Stop and smell the flowers 🌿🌷✨🦋. . .
Everyday we are busy with our busy life, do we even notice the beauty around us?
My morning started on the wrong side of the bed at 6:58am as one of my son’s school bus didn’t come, don’t ask me why only one son got on the bus and one had to walk a distance to another location to wait for another school bus. Anyway I had to reschedule all my morning meetings to drive one son to school which took me an hour to and fro !! I’m sharing here to let out some steam 😶🌫️ Motherhood - One needs to be able to accommodate and react instantly when things didn’t workout as planned.
I hope you will have a way better morning and a lovely chill Friday!!! 🦋✨💙🌈
PS I took this pic as I’ve parked my car, got out, stretched and looked into the sky to take a deep breath before I continue my day
#myfridaymorning #oneofthosedays #motherhood #itsfriday #rozyorganics #rozybabies #rosannewong @drderekbaram @centralsmilehk @lalamallsg @lalamallkr
reschedule to another day 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
墨爾本政府實在有夠狠(看我臉多臭)😐 昨天在下午四點半的記者會,臨時宣布晚上八點全面封城七天😱 別忘了九天前我們才剛結束長達兩星期的封城!這次三個多小時的通知,令人措手不及🥺
眼看預產期只剩十八天,York 這週末本來安排了要與男生們去喝酒、享受最後的「自由身」,沒想到全都泡湯了☹️
昨晚只好兩人臨時到披薩店吃「最後一頓自由的晚餐」🍕 老闆還發送免費食物跟酒精🥃 這些中小企業實在很慘,一堆餐廳食物絕對會被浪費,想到就很心疼💔
雖然新增三例無法追蹤的病例...但至少也讓墨爾本開放兩星期嘛!開放九天後又關七天實在是太殘忍了...🥲 不過聽說其中染病的老師有持續教課,因此「快斬」應該是最好的選擇...
Ps. 話說禮拜二我打了第二劑輝瑞疫苗,除了手臂痛,意外地沒事😬 原本看 York 上次打第二劑後,第二天晚上有嚴重感冒症狀(我們沒有想到要量體溫,他直接去睡覺)還好睡一晚就好了,隔天直接上班🤣
好奇大家打疫苗後感覺如何呢?🤔 以上就是墨爾本生活報導.....
#墨爾本 #墨爾本封城
Victorian government is brutal... Announcement made at 430pm for the snap 7-day lockdown starting at 8pm on the same-day, giving people just over 3 hours of notices😱
Considering we only just finished a 2 week lockdown 9 days ago, another 7 day lockdown for small businesses is so harsh🥺 Imagine all the food going to waste especially the weekend is coming up💔
Even though I know it's probably for the best as untraceable cases poses a huge potential threat...
Our baby is due in 18 days, already had to reschedule the cancelled catch-ups from the last lockdown to this weekend and now it's going to be postponed again 🥲 Including York's beer night with friends 🥃
As the lockdown happened so suddenly, our friends couldn't make it to dinner after work, then be home by 8pm. So York and I ended up having dinner together at a pizzeria, embracing one of our last "baby-free days"😅
Ps. I had my second dose of Pfizer on Tuesday, only had a sore arm on day 2, otherwise I was fine😬 I was quite concerned originally cz York's second dose reaction was pretty bad🤣
How about you guys? How did the vaccination goes for you? 😀
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reschedule to another day 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
We were supposed to go to our new house #TheOldForgeCottage for the new kitchen cabinet measurement today. But when we woke up in the morning and looked out of the window, we were shocked to see that the roads were all covered with a much thicker blanket of snow than yesterday. Fatimah and Ali shouted, “Do you wanna build a snowman?” ☃️
It was all white as far as our eyes could see. Even the main road. We couldn’t even get the car out without shovelling the snow around the tyres. So we had no choice but to reschedule the measuring appointment for another day. And what else is better than to play in the snow? ❄️
This would be our last winter getting frostbite in our old house. We will definitely miss our beautiful garden, especially in the winter. Even though we are going to miss all the old memories we’ve created here, we are looking forward to build new memories in our new humble abode. Anyway, it was a well spent freezing Sunday. Now, bring it on, another whitey freezy Monday! Brrr...🥶
Keep warm,
O. Mukhtar O. Mukhlis