Anterior Oblique Subsystem (AOS)
於橫狀面Transverse Plane協助功能
主要是由腹內斜(Internal Oblique, IO),腹外斜(External Oblique, EO)
與內收肌群(Adductor complexs)所組成
於步態中,骨盆會在transverse plane旋轉來協助腿部擺盪
AOS, POS於身體前後共同協助此旋轉
AOS對於上下肢體動作,或軀幹之旋轉, flexion之是有幫助的
亦可穩定Lumbo-pelvic-hip 部位(LHPC)
1. Micheal Clark., Scott Lucett., Brian G Sutton., National Academy of Sports Medicine. (2014). NASM essentials of corrective exercise training. Burlington, MA : Jones & Bartlett Learning.
2. Evan Osar. (2017). The Psoas Solution: The Practitioner's Guide to Rehabilitation, Corrective Exercise, and Training for Improved Function. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books
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pelvic rehabilitation 在 My Pets。我的寵物生活日記 Facebook 的最佳解答
這隻小英鬥叫Chance 2個多月大的時候因為四隻畸形和骨折被遺棄差點安樂死,後來被救出治療,目前前腳打釘每天復健中,加油阿小傢伙 !
Today was a great day with the physical therapist! This is what she had to say about me and my progress with my back legs.
VETERINARIAN: Dr. Carolina Medina
DIAGNOSIS/PROBLEM LIST: Angular limb deformities and swimmer puppy
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: On presentation Chance was bright, alert and responsive. He had stronger muscle tone in his pelvic limbs, more ease in moving his distal joints through range of motion, and increased ability to move his pelvic limbs on his own. Today he performed rehabilitation exercises to improve range of motion and build muscle mass in the pelvic limbs.
Mom says there is no denying that this is progress!!!!