Teaching and students’ application please cope with epidemic procedures (#UpdatedMay21)
(1) #5月17日起至本學期結束(109-2),#本校所有課程 (#含期末考) #全面採用遠距或線上方式辦理。教師可善用學校新一代數位教學平台 NTU COOL,上傳課程影片進行非同步之遠距教學及進行線上測驗。有關期末考評量方式,本校提供在家線上測驗、線上口頭報告及互評或線上實作演練等彈性辦理形式,請參閱附檔( http://curri.aca.ntu.edu.tw/covid/課程評量調整建議.pdf ),並請老師預作準務必遵守防疫規範。
(2) 教務處原先各項需透過授課教師、導師、指導教授、系所及其主管等親簽之文件,包含停修、休學、輔雙等臨櫃業務,改採變通方式辦理。學生得透過e-mail附帶已填妥之相關表單及/或檔案,寄送該表單給老師及承辦單位,以老師及承辦單位同意之e-mail取代簽名後,再由申請學生將e-mail轉寄所屬教務單位承辦同仁。惟仍依各項申請規定之截止時間辦理。
(1) 文、理、社、工、生物資源暨農、管理、電機資訊、法律、生命科學院。
(2) 醫學院:護理系一年級、除學士後護理學系外其他系一、二年級。
(3) 公共衛生學院一年級。
下列各院、系 (所) 之碩、博士班研究生,請mail給教務處註冊組承辦人:
(1) 醫學院:學士後護理學系所有學生;護理系學士班二年級以上及其他系三年級以上學生;各系 (所) 研究生。
(2) 公共衛生學院:公衛系學士班二年級以上學生及各系 (所) 研究生。
錄製課程相關諮詢 /
02-3366-3367 #566、563、586
NTU COOL數位教學平台 /
02-3366-3367 #598、02- 3366-3366 #25580
數位TA申請 /
U Meeting、U Webinar /
若老師在教學數位化上有任何問題,請參考數位學習中心專頁 (https://www.dlc.ntu.edu.tw/superkit/)
教務處 敬上
Dear NTU community members,
Due to a rapid escalation in the number of COVID-19 cases in Taipei City and New Taipei City recently, the epidemic situation is now approaching Alert Level 3 (orange light). In response to this urgency, the University is asking all academic and administrative units to comply with the following preventive measures:
1) Starting May 17th, all classes will be switched to remote-only instruction for the rest of the spring semester. Instructors can upload their lecture videos to NTU COOL. Since the epidemic is escalating, the alternative to on-site final exam for assessing students’ learning outcome is strongly recommended and planned in advance. The University provides mechanisms for conducting online testing, online oral reporting, peer assessment and online drills. Please refer to the attached document in preparation for such eventualities. ( http://curri.aca.ntu.edu.tw/covid/課程評量調整建議_eng.pdf )
2) To prevent the epidemic, all application forms with review and/or signature from course instructors, mentors, advisors, and/or supervisors of departments/graduate institutes/degree programs (Course Withdrawal, Leave of Absence, Dropping Double Major and/or Minor Study etc. are included) can be replaced with flexible application procedures. Students can mail to the person and/or unit in charge with application form as attachment. If they approve your application, please forward this approved mail to the according unit of Office of Academic Affairs [note]. Late submissions will not be accepted.
3) Graduate students can take their master’s or Ph.D. thesis/dissertation defense through the video conference. The signature of the committee member can be replaced by an electronic scan. The committee members who use the video method to conduct the master’s or Ph.D. thesis/dissertation defense are allowed to apply for their attendance fee, but not allowed to apply for their travel allowance.
4) In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the deadline of the thesis/dissertation submission for the second semester of the Academic Year 2020-2021 has been extended to August 31, 2021 because the next day is the first day of classes for the next semester. The deadline for the thesis/dissertation defense is also flexible. As long as the Master’s and Ph.D. students can complete their thesis/dissertation submission process by August 31, 2021, they will be able to graduate on schedule. If the students are unable to complete the process of submitting their thesis/dissertation by August 31, 2021, they have to pay the tuition and fees for the next semester, and if their maximum period of study has expired, they shall be ordered to be withdrawn from the university.
[NOTE] Students affiliated in the following units shall mail to the Branch Office of Academic Affairs of the College of Medicine: Second Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing (all students), Department of Nursing (sophomores and above), other undergraduate departments of the College of Medicine (juniors and above) and Department of Public Health (sophomores and above); other undergraduate students shall mail to Undergraduate Academic Affairs Division. Graduate students of the College of Medicine and the College of Public Health shall mail to the Branch Office of Academic Affairs of the College of Medicine; graduate students from other colleges shall mail to Graduate Academic Affairs Division.
Undergraduate Academic Affairs Division:
Graduate Academic Affairs Division:
Branch Office of Academic Affairs of the College of Medicine:
Center for Teaching and Learning Development & Digital Learning Center:
Digitalizing your courses:
02-3366-3367 #566、583
02-3366-3367 #598、580
Application for teaching assistants for digital courses:
02-3366-3367 #584
U Meeting/ U Webinar:
02- 3366-3367 #532
If there is any problem, you can refer to ntu-dlc’s website (https://www.dlc.ntu.edu.tw/superkit/) for help.
Thank you again for your ongoing commitment to our campus and our mission during this time of challenges and change. We will find a way forward, and a way to be together again as a community in the nearer future.
With appreciation,
Office of Academic Affairs
「peer learning and assessment」的推薦目錄:
peer learning and assessment 在 IELTS Thanh Loan Facebook 的最讚貼文
👉Test IELTS MIỄN PHÍ: http://bit.ly/2Sx9Nin
List 24 vocabs giúp bạn nâng band điểm cho IELTS Writing Task 2:
1. barrier to education: Rào cản giáo dục
2. literacy rate: tỉ lệ biết đọc viết
3. higher education: giáo dục đại học
4. cognitive ability: khả năng tiếp thu
5. Highly-gifted: thiên tài
6. Peer-learning: Học từ bạn bè
7. prestigious universities: các trường đại học danh tiếng
8. broaden their horizons: mở rộng kiến thức.
9. tuition fees: học phí
10. student loans: vay mượn học phí
11. relieve the financial burden: giảm thiểu gánh nặng tài chính
12. foster teamwork and cooperation: triển tính hợp tác và tinh thần đồng đội
13. Conventional assessment: Phương thức kiểm tra cuối kì
14. last-minute cramming: học dồn vào phút cuối
15. syllabus: khoá học
16. Regular assessments: Kiểm tra thường xuyên
17. learning gaps: những lỗ hổng kiến thức
18. private tuition: gia sư
19. take a gap year: nghỉ học một năm
20. self-exploration: tìm hiểu bản thân
21. extra-curricular activities: hoạt động ngoại khoá
22. build up their resumes: xây dựng hồ sơ cá nhân
23. boarding school: Sống nội trú
24. Distance learning: Học từ xa
👉Test trình độ và nhận tư vấn lộ trình MIỄN PHÍ: https://ielts-thanhloan.com/kiem-tra-dau-vao
✍️ Thông tin khóa học Offline: https://ielts-thanhloan.com/khoa-hoc-ielts-offline
✍️ Khóa học IELTS Online: https://online.ielts-thanhloan.com/
✍️ Ebook IELTS: https://ielts-thanhloan.com/danh-muc/sach-ielts-thanh-loan-viet
☎️ Liên hệ tư vấn: 0974 824 724 (Mrs.Thanh Loan)
📪 Địa chỉ: Số 18, Ngõ 11, Thái Hà, Đống Đa Hà Nội
💌 Email: hi@ielts-thanhloan.com
🌎 Website: http://ielts-thanhloan.com
👨👩👧👧 Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/IELTSThanhLoan/