Did you enjoy the reunion? Did you laugh, cry, or both?
“Friends” will always be there for you.
•nostalgia 對往事的懷念,懷舊,念舊
•special (n.)(電視)特別節目
•take a stroll/trip/walk down memory lane 追憶往昔
•romanticize 以浪漫方式說話;使浪漫化;使理想化
•pay tribute to 向...致敬
•behind-the-scenes clips 幕後花絮
•revisit 重訪(某地)
•I’ll be there for you. 當你需要時我會在你身旁。
“Friends: The Reunion,” the sweet, shaggy special arriving on HBO Max on Thursday, makes another thing about the titles clear: They’re pre-nostalgized. They’re written the way you would try to remember the episodes, retrospectively, years later — say, at a reunion.
•special (n.)(電視)特別節目
•retrospectively 涉及以往地;追溯地;回顧地
•retrospective與retroactive有何區別: https://bit.ly/3oKMzF8
《六人行:重聚》(Friends: The Reunion)週四在HBO Max頻道播出,這是一個溫馨可愛的特輯,顯示出那些片名的另一個特點:它們預先就已經在懷舊了。它們是按照你們在多年後回想往事的方式寫的——比如,在一次重聚的時候。
Nostalgia was built into “Friends” right down to the concept, which the co-creator David Crane describes here as, “It’s about that time in your life when your friends were your family.”
•nostalgia 對往事的懷念,懷舊,念舊
•Your friends are your family. 你的朋友是你的家人。
《六人行》中包含了懷舊的觀念,聯合創作者戴維·克蘭(David Crane)這樣描述說:「它是關於你生命中朋友就是家人的那段時光。」
In other words, it’s a show about a time that you know will end even as you live through it, that you will look back on later, with a new life and new responsibilities, romanticizing the days when you were young, hot and broke, yet somehow living in an unreasonably large apartment.
•look back on 回首 ; 回想
•romanticize 以浪漫方式說話;使浪漫化;使理想化
•young, hot, and broke 年輕、火辣、又沒錢
•somehow 以某種方法,以某種方式 ; 不知什麽原因
So this special is the super-expressway of memory lanes, an hour and three-quarters that stitch together several formats: a talk-show-style interview with James Corden; a celebrity-packed tribute; a collection of behind-the-scenes clips; and a revisiting and re-creation of classic scenes.
•super-expressway (超級)快速道路;高速公路
•take a stroll/trip/walk down memory lane 追憶往昔
•stitch together 縫在一起 ; 結合在一起
•stitch sth together 匆忙完成;草草應付
•a celebrity-packed tribute 由名人組成的致敬
•behind-the-scenes clips 幕後花絮
•behind the scenes 不公開地,幕後地
•classic scenes 經典場景
所以這個特別節目是記憶通道的快速路,1小時45分鐘的時間把幾種形式結合在一起:詹姆斯·柯登(James Corden)的脫口秀式採訪;一個由名人組成的致敬;一組幕後剪輯的集合;以及經典場景的重溫和再現。
Who was your favorite back in the day? Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler, or Ross?
•back in the day 曾幾何時(尤用於追憶美好往事時)
完整報導: https://nyti.ms/3fwYe7t
圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3i0Lrf8
retrospectively 在 孟買春秋 Facebook 的最佳解答
專業人士找出文獻,世衛有一份長達65頁的文件,說明世界各國在疫情中一直在做的 retrospective adjustment 或是 adjusted retrospectively,這就是衛福部翻譯的回歸校正/校正回歸。
retrospectively 在 周庭 Agnes Chow Ting Facebook 的最佳解答
【🇺🇸✈️香港眾志華盛頓之行|Demosisto in Washington D.C.✈️】
(please scroll down for english version)
就著中國政府強烈干預香港自治,打壓公民社會及民主運動,香港眾志現正率團至美國華盛頓與官員及國會議員會面,促請他們持續透過年度報告及聽證會檢視香港自治程度,並爭取更多議員聯署《#香港人權民主法》,增加來年新一屆會期通過此項法案的機會。同時,羅冠聰 Nathan Law 與 周庭 Agnes Chow Ting 將代表無法離港的 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong 領取蘭托斯人權獎(Lantos Human Rights Prize),同場將有美國前副總統拜登以及一眾美國政要出席。
本地社會高度關注國際社會對港經濟貿易狀況的評價,源自美中經濟與安全審查委員會(U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission)上月發表年度報告,表達高度自治受到北京及香港政府侵蝕的憂慮。報告建議美國商務部重新檢視軍民兩用科技(dual-use technology)的對港出口政策,輿論普遍憂慮此舉將會削弱香港的國際金融中心地位;一旦情況持續惡化,美國決定取消香港 #獨立關稅區 地位,親商界的自由黨主席鍾國斌更指「香港將會玩完」。然而,當香港作為國際城市,淪為繞過禁運、國際制裁規定與聯合國追查的中介,成為中方「白手套」,轉運軍火予獨裁國家的情況受到國際社會高度關注,有如此倡議其實不難理解。
Demosisto in Washington D.C.
In view of Beijing’s intervention in Hong Kong’s autonomy, in addition to its suppression of civil society and of democratisation, Demosisto has now sent a delegation to Washington D.C. to meet with local officials and members of Congress to implore them to address Hong Kong’s level of autonomy their annual report and their congressional hearings. Our other purpose is to encourage sponsorship for the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, so that it may be passed in the coming congressional year.
At the same time, Nathan Law and Agnes Chow will be representing Joshua Wong, who will be unable to leave Hong Kong, to receive the Lantos Human Rights Prize. Former Vice-President Joe Biden and major political dignitaries will also be present for the occasion.
Apart from expressing our concern for Hong Kong’s level of autonomy, we also understand Hong Kong society’s increasing concern for the international community’s opinion on Hong Kong’s economic and trade situation, due to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission’s annual report from last month stating its worry that our high level of autonomy is being eroded by the Beijing and Hong Kong government.s
The report’s suggestion that the US Department of Commerce review its export policy to Hong Kong in regards to dual-use technology seemed to hint at the relationship between Hong Kong’s special status from Mainland China and its status as a separate customs area. Hong Kong society is generally worried that the move would weaken Hong Kong as an international financial city. Even chairperson of the pro-establishment Liberal Party, Felix Chung, expressed his concern that it would be the “end of Hong Kong” should the American government decide to terminate Hong Kong’s status as a separate customs area. However, the degradation of Hong Kong from a cosmopolitan city to an agent being used to jump through loopholes in international agreements and avoid UN intervention to sell military arms to autocratic countries must be addressed.
Instead of criticising foreign countries for interfering with our internal affairs, or purely lobbying countries to retain Hong Kong as a separate customs area. We believe that apart from urging for “increased monitoring” from foreign countries, it is essential to talk about concrete policies and acts which could support Hong Kong’s execution of its high level of autonomy, and to use the Legislative Council to investigate alleged cases of Hong Kong companies involved in trafficking, so as to prevent Hong Kong from becoming the extended arm of dictatorial countries.
Demosistō aims to bring the truth about Hong Kong to the international community to counteract the sugar-coated version of the city as propagated by Beijing. We also propose six points for foreign administrations and parliaments to evaluate Hong Kong’s level of autonomy and whether the Hong Kong government has been eroding the freedoms of press, of association, and right to be elected:
1. To stop political censorship, and allow the candidacy of those holding different political views, including those supporting “one country one system,” independence, or self-determination;
2. To stop “interpreting” the law and applying it retrospectively as part of the attempt to disqualify elected lawmakers based on their political views;
3. To stop expelling journalists for political reasons, and to explain the reason for the discontinuation of British journalist Victor Mallet’s working visa;
4. To avoid using the charge of “rioting” dating back to Hong Kong’s colonial days to prosecute activists disproportionately;
5. To no longer use unjust laws like “public nuisance” to condemn protestors;
6. To stop the usage of the Societies Ordinance to outlaw any organisations.
4th December 2018 (Tuesday)
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