises can be answered by a single ...
#69. 基於MATLAB的模擬調製訊號與解調的模擬——DSB - IT閱讀
cos (2*pi*fc*t); B=2*fm; %noise=noise_nb(fc,B,N0,t); %s_dsb=s_dsb+noise; subplot(313) plot(t,s_dsb); %畫出DSB訊號波形hold on plot (t,mt ...
#70. 如何使用Matlab在圖中標出極值點座標 - 優幫助
如何使用Matlab在圖中標出極值點座標,1樓匿名使用者先畫出導數的曲線, ... figure,plot(x,z),grid on,hold onx=fzero(@(x)-4*x+2*pi*cos(2*pi*x),0) ...
#71. Matlab Project
plotter('sin(x)', [ 0 2*pi ]). To plot cos(x) from 0 to 2pi. >> plotter(@cos, [ 0 2*pi ]). Be able to take the standard options. > ...
#72. MatLab (MATrix LABoratory) for Beginner Started with Code ...
2 ).*cos(t); comet3(x,y,t); 33 Getting Started with MatLab for Engineering Students 2017 Exercises Chapter Two Q1) What is drawn by the ...
#73. 3.基本XYZ立體繪圖命令
本章將介紹MATLAB基本XYZ三度空間的各項繪圖命令。 ... 2-yy.^2); % 計算函數值,zz也是21x21的矩陣. mesh(xx, yy, zz); % 畫出立體網狀圖 ... cos(t), t);.
#74. Octave/Matlab - Signal Processing - ShareTechnote
: This is exactly same as Ex 2 except that it has additional graph at the last step showing some initial samples removed ...
MATLAB allows you to create plots of functions easily. ... v3(t)=10exp(-t/2)cos(2t+45 deg.) ... For more information type help plot in matlab.
#76. A Very Brief Intro to MATLAB
Two useful commands are ... MATLAB does both symbolic and numerical calculations. ... expr = cos(x)ˆ5 + sin(x)ˆ4 + 2*cos(x)ˆ2 - 2*sin(x)ˆ2 - cos(2*x).
#77. Window function - Wikipedia
Figure 4: Two different ways to generate an 8-point Gaussian window sequence (σ = 0.4) for spectral analysis applications. MATLAB calls them "symmetric" and " ...
#78. Qpsk matlab
... Modem using MATLAB Thesis Aug 2016 In Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) two sinusoids (sin and cos) are taken as basis functions for modulation.
#79. 微博-随时随地发现新鲜事 - WEIBO
3.3亿阅读2万讨论. #你希望爱很美味拍第二季吗#. 1.3亿阅读1.2万讨论 ... 手机玩微博: 二维码 扫码下载,更多版本戳这里. 认证&合作: 申请认证链接网站: 企业微博广告 ...
#80. Matlab symbolic
... expressions, and matrices. intsf=int(f,0,2) intsf = cos(2) + 5/3 However, if we replace f by the function h, defined buy. MATLAB can be used to perform ...
#81. Octave movmean
GNU Octave/MATLAB code snippet: z = [2,3,4,5,6] % manual FFT Z = fft(z) ... of the code about moving average filter clear allclcn=0:100s1=cos(2*pi*0. Link.
#82. Simpson's Rule in MATLAB - GeeksforGeeks
for i = 2:2:n-2. xi=a+(i*h);. Even=Even+f(xi);. end. % Formula to calculate numerical integration. % using Simpsons 1/3 Rule.
#83. Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas
The entire book is freely available in PDF 2-up format, and in PDF 1-up format. The MATLAB toolbox is available here . ... Cin - cosine integral Cin(z)
#84. Chebyshev approximation matlab - Kacha Resort & Spa Koh ...
Chebyshev polynomials are separated into two kinds: first and second. ... show how a fast Fourier transform (FFT) based discrete cosine transform It is also ...
#85. Matlab add line to existing plot - Emme Ci Traslochi
Let see an example for multiple plots in Matlab, we use a subplot function to ... a = sin (x); b = cos (x); plot (x,a+b) Add two stem plots to the axes. 2.
#86. Fft analysis matlab
700Hz and 1200Hz. The Matlab documentation recommends that a power of 2 be used for ... *cos(2*pi*F*t). wav), using FFT and a Hanning window (size: 1024).
#87. 陈立农--TMEA盛典后台乐见大牌采访特辑 - QQ音乐
阿白. 2019年12月26日01:05. 陈立农好帅啊!不准秃头. 32 ; 偏执怪人°. 2019年12月25日19:22. 宝贝姐姐不秃你也不能秃 . 17 ; 声色 绿钻ICON. 2020年2月22日19:40. 巨想看农 ...
#88. Fminunc example - Filcronet
Description. fminunc from Matlab can use two algorithms, ... [t r] = cart2pol (x,y); % change to polar coordinates h = cos (2*t - 1/2)/2 + cos (t) + 2; ...
#89. Matlab vecnorm
Octave Tutorial 2: Vectors and Matrices with extracts from Introduction to Octave, by P. 181707 4. R2019b中MATLAB的亮点之一是引入了Live Editor Tasks(实时 ...
#90. 蒂莫尔超远距离直接轰门!奥布拉克飞身将球扑出 - 爱奇艺体育
用微信扫描二维码分享至好友和朋友圈. 微信扫一扫获取爱奇艺体育手机app. 扫描关注官方公众号. 更多精彩. 相关新闻. 视频信息. 蒂莫尔超远距离直接轰门!
#91. Conceptual Digital Signal Processing with MATLAB
6.26 MATLAB program for Fig . 6.32 . ww = linspace ( 0 , pi , 1000 ) ; nn = ( 0 : 6 ) ; RR = ( 1 22 2 ; ... 12 * cos ( 2 * pi / 16 ) 2 * cos ( 2 * pi * 2 ...
#92. Mathematical Summary for Digital Signal Processing ...
Xt D A cos.2...ft C ‚/, '‚' is uniformly distributed between 0 to 2 .... mX.t/ D E.Xt / D E.A cos.2...ft C ‚/ D AE.cos.2...ft C ‚/ (Note Expectation is ...
#93. Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB & Wavelets
... Do the sinusoids as discrete points only s0 = Xmag(1)*cos(2*pi*0*n/Xsize + Xphase(1))/Xsize; s1 = Xmag(2)*cos(2*pi*1*n/Xsize + Xphase(2))/Xsize; ...
#94. Numerical and Analytical Methods with MATLAB for Electrical ...
For example, to find the Fourier coefficient for the mth cosine term, we multiply both sides ... π = − − ( )cos(2) /2 /2 xt mft dt o T T /2 T /2 T ...
#95. Beginning MATLAB and Simulink: From Novice to Professional
t1=-20: .001:-13; t2=-13.001: .001:-3; t?=-3.001: .001:3; tA=3.001:1e-3:6; t = [t1, t2, t2, tA]; f1=exp(sin(2*t1))+exp(cos(100*t1)); f2=cos ...
#96. Pulstran matlab
Example % fs = 11025; % arbitrary sample rate % f0 = 100; Cosine of vector/matrix elements (see the online MATLAB Function Reference).
#97. How to calculate snr of a signal in matlab
Pulse Shaping Using a Raised Cosine Filter. ... 2. Reply Hi. Use Matlab randn function to generate a random noise with Normal distribution, adjust the mean ...
#98. Symvar matlab
symvar matlab If f is a constant, then the default variable is x. ... you say that t is symbolic so the expression symvar ('cos (2*pi*t)') gives you t, ...
#99. Figure 1 matlab
figure 1 matlab However, you can use the hold on command to combine multiple plots ... 1:1; x = sin(2*pi*t); y = cos(2*pi*t); figure subplot(1,2,1) plot(x) ...
#100. Matlab plot trajectory 3d - Blow hair Salon
*cos(t), z, delay); This animates a continuous trajectory which I prefer over a discrete sequence of *'s. 3D Plots In Matlab 2. After Aug 04, 2014 · Hello ...
matlab cos^2 在 [問題] cos wave 頻率- 看板MATLAB - 批踢踢實業坊 的推薦與評價
一直覺得很奇怪 為什麼cos wave畫出來的頻率不是輸入的頻率
clear all, clc
for n=1:50001;
w=頻率; t=時間
請版上大大幫忙看一下 感謝~
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