A Piece of my mind by Micheal Murray
我完全知道你上一本訂的書還沒讀完,甚至書架上也還有幾本艱澀的心靈魔術書籍打算每個明天再開始看,但這本Michael Murray的A Piece of My Mind一定要買來並且馬上看,它的內容既豐富又寶貴實用,即使那些瑣碎的咬文嚼字,都在教你細節架構心靈魔術裡最重要的說服力,是那種學完會想馬上實戰的效果和方法,期待重讀中文版再帶給我一次啟發。
A piece of my mind 絕對是你必須擁有的一本書籍,作者 Michael Murray 不但理解什麼是心靈主義,他那與眾不同的大腦所擁有的創造力,就算只窺視到冰山一角,也絕對會讓你的腦洞大開,誠心推薦。
新世代的心靈魔術師,必須懂得如何利用人的心理運作及肢體語言,來達到最頂尖的讀心術。然而,如果你不是學習相關領域科系,或特別去專研這些技巧的話,你永遠都不知道要從何下手,如何下手!Michael Murray在《冰山一角》裡聚集了他這一生的精華,除了收錄他以前到現在的創作外,最難能可貴的是,他很有系統的分享了好幾個人類心理運作的原理,並教你如何直接應用到心靈魔術上。這些內容厲害的可怕,我必須大力推薦!
新生代紙牌好手-Eagle 許鈞維
Michael Murray這個相對陌生的名字,我該如何說起呢...不如先來聊聊另一位大家可能更認識的Peter Turner近年來火速崛起,已經成為新一代的心靈巨擘。如此強大的Peter,在他的各大教學、或是書本裡頭,有個名字不斷地出現、提及跟推薦
“你該去看看Michael Murray的書,那本書太棒了”
“我的好朋友Michael Murray,這人真的是天才”
“這個是XXX原理,它來自Michael Murray,我幾乎隨時都在用”
這本A piece of my mind by Michael Murray便是被提及、崇拜之最,這本書內容之多、主題之廣、方法應用之全面、流程之細緻,完全無法讓我以三言兩語道盡。
在這個天才的稱號被濫用的時代,Michael Murray無疑早已超越了這個庸俗的稱謂,在心靈的世界,他或許就是“天”本身。而這本秘籍一般的冰山一角,彷彿正是記載他從人到神的修真歷程!
同時也有25部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅Henry & Donny,也在其Youtube影片中提到,📮 Turn on Subtitles CC 📮|English , 中文 , French , Español , 日本語 , 한국어 , ไทย , Indonesia , Português Henry IG https://www.instagram.com/henryamouriq/ D...
「piece by piece 中文」的推薦目錄:
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《小說故事創作 (Part1)by 八歲小貝拉》
《Story writing (Part 2) by Bella Chang, 8yrs old》
I ate my dinner then did my work.
"It's going to be late. " Mom said.
I hate night, because there are many scary things coming out in the late night, like mummies, monsters, ghosts, snowmen...etc.
I went back to the room and saw my big sister Emma brushing her hair. Her hair is so soft and smooth, not like my hair is dirty and messy. I sit down and want to change my look. So I look at the mirror and keep saying: "I am beautiful, I am beautiful, I am beautiful, I am beautiful! " All that words made me dizzy.
The next Sunday morning, my mother is always busy. I hopped around happily in the kitchen. I want to meet Katie as soon as possible, and I want to eat some cookies, the crunchy cookies. My sister is still beautiful, she is swing her dress in front of me, it's like a sky blue color with a white bow.
"Katie must be waiting for me! "I yelled.
My mom gave me a piece of bread. She reminded me:" Stay safe and come back before…."
"I know before 12:00. "I left home and ran across the trees.
"RUSH!" I heard those big trees roaring in my ears, loud and clear.
The weather is so cold, feeling like eating 49 balls of ice cream on the coldest winter day!
"Hey! "I waved to Katie.
"Are you ok? "Katie asked me worried: "I mean you look like to have eaten 48 balls of ice cream."
"It's 49 balls of ice cream. "I corrected her.
Katie was confused and looked at me with a face that "with one of my not the right time to say that."
Later, we walked down to the creek. We had two bottles, and played a game called "Splashed bottle!". We made a hole in the bottle, filled the bottle with water, and then splashed water over our heads, like it's raining, and also like we were playing with a mean boy!
"Bump! " Suddenly, Katie and I heard strange noises.
We froze like two snowmen who ate 100 balls of ice cream.
Katie was brave, but now...
"I thought you were brave why don't I see it now" I said super duper cooper quietly.
She looked at me and scared so was I.
"We shouldn't be joking at this right moment. "Katie Said.
Katie tip toe then went across the creek. "Splash splash……"
"Shhh… you are making the alien go away! "
She nodded, moved forward slowly, stared at the thing, and then grasped it!
"Oh, it is a poor little bunny. " Katie looked at the rabbit, even... already loved it.
"The bunny went to sleep?" Katie hugged the bunny so tightly like a baby. Sometimes Katie's hug is not a good thing, because she always kinda too excited.
"Let's grab a hull bunch of leaves to make it soft and feed. "
"We should give it to Della." Katie suggested: "Della is nice nurse for animals. She is only 9 years old, but almost 10. 』
As we walked and walked, we finally arrived at Della's hideout. There were many small animals staying outside waiting for her help, so she might be very busy.
We went inside the the little hut, which like a small house made of leaves and sticks. We looked around, there were a lot of food, medicine, water and other things.
Della is holding a cute and petite mouse named Alice.
"This poor little bunny was hurt and unloved. You need to help him or her!" Katie walked quickly to Della and said very very fast.
Della looked at the bunny very close. "I will see what is wrong with the bunny and tell you it's a girl or boy. "
Katie hugged Della tight as she could.
"Don't be that happy, we still don’t know if it's OK? Della said.
(To be continued....)
另外,照片裡的小貝拉是在寫數學功課,不是在寫故事。她為了不被打擾,她都是躲在廁所寫故事的 😏。
piece by piece 中文 在 Being Hong Kong Facebook 的最佳解答
#就係香港實習同學BackstageStory #Tobie篇
We often dismiss or glance over interiors of shops and cafes. They become brisk stops where we do our weekly shop and nothing more, but having to inspect and analyse each facet of a space has led me to realise the depth and historical significance these old stores hold. When doing research for Har Kee Noodle and Wing Heung Cafe, I was encouraged to perceive each and every aspect inquisitively. Each photograph on the wall, each piece of decor perhaps wasn’t only there for mere aesthetic intention. Behind each aspect was a story to tell, one which represents a tangible history of the space. With perishable memories and the temporal notion of emotion, I found that connecting with the physical space was the best way to engage with the past. Researching online was one thing, but having this information set against the backdrop of where it all happened brought these memories to life. And by creating a collage, I wanted to highlight the preservation of a fleeting moment, memory encased and stories retold in these physical spaces. The wear and tear of furniture and iconic shopfront signs held a sense of sentimentality which I hope others will be more wary of in the future.
#就係香港2020秋季號#Remap土瓜灣生存手冊#老店 #本地創作
piece by piece 中文 在 Henry & Donny Youtube 的最讚貼文
📮 Turn on Subtitles CC 📮|English , 中文 , French , Español , 日本語 , 한국어 , ไทย , Indonesia , Português
Henry IG https://www.instagram.com/henryamouriq/
Donny IG https://www.instagram.com/donny.lin/
My FB https://www.facebook.com/HenryAmouric/
Hello everyone,
We hoped you guys liked the video if you could help us by sharing it and give us alike!👍🏻
You also could comment below, we will reply as much as we can ❤️
Love you all 💙
Donny & Henry❣️
亨利·IG https://www.instagram.com/henryamouriq/
Donny IG https://www.instagram.com/donny.lin/
我的FB https://www.facebook.com/HenryAmouric/
相機 : Canon EOS M5

piece by piece 中文 在 CarrieLuk26 Youtube 的最佳解答
#HKstaucation again! 如果時間線上,這酒店是先去過旺角希爾頓花園酒店? 但這集實在太長太精彩,要些時間準備? 今次簡單是驚喜陸續有的staycation,先是有一間房間讓我們準備、休息,再被升級到海景房? 能相像房間大得有書房嗎?? 還有望著維多利亞港吃豐富下午茶和早餐? 大家準好嗎?
0:00-0:50 【開場白+戴頭盔】
0:50-3:44 【豪華大床房Room Tour】
3:44-9:42 【豪華海景房 Room Tour~有房、有廳、有書房】
9:42-11:01 【豪華海景房 細緻欣賞】
11:01-11:34 【美中不足處】
11:34-14:46 【望住維港食下午茶】
14:46-15:53 【小詳情】
15:53-17:41 【夜遊尖沙咀+Donki晚餐】
17:41-18:51 【望住維港食早餐】
18:51-19:14 【延遲退房+結尾】
[#HKstaycation EP.1]旺角希爾頓花園酒店 $460 2日1夜?
[#HKstaycation EP.3] ?沙田麗豪酒店 $648 2日1夜
每人每晚不用$600? 華欣希臘風渡假村
農曆7月14??泰國路邊亂撿東西 從此不得安眠?
?Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carrieluk26/
?Email: carrieluk26@gmail.com
Track: Queen of the Night — Vendredi [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch: https://youtu.be/nTxuq2fE0KE
Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/queen-night
Alone by Pold https://soundcloud.com/pold-music/alone
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/_alone
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/crsKDKeMr2k
Track: SkyHigh — Enine [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch: https://youtu.be/q-lf6x9cVXw
Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/skyhigh
Track: Missing Piece — Broke in Summer [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch: https://youtu.be/l61AI9r-XMw
Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/missing-piece
Song: Markvard - Together (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/7R-0waayW5c
Journey by Declan DP Music https://soundcloud.com/declandp
Licensing Agreement: http://www.declandp.info/music-licensing
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/_journey
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/zDVKg3riNGU
Song: MusicbyAden - Desire
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Video Link: https://youtu.be/e6gviNo_tus
Kevin MacLeod創作的「Fluffing a Duck」是依據 創用 CC (姓名標示) 4.0 授權使用。 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
來源: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100768
演出者: http://incompetech.com/
Track name: Catwalk.
Music by AShamaluevMusic.

piece by piece 中文 在 林子安 AnViolin Youtube 的精選貼文
■ 更多林子安:
For business, please send private message to my Instagram or Facebook fan page.
■ 更多【Cover by AnViolin】:https://bit.ly/2vWVtF5
🎶樂譜連結 Sheet Music🎶
電影經典配樂女人香《Por Una Cabeza》小提琴版本 | Violin cover by Lin Tzu An of Por Una Cabeza
Por Una Cabeza有個很好的中文譯名叫做一步之遙,面對生活中的困境我們很多時候會望而卻步,
歡迎大家在沒有下雨的週末到信義區香堤大道,聽cover歌曲的live版!詳細演出相關資訊,我都會更新在我的Instagram 限時動態!
Here comes cover of the day: the classical music for Argentine tango, and it is also the well known melody deeply loved by fans all over the world.
This beautiful piece of music was showed up in many movies as the background music, among which is the scent of a woman, and was regarded as the brilliant highlight in the film.
The song was at first about the intricate and inseparable love between lovers.
But after watching the movie, I believe tango was given a deeper meaning about our lives.
Tango is not afraid of making mistakes, for you can start over. Tango is not afraid of ending, because you can dance again. So at the moment I realized that our life is just like the endless tango.
TBH, there's a well translated Chinese meaning for Por Una Cabeza, called within a stone's throw.
When facing difficulties in life, we are often discouraged, of course, but just as the characters in the movie who would at times be lonely and confused, and others want to go away and give up, the movie was telling us that life should not just stop there.
hope y’all enjoy the life inspiring tango!
Should you have any request regarding cover songs, just comment below and let me know.
Also please share the video and subscribe to my channel https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ.
Don't forget to click the 🔔 bell to be notified when my videos come out!
Visit me at Taipei Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Plaza to enjoy more my live cover songs. Check it out details on my Instagram stories!
編曲Arrange:林子安 Lin Tzu An
混音Remix:林子安 Lin Tzu An
小提琴 Violin: 林n子安 Lin Tzu An
鍵盤piano : Neon lu
攝影師剪接師 Photographer & Film editor: Santon.W
文字編輯 Social media editor/manager: Lily Wu
🎻Sponsor AnViolin🎻
(Via Paypal)Sponsorship:https://www.paypal.me/Anviolin
【Cover by AnViolin】每週上傳新的小提琴cover影片,
喜歡的話請訂閱我的頻道 https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ
還想看子安cover什麼歌?留言跟我說 !