Jom tonton MegaLive Results RichWorks harini bersama 3 tetamu istimewa dan jutawan dari program kami.
Tuan Wan Mohd Hafiz, anak pemilik kepada Noor Arfa Batik yang kini menyambung legasi perniagaan Batik yang berpusat di Terengganu dengan jualan RM10 juta tahun 2019. Apa rahsia kejayaan bisnes ini?
Kerjaya sebagai jurutera ditinggalkan untuk mulakan bisnes sendiri. Apa impian Pn Amelia Mohd Shafer dan kejayaan beliau yang berjaya cecah jualan hampir sejuta sehingga Mei 2020.
Usahawan wanita seterusnya, Pn Robiatul Adawiah pula famous dengan jualan Durian Crepe Cheese Leleh dengan jualan RM1.3 juta sepanjang tahun 2019.
Nak belajar apa yang mereka buat betul?
Tonton Live jam 10 pagi ini di Facebook, YouTube dan Instagram Azizan Osman.
Ajak rakan bisnes anda yang lain untuk tonton bersama.
Let's watch megalive results richworks today with 3 special guests and millionaires from our program.
Sir Wan Mohd Hafiz, the son of the owner of Noor Arfa Batik who is now connected to the legacy of batik business based in terengganu with a sale of Rm10 million in 2019. What is the secret of this business success?
Career as an engineer left to start his own business. What is the dream of Mrs Amelia Mohd Shafer and her success that successfully reached the sales of almost a million until may 2020.
The next female entrepreneur, pn robiatul adawiah is famous for the sale of melting durian crepe cheese with a sale of Rm1. 3 million throughout the year 2019.
Want to learn what they are doing right?
Watch live at 10 am this morning on Facebook, Youtube and instagram azizan osman.
Invite your other business partner to watch together.
our legacy sale 在 LIVE王 - Live is life Facebook 的最佳貼文
Let's Wait No More! Sigh no more! 🙌
英倫民謠搖滾天團 Mumford and Sons #蒙福之子 將首度來台開唱啦!
11月17日到Legacy Taipei讓蒙福之子超近距離震撼你的聽覺吧🌊
【MUMFORD & SONS 2019 LIVE IN TAIPEI蒙福之子2019台北演唱會】
🎵演出日期:2019/11/17 (日) 7PM (實際演出時間以現場公告為準)
🎵演出地點:永豐Legacy Taipei音樂展演空間
🎵票價:NT$2100 (全站席)
🎫售票時間:2019/08/18 (日) 11AM ibon售票系統 摯愛開賣
🎫 Live Nation Taiwan會員預售: 2019/08/17 (六) 11AM-5PM
(凡在Live Nation Taiwan會員預購截止前完成Live Nation Taiwan網站會員註冊並成功訂閱電子報者,於預售時間內登入Live Nation Taiwan網站後,即可透過預購專屬連結購票。每位欲購票者皆須同時持有Live Nation Taiwan會員資格與ibon售票系統會員。)
➡ 更多活動資訊:
📍 預購僅限ibon售票系統網站購票。各種票價皆開放限量張數,每筆訂單限購四張票。預購僅提供優先購買之服務,不保證序號一定優於其他開賣的部分,數量有限,售完為止。ibon售票系統、Live Nation Taiwan官網為不同網站系統!欲參加預購的朋友,請留意註冊相關資訊。
Live Nation會員註冊:
Live Nation Taiwan會員預購流程:
📍入場須配合嚴格安檢,並嚴禁任何形式的後背包/ 行李箱、飲食(水除外)、除手機之外的任何形式之拍攝及錄音電子設備、自拍棒與危險物品(依主辦單位定義)等入場。主辦單位有權立即請違反者離開現場自行另覓處所寄物。相關規定請關注Live Nation Taiwan (@livenationtw)臉書、Instagram、Twitter與官網獲得最新資訊。
Let's Wait No More! Sigh no more!🙌
Grammy-award winning, British rock band Mumford & Sons are coming to Taipei for the very first time, performing at Legacy Taipei on November 11th.
🎵Date & Time:2019/11/17 (Sun) 7 PM (The actual show time is based on the on-site situation)
🎵Venue:Legacy Taipei
🎵Ticket Prices:NT$ 2100 (All Standing)
🎵Ticket Info:
🎫 Public on-sale:2019/08/18 (SUN) 11AM at ibon Ticketing
🎫 Live Nation Taiwan Presale: 2019/08/17 (SAT) 11AM-5PM
(Register Live Nation Membership and subscribe to our newsletter before the Presale ends. Log in to your account on Live Nation Taiwan website and click the presale button to attend Live Nation Members Pre-sale on 2019/08/17 (SAT) , 11AM till 5PM Taiwan local time.)
➡ More Event Info:
📍 Up to 4 tickets are allowed per order. Tickets are limited for presale session. ibon Ticketing and Live Nation Taiwan Website are different websites. In order to attend Live Nation Taiwan Members presale, please register on both websites.
Ibon ticketing:
Register on Live Nation Taiwan Website:
Live Nation Taiwan Presale Procedure:
📍 Please queue with sequence number for entry. Please understand there are possibilities that sequence numbers of refund tickets or un-paid tickets might be booked by later booking fans or it might not be consecutive number in the same order.
📍 For safety reason, children under 7 years’ old, patrons under 110cm and pregnant women are not allowed to enter.
📍 There will be Security Check upon entry. Backpacks or suitcases of any kinds are not allowed in the venue. No food and beverage (except water) and any form of professional video, audio recording equipment, professional photo cameras and selfie sticks in the venue. Promoter has the right to deny your entry if you violet the regulation and ask you to seek for another place to keep the items aren’t allowed to bring in. For more entry regulations, please check on Live Nation Taiwan website or social media (@livenationtw) including Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter for the latest updates.
📍 Promoter reserved the right to change these terms & conditions at any time.
our legacy sale 在 急急Touch Facebook 的最佳解答
【Give State Theatre the best heritage conservation outcome】
Walk in Hong Kong learns that New World Development Group has today applied for a compulsory sale order on State Theatre Building in North Point “with a view to conserve” the part of the complex that is the former State Theatre. In welcoming this development, Walk in Hong Kong, which has consistently campaigned for State Theatre since 2016, urges New World Development Group to make the conservation of the landmark a reality, and that it will do so by following the highest international heritage conservation standards. Furthermore, the company should protect and enhance the heritage value of State Theatre when converting the use of the building (it currently functions as a snooker hall and includes a G/F shopping arcade), so that the legacy of the landmark can live on.
Specifically, Walk in Hong Kong calls for the exterior of State Theatre, which includes the building's iconic "arch bridge" roof structure, to be kept. The building's internal two-level structure should also stay. In addition, Walk in Hong Kong urges New World Development Group to respect the history of the cultural landmark and factor in local community needs when deciding the future use of the building, so that it can once again be a place to be enjoyed by many.
Walk in Hong Kong would like to take this opportunity to once again thank the public for their support for State Theatre in the past couple of years. We will closely watch New World Development Group's plans for the conservation of State Theatre. We also stand ready to offer any assistance or support in this process; the aim is this gem of our city will receive the best heritage conservation outcome.
#保育皇都戲院 #保育香港娛樂史 #活現皇都 #活現香港 #真保育 #SaveOurState #StateTheatre #HeritageConservation #HKEntertainmentHistory #WalkinHK