"Eloklah tu banyak jalan... kena bentan nanti bukan hang saja pantang lama... suami hang sekali kena 'pantang' "
Ramai ibu ibu yang rasa ada aura 'ultraman' suka buat ni.......
Continue ReadingConfinement = period of restoring emotions & physical, & not doing all homework.
"good to have a lot of ways... you have to be bentan, not only you will be in a long time... your husband has to be ' confinement '"
Many mothers who think there's an aura ' Ultraman ' like to do this....
"have to be no problem... I'm used to doing homework even though I'm in abstinence... small matter"
4 hours later....
Found fainted & the body is cold like...
That's it bentan (Village Language) & our doctor's language call complications after birth.
Why is it possible to bentan?
Those of us who have just given birth, have released a lot of blood and are taking out more dirty blood.. Sometimes there are people who are squirts the blood...
The energy has gone out... but still have to give energy (Mother's milk) for the child... in the middle of the weak, doing homework, done cooking & cleaning the house, plus the hard things.
That's why old people order, don't walk too much. We are afraid that we will be hit by hard things. The Thumb! Take good care of it. If you hit a hard object, you can lose blood & swoon.
Due to him, the body will feel cold as it is going to swoon.
The old man's message has a reason. He said because our body is not fully healed yet.
Not only people who used to order like this, modern doctors say the same thing... don't do heavy work, rest your rest, keep your emotions & eat nutritious food.
Remember, if we are together, we are hard to heal quickly, some take time to heal for months.
According to the old malay perbidanan practitioner - Siti Aishah, there are 3 types of bentan:
1. Bentan waist - it happened to those who gave birth according to the window (Caesar). For Women who are giving birth this way must be very careful, confinement well. It means, time to wake up, sit down all must slow slow. Don't be gelojoh.
2. Bentan Peranakan veins (uterus veins) - this is why old people say don't do heavy work & lift weight during abstinence. Sit quietly. When it comes to work, how does it fall? It doesn't only make you have to be in a long time... but the husband also has to be ' abstinence ' too.....
3. Bentan of veins - this bentan is famous. There's a woman who survived this bentan even though she did a a-z homework. But you have to remember, once you get bentan, it's hard to wake up. The body will be very weak, can be able to veins & body joints. Sometimes the cold is shivering even though the weather is hot.
📌 how to avoid bentan:
1. Take a lot of rest, don't lift heavy things. Actually we are not encouraged to do it as long as we are weak. Ask Mom or husband to bathe their children. Insyaallah Allah will make it easy. Don't worry =)
2. Take care of the cleanliness. Often change the pad. 'Steam' miss v using salt & Turmeric.
3. Take care of eating - this is important.
- never eat bean beans, cabbage & Eggplant.
- confinement to eat bergatal (Clams & shrimp)
- confinement to eat poisonous fish (Stingray, fish, catfish)
- Abstinence & Kissing Mango, Church & Petai. Mothers in confinement can experience a long lasting headache because of this.
- never drink cold water.
(also so.... some 'stubborn' want to try to eat all sorts of things... my answer... try it.. Best of luck =)
4. Confinement ' with ' husband as long as it's not clean from outrage. (confinement 46 days, 60 days, 100 days, explained in book 9 Bulan10hari)
Although other people ' curse ' the custom of confinement, let alone the village's way, we as women must really take care of this part if we really want to look beautiful to the old =) Insyaallah...
Believe me, mother and mother are great, we do good with Allah's blessings, Insyaallah Allah will make it easy. During confinement time we have to breastfeed right... if we are healthy our children will also be full.
To those who don't want to follow traditional practices, there is no force & there is no obstacle.. =)
May we continue to be a great mother for the trust of Allah - child. =)
For papa mama who wants pregnancy knowledge - birth - confinement - educate children & Nursing Mother's milk can click this link for it ya: 😍
Copyrights @ 9 bulan10hari and please share ❤️❤️Translated
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過20萬的網紅温泉モデルしずかちゃん,也在其Youtube影片中提到,A sudden encounter with a famous youtuber happened at "Goroukaku", Oigami hot springs. We had a bath together! Collaboration video with Womtan https...
nursing practitioner 在 美國小兒科醫師 Peddy Facebook 的最佳貼文
護理醫師Nurse Practitioner(NP)
我現在在NICU(新生兒加護病房) rotate。在美國幾乎所有的NICU都重度倚賴NP。我們NICU有九個NP,其中幾個資深的會on 24-hour call, 晚上值班有什麼問題他們是第一線處理。那些要on 24-hour call的NP, 一個禮拜就等於只上兩天班 (24+12=36= full time)。權力大、一星期工作兩天、薪水不錯(8-12萬左右,看州、看作的事)、上面有人扛責任(醫師責任還是最大),看得我都想轉職了(有時還可以欺負住院醫師 🤣少數啦。)
NP可以作的事越來越多,讓許多醫師倍感壓力,醫師工會也不得不重視這個問題。我們州的醫師工會算比較強勢的(常看到發新聞稿叫囂XD ),但還是聽說有不少基層診所因為節省開支將MD辭掉換成 NP.....NP權利之大可見一斑。
像我們地區就有一個很"有名"的小兒科醫師,他大量使用NP開了15+家兒科診所。有些診所位於rural area, 依照法律可以只放NP,他就靠著這個模式日進斗金,年收入據傳至少兩百萬美金......但這背後的風險極大,好孩子還是不要學比較好。
(03/2020更新:目前除了需要特殊語言能力的NP/PA之外,一般primary care NP已經越來越飽和囉!聽說越來越多剛畢業生面臨工作難找、競爭很大的狀況,所以大家還是要審慎評估可能不能把來美國讀NP當作一定能拿到綠卡留下來工作的機會唷!)
這也是我搬到北卡工在美國人的非營利組織工作後的心得,發現其實太多醫院或門診大範圍的使用NP PA當第一線的看診advance practice providers. 真的有越來越難看到MD親自出馬的感覺😱 NP的學校訓練和工作經歷/背景也變得很重要。
另外大批的NP PA畢業生每年spring or fall陸續畢業,也變得越來越難找工作囉!)
我最近整理了一下自己2014年來美國讀NP和2016年找工作(申請雇主支持的EB2技術移民綠卡和工作簽證) 的時間表。可以給考上RN之後,想來美國讀進階護理醫師/執業護師Nurse Practitioner的大家參考。
所以目前讀NP還算是給想追求美國夢的大家的另一個方式,來美國讀書絕對不簡單,但至少還算有機會能憑自己能力找到工作的機會! 近五年內,美國應該都還是很缺Nurse Practitioners, 不至於到飽和。
1. 英文口說能力不會太差,或是對學英文很有興趣。
2. 有一點存款 或 有家人支持。
3. 喜歡和病人溝通衛教,能夠擔起Prescribers的責任。
4. 最好要有在臨床3~5年在醫院護理師的資歷。
(醫院最好至少也要待過1~2年, 雖然NP學校一般規定一年經驗就可以,但是我有同學只有一年經歷還是落選,教授還是覺得太年輕;再來如果臨床經驗不夠,讀NP會很辛苦,因為你的美國同學大多都有急診或ICU 7~8年資歷!
但我覺得出國要趁早,不然在台灣安居樂業了,就不會想出國讀書過苦日子了QQ...所以一般臨床待過大概3-4年,最後成功來美國讀NP的台灣人最多! 最大原因是護理系畢業後,開始準備考執照和申請學校大概也要3年時間,所以請提早開始準備!)
5. 最後最後,一定要肯比別的同學努力!
(美國雇主為什麼不顧美國人,要這麼花錢又麻煩的來僱用你? 一定是你要有什麼比其他美國NP好的能力或是語言優勢,所以把握好這個關鍵,努力建構人脈,提早為身份問題鋪路。
e.g. 美國藥商品名和台灣常用的完全不同,很多病人都知道自己吃藥的商品名,但是卻不知道學名,如果你沒有在美國當過RN,在和病人問診take history上面就會常常一頭霧水,病人也會覺得你怎麼可能連這個"普拿疼"的藥都沒聽過,所以我放假都常在CVS/Walgreen逛藥局,把所有常見的OTC藥商品名/學名都努力記下來,記好發音,漸漸也就學起來了。所以努力只是一個過程,收穫什麼是自己採收:))
註: 再來薪水肯定是大家最在意的問題,大家可以自己Google查每個州或是全美的primary care Nurse Practitioner average salary, 但是美國稅收很高,我的所得稅和退休健保和Social security,每個月就扣了近35%!
在美國生活不太容易、也沒台灣方便,NP的薪水其實不是太大的優勢,但我覺得最重要的是"生活品質"和"被尊重的專業",我們不再是被使喚的小護師,而是護理醫師:可以選擇不用輪班、不用熬夜、甚至也不需要on call, 也可以享受朝九晚五的工作時間。就算選擇去醫院當NP,大多也是一週上三天12小時班,或是正常五天8小時班,幾乎沒有加班文化,下班時間到了就是自己的時間! 再來臨床得到的尊重和專業的發揮,會你感覺自己讀的護理很有價值,也同時能幫助病人。
總之,我覺得自己很幸運一路以來遇到很多貴人和機緣讓我慢慢了解美國RN和NP都在做些什麼,親愛的家人 給我的無限支持也讓我在讀書的高壓中每每還能再繼續堅持下去,後來也因緣際會找到紐約的NP工作,所以想和想來美國的大家一起分享,或許除了拿到RN外 還可以有另外一條進階到NP的路徑😋 ❤
即將跨入我能號稱20幾歲的最後一個生日....所以想來整理一下我人生這29年的人生是怎麼過的,也想讓大家了解美國的執業護理師/護理醫師是什麼工作 :)))
***文很長慎入^^" 主要是想給常常私訊問我問題的學弟妹們一個參考^_^
Nurse Practitioner其實是一個很難解釋的英文名詞,就字面來說大陸的翻法:"執業"護理師好像比較直翻,但是卻很多人不懂執業的意思,但其實就是可以獨立開業、看診的專業護理師;所以就工作性質來說,"護理醫師"可能最符合工作範疇。
而台灣用法"專科護理師",聽說好像一開始就是衛服部的一個Advanced Nurse Specialist和Nurse Practitioner的翻譯混淆造成的小錯誤。XD
總之,在台灣Nurse Practitioner(簡稱NP)的工作和住院醫師很像,職權可能還是差在能不能獨立簽醫囑上面,NP開的醫囑原則上還是需要主治醫師在24 or 48小時內co-sign簽署覆核(sorry我臨時起稿,如果台灣規定有改請再跟我說^^")。但是台灣NP只在醫院工作,不會到醫院體系外工作,都是屬於Acute Care性質的NP,能力都超級強大! Knowledge超強,但卻只有比護師多一點點的薪水....或是有時候NP菜鳥,可能連輪夜班護士都薪水都不到...很可憐Q___Q 台灣NP原則上只分了內科和外科兩種。
美國NP就分的很細,創立NP這個職業已經有好幾十年的歷史,原則上先分: Anesthesia NP(麻醉護理師), Acute Care NP(只在醫院裡面ICU單位的)和Primary Care NP(在診所、一般醫院、門診、護理之家、長照中心)。
Primary Care又另外分了Family (家庭科), Adult/Gerontology (成老人科), Psychiatric(心理科)和Pediatric(兒科)。我不喜歡看兒科,並且又喜歡老人醫學,所以當初是選了"成老人"讀我的碩士NP學位。
再來簡單介紹一下NP的職權,美國每個州規定都不太一樣,紐約州給NPs的權限很大,和醫生Medical Doctor (MD) 的開藥職權是一樣大的,NP在幾個特別規定的評估項目不能獨自簽名外,其他職業範圍和MD幾乎一模一樣,也可以獨立開醫囑,執業兩年後,就不需要再和醫生合作工作,可以獨立開設診所看病人或是獨立執業。然而NP會比PA(physician assistant)的權限還高,因為PA不能離開MD的supervision.
但是紐約算很特別,其他地區,全美大多還是有一半的州, NP執業都還是需要有MD的supervision或是cooperation合作.
簡單來說,在Primary Care的MD、PA 、NP都在做的是家庭醫生角色的工作,或者也可以到各個專科門診工作,但主要都還是以outpatient(非急重症病人)為主。美國的保險制度,大多數病人都需要先看家庭醫生,評估後有需要才能轉診專科。
近年來因為Primary Care Physicians大量缺乏 (因為做primary care家庭醫生吃力不討好,病人多疾病繁雜,需要什麼都懂一點; 卻沒有外科或專科收入高),所以美國開始大量增設NP和PA學校,希望增加primary care providers和緩解醫生緊縮的現象。所以PAs和NPs在美國又有一個總稱叫: "Mid-level Providers", 也就是介於Physicians之下的醫療執業者的職位。
我在2016年取得NP碩士的學位,終於在同年28歲時找到了紐約曼哈頓primary care NP的工作,後來今年也成功得到老闆青睞,支持我申請工作簽證和綠卡申請,達到自己短程的目標,累積更多臨床經驗,發現原來護理專業也是可以發揮的這麼有價值及備受尊重。
However, 出國不一定適合每個人,隨著目前美國移民政策的緊張,想要拿到雇主支持的工作簽證或綠卡更是難上加難,但是我們的優勢在於,紐約其實很缺會說中文的NP或PA,因為有大批華人社區的民眾苦無醫療資源,因為語言的隔閡,所以還是有挺多機會,可以讓我們符合美國政府要求的:高學歷、高技術和高薪資的移民候選人。如果真的有決心想來闖一闖,喜歡和人互動、對自己能力有自信,可以開始提早規劃,只要努力實踐追求目標,也可以達成這個美國夢來發揮護理專業的價值!
22歲 國立台北護理大學畢業
任職和信治癌中心 緩和安寧內科 腫瘤護士
準備美國碩士NP學校申請、面試、準備地獄般的自傳、Statement of Purpose....
26歲 最終決定到美國Top20 護理學校之一的University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston讀書! 出發美國!!
(同年05-08月,申請把紐約州RN轉到德州RN執照, 不需SSN, 但是非常複雜和花錢QQ)
28歲 地獄般的兩年NP school終於畢業Q___Q
Master of Science in Nursing Get!
貴人Cliff Tai相助XD 因緣際會下,來到紐約面試!
面試了六間上了五間! 全部願意支持綠卡申請。只有一間拒絕我,因為老闆需要有經驗的Providers. (真的很缺人啊啊啊,會講中文真的是優勢,快來XD)
正式開始Primary Care NP工作!
(曼哈頓&布魯克林 忙碌的家庭醫生及內科腎科診所,老闆非常願意教^^也很正派有醫德)
工作屆滿一年! 老闆幫我申請工作簽證 成功抽到籤,也完成綠卡丟件申請! 老闆稱讚我們NP不錯! XD
即將過完最後一個20幾開頭的生日XD (哭)
最後最後,我只想說:我們護理醫師比醫學系醫師最大的優勢就在我們很善於和病人及家屬溝通、衛教和傾聽。 以前就是當著橋樑和教育病人的角色,所以在家醫科的病人大多都是慢性疾病定時追蹤抽血的病人,衛教是很重要的一塊,醫生往往都比較著重學理和效率,雖然可以看很多病人,但是病人礙於權威,常常不敢多問很多健康疑慮和飲食控制的方式。
我想這就是我們在臨床的優勢,只要繼續增強自己的學理基礎,時常更新最新的醫療資訊,不要害怕開口問老闆,要很會運用工具資源來輔助診斷和減少錯誤;其實病人都會很喜歡我們Nurse Practitioners! 然後希望讓更多人知道NP這個角色的特點和價值囉!
希望以上落落長的資訊,能對大家有一點幫助:) 有夢最美,築夢踏實囉!加油:)
nursing practitioner 在 Dr Who Facebook 的最佳解答
我見到嘅係孤例?英國皇家護理學院 (Royal College of Nursing) 岩岩做左一個人物專訪。一個叫 Sara 嘅護士因為睇完一個換關節嘅手術之後對外科產生興趣,透過不斷進修,佢得到護理系 Surgical Care Practitioner 嘅專科資格,而家可以獨立為病人進行手術。唔好以為佢只可以做簡單小手術。佢甚至曾經試過幫皮膚癌嘅病人做切除手術。
記得大學初期有一個課程叫 Professionalism in Practice,講嘅大概係要認識「何為專業」。係小組討論裏面,導師問我地呢一個問題,我到今日仲記得我點樣答。
“It is to do whatever you are supposed to do, and do it well.” (快譯通:做好你份工)
nursing practitioner 在 温泉モデルしずかちゃん Youtube 的精選貼文
A sudden encounter with a famous youtuber happened at "Goroukaku", Oigami hot springs. We had a bath together!
Collaboration video with Womtan
Nijimin and towel comedy
Oigami hot springs "Goroukaku"
Onsen tour tickets
”The onsen tour of Oigami legend"
Womtan channl/comedy work out
Womtan club
Nijimin channel
【Official】Onsen model Shizuka-chan's fan club
◆Digital album now on sale!
Shizuka-cha's dream came true, first edition is 【Manza Onsen, Yunoryokan】 (LAZY BOOKs)
◆Original goods on sale!
Hand made goods by Shizuka-chan♪
◆A brief self-introduction◆
I'm Shizuka, the hot spring model. I usually work as a caregiver at a nursing home.I use my days off to visit my favorite mixed baths. It's a self-produced tour that doesn't generate income. I pay for all my hot spring visits and have been to 250 mixed hot springs across the country!
I've toured mixed baths around the country, and I have been making videos and blogs(Ameblo) of my experience and impressions of the hot springs.
I am always on the search for what suits me best. There is no good bath or bad bath, what suits you may change depending on you in that situation, and that's what I call a good bath (hot spring).
◆Engaru Onsen
◆YouTube, sub channel
【OnsenModel SHIZUKA】
◆Onsen Blog
◆Live broadcasting SHOWROOM
Thank you for all your support.
It's your support that keeps me going! I'm going to do my best to keep up the good work!
Thank you (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡
Taking a bath is a natural routine after "sleeping" and "eating" in Japanese people's minds. It's a routine task. In particular, soaking in a hot tub is a unique part of Japanese culture.
And that's why we have onsen in Japan.
Whether you like it or not, everyone goes on a trip to a hot spring resort at least once in their lives.
Onsen are a unique part of Japanese culture.
Some people are attracted by the smell of sulfur and others
taking a bath together with a large group of people and literally having "naked company" can make you feel like you've grown closer to your friends.
When you soak naked in a hot spring and let out a breath of air, you can talk about things you wouldn't normally talk about.
It takes the edge off! and is a stress relief!
Bathing in nature while bathing with negative ions in the air is more effective based on scientific evidence.
And a "hot water cure" used for medical treatment is another thing even though there is no medical evidence to support this, but the effects of hot springs on the human body are wonderful. There are diseases that cannot be cured by doctors, but if you are in a hot spring...
I am a hot spring YouTuber.
I love hot springs.
Because it is a place where I could take a relaxing bath with my favorite family.
It was a strange coincidence to take a bath in a mixed bathing hot spring.
Of course you feel the gaze of the opposite sex, and you may also feel the embarrassment.
I'm not saying that I don't want to be seen, but after all, hot springs are an important part of Japanese culture, and I think it's important to keep in mind the importance of good manners when taking a bath.
Taking a bath naked is something that Japanese people have been trained to do since they were children.
More and more mixed bathing hot springs are prohibiting bathing without clothing.
It is no longer possible to open a new mixed bathing facility in today's Japan. Therefore, I would like you all to protect and support the existing bathing facilities.I would be very happy if my videos gives reasons for this.
I hope that this will be one of the reasons why a girl who just loves hot springs will be able to experience the Japanese culture of hot springs.
Learn to communicate while growing as a human being and we hope you enjoy our YouTube channel.
Hot Spring Tourism Practitioner
spa sommelier
Hot Spring Sommelier Master
Hot Spring Analysis Book Master
Senior citizen bathing advisor
Care practitioner
Body Museum [NHK]
Ariyoshi Hanseikai [Nihon TV]
Ariyoshi "live" Hanseikai [Nihon TV]
New theory! Tokoro JAPAN (Kansai TV)
I met the others [TBS]
Shukan Asahi
Asahi Entertainment
Shukan JItsuwa
nursing practitioner 在 温泉モデルしずかちゃん Youtube 的最佳解答
This is the introduction video of "Ryokan Shinseikan" at Yukawa onsen that I visited last May.
◆Shizuka-chan's fan club is now released【Official】
◆Digital album, now on sale!
Publishing a photo album has been my dream, this is the first edition!
Shizuka-chan's mixed onsen diary【Manza Onsen、Yuno ryokan version】Don't look at me like that, it's embarrassing! (LAZY BOOKs)
◆Only one in the world! Original goods
I can autograph it for you!
◆Mercari store
Many original items made by Shizuka-chan on sale
Take one with you to the next onsen trip♪
◆A brief self-introduction◆
I'm Shizuka, the hot spring model. I usually work as a caregiver at a nursing home.I use my days off to visit my favorite mixed baths. It's a self-produced tour that doesn't generate income. I pay for all my hot spring visits and have been to 250 mixed hot springs across the country!
I've toured mixed baths around the country, and I have been making videos and blogs(Ameblo) of my experience and impressions of the hot springs.
I am always on the search for what suits me best. There is no good bath or bad bath, what suits you may change depending on you in that situation, and that's what I call a good bath (hot spring).
◆Engaru Onsen
◆YouTube, sub channel
【OnsenModel SHIZUKA】
◆Onsen Blog
◆Live broadcasting SHOWROOM
Thank you for all your support.
It's your support that keeps me going! I'm going to do my best to keep up the good work!
Thank you (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡
Taking a bath is a natural routine after "sleeping" and "eating" in Japanese people's minds. It's a routine task. In particular, soaking in a hot tub is a unique part of Japanese culture.
And that's why we have onsen in Japan.
Whether you like it or not, everyone goes on a trip to a hot spring resort at least once in their lives.
Onsen are a unique part of Japanese culture.
Some people are attracted by the smell of sulfur and others
taking a bath together with a large group of people and literally having "naked company" can make you feel like you've grown closer to your friends.
When you soak naked in a hot spring and let out a breath of air, you can talk about things you wouldn't normally talk about.
It takes the edge off! and is a stress relief!
Bathing in nature while bathing with negative ions in the air is more effective based on scientific evidence.
And a "hot water cure" used for medical treatment is another thing even though there is no medical evidence to support this, but the effects of hot springs on the human body are wonderful. There are diseases that cannot be cured by doctors, but if you are in a hot spring...
I am a hot spring YouTuber.
I love hot springs.
Because it is a place where I could take a relaxing bath with my favorite family.
It was a strange coincidence to take a bath in a mixed bathing hot spring.
Of course you feel the gaze of the opposite sex, and you may also feel the embarrassment.
I'm not saying that I don't want to be seen, but after all, hot springs are an important part of Japanese culture, and I think it's important to keep in mind the importance of good manners when taking a bath.
Taking a bath naked is something that Japanese people have been trained to do since they were children.
More and more mixed bathing hot springs are prohibiting bathing without clothing.
It is no longer possible to open a new mixed bathing facility in today's Japan. Therefore, I would like you all to protect and support the existing bathing facilities.I would be very happy if my videos gives reasons for this.
I hope that this will be one of the reasons why a girl who just loves hot springs will be able to experience the Japanese culture of hot springs.
Learn to communicate while growing as a human being and we hope you enjoy our YouTube channel.
Hot Spring Tourism Practitioner
spa sommelier
Hot Spring Sommelier Master
Hot Spring Analysis Book Master
Senior citizen bathing advisor
Care practitioner
Body Museum [NHK]
Ariyoshi Hanseikai [Nihon TV]
Ariyoshi "live" Hanseikai [Nihon TV]
New theory! Tokoro JAPAN (Kansai TV)
I met the others [TBS]
Shukan Asahi
Asahi Entertainment
Shukan JItsuwa