Part One 疫情更新
3:15 小明談老高被881,恐怖的邪惡豆苗力量!
15:40 感覺就是個DS認可的「莒光陰謀論」,99趴正確,1趴用來洗腦
18:32 看到游錫坤,讓我想到QRCODE,與實聯制大監控社會
21:53 振興方案,9月上路;要鈔票免談
35:30 Banker銀行家陳沖說,比照歐盟參考數位皮夾,符合電子貨幣預測
27:38 感謝斗內大德小道:請大師複習信用小白,手機門號辦貸款;以後與電子ID綁定;手機成身份證;AKA社會信用體系。香港也推全民普篩,新機構叫做「火眼實驗室」,恐怖喔「眼睛」耶,全民境內外譜篩了!大師DNA基因庫蒐集計畫預測,未來綁定健康碼、疫苗、AI、數位貨幣、電子身份證;666獸的印記外加日本、泰國、比利時等境外傳染者。
36:09 政府靠企業逼打疫苗,妳看,不出強制公文(怕被反人類);要求企業「勸說」
43:53 社會氛圍如何扼殺反豆苗論述
46:28 這篇取消文化文章好看,說以前都認為抽煙對身體好,直到....疫苗呢?
53:07 感謝斗內大德Kenji:大師優質節目,第一次抖內,想請教大師,我們全家不信X冠神話,不打豆苗,但家母是國小老師,近期被上司脅迫要施打,用切結書的方式拒絕了,但學校與政府單位還要求要定期快篩與PCR,請問該如解決?
-其他看Part 2
Part 2 PCR神話也破滅惹!
55:00 美國CDC最新聲明: Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing
-也就是說,CDC發現之前那個先由歐洲Christian Drosten掰出來的 CT=45,EUA pcr檢測
-搞出太多偽陽,因此取消EUA pcr 檢測
1:00:33 CDC最新說法是,鼓勵實驗室考慮採用「多路複用」方式(multiplexed method)
-CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method
1:02:10 意謂,之前的確診數根本亂掰的嗎,搞的全球都lock down
-FDA甚至推出 Pooled Sample Testing,把一堆陰性的跟陽性一起檢測
-也附pcr之父Kary Mullis說這無法檢測病毒量,因此疾病
感謝斗內大德Rocky You
感謝斗內大德Verna Liu:支持台灣唯一揭露DS的王大師。斗內+禱告
感謝斗內大德Ricky Little:謝謝王大師!
1:09:00 感謝斗內大德小道:請問大師封面是勞勃瑞福的電影嗎?請大師複習東方貨幣戰大師宋鴻兵。陰謀論或世界新秩序,《貨幣戰爭2》後半段影子政府的大雜交。以及瑞卡茲貨幣重建,全球金融國安網路系統加害者,西方在第三世界國家搞怪怪革命。
1:19:20 感謝斗內大德Hank汽車部落格:雖然我不一定100%認同王大師所有的論述,但王大師無畏無懼勇於表達不同於主流媒體的意見,這份努力不懈的情操值得大家都鼓勵!
1:23:00 如果豆苗有問題,以後的機師、醫師、專業人士大規模消失,該怎辦?
1:24:55 Hank汽車部落格:王大師可以探討一下5-10年後40億疫苗人口都死光之後,地球會發生何種動盪,以及存活人口如何應對與重整社會
1:27:50 理哥分享的台灣深層政府路徑圖
1:30:53 感謝斗內大德小道:請大師複習21議程後續路徑。大咖將人口逼向城市棲息,以「社會信用體系」捆綁人民遷徙、言論、商務與表達自由,方便管控人口。很多國外研究認為孤狼、與波士頓是深層政府自導自演,監控通話遷徙,制定大監控社會。
1:36:58 感謝斗內大德小道:請大師複習統治與利益階級透過被動或主動的方式,靠災難制定新資本秩序。以及二戰之後,國際深層團體(部份納粹)有一部分來台設總部,不然蘋果如何得到杭特拜登硬碟?為何台灣有如此重要性?為何大紀元那麼重要?
1:37:54 蔣宋美齡、毛澤東、希特勒、邱吉爾、史達林、蔡英文、江啟臣的共同點
1:37:54感謝斗內大德Stanley Chang: 為什麼習大大不去賑災 跑去西藏?去懺悔嗎
1:48:56 中國共產黨的內鬥
1:52:37 感謝斗內大德VernaLiu:大師,所以藍營的朋友很難被勸不打疫苗,因為1他們認為確診被低估很害怕疫情,2又很害怕以後被蔡政府逼打高端,所以現在都瘋狂想打莫德納。我因為以前太綠,他們都不相信我。請問有更好的說法嗎?
1:58:30 Part Three 國際政經
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pcr method 在 อ๋อ มันเป็นอย่างนี้นี่เอง by อาจารย์เจษฎ์ Facebook 的最佳解答
(วันก่อนให้สัมภาษณ์กับสำนักข่าว บางกอกโพสต์ มาครับ) Assoc Prof Jessada Denduangboripant, a lecturer at Chulalongkorn University's Faculty of Science, said self-testing is better than not testing at all or self-monitoring for symptoms because most people are asymptomatic.
However, users must be careful about false positives. Those who test positive should reconfirm their status with an RT-PCR test in hospitals and labs.
Similarly, those who test negative but are at risk of infection must self-test again three or four days later when the level of the virus is higher and can be detected.
"You might test negative but you should assume that you can be positive anytime. Even if you test positive (false-negative result), the process will help screen out those who are actually infected," he said.
Last week, the FDA approved the registration of five antigen test kits for home use. They are currently being sold at around 250 baht per piece.
However, those at high risk should contact local clinics and hospitals for free rapid testing.
The National Health Security Office (NHSO) also approved the purchase of over 8.5 million home-test kits at a cost of around one billion baht to be given to Thais and migrant workers next month.
However, the government must take more actions to expand access to self-test kits because though they are less sensitive, they are cheaper and more readily available than RT-PCR tests.
The FDA and the NHSO said they will likely fix the price of the kits at 100 baht apiece to ensure affordability and prices will go down when more supply hits the market.
"Provincial and local administrations should spend their budget on self-testing rather than spraying disinfectants. The mass testing at Talad Thai is a very good model to follow as visitors are screened for free. If the government subsidises this scheme, it will increase accessibility," Jessada said.
Vulnerable groups will benefit from free coronavirus testing. He added that the rate of screening in migrant workers will be increased because companies can now afford tests.
In the past, they offered very limited testing due to high costs, which led to the emergence of clusters of infections.
He stressed that the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) must implement self-testing and home isolation plan nationwide because officials are using this method to ease the burden of RT-PCR testing.
The hospitalisation of asymptomatic and mild patients has overstretched the public health system.
"In foreign countries, they are being treated at home. We must get used to home isolation. Moreover, the requirement that providers of RT-PCR tests must admit positive cases should be scrapped," he added.
Those who test positive using self-test kits can contact the NHSO on its hotline 1330 or via its website crmsup.nhso.go.th for home isolation.
Currently, only patients in Bangkok and adjacent provinces are being treated at home and in the community. People in other provinces are being treated in hospitals and field hospitals as usual.
pcr method 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的最讚貼文
Taiwan's military vessels will soon be equipped with quick Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests, a method for rapidly diagnosing #COVID19, to prevent cluster spreading of the coronavirus, Health Minister Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) said Sunday.