[歡迎參加!] 12/14 (Fri) 6pm: Meet with AI Startup Female Founders: AppWorks PechaKucha Night
你知道有超多優秀的 AI 女性創業家是從 AppWorks 加速器畢業的嗎?想了解她們在 AI 世界如何一步一腳印闖出自己一片天?當天我們邀請到 AppWorks Accelerator 傑出的女性創業校友們以 Pecha Kucha 的分享形式快速精實的帶你了解她們的創業歷程。歡迎對 AI 創業有興趣的女生/男生都來參加!
- Alyssa Chen, Analyst / Head of Accelerator
[Meet the #Girlboss: Cate Xie, CEO & Co-founder of SkyREC]
Cate Xie is the Co-founder & CEO of SkyREC Inc., a data consulting company for brick-and-mortar retail based on video and data analysis. SkyREC was the champion of Slush Asia Pitch Competition 2016 and has delivered its service to more than 100 brands, 2,000 stores with the branch offices in Shanghai and Tokyo.
With 10 years experience in the video surveillance industry, Cate Xie specializes in business development, international customer relationship management, branding marketing, and data consulting. Prior to SkyREC Inc., Cate Xie started her first career in tech startups after graduating from National Chengchi University and Stanford University.
More about Cate: https://www.linkedin.com/in/catexie
More about SkyREC: https://www.skyrec.cc
[Calling AI startup founder!]
AW#18 is taking applications now. Final round deadline is on Jan 2. Apply NOW: http://bit.ly/2BU2V7r