HUYỀN NGUYỄN - IELTS 8.0 Overall | Speaking 9.0
Chúc mừng Huyền Nguyễn đã xuất sắc đạt 8.0 overall và đặc biệt với điểm số tuyệt đối Speaking 9.0 tròn trĩnh xinh tươi 😙
Cùng điểm qua những kinh nghiệm hữu ích của Huyền Nguyễn để cùng nhau đạt 8.0 nhé mọi người 😜
==> Link mô phỏng bài test luôn nè cả nhà ơi:
"Honestly, speaking was my most terrifying part because prior to the test, all I can think about is “what if I don’t know what to say”, or “what if the examiner comes up with the topic that I have no clue about?” I bet it happened to almost everyone taking the IELTS because we are all afraid of the “what-ifs”
So, here are my takes just not to overthinking:
- READ, and READ A LOT: I believe that by reading, you can find ideas for your topic. Read everything you like: business, styling, or psychology… This is extremely helpful when you are a high school or university student who do not have real life experience. I usually use sources such as Medium or Financial Times for such purposes. On Medium, I can read about my favorite topics like startup stories, marketing, even business scandals and there’s one interesting thing about Medium is that you are able to share ideas and feedback with the article’s author and community.
- PREPARE your own stories and relate those stories with as many topics as you can. If you are a student, you can talk about a school trip and you can use such stories when you encounter topics like travel, friends, memories, you name it.
- At the end of the day, IELTS is a test so there will be tips and tricks. FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF FOR TOPICS THAT YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE, write and memorize some expressions that you can use when your mind goes blank. This will give you several seconds to calm down and steer the conversation/ monologue. I used one of the IELTS WITH DATIO videos to draft my answers and I personally think you can do the same. Here’s the video link for your reference:
- Last but not least, be ON TIME AND WELL-GROOMED. Remember that there will be human-being involved in the scoring process and thus, it is pretty subjective. You can easily offend the examiners with flip flops, bad smells or wrinkled shirt looks like it hasn’t been washed for a week. Though there are tricks that can help you score higher in the speaking exam, I do recommend that you practice all 4 skills. After all, English is a tool for communication and you have to use it for your work or your study so mastering the remaining 3 skills is just as important."
#ieltsdatio #luyenthiielts #datio #ieltswithdatio #ielts #halloffame
👉 Lịch học OFFLINE và ONLINE tại IELTS with Datio:
👉 Kiểm tra trình độ của bạn tại:
👉 Tham gia group tự học IELTS của thầy Đạt tại:
📌IELTS WITH DATIO - Truyền cảm hứng cho các sĩ tử trên con đường tự chinh phục IELTS.
🏫 Cơ sở: 51/4/9 Thành Thái, P14, Q10 (kế bên trường Cao Đẳng nghề số 7)
☎️ Hotline: (028) 38 64 64 79
one communication hotline 在 IELTS with Datio Facebook 的最佳解答
HUYỀN NGUYỄN - IELTS 8.0 Overall | Speaking 9.0
Chúc mừng Huyền Nguyễn đã xuất sắc đạt 8.0 overall và đặc biệt với điểm số tuyệt đối Speaking 9.0 tròn trĩnh xinh tươi 😙
Cùng điểm qua những kinh nghiệm hữu ích của Huyền Nguyễn để cùng nhau đạt 8.0 nhé mọi người 😜
==> Link mô phỏng bài test luôn nè cả nhà ơi:
"Honestly, speaking was my most terrifying part because prior to the test, all I can think about is “what if I don’t know what to say”, or “what if the examiner comes up with the topic that I have no clue about?” I bet it happened to almost everyone taking the IELTS because we are all afraid of the “what-ifs”
So, here are my takes just not to overthinking:
- READ, and READ A LOT: I believe that by reading, you can find ideas for your topic. Read everything you like: business, styling, or psychology… This is extremely helpful when you are a high school or university student who do not have real life experience. I usually use sources such as Medium or Financial Times for such purposes. On Medium, I can read about my favorite topics like startup stories, marketing, even business scandals and there’s one interesting thing about Medium is that you are able to share ideas and feedback with the article’s author and community.
- PREPARE your own stories and relate those stories with as many topics as you can. If you are a student, you can talk about a school trip and you can use such stories when you encounter topics like travel, friends, memories, you name it.
- At the end of the day, IELTS is a test so there will be tips and tricks. FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF FOR TOPICS THAT YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE, write and memorize some expressions that you can use when your mind goes blank. This will give you several seconds to calm down and steer the conversation/ monologue. I used one of the IELTS WITH DATIO videos to draft my answers and I personally think you can do the same. Here’s the video link for your reference:
- Last but not least, be ON TIME AND WELL-GROOMED. Remember that there will be human-being involved in the scoring process and thus, it is pretty subjective. You can easily offend the examiners with flip flops, bad smells or wrinkled shirt looks like it hasn’t been washed for a week. Though there are tricks that can help you score higher in the speaking exam, I do recommend that you practice all 4 skills. After all, English is a tool for communication and you have to use it for your work or your study so mastering the remaining 3 skills is just as important."
#ieltsdatio #luyenthiielts #datio #ieltswithdatio #ielts #halloffame
👉 Lịch học OFFLINE và ONLINE tại IELTS with Datio:
👉 Kiểm tra trình độ của bạn tại:
👉 Tham gia group tự học IELTS của thầy Đạt tại:
📌IELTS WITH DATIO - Truyền cảm hứng cho các sĩ tử trên con đường tự chinh phục IELTS.
🏫 Cơ sở: 51/4/9 Thành Thái, P14, Q10 (kế bên trường Cao Đẳng nghề số 7)
☎️ Hotline: (028) 38 64 64 79
one communication hotline 在 William陈建宏 Facebook 的最佳解答
忙完 Cafe Marathon 之后,接下来就要忙这个啦!
演一个暴躁的臭小子 还真的是第一次 呵呵
要买票的朋友们 可以联络 这个号码^^
Emiko 012 6420226
演出日期 Show Date and Time:
22.06.17 8.30pm(Media Night)
23.06.17 8.30pm
24.06.17 3.30pm | 8.30pm
25.06.17 11.30am | 3.30pm | 8.30pm
演出地點 Venue: KLPAC Pentas2
<90> musical theatre team is now officially here!!! Every one of us is dedicated to giving you the best performance. Get ready to be dazzled by the spirit of the <90> !!!
The Team List 工作團隊名單:
Production team 製作組--
Production Director策劃總監:Stannis Kok 郭子恒
Producer監製:Ruby Yap 狄妃
Executive Producer執行製作 : Emiko Ten 鄧宇雯
Admin Team 行政人员:Aderson鄧宇翔 | April周雪婷 | Sam 陈治伸 | Koh Xin Yu 吳欣諭
Publicity促銷品牌團隊 : BEYOND ARTISTES
Video Shooting拍攝:Eric黄鼎贤Ng.Moment Delight
张珍嵻 Melvin Chong
楊順傑 Allan Yong
Performance Team 排練組
Director导演:Milo 劉家榮
Script Writer編劇:Milo劉家榮|Kenneth Wong 王冠庭
Assistant Director 助導:Noah Yap葉國文
Cast 演員: Ruby Yap 狄妃|Rosa Chong 莊雪梅 | Rorn Lew 劉謹慷 | Eagle Lee 李明傑|Shawn Lim 林勇豪|Kenneth Wong 王冠庭|William Tan 陳建宏|Rachel Wan 尹怡婷|Shawn Ng 黃友維| Lim Shuang 林雙
Design Team 設計組--
Music Director音樂總監:Percy Phang 彭學斌|Hanz 郭文翰
Choreograher編舞:Noah Yap 葉國文
Costume Designer服裝設計:Veen Nio 梁慧婷
Set Desinger佈景設計:Rorn Lew 劉謹慷
Lighting Designer燈光設計:Lim Sing 林偉星
Design視美構成: Tr33e88 Communication
Photography影像凝聚 : Midas Touch Planning
Backstage crews 舞台組--
Stage Manager 舞台監督:Barbara Koh 辜思盈
Backstage Crew後台执行:Juno 秦军乐 | Mickey 陈沅维 | Koh Xin Yu 吳欣諭
Props Executive道具执行:Mavis 曹玮芯
Custome Executive造型执行:Jesnie 鄒真昱 | Ngiam Lee Cheun 严礼勤
Lighting Executive 灯光执行:Azov 沈颖杰
Sound Executive 音响执行:Magnus 梁韡航
林文杰 Ling Wen Jie
张吉顺Teo Kiat Soon
张珍嵻 Melvin Chong
楊順傑 Allan Yong
Multimedia Executive多媒体执行:Noah叶国文
Subtitle Executive字幕執行: Sam 陈治伸
The following attached are details of the musical theatre <90>:
劇名:《9零》Ruby 狄妃音樂劇作品
演出日期 Show Date and Time:
22.06.17 8.30pm(Media Night)
23.06.17 8.30pm
24.06.17 3.30pm | 8.30pm
25.06.17 11.30am | 3.30pm | 8.30pm
演出地點 Venue: KLPAC Pentas2
演出票價 Ticket Price:RM68
詢問熱缐 Hotline:
012-6420226 | 013-2878266
購票熱線 Phone Booking:03-40479000
購票網站 Online Ticketing:
專頁面子書 Facebook:
#9零 #ruby狄妃 #90musical #WhoAmI #secretfoxentertainment