This Taiwanese Brand 自白肌’s product “Super Moist Gel With Hyaluronic Acid” is a great moisturizer for combination oily, sensitive skin, or even acne prone skin. It includes the famous moisturizer ingredient “Ceramide” which recommends from many dermatologists. It’s alcohol free, fragrance free, and this product is around PH5.5 that is gentle for sensitive skin. It’s very lightweight but moisturizing. I just used up two bottles and almost finish the third bottle in this spring and summer. <3 (I bought this with my own money. This is not sponsored.)
Check this out about Ceramide from New York dermatologist:
上次提到神經醯胺 (Ceramide) 這個超神奇的成份, 今年春天回台灣時一直在開架裡找這個成份的乳液或凝露, 發現了這罐 “自白肌 玻尿酸濃密保濕水凝露”, 在名佳美試用之後發現很不錯, 而且也看上它標榜: 無香料, 無酒精, 弱酸性 (我們皮膚, 汗水, 分泌物都是是弱酸性的喔! 產品PH質越是跟皮膚相近, 就比較溫和不刺激, 也可以避免水分流失)
它非常清爽不油膩, 很適合台灣炎熱的天氣, 在加拿大夏天也還可以, 好用到我買了三罐, 第三罐已經快沒了, 冬天我覺得會不夠保溼, 一罐如果早晚擦, 大約快兩個月會用完, 它也標榜說可以當晚安面膜厚敷, 但是我沒這樣試過啦! 太傷本啦~
還有它是MIT的品牌阿~ 但有些產品會委託韓國製造, 像這罐凝露就是Made in Korea, 我買時名佳美在特價大約$269, 大家可以在這價錢或有看到更便宜時可以試試看~ 加拿大大統華T&T也有賣, 但是當然比在台灣貴個幾百塊啦!
皮膚醫生介紹神經醯胺 (Ceramide):…/skindocchiu/index_at1939.html
保溼指南裡也有提到神經醯胺 (Ceramide):保濕