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...Continue ReadingSummary of Lebanon. Complete edition / Investman
Lebanon, a small country located in the Middle East region.
There's a Mediterranean coast on the west.
North and East are surrounded by Syria, south bound by Israel.
When I see from the location, it's not difficult to guess.
Conflict and Civil War from neighboring countries
Must impact the economy of this country. Not more or less.
Even Lebanon doesn't have as much oil as other Arab countries in the Middle East region.
But did you know that people in this country have more GDP per capita than Thai people..
So what is the economy of Lebanon now?
Investman will tell you about it.
Situation and economic update with Blockdit
There's a podcast to listen to on the go.
Lebanon has an area of only 10,452 square kilometers close to Khon Kaen province.
But there are over 6.8 million population
Making population density in this country up to 650 people per square kilometer.
Density populations come from country's abundance.
Lebanese area is one of the most fertile areas in the Middle East area.
And by the Mediterranean coastline.
This land is so many people have come to colonize as a trade city since thousands of years ago.
Historically, this land was formerly the Phoenician Empire which has been famous for railroading and trade since 3,000 years ago, Kristol.
Before being mixed into the Roman Empire.
When I arrived in the Middle Ages, this land became a Christian community in the Crusade war.
Lebanese lands were taken over by the Ottoman Empire, which was the Muslim Empire until the Ottoman Empire collapsed after losing WWII, the British and France champions.
So the lands were brought into their own mandate.
By France, Mediterranean coastal lands take over.
Subsequently divided into northern Syria, drought and fruitful southern Lebanon.
Lebanese's fertility makes Beirut Capital become a major commercial hub of the region. Lebanese businessmen have developed capital into financial hub.
When rich, money comes to build a beautiful jar house building according to French influence until Beirut is nicknamed ′′ Paris of Middle East
When I get independence from France in July. B.E. 1943
Lebanese independence period, there are more Christians than Muslims.
So there is a national agreement that the president must be Christians.
But then when Muslims are more proportional, they start to offend.
There are several incident of presidential assassination.
Lebanon is the only country in the Middle East with Christians in the highest proportion.
It's about 35 % of the population, while another population of 60 % are Muslims.
Religious conflict led to Lebanese civil war that lasted over 15 years.
Since the year of July. 1975-1975 1990 Damage to the beautiful buildings of Beirut
In terms of the economy.
Lebanon is a fertile country so it exports many crops.
Especially crops growing in a Mediterranean climate.
Grapes, olives, fruits, citrus and nuts, including wine and olive oil.
But agricultural crops are not Lebanese's most important export products..
Lebanon's number 1 export product is 41 % gems and jewelry.
Year 2019, Lebanon exports these products to over 37,000 million baht.
Lebanon doesn't have many sources of minerals or gems.
With regard to Beirut is a trading and financial hub.
A Lebanese businessman is an international trade associate in Africa and Arab countries.
No import tax on mineral assets, metals and jewellery enables Lebanon to import precious mineral from African countries for cheap.
Plus, the smart Lebanese artisans and wage are almost half cheaper than European regional artisans.
Make Beirut one of the key gemstone hubs.
Tabbah company Lebanese jewelry company leaders in jewelry design
There are customers all over the world
Apart from agricultural produce and gems
With Lebanon's foundations of ancient kingdoms.
Lebanon has many ancient landmarks, Roman Theatre, Christ Church.
The Ottoman Mosque is a small country but has more than 5 cultural world heritage.
Tourism is a major economic sector. In 2018, there were 4.7 million tourists.
Make money over 2.6 hundred thousand baht.
Not much population but Lebanon has economic diversity
Make Lebanese economic size 1.8 trillion baht
Lebanese have GDP per capita 267,000 baht.
More than Thai people with GDP per capita, 237,000 baht.
However, since the Civil War in Syria.
Slow down Lebanese's economy, especially tourism sector
By the number of tourists dropped from the highest point in 2012, at 5.5 million to nearly 1 million people.
Reduced income has deficit Lebanon.
Government expenditure increasing, both from economic stimulating policies.
And to support over 1 million Syrian immigrants.
Lebanese public debt skyrocketed to 155 % of GDP
So the government needs to earn more income by trying to tax both cigarettes, oil tax and tax for phone calls via social media from Social Media such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, FaceTime
This causes displeasure to the public that led to violent protests in 2019
Destroyed Lebanon's GDP in 2019, more than 5.6 % negative.
But that wasn't enough..
2020 Lebanon's economy was repeated by the COVID-19 outbreak.
Lebanon has more than 5,000 COVID-19 infected people amid a heavy outbreak in the region, especially neighboring countries like Israel.
Make tourism and economic activity halt
Repeat the broken economy. Let's get worse
Besides that, there was a recent incident unexpectedly..
Big bomb incident 2 ripple at Port Beirut on August 4
Heavy damage to Beirut, Lebanese economic hub.
Government has set for capital to become disaster areas.
And declared an emergency situation for 2 weeks
Nobody knows when this bad thing will end.
2020 was a heavy year for all countries
And the most tough country should have this country in it.. Lebanon
May everything go well.
Situation and economic update with Blockdit
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同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅Culture Trip,也在其Youtube影片中提到,If you’ve ever wanted to run a marathon with wine and cheese stops along the way, swim through stunning canyons or explore an island village taken str...
paris population 在 Hatou 蝦頭 楊詩敏 Facebook 的最佳貼文
A Chinese friend told me that he was stared at weirdly in the Paris metro wearing his mask. Yesterday I heard that an Asian woman wearing a mask was insulted and expelled from a train by the other passengers. Incidents like this has triggered lots of debate and anger on the internet recently. But before jumping into the battle of anti-discrimination, what draws my attention first is the different usage of masks in China and in France during this coronavirus crisis:
According to the French Ministry of Health, one is encouraged to wear a mask only when showing coronavirus symptoms. Wearing a mask by the non-sick population to avoid catching the disease is NOT recommended. People are encouraged to wash hands often and to cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough.
In China, people have been educated that wearing a mask is a way to PREVENT or decrease the chance of getting infected by the coronavirus, as well as avoid passing the virus to others. That’s why so many Chinese people race to buy masks for themselves and their families. What’s more, after living through SARS and the pollution PM2.5, protecting one’s health with a mask has become a habit.
As a result, to a French, wearing a mask indicates that someone is already sick, while for a Chinese, wearing a mask is also a self-protection measure. This different interpretation of wearing a mask may have caused misunderstanding and public panic.
Anyway, wearing a mask does no harm to others, on the contrary, it protects us especially that the coronavirus has an incubation period of 1-14 days, so even a person without any symptoms can also be a virus carrier. So next time you see a Chinese tourist in a metro wearing a mask, there’s no need to be scared. (I don’t know if the difference I described also applies to other countries. If so, please kindly forward the message.)
#wearingmask #coronavirus #misunderstanding #discrimination #sliceoflife #tinyeyescomics
paris population 在 音地大帝 Indie DaaDee Facebook 的最讚貼文
Déclaration d’invitation à manifester contre Xi à Paris
A Statement for Protest Against Xi in Paris
大家好,我是吳柏翰,台灣人,目前就讀Sciences Po。今天3月26日在聖日耳曼大道進行和平抗議,以下針對今日在巴黎對習近平車隊舉台獨旗此事發表聲明並對法國政府提出質疑。希望藉由此行動,向習近平以及全世界,展現台灣人堅定追求獨立、自由、民主的決心。同時針對法國國家憲兵(Gendarmerie Nationale)進行扣留、搜身並沒收台獨旗一事表達嚴正抗議。
Bonjour à tous et à toutes, je suis Po-Han Wu, un élève taïwanais étudiant à Science Po. Voici la déclaration sur mon action contre Xi Jinping et les actions du gouvernement français concernant son accueil. À travers ma déclaration, je souhaite démontrer à Xi Jinping et au monde la détermination du peuple taiwanais à marcher vers notre indépendance, la liberté et la démocratie. Je tiens également à protester contre la détention, la perquisition et la confiscation du drapeau de l'indépendance de Taïwan par la gendarmerie nationale française.
Hello everyone, my name is Po Han Wu, I am Taiwanese and I currently study at Sciences Po. The following is my statement of action against Xi Jinping and the irrational behavior of the French government. Through this contestation, I would like to show Xi Jinping and the world the determination of the Taiwanese people for the search of independence, freedom, and democracy. I would also like to express my objection against the detention, perquisition and the confiscation of the independent national flag of Taiwan by the French police force.
台灣目前是個事實上的自由民主國家(De facto country),擁有獨立的政府、人民、領土及主權,在自由之家(Freedom House) 評比中,為亞洲僅次於日本最民主的國家,更是全球競爭力報告(WEF)中排名第13的國家,在民主自由、醫療、IC產業等領域,對於世界有極大貢獻。
但一直以來,中國不放棄統一台灣。軍事上將1000多枚飛彈對準台灣,並時時恐嚇以武力侵犯;在國際上處處打壓、矮化台灣,阻擾台灣參加世界衛生大會(WHO)、挖角台灣邦交國、逼迫國際航空公司將台灣改名為中國台灣、施壓東亞奧林匹克委員會(EAOC),決議取消台灣主辦之「2019 年東亞青年運動會」。近來更頻頻透過混合戰(Hybrid war)攻擊台灣,透過網軍放假消息,導致一位台灣外交官自殺身亡,也大量入資媒體,宣傳中國政治議程(Propaganda),透過宣傳一國兩制企圖統一台灣。
【Version Française】
Ci-dessous, le contenu de ma déclaration :
Taïwan est actuellement un État de facto doté de son propre gouvernement, sa propre population, son propre territoire et sa propre souveraineté. Dans le rapport de la Freedom House, Taïwan est le pays le plus démocratique d’Asie après le Japon. Taïwan se classe aussi au 13ème rang de l’indice de compétitivité mondiale (WEF) et contribue grandement au monde dans les domaines de la démocratie, de la liberté, des soins médicaux et de l'industrie des circuits intégrés.
Mais la Chine n’a jamais renoncé au recours à la force pour rattacher Taïwan à son territoire. Sur le plan militaire, la Chine pointe sur Taïwan plus de 1 000 missiles et menace de prendre contrôle de l’île par la force. Pékin attaque sur de multiples fronts pour bouter l’île hors de l’arène internationale : en l’empêchant de participer à l'Assemblée mondiale de la santé (OMS), en lui arrachant un par un ses alliés diplomatiques, en faisant pression sur des entreprises internationales pour qu’elles classent Taïwan comme faisant partie de la Chine sur leurs sites internet, en faisant pression sur le Comité olympique de l'Asie de l'Est (EAOC) pour qu'il annule les "Jeux de la jeunesse de l'Asie de l'Est" organisés par Taïwan. Récemment, il y a également eu des attaques fréquentes à Taïwan par le biais de guerres hybrides qui ont conduit un diplomate taïwanais à se suicider. Ils ont également beaucoup investi dans les médias pour diffuser la propagande chinoise et tenter de promouvoir la formule ”un pays, deux systèmes”.
C'est pourquoi, aujourd'hui, à Paris, j'ai agité haut le drapeau de "l'indépendance de Taïwan" contre Xi Jinping, en scandant le slogan « Taïwan n'acceptera pas "un pays, deux systèmes" ». J'espère qu'en France, où la liberté est une symbole de la République, je puisse démontrer à la communauté internationale notre droit à préserver et continuer à construire un pays indépendant aux valeurs démocratiques. Dans le même temps, j'ai également réclamé solennellement à la Chine et à Xi Jinping l'arrêt de leur tentatives de contrôle sur Taiwan.
La France, qui porte « Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité » au coeur de ses valeurs est devenue aujourd’hui le complice d’un gouvernement autoritaire. La France a même été privée de la liberté de se tenir sur la route en agitant des drapeaux et en scandant des slogans. Elle a essayé de bloquer (toutes) les voix de l’opposition, ce qui est contraire à la façon dont le gouvernement français gère habituellement les manifestations.
La France, est-ce encore le pays qui symbolise la liberté?
Lorsque j’ai été détenu dans un fourgon de police, un policier lui-même m’a dit que d'habitude, le peuple peut manifester librement. En revanche, aujourd’hui, des instructions provenant de hauts niveaux du gouvernement ont été données, de sorte qu’on ne permette aucune manifestation lors de cette journée.
Je me permets de demander : Quels sont ces « hauts niveaux » ? D’où viennent ces instructions et qui ont donné ces instructions? Après avoir déclaré être Jupiter, Macron va-t-il sombrer dans l’autoritarisme ? La liberté a toujours été l’une des valeurs fondamentales de la France, mais aujourd’hui elle a trahi cette valeur en opprimant une liberté fondamentale : la liberté d’expression.
Ainsi, je me permets d’interroger le gouvernement français : pourquoi avez-vous bloqué la manifestation contre Xi Jinping et le système autoritaire qu’il incarne ? La liberté est-elle l'esprit que la France doit incarner ou est-ce juste un dogme qui peut être compromis pour accueillir des dictateurs ? La France a porté atteinte à la liberté des Taïwanais qui ont souhaité manifester dans la rue pour la liberté en s’opposant à un pouvoir autoritaire. Elle s’est, ce faisant, porté atteinte à elle-même.
La France, est-elle encore un pays à la hauteur du mot “liberté”, qu’elle prétend symboliser ?
【English Version】
The following is the arguments of the declaration:
Taiwan is currently a state de facto composed of its own government, population, territory, and sovereignty. According to the Freedom House index, Taiwan is the most democratic country in Asia only after Japan. Taiwan is ranked 13th in the index of competitivity of the World Economic Forum and contribute largely to the world in the domains of democracy, of liberty, healthcare and the integrated circuit industry.
However, China has never given up on using force on us. On the military front, China has targeted more than 1000 missiles at Taiwan and has threatened to reunify Taiwan by force. Beijing attacks on multiple dimensions in order to throw Taiwan out of the international arena, by preventing us from participating at the World Health Organization, by getting rid of our diplomatic allies one by one, by putting pressure on the international companies so that they would classify Taiwan as a part of China on their internet sites, by putting pressure on the East Asian Olympics Committee so that they would cancel the Youth Games in East Asia organized by Taiwan. Recently, there have been more frequent attacks at Taiwan through the use of hybrid wars which have led to the suicide of a Taiwanese diplomat. They have also invested largely in media for Chinese propaganda and has tried to promote the notion of one country, two systems.
This is why today in Paris, I have proudly waved the flag of the Independence of Taiwan against Xi Jinping, with the slogan, Taiwan will not accept, “one country, two systems”. I hope that in France, where freedom is a symbol of the Republic, I can show the international community our determination to defend our democracy. At the same time, I would also like to protest against China and Xi Jinping : stop the invasion of Taiwan immediately.
However, France, which prides itself on liberty, equality, and fraternity, has become an accomplice of the authoritarian government today. It tried to block all opposition voices. Even there is no freedom of expression, just standing by the road and taking out the flag and shouting slogans for a peaceful demonstration. Is this the country that symbolizes liberty? Is this the attitude of the French government in face of protests?
When I was detained in a police van, they told me that normally, people can protest freely. However today, instructions from high-level officials had already been given that no demonstrations in any form were allowed during this day.
I would thus like to ask: who are these “high officials”? Where do these instructions come from? After having declared being Jupiter, is Macron going towards autocracy just as Xi Jinping does? Freedom has always been one of the fundamental values of France but today she has betrayed it by oppressing one freedom, the one of expression.
In addition, France, with its « Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité » at the centre of its values, has become an accomplice of an autocratic government. Thus, I would like to question the French government: why did you block the demonstration against Xi Jinping and the authoritarian system he embodies? Is freedom the spirit that France must embody or is it just a dogma that can be compromised to accommodate dictators? France has violated the freedom of Taiwanese who wanted to demonstrate in the streets for Taiwan independence against authoritarian China.
Please ask yourself, is France still a country which symbolizes Liberté ?
paris population 在 Culture Trip Youtube 的最讚貼文
If you’ve ever wanted to run a marathon with wine and cheese stops along the way, swim through stunning canyons or explore an island village taken straight out of a fairytale, look no further.
Here are five amazing experiences in France you simply cannot miss!
Subscribe to our channel to get for new unmissable experiences every week and download our app to start exploring your world.
Discover more about France here: https://culturetrip.travel/France
To get more Culture Trip visit:
_ _ _
You probably wouldn’t expect to find a digital art museum in an old factory in east Paris. Unlike traditional galleries, in Atelier des Lumières, you can actually walk around inside blown-up versions of famous paintings, immersing yourself in the creation.For more information visit: https://theculturetrip.com/europe/france/paris/articles/this-new-museum-in-paris-lets-you-walk-inside-famous-paintings/
Fancy a crazy ride? Megavalanche starts at the top of the Sarenne Glacier in the French Alps. From there, thousands of cyclists race to reach the bottom. The event primarily takes place in Alpe d’Huez – one of the fanciest mountain resorts in France offering extremely beautiful views. Find more fun outside activities in France here: https://theculturetrip.com/europe/france/articles/10-outdoor-activities-you-can-only-experience-in-france/
One of the most visited places in France, Mont Saint-Michel welcomes approximately 2.5 million guests a year. The island once served as a prison during the French Revolution – but now is home to around 50 permanent residents, including a small population of monks and nuns. Read more at: https://theculturetrip.com/europe/france/articles/8-things-to-know-before-you-visit-the-mont-saint-michel/
The Verdon Gorge is famous for its beautiful turquoise colour and is immensely popular for everyone who lives in the surrounding area. The limestone canyon the Verdon River runs through is a stunning backdrop for kayaking, pedal-boating and cliff jumping. Read more about France’s rivers here: https://theculturetrip.com/europe/france/articles/these-are-southern-frances-most-striking-rivers-for-wild-swimming/
The Marathon du Médoc in France is quite possibly the most indulgent sporting event in the world – and almost certainly the most delicious. Not only are there regular stops for wine, cheese and oysters along the way, but there’s also a live orchestra to serenade you across the finish line. Want to participate? https://theculturetrip.com/europe/france/articles/the-marathon-du-medoc-has-stops-for-wine-cheese-and-oysters/
Subscribe to our channel to get for new unmissable experiences every week and download our app to start exploring your world.
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Atelier Des Lumieres, Paris
Mont St Michel, Normandy
Gorge Du Verdon
Marathon Du Médoc, Bordeaux

paris population 在 Culture Trip Youtube 的最佳貼文
Europe is currently experiencing the largest population movement of the past 70 years. These people include artists who have been forced to flee their country. L’atelier des artistes en exil aims to provide some 150 refugee artists, from all origins and disciplines, the space to express themselves freely and rebuild their lives in Paris.
Subscribe to our channel to get a new video every week and download our app to start exploring your world.
Discover more about L’atelier des artistes en exil here: https://bit.ly/2JmJJoT
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listen)) is the capital and most populous city of France, with an estimated population of 2,165,423 residents in 2019 in an area of more than 105 square ... ... <看更多>