Benefits of Manuka Honey.have been well documented for many years! but dont forget the Manuka Oil also sure to blow your mind~
blessed by mother nature~
Mānuka honey known for being is earthier, richer, and more viscous than many other honeys. It comes from the nectar of the flower of Leptospermum scoparium — also known as Manuka, which is only native to New Zealand. Mānuka, in fact, is a Maori word.
"The plant itself is very rare. It's difficult to harvest because the flower is only open for 12 days, and sometimes we have to use helicopters to collect this honey." John Rawcliffe from the Mānuka Factor Honey Association told Business Insider.
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About author
Kiwi Manuka, from the far reaches of New Zealand we have created health products which are natural and sustainable from mother nature.