史克威爾艾尼克斯集團 #科技推進部 首席 AI 研究員三宅陽一郎發表論文「於大規模數位遊戲導入人工智慧的一般體系 - 基於 FINAL FANTASY XV 的實例」。
該論文獲得社團法人人工智慧學會頒授「2020 年度人工智慧學會論文賞(JSAI Best Paper Award 2020)」。
學會認為該論文對於遊戲 AI 發展來說具有里程碑意義,有興趣的可至以下網址閱讀。
史克威爾艾尼克斯科技推進步首席 AI 研究員
史克威爾艾尼克斯 AI & Arts&Alchemy 取締役 CTO
-- 概述(假裝自己看的懂) - -
A game AI general theory has been researched and developed in game industry in the world, and a new game AI general theory of AI in digital game is supposed with three AIs. For a large scale of game, a game AI system consists of three types of AI such as meta-AI, character AI, and navigation AI. A meta-AI is to control a game dynamically from a bird-view by watching a player’s behavior. A character AI is a brain of a game character such as a buddy, a monster, or a villager to make a decision in real-time. A navigation AI is to recognize an environment of a game to find a path or a best location to move dynamically. Especially, character AI is a main topic to study in game development, and it includes many fields such as multi-layered structure, character animation, agent architecture, decision-making modules, and so on. A new method of decision-making of combination of behavior trees and state machines is supposed. It is called AI Graph. The game AI general theory was applied to an AI system of an action-RPG game “FINAL FANTASY XV”. The results are showed in the paper. All characters’ decision-making system in FINAL FANTASY XV are based on AI Graphs. An AI Graph Editor is a tool to make an AI Graph only by using a mouse and simple text inputs. A dynamics of the new method is showed by explaining AI Graph Editor precisely.
同時也有71部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過54萬的網紅LittleGleeMonsterYT,也在其Youtube影片中提到,スターツグループのCM「道はじぶんでつくる 2021 春」篇に採用され、オリンピック開催前に完成したフルサイズの音源を卓球・伊藤美誠選手へメンバーからプレゼントした応援歌「Whenever you call」の伊藤美誠選手の映像を使用したリリックビデオを公開! ◇Little Glee Monst...
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#亲子电影 #亲子的爆米花时光 🍿️
◾2|《YES DAY》
这部看的时候,科比开灯最兴奋,感觉他们看到了未来的希望——讲什么爸爸妈妈都只能回答“YES”!电影中的姐姐正值青春叛逆期,和妈妈常出现 #彼此不理解彼此 的情况;在老二的家长日发现,原来自己是孩子心中的独裁者,妈妈心里极度不好受,回想自己曾经疯狂过的青春,决定向孩子证明,自己也是好玩的妈妈,于是发起了 #有求必应日 YES DAY,故事开始就是一场大人唤醒内在小孩的过程,然后尝试理解孩子的想法,发自内心的喊:YES!and夫妻间也能发现养育孩子路上,彼此的内在变化,只能说超!写!实!
◾3|《Nanny McPHEE and the Big Bang》
◾4|《Paddington》&《Paddington 2》
英国文学中很重要的一只熊。这很懂事的熊,带着果酱到伦敦展开新生活。过程中,很多萌点与笑点,必须说大人要reset自己年龄,不要太大人的看这系列电影。除了看到帕丁顿熊的乐观和愿意相信人,还有很多aunty LUCY教会他的事情,#都是妈妈很想教会孩子的事。每一次看到Paddington努力挤出一个凶神恶煞,再冷静回答这是aunty Lucy教他,当遇见有人失去分寸时,用表情告诉他。男主人是很像Tom Hanks 的Hugh Bonneville饰演,看完第一部,我还特别去找了一下资料,他们两人是不是兄弟。两部的坏人角色都有看头,Nicole Kidman演动物标本师;Hugh Grant演坏蛋演员。看完,我很想再到伦敦,很喜欢Brown的家。
◾5|《The Son of Big FOOT》
故事开始会看到孩子们成长时,面对校园霸凌,如何回避和回应大人。当小男主角发现自己与众不同的基因,和爸爸一样,毛发生长特别快,生气时脚掌会撑大,他才意识到,爸爸原来是在逃离“生发科研界”的追杀。可以和小孩 #一起看电影中的小孩如何展现自己的力量,和动物们结盟一起拯救爸爸。有勇气,有欢乐。
◾6|《We can be HERO》
◾7|《The Spiderwick Chronicles》
如果孩子很爱奇幻冒险类的故事,这部很推荐。故事讲述格雷斯家的三个孩子搬进了老房子后发现了秘密通道、阁楼、藏着魔界大门的宝典,一翻开他们就经历起奇幻、情感、悬疑和动作的历险过程。 嗯,各种奇幻奇特的怪物雨精灵,还有孩子们的磨合与抗战。看着,#可以很跳脱现实。
◾8|《Spy KIDS》
这部和We can be the HERO一样,可以很放心让孩子们自己看,#排在科比马的重温榜单之首。很漂亮的特务妈妈,带着孩子们一起找出时间怪人。全世界时间快转之下,提醒很多爸妈陪伴孩子的时间,快速流逝。特务变出很多特务的创意武器,小孩特务也机灵闯关,孩子看完很多鬼点子。
◾10|《Secret MAGIC control agency》
◾11|《Think like a DOG》
会看这部,是因为我家有 #HOMEALONE迷,科比一看着男主角是 Macaulay Culkin,二话不说,看了再说。咦,1994年的电影,看下去有一种时代抽离之外,也爱上这种老套说故事的方法。 小男主角是一个全世界最富有的小孩,年仅十岁,因父母乘飞机意外失踪,继承了大笔家产和事业。坏蛋舅舅一心谋夺家产,小男神运用各种稀奇古怪的武器和神通的电脑科技来对付舅舅,危急关头,爸妈救回来了!就是这样老套剧本,孩子也可以享受传统说故事的方法 。
◾13|《The Mitchells VS The Machines》
这部藏在大人category里,我们猜是把坏蛋机器人除掉的画面,有点残忍吧。所以和孩子看到比较打斗的画面时,可以请他们头抱枕头。要提一下,这原创喜剧冒险动画电影是由荣获奥斯卡最佳动画长片大奖的《蜘蛛侠:平行宇宙》金牌制作团队重磅打造的。小女主角完全展现了现在小朋友的兴趣(#当小小youtuber),拍摄好多好玩又创意的影片,梦想考上电影学院,但一直得不到爸爸的认同。入学前,她原本打算坐飞机去学校报到,怎么知道热爱大自然的 #爸爸 却决定开车载全家人一起送女儿上大学,最后的Family Trip。但意外发生了,智能科技突如其来地向人类发起反攻,彻底打乱了米切尔一家的计划。 过程中,父女之间的关系,真的就像隔壁家会上演的,女儿不喜欢爸爸,爸爸以为自己很懂女儿的不足,结果就火星撞地球。最后,#看到一家人因为不理解而不和又最终得到理解和解后,我不知道自己为什么会洒泪。Ending Credit是剧组人员全家福show time,突然发现 #古天乐 全家福跳出来,惊喜了一下。
◾14|《JUMANJI welcome to the jungle》&《JUMANJI the next level》
◾15|《The Uncanny Counter》series
先说,一向来我们家很少看韩剧。但上一回MCO某天,马先生先追看起 #驱魔面馆,然后我半路追,科比跟着追。后半段,“衰收尾“,因为换编剧,但做人有始有终,我最后一集在苏珉见回7年前死掉的爸妈时,我哭到很爽。科比迷到(看照片),我陪他重看一轮。因为里面有正义、有特异功能、有monster、有亲情、有爆笑、所以我陪孩子多看一回。一样,恶灵出现时,#请孩子拿好枕头。
◾16|《Move to HEAVEN》series
然后我们继续看到很棒的韩剧。这部 #我是遗物整理师,从发现行为反映特殊的可鲁开始,陪看的科比开灯一起了解亚斯伯格症的孩子,发现很有耐心与孩子沟通又很帅的爸爸、看着一份一份遗物整理背后的故事、感受着剧集中想要提醒我们的生命故事。可鲁的执着与相信,从爸爸离开到叔叔开始治愈自己童年的伤痛时…… #家人的理解是如此简单又不易的过程。每一集都很含蓄的感动着,一直到最后抱着一双双NIKE鞋子一幕时,我才真正喷泪。叔叔的帅,后劲很强大。哦,这部剧可以和孩子温习生命教育,讨论愿望清单,生活目标等。
◾17|《Racket Boys》series
哦,我们家也爱宫崎骏系列电影,榜首 #千与千寻!也欢迎推荐你们家喜爱的电影哦!
#FMCO #TotalLockdown #StayHomewithKidsMovieList
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monster move 在 LittleGleeMonsterYT Youtube 的最佳貼文
スターツグループのCM「道はじぶんでつくる 2021 春」篇に採用され、オリンピック開催前に完成したフルサイズの音源を卓球・伊藤美誠選手へメンバーからプレゼントした応援歌「Whenever you call」の伊藤美誠選手の映像を使用したリリックビデオを公開!
◇Little Glee MonsterオフィシャルHP
初回生産限定盤A / B:CD+Blu-ray 5,900円(税抜)
通常盤:CD only 1,500円(税抜)
収録曲 ※CD3形態共通
01.君といれば-complete ver.-
03.Whenever you call
04.VIVA -Live on 2021.06.28-
Little Glee Monster Arena Tour 2021 “Dearest”
Live on 2021.01.28 日本武道館
05.Be My Baby
07.Baby Baby
09.BAND Session
10.Everything could be your chance
19.Dear My Friend
Little Glee Monster Arena Tour 2021 “Dearest ∞ Future”
Live on 2021.04.18 さいたまスーパーアリーナ
05.Be My Baby
06.Baby Baby
07.move on
10.BAND&DJ session
11.Dearest Medley
13.Dear My Friend
●通常盤 CD only(SRCL-11769)
monster move 在 TechTeller Youtube 的最佳解答
#AUKEY #MoveMini #unboxing
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AUKEY Move Mini Pro:https://bit.ly/3B3Rc2J
之前科技說有評測過AUKEY的氮化鎵系列的旅充,質感跟充電速度都有很不錯的表現,這次則跨界在音頻產品上推出性價比極高的AUKEY Move Mini Pro和Move Mini,而這次分為降噪版和無降噪版供大家選擇,這邊River先偷偷跟大家說,這副耳機真的有料,特別是降噪的效果出乎這個價位的水準,跟目前市面上其他藍牙耳機相比非常有競爭力的,就讓我們一起開箱吧!
00:00 前言
00:38 開箱開始
01:16 AUKEY Move Mini / Pro登場
02:31 規格功能
03:39 延遲度實測
03:56 降噪體驗
04:33 ANC降噪模擬實測
04:53 通話體驗
05:35 室內通話實測
06:23 室內模擬戶外通話實測
07:18 音質體驗
08:24 音質實測
10:01 總結
11:17 NG大魔王
測試歌曲1:Take The Pain Away
播放軟體:Apple Music
配對裝置:Apple iPhoneXR
音樂錄音:TASCAM DR-07X
測試歌曲2:Help You Out
播放軟體:Apple Music
配對裝置:Apple iPhone XR
音樂錄音:TASCAM DR-07X
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Biomutant Side Quest Old World Storages Investigation All Fluff Hulk Locations Guide
00:00 Old World Storage 3G
Northwest of Floatboat. The monster you need to kill is on the southeast side of the island, while the storage room is on the northwest side.
01:38 Old World Storage 3E
Southeast of Domp Outpost. This island is sort of split into two. You’ll find the Fluff Hulk on the northern island and then need to head south to open the storage.
03:31 Old World Storage 5E
This Fluff Hulk Nest is found just east of Nambleklump Village. It’s in a snowy region, so make sure you either have The Cold Zone Suit or some other way to protect yourself from the freezing temperature. The Fluff Hulk is actually located in a cave on the northern side of the zone. You can see the opening in the image above.
05:39 Old World Storage 9D
Slap that Cold Zone Suit back on and head southwest of the Sparkplant. Follow the train track that leads you into the zone and you can’t miss the Fluff Hulk. Then, just follow the marker to the storage to move on.
07:52 Old World Storage 10F
This Fluff Hulk Nest is found south of Molyhole Outpost. On your map, you’ll notice the red area that signifies a Heat Zone. This is where you need to go. Staying on your map, the Fluff Hulk isn’t in the main part of the Heat Zone, you’ll find them on the smaller, southern part. Put on The Heat Zone Suit and head over to get your key. Then, go unlock the room by following the marker to wrap up this storage room.
09: 50 Old World Storage 11H
The storage room for this location is actually found to the west of where the Fluff Hulk Nest is on your map. From the Benearth Outpost, you want to head west toward a small pond. There, you’ll find the Fluff Hulk and can take it down before moving onto the storage room.
11:58 Old World Storage 10J
This Fluff Hulk makes its home over in the Kluppy dunes, so make sure you come with some form of heat-resistant gear. We’d recommend doing The Heat Zone Suit side quest before tracking this down. The storage shelter is located under the highway that goes by Sludgy Junkstorage; however, the beast you’re tracking down is actually just northwest, sleeping by a rocky ledge.
13:39 Old World Storage 9I
This Fluff Hulk can be tough to track down. You need to head to its nest, which is west of the Chugdepot over in the northern Yerpfields. If you look on your map in this location, you’ll see a small pond by the nest. The Fluff Hulk is sleeping just north of that lake beside a rocky wall. Take it out and go get your loot.
15:50 Old World Storage 6I
North of Bumlidof in the northern side of the Knupstonies biome. The storage room is on top of a ledge. The Fluff Hulk you need to take down is on the eastern side of that ledge, but the path up to the room is only accessible from the west. Take out the Hulk and then hoof it around the big ledge to claim your prize.Cold Zone Fluff Hulk Nest.jpg
17:32 Old World Storage 4K
You’ll find this Fluff Hulk Nest east of Granito Outpost in the Knupstonies biome. If you look on your map, you’ll notice a wrecked ship along the coastline. That’s where this Fluff Hulk is resting. Take him out and follow the marker to the storage shelter.
19:44 Old World Storage 6L
This Fluff Hulk Nest is found east of H-Two-O Outpost. The Fluff Hulk is resting in the middle of a collection of small islands. If you zoom in on your map, you can clearly see where you’ll find him by looking for the animated, grey monster near the Nest.
21:27 Old World Storage 10M
Finding this Fluff Hulk is a bit difficult. We’re not sure if the area was bugged on our map or not, but, unlike the other Nests, this one was never marked. To find it, you want to head northwest from Blazebase on the eastern side of the Kluppy Dunes. On your map, you’ll notice where the highway starts to break up. Look for the Fluff Hulk along the western side of the highway. Once you take it down, follow the marker to claim your loot.
Old World Storage 6G
( I missed this spot in video but the info can help you)
You’ll find this storage to the east of Spurftop where Trim Furfur lives. The Fluff Hulk is actually to the north of the bunker on a ridge overlooking the river. Take it down and then go open the vault.
Old World Storage 4H
( I missed this spot in video but the info can help you)
South of Plumsidms in the Knupstonies biome. You’ll need to take down a giant Fluff Hulk, but if you’ve claimed this region for your tribe, you’ll have the help of your tribemates. Take the beast down and claim your loot.
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