在《重慶森林》裏,我們希望營造人群之間的隔膜: 在一眾參加派對的人中,映襯王菲在深宵快餐店工作的孤獨。
In most Asian films, we use shallow depth of field and longer lenses to avoid all the ‘messiness’ ( of most Asian cities ) that would be distracting, extraneous if it gained attention in the frame .
In Chunking Express we wanted a similar feeling of isolation within a crowd : the crowds of partygoers frame Faye Wong’s loneliness in Midnight Express fast food store.
The tight hand-held shots of Brigitte Lin navigating the chaos of
Chunking mansions to suggest her personal danger in a dangerous world.
All art comes from what came before it …. So it can be as simple as
responding to /rejecting/ looking for a change.
We used super wide angles on Fallen Angels because we had used so many long lenses on Chungking Express!
The challenge and an adventure of a super wide-angle lens is that everything is in frame: so the ‘coherence’ of a location, the movement of actors and camera, how the scene was or was not ‘lit’ were imperative to the success of a scene and the experiment as a whole.
影片來源Video:《重慶森林》“Chungking Express”(1994) / 《墮落天使》“Fallen Angels“(1995)
音樂Music: 李香蘭《恨不相逢未嫁時》 Li Xiang-lan “If Only”
#重慶森林 #墮落天使 #王家衛 #王菲 #林青霞 #金城武 #李嘉欣 #攝影
#Chunkingexpress #Fallenangels #WKW #FayeWong #BrigitteLin #TakeshiKaneshiro #MichelleReis #cinematography
michellereis 在 Moviematic 電影對白圖 Facebook 的最佳解答
🌟明星專題- 李嘉欣 🌟
mm精選了數套覺得李嘉欣最深刻印象的角色與電影 🎥
1. 《鹿鼎記II神龍教》- 李珂 (1992)
2. 《笑傲江湖二之東方不敗》- 岳靈珊 (1992)
3. 《方世玉系列》- 雷婷婷 (1993)
4. 《97古惑仔之戰無不勝》- 欣欣 (1997)
5. 《黑馬王子》- 薄冰 (1999)
6. 《完美情人》- Sharon (2001)
7. 《豬扒大聯盟》- 阿Mo (2002)
8. 《Miss杜十娘》- 杜十娘 (2003)
#李嘉欣 #MichelleReis #movie #film #電影對白圖 #moviematic #語錄#文字 #電影 #電影台詞 #電影對白 #對白 #明星專題 #mm明星專題