位於塔斯曼尼亞嘅三角海路線(Three Capes Track)係一條行山高手必行嘅路線,皆因佢全程約48公里,需要花費四天三夜去完成✅!呢條行山路線可以令你睇到睇到高聳嘅玄武岩尖頂、崎嶇峻峭嘅海崖及澄藍色的嘅清澈海水。旅程始於Port Arthur Historic Site,出發前可參加 Pennicott Wilderness Journeys,乘坐船隻前往起步點。參與步行名額有限,因此緊記提前預訂。
Photo: Jason Charles Hill
pennicott wilderness journeys 在 Miss Tam Chiak Facebook 的最佳貼文
Tasmanian Seafood Seduction has been one of the most amazing gastronomical experience in my life, thus far. Their day-long journey brings us past some of Tasmania’s most spectacular coastal scenery and gives us an opportunity to taste the best of the state’s produce. Read about it: https://www.misstamchiak.com/tasmanian-seafood-seduction/
Jetabout Holidays Pennicott Wilderness Journeys
pennicott wilderness journeys 在 Australia 澳洲盡是不同 (Tourism Australia) Facebook 的最佳貼文
想喺塔斯曼國家公園近距離同呢啲自然奇石接觸,你就唔好錯過參加 Pennicott Wilderness Journeys 嘅機會喇!http://bit.ly/2b0oczR
(Photo: @catherinedouglasphotography via IG)