Happy Birthday @kh3n_chua
We had talked about being restricted on where we can go, where we should avoid, where can we stay to celebrate, relax, chill, and have peace for his birthday. And this brings us to @thebanjaranhotsprings . The multi award winning resort, restaurant, and their service. Ohhhhhhh their service 👍🏻 Out of this world ! Mind blowing 💥
First, it was actually quite a last minute booking directly with the resort. The arrangements from driving into their beautiful natural surroundings, thru their secured and well guarded entrance, the allocated carpark for each guest, their private assigned buggy, their butler service, their in room dining, their facilities, the personal touch of friendliness, cleanliness, spending the first half an hour going through the whole experience from checkin in, to the personal tour around the absolutely peaceful, private and fully surrounded by complete nature flora & fauna with free fish spa, free steam bath cave, free cold pool, free dip pool, free jungle walking path, free private gym usage, free meditation cave experience, free yogazone, free reflexology area, free unlimited sweet spot that serves u unlimited beverages so u could freely roam around this jaw dropping hotsprings with different temperatures resort. The different lakes, the different waterfalls, the different caves, and their resort team, Ohhhhhhh god their staffs, this is worth the mention by a million, as each and everyone of their staff, takes such good care of your feelings, your needs, they take care of even the most tiny bits of details, this alone, the personal touches, left deeply imprinted in our hearts.
I vouch for this hotel.
This is not a sponsored trip or paid advertising. This is actually my second time staying with @thebanjaranhotsprings and they had gone from being the best to even better. Words could never express my gratitude.
You MUST try it for urself.
You will never regret the experience and the memories
Ok imma go explore the resort now
See ya all in the next posting
Omg im so excited
Book directly from @thebanjaranhotsprings https://www.sunwayhotels.com/the-banjaran @ The Banjaran Hotsprings Retreat, Ipoh Malaysia
restricted staff 在 微笑。倫敦。日不落 【Keep Smiling and Carry On】 Facebook 的精選貼文
今天英國首相Boris Johnson 宣布了最新的疫情應變措施,預計維持6個月,意思就是一直到明年春天3-4月,都會是這樣的狀態,也代表著今年的聖誕節慶祝趴踢和各項大型體育活動都不會有了!
1️⃣ 辦公室員工盡可能地在家工作
Office workers are being told to work from home again if possible
Penalties for not wearing a mask or gathering in groups of more than six will increase to £200 on the first offence
3️⃣ 從9月24日(星期四)開始,所有餐飲業(酒吧餐廳)只可以進行餐桌服務,晚上10點關店,外賣不在此限
From Thursday 24 September, all pubs, bars and restaurants will be restricted to table service only. Takeaways can continue. Also from Thursday, hospitality venues must close at 22:00 - which means shutting then, not calling for last orders.
4-1. 從9月23日(星期三)開始,計程車司機和乘客都要戴上口罩/面罩
Face coverings must be worn by taxi drivers and passengers from Wednesday
4-2. 從9月24日(星期四)開始,室內銷售業和餐飲業員工和顧客都要戴上口罩/面罩 (只有坐下吃喝東西時可以拿下來)
Retail staff and customers in indoor hospitality venues will also have to wear masks from Thursday, except when seated at a table to eat or drink
5️⃣Rule of 6(6人限聚令)延伸
5-1. 從9月28日(星期一)開始,婚禮限聚令從30人下修至只可15人參加;喪禮維持不變至多30人參加
From Monday 28 September, only 15 people will be able to attend weddings and civil partnerships, in groups of six. Funerals can still take place with up to 30 people
5-2. 從9月28日(星期一)開始, rule of 6(6人限聚令)擴大至室內體育活動,也只能少於6人
Also from 28 September, you can only play indoor adult sports in groups of less than six
The planned return of spectators to sports venues will now not go ahead from 1 October
restricted staff 在 Roger Chung 鍾一諾 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Social Determinants of Health Inequality: What are the lessons of COVID-19 in Hong Kong and around the World?
Speakers: Prof. WONG Hung, Prof. Roger CHUNG, Dr. FAN Ning
主持:梁美儀教授(香港中文大學 大學通識教育主任)
Moderator: Prof. LEUNG Mei Yee (Director of University General Education, CUHK)
日期 Date:02 / 06 / 2020 (Tue)
時間 Time: 6 – 8 p.m.
本講將透過 ZOOM 舉行,連結將於收集報名後附上。
The talk will be conducted with ZOOM. Link will be provided later.
粵語主講 In Cantonese
查詢 Enquiry:ouge@cuhk.edu.hk
網上報名 Online reservation:
中大學生及教職員 CUHK students and staff:https://webapp.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/ras/restricted/event?id=312
校友及公眾人士報名 Public audience:https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=9692920
費用全免,歡迎所有人士參加 Free admission, all are welcome.