好高興跟Moet & Chandon 香檳嘅女釀酒師兼品質監控傳訉經理Marie-Christine Osselin會面,並係新開係 H Queen’s 嘅Ecriture試咗4款香檳,包括Moet Imperial (magnum), Moët Rose Imperial (magnum), Moët Grand Vintage 2009 及Moët Grand Vintage Rose 2009 (剛抵港)。Marie-Christine 認為香檳不只係慶祝先喝,其實佢都係葡萄酒嘅一種,可以襯好多食物。Ecriture嘅法式食物好精緻,每件都好似藝術品,配上同樣係藝術品嘅香檳,份外合襯。我覺得 Moët Grand Vintage Rose 2009 非常活潑,帶紅莓、餅乾、香料等,平衡而有層次。周末愉快!🍾🥂
Very happy to meet with Moet & Chandon Champagne’s winemaker and wine quality manager Marie-Christine Osselin & tried 4 champagnes at the newly opened Ecritureat H Queen’s, including Moet Imperial (magnum), Moët Rose Imperial (magnum), Moët Grand Vintage 2009 & Moët Grand Vintage Rose 2009 (just arrived in HK). Marie-Christine shares that champagne is not just for celebration, it’s a choice of wine & it pairs very well with many cuisines. The French dishes at Ecriture r very delicate & every dish is like an art piece, which matches so well with champagne which is also another kind of art. Moët Grand Vintage Rose 2009 is very lively with red raspberry, spice, and biscuit notes. It’s rounded, complex & balanced. Happy weekend! 🍾🥂
#champagne #champagnetasting #mhd #mhdhk #moetandchandon #brut #moet2009 #moetrose2009 #ecriture #foodandwine