新文: Coltorti七五折復活(Augustinus Bader超便宜) + Rag & Bone慢跑褲對折 + Farfetch更多八五折推薦
這一篇又更新了不少東西 還有Tripollar跟Nuface的比較也可以參考:
🥦 菜湯Line社群 https://bit.ly/2UWIfIg 記得"開啟通知"!
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Coltorti的七五折碼: SHOPLOOKS25 活了耶! 剛剛隨手試了一下居然可以用
如果有打黑星號的商品用八五折碼: SHOPLOOKS15
或是八折碼: SHOPLOOKS20
不管買多少寄到哪裡都要運費, 不過價格真的非常好~~
寄台灣到貨收關稅; 寄美國不到800美金訂單無稅
https://slooks.top/4B7u/66 美國
https://slooks.top/4ZoY/66 台灣
https://slooks.top/591k/66 美妝區
重點就是美妝, 裡面有大量的Augustinus Bader跟Dr Barbara Sturm, 價差都好大!
七五折碼: SHOPLOOKS25 這是Augustinus Bader 豐潤版乳霜價格超好! 美國定價265美金一罐, 這裡只要222美金還可以疊上75折碼, 沒有更好的! 我才剛介紹過這個乳霜我自己相當喜歡, 是比較稠需要拍上臉, 可是對我來說不油膩, 很快就吸收
https://slooks.top/591d/66 美國
https://slooks.top/591f/66 台灣
七五折碼: SHOPLOOKS25 這是Augustinus Bader乳霜經典配方適合油性皮膚的人使用, 大部分人第一次就是買這款, 很多美妝編輯也推薦! 不過我用上面的Rich版本就很好了 應該就不會考慮這個低油配方 價格同樣超好! 美國定價265美金一罐, 這裡只要222美金還可以疊上75折碼
https://slooks.top/591j/66 美國
https://slooks.top/591i/66 台灣
美國官網早就售罄! 這是長度33公分的small尺寸美國定價275美金 這裡雖然貴一點點可是八折碼: SHOPLOOKS20 之後就便宜超多!
https://slooks.top/591u/66 美國
https://slooks.top/591s/66 台灣
寄台灣妳看到的價格已經含關稅喔! 寄美國結帳收州稅
https://bit.ly/3yIdPYp 女款
https://bit.ly/3jKxdzw 男款
可以打85折的商品產品頁面會出現以下: 15% offdiscount applied at checkout
下面單品結帳都有85折 是全球的折扣
https://bit.ly/3CI73nR (這個牌子專門做睡衣, 袖口跟褲管都有羽毛喔! 很浪漫可愛!)
https://bit.ly/3kHYGCk (Manolo的經典緞面水鑽平底鞋可以打折, 尺碼齊, 這個顏色之前最受歡迎)
https://bit.ly/3CIUvMY (這雙Manolo也很漂亮, 可以打折)
https://bit.ly/3ERzbGY (Ruslan Baginskiy的經典baker boy帽子)
https://bit.ly/3m2AslZ (它家的珍珠款草帽也好好看)
同時也有141部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅8Ball 八號球,也在其Youtube影片中提到,⚠️ bring back the OG’z ⚠️ 8ball元老J - KIng攜手Dr.Shrek瑞克博士 將最純的G-shit帶回台北市 拿出你口袋僅剩的鈔票灑在這片貧瘠的土地上 “Now I bring my old school sound And I bring the funky...
rich boy 在 Vegesoup Facebook 的最讚貼文
網友問: 原來你也聽K Pop啊? 我剛上大學的女兒也只聽K Pop呢!
是不是只要流行音樂是韓文的就是K Pop? 希望不是我誤會了, 哈!
最近聽的是這首: Seori - 긴 밤 (The Long Night) 一個字都聽不懂, 不過我覺得旋律滿不錯的!
新文: 今天又找到的好物 + TriPollar & NuFACE比較心得 + Gucci包好划算
新文: cettire挖寶篇, 我剛剛寫了很多乾脆來一個合輯!
新文: SpaceNK 2021年的美妝盒子我的開箱心得(好用耶可以考慮喔) + 全場的化妝品通通八折+15%退稅唷!
🥦 菜湯Line社群 https://bit.ly/2UWIfIg 記得"開啟通知"!
📸 菜湯的IG https://www.instagram.com/vegesoupblog/
🚩 菜湯的telegram頻道: https://telegram.me/vegesoup
🚩 菜湯APP: https://summitloop.net/help_tw.html
https://slooks.top/58RM/66 SpaceNK的年度大戲來了! 這是他家的聖誕降臨倒數日曆, 現在預購中, 十月發貨, 實際上你現在買它就出貨了, 價值£700 / $900 / €850現在只要199英鎊就可以到手! 現在寄出英國地址不退稅.
我收到我的啦! 裡面很多東西我自己本來就有在用, 所以早就知道這盒很有價值! 不過也有不少是第一次嘗試, 每個都很喜歡耶! 真的太推薦了~~
每一個小盒子外面會有一小段文字, 建議你使用的時機, 我感覺很貼心呢! 包裝也很美, 有蝴蝶結緞帶跟包裝紙包著禮盒喔, 當禮物送人完全沒問題! 如果你跟我一樣喜歡嘗鮮, 真的可以買起來! 一次可以用到超多口碑單品, 不然常常買一個大罐的又不喜歡才浪費錢呢!
(下面這個我一試用完立刻立刻去找大罐的, 因為我太滿意啦!!!! 為了表達我的滿意度, 特別給他兩個分隔線當主角!)
https://slooks.top/58RY/66 Augustinus Bader - The Rich Cream 居然是很彭湃的15ML, 光這罐就價值75英鎊耶! 當初這罐就是我最期待收到的, 我要多花一點篇幅講一下! 這個我之前有查過超多reviews, 有人愛有人恨, 甲之蜜糖, 乙之砒霜的那種保養品, 結果我發現我就是那種超級適合這罐乳霜的人啊!
他是比較稠要拍上去的乳霜, 可是很神奇的是我一上就有緊實感了, 然後臉完全不會黏, 通常比較滋潤的乳霜都會有一層東西在臉上的感覺, 這個完全不會耶, 臉就是很輕鬆, 毛孔也沒有被堵住, 也不會搓泥, 早上起床感覺臉軟軟嫩嫩, 我真不懂怎麼會有人覺得太油膩啊? 我都不覺得油膩耶! 之前看朋友說當作眼霜也好用. 有次我看到彩妝大師Bobbi Brown本人也用這罐, 很多人都說用了之後可以不上粉底也有好氣色, 如果你想要試試看, 剛好可以買這個禮盒!
(下面的眼霜也是收到有喜歡, 給它單獨一段介紹!
https://slooks.top/58Vk/66 Medik8 - R-retinoate Day & Night Eye Serum 這個是日夜都可以用的眼霜, 如果沒有試用我也不敢亂買, 畢竟這個定價要90英鎊啊! 收到的時候有被那個豪華包裝嚇到, 很精緻喔, 好像放甚麼珠寶在裡面似的,
眼霜本身是正裝15ML, 有效成分是retinyl retinoate, 一種比視黃醇強八倍的成分, 可以更有效的撫平眼尾皺紋, 帶來緊實的效果, 另外裡面的咖啡因也可以消眼袋浮腫, 我查了一下評價相當不錯呢! 使用的時候也覺得很好吸收, 弄到眼睛也不會薰, 我覺得想要是新眼霜的可以考慮喔! 真的覺得買盒子收到這條眼霜我很滿意耶!
https://slooks.top/58Sk/66 Rose Inc才剛剛發行的腮紅/唇彩 是正裝! 這次美妝八折這款不打折, 在盒子裡收到感覺很讚! 質地是霜狀, 霧面妝效, 我擦完去慢跑回來嘴唇還是很美不會乾燥脫皮. 擦起來就跟Rosie本人的唇色一樣喔!
https://slooks.top/58Sq/66 Boy Smells - Ash Candle 之前沒聞過也不敢貿然下手的小蠟燭, 事實證明, 可以買! 是好好聞的木質香耶! 感覺真的很適合書房, 充滿禪意的香味, 有點像Le Labo的 santal 33喔
rich boy 在 Sandra Li 李婉菁 Facebook 的最讚貼文
與Dr. Geoffrey Wright的一次主修課,曾經被巴爾的摩太陽日報報導,沒想到篇幅還蠻大,也挺詳盡的。有很多台灣學生曾經拿過他的大班課。老師昨天退休了,祝福老師身體健康萬事如意福如東海壽比南山,投資賺大錢。從此仙居涼爽,不被世事所煩擾。
It is just after 2 p.m. when Wright realizes he is late to a piano lesson. Wright's student, Wan-ching Li, is preparing for an important recital, and today's session will be used to polish her technique.
Wright swoops into the classroom, says a quick "hello," then stops short -- and plops onto the floor. From there, he cranes his neck, and peers up at the belly of a baby grand.
The piano is brand-new and has been equipped with a small box with ports for cables: a MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), standard equipment in the music profession, used to transfer sound data from musical instruments to computers. Wright grins like a boy with a new train: "This is cool."
Li is warming up, her fingers lightly touching the keys as she plays scales, then chords. As have most Peabody students, she has been involved with music nearly all her life: She began piano lessons at age 3, studied organ and composition in college, then worked as a production assistant at a recording company. Now 29, Li has come to Baltimore from Taipei, Taiwan, because she wants to create art that combines music and technology.
She begins playing "Caution to the Wind," a piece written in 1987 by James Mobberley for piano and tape-recorded accompaniment. The composition is delightful and raucous; at one point, Li karate chops the piano and, at another, she slams the keyboard cover.
The piece also demands machine-like precision.
Each stroke of Li's fingers must coincide perfectly with the music made by her inanimate partner, which plays on no matter what. "It is really hard to synchronize with the tape," she says later. "I have to put a stopwatch on top of the piano and watch it as I count seconds to make sure I am completely accurate. It doesn't allow me much freedom."
But at the recital, Li will play a second piece that illustrates what she and others mean when they talk about increasingly responsive interactions between man and computer.
The composition is called "Duet for 1 Pianist," and was written by Jean-Claude Risset for piano -- and computer. Playing duets with a computer is different from being accompanied by a tape
recorder. Information about each piano key Li touches, and the force with which it is struck, is transmitted by the MIDI to a computer. Based upon how and what Li plays, the computer decides which notes to play and how and when to play them. "With a computer, I can play in real time. I don't need to follow a recording."
She plays: Her small hands flying up and down the keyboard, her notes by turns full and rich, light and clear. The computer plays: Its synthesizer producing crescendos and trills that complement her music.
rich boy 在 8Ball 八號球 Youtube 的最佳貼文
⚠️ bring back the OG’z ⚠️
8ball元老J - KIng攜手Dr.Shrek瑞克博士
“Now I bring my old school sound
And I bring the funky bass and funky style”
詞 : J-King / Dr.$hrek
曲 : The D.O.C. - Let the Bass Go (instrumental) (Prod by Dr Dre)
錄音 : Dr.$hrek
封面 : Doja Dog
J - King
繞了這麼久 I been around.
Check it. Now I bring my old school sound.
And I bring the funky bass and funky style.
So I front and back back and forth, So many ways.
Rump shaker my rhymes style with grace.
It’s a J da K to the I N G.
They called me Mr. Hood rich. 就像是
來自neighborhood 的 Robin Hoodstar.
Coming from the south side TP.
台北市的平民窟 don’t be a fool.
走跳記得 bring the knowledge. Be intelligent.
Think wise. U better think twice.
Got yo own boi 幫忙問題全部打點
以防太笨 磚頭工人詐騙。
Break yo self fool. 吃顆鉛彈來先。
我隨便freestyle check my style it’s a wild style.
Original 8ball 我帶著我的兄弟和兇器
這是什麼style. It’s a old school style with the g-funk sound. 他說 um
都已2021沒人聽你。我管他那麼多 這無法比擬。
I luv the girl bumping jumping like a 64.
I hittin switches. 輕鬆就像bangin that hoe.
I slapping that hoe. And I making that doe.
口卡茵仔 巴嘎No no. 真的太臭 I gotta GO.
So I call my diggy diggy Dr yo.
他叫做Shrek yo. We coming at yo.
辣的全部blaze up and this is for the G’z bro.
Music pump it up this is for the G’z bro.
They all luv me im mdfk straight
用太多副作用的藥物trippin every night
瑞克博士研發的good for making money only
台灣從嘻哈寶島變成auto tune 的彼岸島
You think Im trip fool
Na man I wrote a song and some one tag you
Get you
Now the show on comes on the dr.Shrek
The fuck you are boy where you mdfk at Bitch?
I run business I pressure all the give
I living in a big dream with my siri
I’m gone have a fucking house in a big city
I’m fucking lit lit and I need a hit hit
Getting fly like a jet bro Don’t you smoke?
I don’t talk shit bro we got da truly hot sauce
Every single day by day
Mic check big jet mic check big jet
Rollin pepper 沒有錢櫃cracker 的party
吐在路邊追酒 街頭的蘇格拉底
我說婊子 跟我玩你必須照規定
You fucking dig
帳單 擺桌上我隨時都在收帳
我想要送你Gucci 帶你做不法勾檔
Gold chains gold teeth gold ring tuff ego
Versace Versace Versace on my body
從現在開始說出你認為 最屌的三個rapper
dr.shrek - dr.shrek - dr.shrek forever bitch
rich boy 在 lilKrake小章章 Youtube 的最佳貼文
Official Video for "Fading Out" by lilKrake & Toxik.
(CC w/ Bi-directional Translation 中英雙向字幕)
《4loating Dream》 Stream/Download:
Follow EVERYTHING ON @lilkrake / @toxikbro / @banana_kingdom105
| Music Production |
Lyrics & Composed by lilkrake & Toxik
Beat Produced by NextLane, JohnLuther @nextlanebeats / @johnluther0
Recorded by @lilkrake
Mixed by lilKrake @lilkrake
Mastered by lilKrake @lilkrake
| Video Production |
Filmed & Directed by 吳明軒 Hsuan @hsuanwu829
Produced by 劉容真 @jennysapple
Assistant Director: 張振翼 @lizhenyi09_13
Assistant Camera Operator: 黃俊祥 @xiang_0403
Best Boy: 陳冠綸 Klen @klen47
Makeup Artist: Bo Jun @bojun_0402
Assistant Editor & Outtake by Gin Emotion @emotion60418
| Special Thanks |
.Asia Taiwan.
#FadingOut #Toxik #lilKrake小章章
Instagram: @lilkrake
Instagram: @toxikbro
Instagram: @banana_kingdom105
Youtube: lilKrake小章章
Youtube: Toxik
rich boy 在 F Records Youtube 的最讚貼文
Young Hysan https://instagram.com/younghysan
Dough-Boy https://instagram.com/doughboybeatsyou
Big Spoon https://instagram.com/nicholascheung
F Records https://instagram.com/frecordshk
Video director: Mart Sarmiento http://instagram.com/martsarmiento
Gaffer: Samson Jr Guzman https://www.instagram.com/samsonjrcdg/
Remix Songwriters: Big Spoon, Young Hysan, Dough-Boy
Original Songwriters(s): Charalambos Antoniou, Christopher Daniel Soriano (BMI), Mithoon (ASCAP)
Contains a Sample from the Song ‘Sanam Re’ by Artist: Mithoon featuring Arijit Singh; Music Composed, Arranged and Produced by Mithoon and Lyrics by Mithoon, Courtesy: T-Series.
Mixed & mastered by FreezLhy http://instagram.com/freezlhy
Original Song: https://WarnerMusicHongKong.lnk.to/CJWhooptyFR
Lyrics [& translations]:
Intro - Big Spoon
Shout out CJ, staten Island to九龍[Kowloon], y'all already know what time it is
Whoopty, yeah, Big Spoon, Young Hysan, Dough-Boy
Verse 1 - Big Spoon
Whoopty, I'm scraping the pot with a spoonie (Uh)
Ooh wee, I'm serving a bird to them foodies
Moving more white than the top of Mt. Fuji
Pushing a key just like Claude Debussy
Chop on my side watch it kick just like Bruce Lee
Linked up with Gareth and Hysan my juvies (Huh)
Pow pow, blick got you laying down like Pacquiao
Starting beef with us, we giving you mad cow
Hahahaha you mad now
I'm back on my牛屎,trap out of間酒店,熟客可以有九折
[I’m back on my bullsh*t, trap out of a hotel, loyal customers can get 10% off]
[Diamonds sitting on my bracelet, we are wilder than some monkeys, we are rich because of trapping]
Verse 2 - Young Hysan
Whoo! All of my diamonds like flu
Whoo! Coronavirus diamonds, sticky icky on my neck like it’s glue (Ah)
Shoot out the motherf*cking roof (Yeah)
Look like the new Illuminati with the mob, who the f*ck is your crew? (Uh)
B*tch we a family, not a group
We catch the opps, we fill they pants up with poop (Ah)
Whoopty, poopty, poop, poop, woo (Ah)
She suck on the d*ck, like she tryna play on the flute (Ah)
“Do Ba Do Be Do”, my hundreds keep singing “I’m Blue” (Ah)
I put my kids all in her mouth like that sh*t toothpaste
Blue cheese, blue diamonds, blue perks, yeah that’s a whole lotta blue things
Blew 22 thousand out the courtroom, hoe nah I can’t lose the case (Ha)
Say I ain’t put in the work, I put y’all on the newspage
Beat up the fentanyl, straight outta Chi-land, the powder go
Verse 3 - Dough-Boy
Got a mill in the bank, half in my crypto account
They told me to broaden my tank; euros and pesos and pounds
They asking me, "how do you do that - a hundred stacks in your shoe rack?"
Bet they can’t tell by the way that I look, got no idea where my goons at
Whoopty, living large like a movie
Boom boom boom; turning these dogs into p*ssies
Been on tour with these groupies, hitting 'em raw like sushi
Then give her that Louis, give her the Versace
Give her that Birkin, give her that Gucci
Been there, done that. Most of 'em ain’t got no comeback
This the part where I talk my sh*t, before they bring the drums back
All these snakes in this music sh*t, seen 'em since October
But you know that I’m Asian, b*tch; I eat these f*cking cobras, whoo!