Date: 10th April 2016 (Sunday)
Time: 12:30-19:00
Venue: Academic Community Hall, Hong Kong Baptist University
The tickets are on the first-come-first-serve basis.
Please sign up in the following link in order to reserve your tickets in advance.
See you on April 10th!!
Interview on TEDx HKBU 2016 speaker- Mr Neo Yau
Emerging as a new star in the showbiz, Neo Yau is taking baby steps towards his dreams – of acting and playwriting. Graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA), he and his partners started off establishing the group ‘Mocking Jer’, in which the first production has gained over 100 thousand views online in just a few weeks’ time. The two local movies, ‘For Love, We Can’ and ‘She Remembers, He Forgets’, boosted his fame among the Hong Kong audience and have earned him recognitions. As a movie-lover, Neo has been indulging in movie appreciation and production since his childhood, under the influence of his family. His strong urge to perform and his belief in local production are his greatest motivation and drive in his acting and script-writing career. With Stanley Kubrick as his favorite director back in the days in HKAPA, Neo believes that imitation is the root of improving performance. The most vivid presentation of characters comes from the imitation of details and thoughts of the subjects. Neo considers passion as inspiration in life. Only when we have that passion for what we adore, can we proceed in our journeys regardless of the challenges, and shape ourselves, our identity.
游學修先生是娛樂圈新星,現時一直摸索鑽研,力求進步,包括學習幕前演出技巧和編劇工作。游先生在香港演藝學院畢業,其後與同伴開辦及經營 YouTube 頻道──「學舌鳥」,第一部上載影片在數星期內得到超過十萬點擊率。在演藝事業上,〈愛,不難〉以及〈哪一天我們會飛〉兩部電影大大提升游先生在香港的名氣。由於游先生受到家庭薰陶,他自小已經熱愛演戲及製作電影。他投身演藝事業的動力,源於他對演出的渴求和對香港電影業的憧憬。游先生在母校香港演藝學院導演 Stanley Kubrick 的啟蒙下,他相信提升演技的重要方法是「模仿」。因此,他反覆揣摩角色的每處細節,力求「演活」每個角色。游先生認為人們最應該留意及重視自己內心的熱情,因為熱情能使人在面對難關時,仍能奮力向前,建立自己身份和價值。
Photo credit: www.slap.hk
*The medium of language of the event is English
TEDx HKBU 2016 "The Name They Put On Me" is now open for registration!!
Date: 10th April 2016 (Sunday)
Time: 12:30-19:00
Venue: Academic Community Hall, Hong Kong Baptist University
The tickets are on the first-come-first-serve basis.
Please sign up in the following link in order to reserve your tickets in advance.
See you on April 10th!!