我有一位奇妙救主 (中英文)I have a Friend, whose faithful love | 大本詩歌129
I have a Friend, whose faithful love
Is more than all the world to me:
’Tis higher than the heights above,
And deeper than the soundless sea;
So old, so new,
So strong, so true;
Before the earth received its frame,
He loved me—Blessed be His name!
He held the highest place above,
Adored by all the sons of flame,
Yet such His self-denying love,
He laid aside His crown and came
To seek the lost,
And at the cost
Of heavenly rank and earthly fame
He sought me—Blessed be His name!
It was a lonely path He trod,
From every human soul apart;
Known only to Himself and God
Was all the grief that filled His heart,
Yet from the track
He turned not back,
Till where I lay in want and shame,
He found me—Blessed be His name!
Then dawned at last that day of dread,
When desolate, yet undismayed,
With wearied frame and thorn-crowned head,
He, God-forsaken, man-betrayed,
Was then made sin
On Calvary,
And, dying there in grief and shame,
He saved me—Blessed be His name!
Long as I live my song shall tell
The wonders of His dying love;
And when at last I go to dwell
With Him His sovereign grace to prove,
My joy shall be
His face to see,
And bowing there with loud acclaim
I’ll praise Him—Blessed be His name!
youtube訂閱請搜尋: Lucy 루시 Chu
同時也有2451部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過71萬的網紅VOGUE Taiwan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《紙房子》「東京」隨身帶電子雞跟火腿 ► https://smarturl.it/he9j66 跟著《王冠》明星 Emma Corrin 觀賞她手提包的內容物,一個主題很快浮現:放鬆。 Corrin 不僅隨身攜帶著 Pukka 的鎮靜夜間茶和幸運的拇指石,“當你焦慮時有所幫助”,這位冉冉升起的新星還...
new crown 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
#葉郎每日讀報 #娛樂產業國際要聞揀3條
│從未公開的 Apple TV+ 神秘數字被意外洩漏:該串流服務訂戶人數甚至不超過2000萬人 │
• 一個星期前 Apple 的執行長 Tim Cook 才怒氣沖天地在公司內部痛批洩密的員工不配當 Apple 的一份子,並揚言不計一切要抓出洩密者。這個週末 Apple 守口如瓶的另一個業務機密又不小心被洩露了。Apple 充滿雄心壯志地推出的串流服務 Apple TV+ 過去從未在任何場合單獨被揭露訂戶數量和營收(只會跟其他 Apple 的訂閱式服務合併呈現在財報裡),結果在即將滿兩週年的前夕措手不及地被爆出北美地區實際付費訂戶不到2000萬人。而且爆出這個料的還是 Tim Cook 不敢生氣的對象——好萊塢工會。
• 整個曲折的爆料過程是從日前艾美獎的好消息開始。今年的艾美獎被認為是串流產業大獲全勝的一年。除了 Netflix 的電視劇《The Crown 王冠》和《The Queen’s Gambit 後翼棄兵》各自拿下最佳戲劇影集和最佳迷你影集大獎並且各贏了11個獎座之外, Apple TV+ 的喜劇《Ted Lasso 泰德拉索:錯棚教練趣事多》也一口氣拿下最佳喜劇影集等4座獎項。對於一個投入電視製作不到兩年的公司來說,四座艾美獎的記錄已經是空前的勝利。但在這個空前的勝利的同一時間, IATSE 國際戲劇和舞台成員聯盟正在摩拳擦掌準備跟串流雇主大戰一場。艾美獎的隔天,IATSE 宣佈它們代表工會成員與 AMPTP 電影電視製作人聯盟的勞動協議談判已經破裂,並將尋求罷工的授權投票。雙方的爭執點就在製作人們還在使用「新媒體」這樣的名稱對待來自串流的營收,使工作人員無法從這塊大餅中得到合理的收入。 IATSE 說疫情之中新媒體早就變成整個產業的標準,因而「新媒體」現在只能叫做「媒體」,再也沒有「新」字,也因此不該再享有新媒體的特殊待遇。
• Apple 之所以莫名其妙被颱風尾掃到,其實也來於「新」這個關鍵字。因為投資新業務容易有風險,因此工會和製作人的協議當中會在「新媒體」上適用比較低的薪資標準,而在更主流、更穩定的業務(比如電影院票房或是傳統電視頻道)上適用比較高的薪資標準。在既有的協議之中,針對訂戶人數少於2000萬人的串流服務,雙方約定可以適用更低的薪資標準。理由是這些小規模的串流很可能剛剛進入市場,還必須面臨各種營運風險,不一定能在短期內開始穩定賺錢。問題就在這兒:各串流服務因此必須向 IATSE 每年七月提報一次訂戶人數,用以證明他們真的還小、還新,因此可以適用較低的薪資標準。根據 IATSE 工會發言人的說法:Apple TV+ 七月確實提報了數據,也符合了北美地區不到2000萬訂戶的基準。
• 實際上 IATSE 工會發言人並不是意外說溜嘴洩漏 Apple 的秘密。他們有自己想要表達的論點:他們認為這些厚臉皮的「新媒體」引用既有的協議條款,主張支付員工比較低的薪資標準的同一時間,卻在用遠超過好萊塢的預算水準製作這些天價的節目。因此該條款的設計原意等於被濫用,使這些實際上口袋滿滿的雇主可以省下薪資費用拿去花在其他奢侈的地方。
• 坐擁千億美元現金的 Apple 絕對符合口袋滿滿的雇主標準。在此同時,他們在節目製作費上的花費也是一點都不手軟。製作人 David S. Goyer 早先曾經說過上週才剛上架的 Apple TV+ 重量級節目《Foundation 基地》每兩集的預算大約等同於一部好萊塢大片的製作規模,也就是一季下來等於花掉5部好萊塢大片等級的製作費。Goyer 也坦承他提給 Apple 的計畫大約準備拍8季,也就是說全劇總共等於整整40部好萊塢大片的預算。這種行動決心和力道肯定沒有資格稱自己為「新媒體」。
• 過去一年多,Apple 這位有錢的老爸用不斷接關的方式一直替他們的硬體用戶延長試用 Apple TV+ 的時間,多數用戶一直到這一兩個月才開始試用期滿。這也是為什麼今年初產業研究機構Moffett Nathanson發布的資料顯示 Apple TV+ 的免費用戶佔比超過6成。對 Apple 來說,這1年8個月的時間不過就是一個冗長而昂貴(當然對 Apple 來說可能不貴)的入學考試,而上週末上架的《基地》才是他們正式開學之後的第一次期中考試,首度檢驗他們的內容是否真能擠身串流大戰的A段班行列。同學加油,好好表現!
◇ 新聞來源:
Apple claimed it had less than 20 million TV+ subscribers in July, showbiz union says(https://flip.it/IIgfTK)
As IATSE Seeks New Contract, Streamers’ Emmy Sweep Spotlights Antiquated “New Media” Terms & Studios Explore Strike Contingencies(https://flip.it/nnEGCj)
Apple TV+ sub-20 million subscriber count allows for lower worker pay, claims report(https://flip.it/6WEG1u)
│Spotify 推出針對廣告主的大型行銷活動,企圖加強帶有廣告的免費會員模式營收 │
◇ 新聞來源:Spotify Kicks Off Campaign to Win More Advertisers(https://flip.it/Ajh_xB)
│Barbara Broccoli 說她要等明年才會真正開始找下一任 James Bond│
◇ 新聞來源:Hunt For Next James Bond Will Begin Next Year, Says Producer Barbara Broccoli(https://flip.it/yVLCpx)
new crown 在 YuniQue Yuni Facebook 的最佳解答
Stroll along Singapore River.. Loving the vibes around @fullertonhotelsg - all those landmarks and historical buildings..
📍Cavenagh Bridge
The only suspension bridge and one of the oldest bridges in Singapore, spanning the lower reaches of the Singapore River in the Downtown Core.
Opened in 1869 to commemorate Singapore's new Crown colony of the Straits Settlements status in 1867, it is the oldest bridge in Singapore that exists in its original form.
new crown 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的最讚貼文
《紙房子》「東京」隨身帶電子雞跟火腿 ► https://smarturl.it/he9j66
跟著《王冠》明星 Emma Corrin 觀賞她手提包的內容物,一個主題很快浮現:放鬆。 Corrin 不僅隨身攜帶著 Pukka 的鎮靜夜間茶和幸運的拇指石,“當你焦慮時有所幫助”,這位冉冉升起的新星還將她的按摩棒放在手邊。 “如果你有壓力並且需要放鬆,那就太好了,”她簡單地說。 “而且它看起來有點像口紅……所以,你知道,漂亮而微妙。” 看看王冠的新戴安娜王妃還有什麼不會離開房子的。
#名人包包大公開 #王冠 #EmmaCorrin
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new crown 在 Chloe Ting Youtube 的精選貼文
Brand new 20 mins full body workout! There's low impacts and no jumping alternatives so don't worry, you can do this! This video is part of the 4 weeks Summer Shred Challenge. Please leave a comment down below with how you went, and also feel free to join my community on discord if you need motivation.
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Episode 1 - https://youtu.be/sJZ3tIcsm0Q
Episode 2 - https://youtu.be/XxZlND8PS9s
Episode 3 - https://youtu.be/pNQzp888X0s
Episode 4 - https://youtu.be/P3HKHN2M72M
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✚ Music by
BTAV - Suspicion
Music provided by Monstercat:
Snavs - You & Me
Music provided by Monstercat:
Snavs - Us
Track: RVPTR x GODMODE x YUNAY - Assassinate
Music Provided by Magic Records
Listen To The Original: https://youtu.be/jSBarA99frU
Free Download: https://fanlink.to/e2AT
Usage Policy: http://www.magicmusicLLC.com
Track: Tom Wilson - Run For Your Life (ft. M.I.M.E) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/RunForYourLife
Track: The FifthGuys, 2ndLife & Godmode - The Crown
Music Provided by Magic Records
Listen To The Original: https://youtu.be/uFzrDsLshdE
Free Download: https://fanlink.to/epak
Usage Policy: http://www.magicmusicLLC.com
Track: Coopex, EBEN, Sarah de Warren - Bad Dream
Music Provided by Magic Records
Listen To The Original: https://youtu.be/6xO-iMWhZjM
Free Download: https://fanlink.to/e6fS
Usage Policy: http://www.magicmusicLLC.com
Music provided by Monstercat:
inverness, Anthony Russo, & KANG DANIEL - State of Wonder
#workouts #fitness #chloeting
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Some people may see my video titles as click-bait. YouTubers optimise their video's meta data for discovery due to how the algorithm is like. This isn't anything new. Most people who've been watching YouTube for years would understand this. If you're unhappy and get triggered by this, well, this channel isn't for you then. I’ve provided free workout schedules and programs since day 1 and have always optimised my meta data as such so that's not going to change.
Having said that, it doesn't mean the workout do not work. You will still see results by following a suitable program schedule, watching your diet, being in a deficit or surplus (based on your goals), doing exercises in good form, etc. These are all equally important factors. You're not going to get abs, grow a booty, grow biceps magically from 1 or 2 videos, in 1, 2, 3 or 4 weeks cause everyone is different. I've explain multiple times throughout videos throughout my channel over years that it takes time and lots of factors, so don't take a video title out of context. Targetting fat loss is not scientifically proven. Everyone is different and it takes time.
When doing any home workouts, do take precaution to exercise in a safe environment, and if you need help or you're not seeing results, I suggest seeing a health and fitness professional to give you tailored advice on your exercise form and dietary needs. I am not a medical professional and what I share on my channel are my views and what has worked for myself. Your health and safety is the utmost importance so find out what works for you.

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Twin VIPCAR Midnight Highway Run Nissan Gloria & Toyota Crown - SONY FX3 cinematic video
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J-Auto Show is Japanese Car Show and modified custom car .mortorcycle channel
J-Autoshow wishlist:https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/28YJEZNA12GFE
We use Royalty Free Music from Epidemic Sound
Produce music from Epidemic Sound