「思索香港」青年峰會 2021
CUHKCAS “Reflections" Annual Youth Conference 2021
主題:細思我城沿革 遠眺機遇未來
Theme: Past, Present, Future: Hong Kong’s Legacies, Uncertainties, and Opportunities
► Limited Spots!!! Click the following link to register NOW
► Click GOING on the Facebook event page to receive updates!
*Places are assigned on a first-come-first served basis.
(Deadline: 23:59 15th August 2021)
日期及時間:2021年8月21日 (星期六) 0900-1730
地點:聖若瑟書院禮堂 (半山堅尼地道七號)
中學生 / 劍橋大學香港及中國事務會會員:港幣20元
公眾人士:港幣50 元
英國各大學公共事務會 (PASS/CAS) 委員 (只限Executive committee):免費
Event Details:
Date and Time: 21st August, 2021 (Saturday) 0900 - 1730
Venue: New Hall, St. Joseph's College, 7 Kennedy Road
Language: Cantonese supplemented with English
Secondary school students/ CUHKCAS members: HKD 20
University students: HKD 30
Public: HKD 50
Executive committee of UK PASS/CAS: Free of Charge
09:00登記 @ 聖若瑟書院禮堂外
09:45 - 10:15 開幕典禮
▻ 李國寶爵士致歡迎詞
▻ Lord Palmerston Essay Competition 頒獎儀式
10:15 - 11:45 專題討論一: 龍獅到紫荊:殖民遺寶還是餘孽?
▻Mrs. Rachel Cartland (前社會福利署副署長)
▻陳志雲先生 (商業電台首席智囊、前港英政府政務主任)
▻劉慧卿女士 (前民主黨主席)
▻呂大樂教授 (教育大學香港社會研究講座教授、香港研究學院總監)
11:45 - 13:00 午飯時間
13:00 - 15:00 專題討論二:「變革香港」- 美麗新都會?
嘉賓主持:張達明教授 (香港大學法律學院首席講師)
15:15 - 16:45 專題討論三:明珠蒙塵 - 香港當如何自處?
▻羅健熙先生 (民主黨主席)
▻劉炳章先生 (香港專業聯盟主席、前立法會議員)
▻陳君洋先生 (良師香港創辦人)
▻黃兆祺先生 (渾水)(財經專欄作者)
嘉賓主持:羅永聰先生 (前財政司司長政治助理、前港台節目主持人)
17:00 閉幕典禮
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過26的網紅Sharmaine K,也在其Youtube影片中提到,University of Kent, Fine Art Degree Show, 21st – 31st May –2015 An exhibition of 26 exciting emerging artists in Kent The University of Kent’s Sch...
public school uk 在 華人民主書院 New School for Democracy Facebook 的最讚貼文
【 #聯署聲明 | 6.26 聯合國國際支持酷刑受害者日 】
#敦促中國履行締約義務 #包括落實有效措施禁止一切形式酷刑
1987 年 6 月 26 日聯合國《禁止酷刑和其他殘忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或處罰公約》(簡稱《禁止酷刑公約》)正式生效。至 1997 年,這一天被定為「國際支持酷刑受害者日」。
今年是《禁止酷刑公約》的 34 周年紀念,我們以下聯署團體及個人謹此呼籲國際社會團結一致並堅定不懈地監督中國的酷刑問題,這對推動中國政府正視其人權違反狀況,至為關鍵。
根據酷刑受害人的報告指出,他/ 她們在關押期間,曾遭遇的酷刑和不人道的對待包括受襲、毆打、電擊、強迫長時間固定動作、幽禁、剝奪睡眠和足夠食物以至言語侮辱、威嚇和脅迫等等。
- 陝西人權律師常瑋平,疑因公開自己在 2020 年年初曾受酷刑後,同年 10 月被帶走,至今音訊全無。
- 長沙公益仨人程淵、劉永澤和吳葛健雄;從 2019 年 7 月被羈押後至今音訊全無。
- 北京女權倡議者李翹楚,研究員,2021 年 2 月被帶走,至 3 月正式逮捕,至今無法會見律師及家人。
- 北京人權律師余文生,被判四年徒刑,現於南京服刑中。
1. 立即釋放所有被不符合國際人權準則程序關押和囚禁的律師、人權捍衛者以及公民。
2. 承認不受酷刑為不可克減權利的特殊性,不能以國內法給予但書。
3. 以《禁止酷刑公約》爲本,將酷刑的定義納入中國法規;並據此檢視修訂其《刑事訴訟法》,包括但不限於廢除任意羈押和長期拘留、確保會見自選律師的權利等。
4. 制定可及、透明和有效的酷刑投訴機制,以確保受害人可以申索救濟和補償,而加害者得以被法律追究。
5. 設立包含官方和非官方專家的獨立委員會,監督《禁止酷刑公約》在中國有效落實。
- 國際特赦組織台灣分會(Amnesty International Taiwan) 臺灣
- 無國界律師組織(Avocats Sans Frontieres)
- 改變中國(China Change) 美國,華盛頓
- 中國死刑關注(China Against the Death Penalty)(CADP)
- 中國政治犯關注組(China Political Prisoners Concern Group) 香港
- 中國人權捍衛者(Chinese Human Rights Defenders) 美國,華盛頓
- 全球基督教團結組織(Christian Solidarity Worldwide) 英國
- 中國律師之友(Committee to Support Chinese Lawyers) 美國,紐約
- 經濟民主連合(Economic Democracy Union) 臺灣
- 國際危難律師日(Foundation day of the Endangered Lawyer) 尼德蘭
- 前線衛士(Front Line Defenders) 愛爾蘭
- 香港邊城青年執行委員會(Hong Kong Outlanders Executive Committee) 臺灣
- Human Rights Now 日本
- 人權觀察 (Human Rights Watch) 美國
- 國際人權服務社 (International Service on Human Rights) (ISHR), 瑞士
- 國際西藏網路 (International Tibet Network) 美國
- 民間司法改革基金會(Judicial Reform Foundation) 臺灣
- 律師助律師 (Lawyers for Lawyers) 尼德蘭
- 律師權利觀察(Lawyers' Rights Watch) 加拿大
- 萊特納國際法暨正義中心(Leitner Center for International Law and Justice)美國,紐約
- Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers 法國
- 國際人民律師協會 (International Association of People's Lawyers )(IAPL).
- 華人民主書院(New School for Democracy) 臺灣
- 台北律師公會(Taipei Bar Association) 臺灣
- 台灣廢除死刑推動聯盟(Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty)
- 台灣人權促進會(Taiwan Association for Human Rights) 臺灣
- 全國律師聯合會(Taiwan Bar Association) 臺灣
- 臺灣聲援中國人權律師網絡(Taiwan Support China Human Rights Lawyers Network) 臺灣
- Jean-Philippe BEJA, 法國國家科學研究院-巴黎政治學院國際研究所名譽教授(Research professor emeritus CNRS-CERI Sciences po, France)
- Jerome A. COHEN, 美國紐約大學法學院 榮譽法學教授(Professor of Law Emeritus, New York University, US)
- Martin FLAHERTY, 美國普林斯頓大學國際公共關係部門 客座教授(Visiting Professor, School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, US)
- Eva PILS, Professor, 英國倫敦國王學院潘迪生法學院 教授(Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London, UK)
- Stuart RUSSELL, 澳大利亞麥覺里大學法學院 教授 (退休) Macquarie University School of Law, Australia (retired)
- TENG Biao, 美國芝加哥大學波津人權中心 客座教授 Pozen Visiting Professor, University of Chicago, US
(2021 年 6 月 26 日--臺北.日内瓦)
public school uk 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文
[翻轉視界] Changing Perspective 15
We all want the same things in life: freedom, peace, and stability.
我們追求的目標其實都是一樣的: 自由、和平和安穩的生活。
I'm a banking lawyer. I’ve got a very Australian accent. Sometimes people say things to me like that refugees are not really refugees, that they are just business opportunists. I then say, ‘Well, I’m a refugee from Laos, does that change your opinion?’ With that, they are taken aback.
•opportunist 機會主義者、投機取巧者
•refugee 難民
•be taken aback 被嚇了一跳
•Laos 寮國
When we arrived in Australia, we lived first in a hostel in Melbourne, and then with my aunt and uncle and their kids in Sydney. There were 14 people in the house, and our family of 5 were in one room. My parents worked in factories, and my father worked a second shift in a restaurant at night so they could save up for a house.
•hostel (免費或廉價的)旅社 ; (UK) (無家可歸者的)收容所
•shift (n.)輪班職工;班;輪班
•save up for 為...存錢
I went to a public high school in a rough area of Sydney, in Bonnyrigg, right in the middle of a housing commission area. Only 4 kids from my year went on to Sydney University, and I was one of them. I still remember the first day of my law course, sitting in the lecture hall next to people from private and selective schools, and feeling nervous, out of place and undeserving.
•rough area 危險區
•housing commission area 住房委員會區
•selective school 菁英學校
•out of place 感到如魚出水,很不自在,局促不安
•undeserving 不配受到的,不該得到的
My parents didn’t want to leave their country. They did it because they had to, because they were discriminated against by the Communists because of their Chinese background and political beliefs. Then they had to live with us in a refugee camp in Thailand for 10 months. And when they came to Australia, they worked hard, they always did the right thing, they tried to fit in, and they created a good family life for us. All my siblings went to uni, and we have all become professionals.
•be discriminated against by 被...歧視
•Communist 共產主義者; 共產黨員
•political belief 政治信念
•refugee camp 難民營
Back when we arrived, there was a bit more compassion for refugees. I think that's what's missing in Australia these days. Even in some of the ethnic communities, I feel that there's sometimes a lack of compassion, because they forget where they've come from. So when people say something negative about refugees, I always speak up with my story, to try to bring kindness back into the conversation.
•compassion 同情、憐憫
•ethnic community 少數族群社區
•say something negative 說壞話
•speak out/up (尤指對有強烈共鳴的話題)公開發表意見,坦率說出
Bring kindness back into our lives.
文章出處: https://bit.ly/3gjlUgs
New Humans of Australia
Photographer: Simone Cheung Photography
翻轉視界: http://bit.ly/3fPvKUs
public school uk 在 Sharmaine K Youtube 的最佳解答
University of Kent, Fine Art Degree Show,
21st – 31st May –2015
An exhibition of 26 exciting emerging artists in Kent
The University of Kent’s School of Music and Fine Art presents the Fine Art Degree Show 2016 in the extraordinary environment of The Historic Dockyard, Chatham, Kent, featuring the work of 26 graduating BA and MA Fine Art students.
Opening with a preview on Saturday May 21st, 1pm-5pm,
with guest speaker, Patricia Bickers, writer, curator and editor of Art Monthly
and music from artist Benedict Drew.
The exhibition is open to all and is free to attend.
Open to the public (10am-5pm):
Sunday 22nd May
Tuesday 24th May - Tuesday 31st May inclusive.
Continuing a tradition of showcasing bold, exploratory exhibitions curated by the University of Kent’s Fine Art students, framed by the stunning backdrop of one of the country’s most iconic locations, the Historic Dockyard Chatham, our visitors will encounter a broad range of artistic styles and media, an explosion of imagination and a celebration of art’s potential for society.
This exhibition offers the public a fascinating insight into contemporary art’s most recent practices and processes such as a ‘Grand Design’ home evolved by a hoarder, an oozing conversation with the earth, a system of tunnels, angry letters about Gillingham’s Samurai sent to Medway council, a Dockyard worker’s fall down a well as sculpture, personal Facebook data becomes food, a dream-like exploration of the car industry, hand movements translated into Fibonacci sound, an autobiographical feature length film made on a mobile phone and a performance where the rules of tennis are applied to an exam.
The Degree Show’s aim is to encourage audiences to explore the potential of Medway as a dynamic hub for art, with the School of Music and Fine Art as a major conduit for these activities, positively impacting on the community and offering imaginative suggestions and visionary strategies for cultural regeneration.
As well as involving students from Kent, and across the UK, this year’s Degree Show exhibitors include student artists from Iran, Thailand, China, Russia, Italy, Cyprus, Mexico, Hong Kong, Isle of Man and Ghana.
The Fine Art Degree Show exhibition catalogue features texts by academics across a range of University of Kent Schools: Emily Rosamond, Grant Pooke, Simon Smith, Howard Griffin and Rebecca Hobbs.
Degree Show visitors can attend a wide range of exciting educational activities. Young people attending can also participate in workshops with some of the exhibiting artists. On Tuesday 24h May and Wednesday 25th May Education Days will be held for local schools and colleges. Attendees will be able to view the Show and hear talks from the artists; they will also be encouraged to produce their own artwork in response to their experience of the Show. If you would like to bring a school, college or university group to this event (all ages welcome) please email mfaadmissions@kent.ac.uk
Visitors to the Degree Show will also be able to visit the Historic Dockyard's thematic exhibition of international contemporary art works, "Of the Sea," a competition (in collaboration with the School of Music and Fine Art) whose jury panel includes Kathleen Palmer (Head of Art, Imperial War Museum), and Victoria Pomery (Director of Turner Contemporary, Margate).
The Degree Show Address:
The Historic Dockyard, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4TY
Entry is at The Historic Dockyard Chatham Visitor Entrance, via The Galvanising Shop (next to the Dockyard’s visitors’ car park on the East Road).
Contact Details:
For further press information and images of the works on display please contact School Reception:
or telephone 01634 888 980.
Twitter: @unikentmfa
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UoKDegreeShow
Tumblr http://degreeshow2016.tumblr.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/degreeshow2016/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Uokdegreeshow/
The School of Music and Fine Art was rated within the top ten of Art university departments in the UK (Guardian League Tables, 2015) an accolade supported by a top 20 University which came 3rd for ‘overall satisfaction’ in the National Student Survey, 2014
All members of the Fine Art academic staff are actively engaged as nationally and internationally exhibiting artists and published writers and include Shona Illingworth, Sarah Turner, Dr Andrew Conio, Emily Rosamund, Adam Chodzko, Tim Meacham and Dr Steve Klee.
We have links with many leading arts organisations including; Whitstable Biennale and Turner Contemporary, Margate. We actively engage with collaborations and participation with our local community in Medway.
The department attracts students from all over the world and from a diverse range of backgrounds and experience.
