對了,上下車站牌目前仍不明顯,有些地點有站牌,例如ตลาดต้นพยอม Ton Payom Market 對面轉角立有小牌子,其他會在看起來像公車亭的地方則貼上用A4紙列印的路線表。
Chiang Mai City Bus Routes : English version
Download the high-definition map here: http://www.cityupdate.in.th/…/…/06/BusRoutes-ENG-MAY2016.jpg
Now we have 21-seats mini buses public transportation service in Chiang Mai city! Find out where our city buses pass and wait for it at the bus stop. The fares are 15 and 20 baht up to route. Please share it to your friends!
สำหรับเวอร์ชั่นภาษาไทย ดาวน์โหลดที่นี่ : http://www.mx7.com/i/d59/u0VzlP.jpg