若在日本想購買CD的朋友,可以透過以下連結預購,也歡迎大家分享給在日本的朋友。 Inpartmaint Inc. 是我們去年在 LUCfest 貴人散步音樂節 閉幕派對認識的新夥伴,很開心這次能有機會透過他們在日本區域發行!
(P.S. 日本版CD將會多附一首Indiepop)
Good news! Our new album 'Water Can Go Anywhere' will be released soon in Japan! CDs will be available and you can pre-order here: http://www.inpartmaint.com/site/30702/ 🧡
This publishment is made by our new regional partner, Inpartmaint Inc., who we've met in the closing party of LUCfest last year. We're really excited about this and really looking forward to further partnerships in the future!
(P.S. There will be 1 bonus track 'Indiepop' in Japan release!)