I love this 'tongue in cheek' review about Nota, can't help but repost it. ;)
Nota, a film by 42nd Pictures Sdn Bhd. by a good friend, Abdul Hanan Ismail,
It is very rare that I get excited about a local film. I'm sure that it's true for many of us as well. We have many complaints; low production quality, terrible acting, "anak Datuk jatuh cinta dengan anak Tan Sri" storyline, lawak jerit-jerit, Zizan Razak etc.
Fortunately Nota suffers from NONE of these. However, far from the typical, "sokonglah filem tempatan" mantra (like you would anyway) I will outline Nota's flaws and why I know many of you will skip this movie.
1. This film requires you to think. It has minimal dialogue; where the plot and even the interactions between the actors, are conveyed visually. If you are unable to form coherent sentences at the first go I recommend you start with Thomas & Friends instead. Then work your way up.
2. If you like your narrative spoon-fed to you a la karangan darjah 6, where nuances and subtle plot hints fly over your head, you will have many, "Eh? Kenapa dia kat sini pulak? Kenapa dia ulang balik? Filem rosak kot? Alah bosanlah cerita macam ni" moments. Go watch SpongeBob. I believe that to be more your speed.
3. Nowhere, I repeat NOWHERE, is Maya Karin posed sexily in skimpy outfits beside the pool of a high class resort in Bako or strolling the beach in a bikini. Here she is used primarily as she should be used; as an actress conveying a story and, to my immense surprise, she does it very well. Just goes to show what good direction can do.
However if you suffer from none of the above, and would like to experience something different at Malaysian cinema, give this movie a go. Then if you go spoil to your friends the ending, you're a moron.
PS: This movie is not perfect. I didn't get to see a single crocodile. But hey, this isn't Animal Planet wink emoticon
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