來讀 #華爾街日報 趕走腦內負能量
💐How to Stop the Negative Chatter in Your Head
🧸Did you make your New Year’s resolutions? I hope you put “cognitive reappraisal” on the list. Psychologists use this term to refer to the practice of replacing negative thoughts with ones that are both more positive and true. People who control their self-talk in this manner have better mental health, more life satisfaction, and even better-functioning hearts, research shows. Experts say the technique, which is central to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, is an important skill to master during difficult times. The good news is that you can do it at home.
-cognitive reappraisal: 認知重評
-psychologist: 心理學家
-master: 精通
🌞Ethan Kross is an experimental psychologist and neuroscientist who specializes in emotion regulation. He is a professor of psychology and management at the University of Michigan and director of the Emotion & Self Control Laboratory, where he studies the science of introspection, or the silent conversations people have with themselves. He has a new book coming out this month called “Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why it Matters, and How to Harness It.”
實驗心理學家、神經科學家伊桑·克洛斯(Ethan Kross)是情緒控制方面的專家,他目前在密歇根大學擔任心理學及管理學教授,同時還兼任情緒及自我控制實驗室(Emotion & Self Control Laboratory)的主任。在這家實驗室裡,克洛斯主要研究與自省相關的課題,所謂自省,就是人們與自己進行的一場無聲對話。今年1月,他的新書《碎碎念:腦中的聲音、它的重要性以及如何掌控它》(Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why it Matters, and How to Harness It)出版。
-specialize in sth: 精通某事
-introspection: 自我省察、自省
-chatter: 碎碎念
-harness: 運用、掌控
🍀Does everyone talk to themselves?
Dr. Kross: Yes. There are lots of ways we use language internally. We use it to keep things fresh in our heads, like repeating a phone number. We try to simulate what we are planning to say, like when we go on an interview or a date. We talk to ourselves when we’re trying to or when we are trying to solve a problem. When we are doing something difficult, we mentally walk ourselves through the steps we need to take. Self-talk helps us to author the stories of our life, to capture stories that explain what we have gone through. Even if our self-talk is negative, that doesn’t always mean it’s bad. We can learn things from painful experiences that help us grow and improve.
-capture: 捕捉
-painful: 痛苦的
#告訴我✍🏻 「 你如何趕走壞心情 」
positive psychology therapy 在 Kathy營養師 身營心營 Facebook 的最佳貼文
[心理輔導學] X [ 營養學] = [營養輔導] X [成功瘦身· 身營心營]
[營養師Kathy] X [ 家營營養師]
♡ 你哋認唔認得我呀?
喺11年前嘅差唔多今日,就係我香港大學輔導學碩士嘅畢業日子 ! 你哋睇下我11年前個樣!
♡ 心理輔導學令營養學人性化
我一直都好慶幸自己當年揀心理輔導學來攻讀,令到我唔會咁單一, 只係識營養,比較理論化。而心理輔導嘅技巧可以幫客人實踐營養知識係實際生活當中,亦都比較人性化! 以前成日聽到人哋話睇營養師冇用, 就係因為呢句說話, 我哋決定用輔導學不斷咁改善營養學嘅問題!
例如好似Mindful Eating,其實齋噏冇乜用!但係通過同客人練習,客人先至可以實踐出來!
♡ 做心理學練習例如Mindful Eating, 需要受過心理學訓練
同客人做練習梗係需要受過輔導訓練啦!好彩當年有讀到輔導,同埋儲咗咁多年嘅經驗! 唔係嘅話,就會變成空談理論,做到個形式做唔到個靈魂, 更會令到客人反而更加迷惘! 以為淨係食慢啲就係Mindful Eating!
而家我將心理輔導技巧融合喺我地家營嘅營養諮詢之中,例如 正念飲食(Mindful Eating),認知行為治療(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), 正向心理學(Positive Psychology) 等等心理學嘅概念! 呢啲大部分都係我當時喺輔導學中主修科! 幫到人仲幫到自己!
♡ 家營營養師不怕艱辛, 接受心理輔導訓練
呢啲軟技巧係需要浸出嚟,而家 我哋嘅營養師個個已經訓練有素。喺輔導訓練嘅過程雖然辛苦,但係當每次聽到客人對我地嘅營養師正面嘅feedback,幫到佢地成功咁建立健康飲食習慣,我哋就覺得呢一切努力都係值得嘅!
positive psychology therapy 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 的精選貼文
Lama saya tenung gambar ni. Macam macam boleh kita tafsirkan. Seorang wanita yang terluka, dan menjahit sendiri lukanya. Ramai yang begini kan. Sekeliling kita. Cuma kadang tu kita tak perasan.
Banyak punca. Pengabaian daripada orang terhampir, penderaan, kesakitan kesakitan yang datang, struggle mengurus hidup, peranan, komitmen dan sebagainya.
Tadi pun ada terbaca kisah surirumah yang mengadu susahnya urus anak dan rumahtangga. Serabut semua ada. Itu ini serba tak kena, ...
Continue ReadingI've been looking at this picture for a long time. How can we be comment. A wounded woman, and sewed her own wounds. Many are like this, right. Around us. Only sometimes we don't notice.
A lot of causes. Neglect from the people, abuse, pain pain that comes, struggle to manage life, role, commitment and so on.
Just now read the story of the housewife who is complaining so hard to take care of children and household. Frustrated all available. This is all wrong, not done with work. Until depressed.
Don't be be. Don't be a mother's situation like this. If there is no support, it can lead to long-lasting emotional pressure.
Mistakes can be like the woman in the picture just now. Pain, stress, hurt. Then sewing the wound itself. Because no one cares. Huhu.
I really understand, housewives are tired. There are more kids. I've been it. Child can't put, keep crying, doing business again. Life is chaos. Isn't it right if a housewife is just sitting in the house. There's no going out for a holiday or what. Wow.
I don't want to review the psychology chapter or anything because I'm not good at it. Just experience the experience, reading and sharing of friends. I want to share these 10 tips. How to be calm in taking care of the household.
1. Strengthen your soul
This soul is like a battery, he decides for us to move. If the battery is weak, you can't do anything. How to be strong? This is so important. Strengthen our relationship with Allah. Pray for early time prayer, read the Quran in the beginning of the day and dhikr. It gives us extraordinary energy. Biiznillah. If you don't take care of this, it's easy frustrated. This is basic, if you can wake up at night, all of that, my God, it's more powerful. Make it routine, one happiness.
2. Be strong
Exercise a moment early in the morning. Promise to get rid of sweat and body stretch. Can also be in the house. Many ways, just open Youtube search. We feel healthier and happy.
3. Be strong
Do what we like and feel great. I call therapy. Like me, early morning before starting work, I flush the flower trees and vegetables that are planted. Then train yourself every day to read any positive ingredients and say good things are fine.
4. Chapters of cooking and eating
Mom must eat first. Give energy to yourself. Bread to the easy and a cup of coffee or hot chocolate at the beginning of the day. For Energy.
And simple and simple family cooking only. As long as it's nutritious. Don't bother yourself to cook as much as you can. If you don't have time, you can buy and have a lot of food delivery services now. You can't eat from hunger, right?
5. Kitchen material management
Set one day for kitchen setting day. Preparing onions, chili peppers all enter the fridge. Washing protein is ready to pack the parts together. Vegetables only use ulam ulam. Fast and nutritious. There is a setting like this, can cook under half an hour.
6. Home management
Packing is really tired. So put the timing. Packing certain time only. Like me, morning and evening. Between the two hours, whatever happens. Close your eyes. This includes the management of clothes.
7. Child Management
Our children are not the same. Don't stress other people's children sleep well, our children need to sleep. Just relax and relax. When we do things number 1-6, we have time to focus on number 7 which is time for children. Play with him. When we give them quality time, children are easier to take care of. I always hold it, the child will grow, the phase of squirm is hard all that is not long.
8. Help
Learn to ask for a partner's help. Don't want to do it all. If you are able to take a helper who comes to clean the house daily, it is very nice. Or even buy gadget that makes it easier for kitchen work. An example of cuckoo pot, noxxa all that. Measles, setting, just wait to cook.
9. Mindset and rest
Hold this one thing. We don't have to be perfect. Happiness is much more important. Lower the expectation that is too high to be the tip top of all serbi. Yes, while the child is still small. Make time for rest. Leave a moment of housewife work that will never run out.
10. Enjoy and build experience
One's child is different from three, four, five, six and so on. Time will be make and make we take care of our feelings and roles. Just go through with awareness that this moment is experience.
The main key is management, mindset and apply to God who strengthens everything. Insyaallah, in this way we have time to manage the household where it is the source of continuous reward, there is time to rest, there is time to educate children, there is time to find knowledge, there is time to make a favorite hobby etc.
Mother and mother
Be calm yes
And be happy.
Different Fields are different from the grasshopper.
Different people look at each other.
Just sharing. Hopefully there will be benefits.
Credit: najibah mustaffaTranslated