最近碰到蠻多朋友或客戶的需求,想要針對 ActionFilter, Decorator, DI 的 service locator,middleware/interceptor 或是其他 static helper 相依的情況寫單元測試,卻總是不順、卡手。(尤其是 service locator)
很多時候,沒見過人家可以怎麼行雲流水地在 legacy code 上整理、抽絲剝繭,一路用工具重構到具備可測試性,再把測試重構到跟人話、規格、需求情境一樣,是很難想像 #原來可以這樣寫Code 的。
今年的梯次已滿,明天一月的 【#針對遺留代碼加入單元測試的藝術】,只剩下 5 席,live demo 支援 java/kotlin, python, php 與 C#。
會不會到時已經可以支援 node.js 與 Ruby 我也不知道,但基本上一法通、萬法通,概念都一樣。
想要觀望晚點才報名的同學,恩....good luck....luck 可能也沒有用,你的問題可能不在寫程式,而是在執行力上。
middleware c# 在 TPIsoftware Global Facebook 的最讚貼文
Time for #Meettheteam! 🎉Today we are happy to introduce Karl 🇩🇪, our software developer with a special focus on mobile development and iOS. 📱
💻Which project are you working on currently?
I’m working on a push notification feature for a mobile banking APP. The challenging part is to connect the different components. Since the notification does not only take place locally on the device, we have to integrate the middleware with the Apple push notification service and our API.
💻What makes software development so exciting for you?
I think it's great to create something, like an APP, that I can touch, feel and share with others. I have always been fascinated by technology, both hardware and software. So it was obvious for me to enter the software field and to be able to develop cutting-edge technologies myself.
💻You had an interesting research topic for your master thesis: “Management of intellectual property with C-Chain” What brought you to this topic?
My professor, Rudolf Bayer, developed the idea of C-Chain as an alternative for the blockchain technology and gave me the chance to work on a prototype project for his idea. So I developed an APP that helped people to securely exchange files and to ensure that they haven’t been tampered.
💻What do you love most about working and living in Taiwan?
Food as long as it doesn’t come to stinky tofu and chicken feet. 🤣Traveling in Taiwan is awesome! You have a huge variety on such a small island: Bustling cities like Taipei, tropical beaches, amazing mountains, and a lot of Chinese traditional culture. Last but not least, Taiwanese people are just great.
💻How do you think your work at #ThinkPower will benefit you personally?
I think to work in an international environment and to be able to interact with different cultures and languages is getting more and more important. My international competence will help me for sure in future positions as well. Also, I see a lot of personal opportunities in ThinkPower as we are working on the latest topics like AI, blockchain and big data.
middleware c# 在 TPIsoftware Global Facebook 的最佳解答
Time for #Meettheteam! 🎉Today we are happy to introduce Karl 🇩🇪, our software developer with a special focus on mobile development and iOS. 📱
💻Which project are you working on currently?
I’m working on a push notification feature for a mobile banking APP. The challenging part is to connect the different components. Since the notification does not only take place locally on the device, we have to integrate the middleware with the Apple push notification service and our API.
💻What makes software development so exciting for you?
I think it's great to create something, like an APP, that I can touch, feel and share with others. I have always been fascinated by technology, both hardware and software. So it was obvious for me to enter the software field and to be able to develop cutting-edge technologies myself.
💻You had an interesting research topic for your master thesis: “Management of intellectual property with C-Chain” What brought you to this topic?
My professor, Rudolf Bayer, developed the idea of C-Chain as an alternative for the blockchain technology and gave me the chance to work on a prototype project for his idea. So I developed an APP that helped people to securely exchange files and to ensure that they haven’t been tampered.
💻What do you love most about working and living in Taiwan?
Food as long as it doesn’t come to stinky tofu and chicken feet. 🤣Traveling in Taiwan is awesome! You have a huge variety on such a small island: Bustling cities like Taipei, tropical beaches, amazing mountains, and a lot of Chinese traditional culture. Last but not least, Taiwanese people are just great.
💻How do you think your work at #ThinkPower will benefit you personally?
I think to work in an international environment and to be able to interact with different cultures and languages is getting more and more important. My international competence will help me for sure in future positions as well. Also, I see a lot of personal opportunities in ThinkPower as we are working on the latest topics like AI, blockchain and big data.