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Payroll大部份HR都識計,但人工應該點設計?C&B設計係人力資源管理非常重要嘅一課,由資深人力資源顧問Wilson Chu教授嘅《C&B設計證書網上課程》現正進行限時75折優惠(10月3日止),優惠期間購買仲可以有90日時間慢慢學習。未上過呢一課記得把握今次機會~
payroll 課程 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的精選貼文
Updated Preventive Measures in Response to New Infections Among Staff at the Engineering Affairs Office of the NTU Hospital and the Upgraded Alert Level 3 Nationwide (#May19)
因應本校附設醫院工務室有多名同仁確診感染新冠肺炎及全國提升為三級警戒,提醒所有教職員工生應停止室內5人以上,室外10人以上之聚會,同時自 5/20 起至 5/28 止,請各單位配合下列防疫措施:
1. 醫學院碩博士班所有實驗課程,非緊急必要者均先暫停;醫學院教職員工除必要外(例如:發放薪資作業等),其餘全部採居家辦公(含收發室)。
2. 醫學校區各館舍,比照夜間門禁方式憑證刷卡進入,不對外開放。醫學院餐廳及福利社等部門暫停營業,所有施工中的工程均暫停。
3. 全校教職員工生請儘量不要進入醫學校區(含基醫大樓、基因體大樓、水森館、護理系館、人文館等)和本校附設醫院。
4. 暫停醫學校區與校總區、本校附設醫院間的公務交流。校區各大樓間亦應盡量減少人員的交流。
5. 在公衛大樓中辦公的醫學院教職員工生,請儘量固定活動地點,減少與他人接觸,不要前往公衛大樓中的其他樓層。
6. 往來校總區與醫學校區間的交通車將繼續停駛。
國立臺灣大學防疫小組 敬上
Dear NTU students and colleagues,
In response to the new infections among staff at the Engineering Affairs Office of the NTU Hospital and the upgraded Alert Level 3 nationwide, the University is reminding you all to suspend events of over 5 people indoors and 10 people outdoors. Also, starting May 20 until 28, please comply with the following preventive measures.
1. All non-urgent laboratory work at the master’s and doctoral programs of the College of Medicine will be suspended. Except for those processing necessary work (e.g. payroll affairs), all faculty and staff of the College of Medicine should work from home (including mail room).
2. As per night curfew entry control, swipe-in access should be implemented at all premises of the College of Medicine. Outside visitors will be denied access. Restaurants and commissaries will suspend operation and current construction work will be put on hold as well.
3. All faculty, staff, and students are advised to refrain from entering the College of Medicine (including Basic Medical Science Building, Center of Genomic Medicine, School of Pharmacy, School of Nursing, and Museum of Medical Humanities) and NTU Hospital.
4. Official exchanges between the College of Medicine, NTU Main Campus and NTU Hospital should all be suspended. Exchanges between staff at different premises should also be minimized.
5. College of Medicine faculty, staff, and students working at the College of Public Health should stick to the same locations to carry out daily routines and decrease contacts with others. Do not go to other floors of the College of Public Health.
6. The now suspended shuttle bus service between the Main Campus and the College of Medicine will continue.
As the COVID-19 is still wreaking havoc, the University will make necessary and prompt adjustments to existing measures according to the development of the latest pandemic situation. Please be reminded to wear a mask at all times when you go out, wash hands frequently, and keep appropriate social distancing. Be on alert for suspected symptoms: fever, respiratory complications, diarrhea, and abnormality of smell and taste. If they appear, please wear a medical mask, immediately seek medical attention at a nearby hospital for COVID-19 testing, and refrain from using any public transportation. When in the hospital for treatment, please voluntarily tell the physician your contact and travel history, potential occupational exposure to the virus, as well as people around you with similar symptoms. When you return home, please also wear a medical mask and avoid going out if not necessary.
Sincerely yours,
NTU Epidemic Prevention Team
payroll 課程 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
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