恭喜林蔚君 榮獲 INFORMS 2020 George E. Kimball Medal!
Congratulations to Prof. Grace Lin for getting the prestigious INFORMS 2020 George E. Kimball Medal!
「運籌與管理科學學會頒發了2020年喬治·E·金博爾獎章給Grace Lin,以表彰並衷心感謝其對INFORMS以及運籌學,管理科學和分析專業的傑出貢獻。」
「For exemplary and distinguished service to INFORMS and the profession of operations research, management science, and analytics, the Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences expresses its sincere appreciation to Grace Lin by awarding her the 2020 George E. Kimball Medal.」
Award Citation:
"Grace Lin is vice president, director of the Big Data Research Center, and chair professor in the Department of Business Administration at Asia University in Taichung, Taiwan since 2016. She recently founded the United Financial Intelligence Corp. (UFI) to support digital transformation and care quality improvement of aging care organizations. From 2011 to 2016, Dr. Lin was the founder and VP of the Data Analytics Technology and Applications (DATA) Institute and VP for the Advanced Research Institute (ARI) at the Institute for Information Industry (III). At III, she initiated key industry-government R&D programs including Smart Living and Smart Commerce Strategy Plan, Big Data Analytics, Smart Healthcare, Smart Tourism, FinTech, and Smart Agriculture. Previously, Dr. Lin worked for IBM US for more than 16 years as the Global Sense-and-Respond Value-Net Leader and CTO & director for Innovation and Emerging Solutions at IBM Global Business Services, and as a research staff member, manager, and senior manager at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center. She was an elected member of the IBM Academy of Technology, an IBM Distinguished Engineer, and Relationship Manager for IBM's Integrated Supply Chain.
Her background and experience have positioned Dr. Lin at the intersection of technology, innovation, business consulting, and management as well as the intersection of academia and industry. Referred to by Forrester as one of the six supply chain gurus, Dr. Lin has published more than 80 technical papers, book chapters, and articles, and co-authored 10 U.S. patents and nine Taiwan patents. In 2006, she was named an INFORMS Fellow.
Dr. Lin's service to INFORMS and the profession has been substantial. She has been twice elected INFORMS VP Practice and VP International Activities, she has chaired the INFORMS Fellow Selection Committee and several INFORMS and IEEE conferences. Additionally, she has been active in the Edelman Award Competition, having served multiple years as judge and as a member of the selection committee. Active in WORMS, she has been a strong supporter of women in O.R. Passionate about bridging the gap between academia and industry, she has served on a number of university advisory boards. She has also served on National Science Foundation panels in the U.S., Canada, and Ireland, and editorial boards including Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (M&SOM), Operations Research, INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, and Service Science. She is a frequent keynote speaker at global conferences and industry events.
Dr Lin's awards include the INFORMS Franz Edelman Award, IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award, IBM Corporate Logistics Award, IBM Research Division Award, IIE Doctoral Dissertation Award, the Purdue Outstanding Industrial Engineer Award, and the Distinguished Alumni Award from the School of Science, National Tsing Hua University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan.
For exemplary and distinguished service to INFORMS and the profession of operations research, management science, and analytics, the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences expresses its sincere appreciation to Grace Lin by awarding her the 2020 George E. Kimball Medal."
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#嵌入式系統 #微處理器MPU #微控制器MCU #軟體開發套件SDK #物聯網IoT
【MCU vs. MPU,有何區別?】
當微控制器 (MCU) 功能越來越強大,與微處理器 (MPU) 的界限為何?日前剛發表首款通用型 MPU 產品的意法半導體 (ST) 自有一套看法:處理性能和資源要求更高、且需要大型開源軟體應用領域的,就交給 MPU,應具備以下特點:1.內嵌 3D 圖形處理器 (GPU) 以支援人機介面 (HMI) 顯示器,有助於提升工業控制面板等設備的使用者體驗;2.擁有運算和圖形處理能力、兼具高效即時控制和高功能整合度。
若欲使用開源軟體開發「即時且有功耗限制」的系統,MCU+應用處理器 (AP) 之「異構運算」優勢尤其明顯,確保在單一晶片上執行快速數據處理和即時任務,無時無刻皆可發揮最高效能。例如,全天候監控+間歇性分析處理,由 MCU 負責前端即時監控,後在特定時間點啟動 AP。此外,嵌入大量外部周邊,可無縫配置資源給 Cortex-A/Linux 或 Cortex-M 即時操作。
特別一提的是,內建多個經過事先優化的記憶體配置選項,系統會聰明且有效運用系統資源,既可省去人工調試麻煩、又能避免資源不足或浪費。豐富生態系是另一項傲人資產,包括:軟體開發套件 (SDK) 和評估板/探索板/電路板與模組系統 (SoM) 等硬體裝置,韌體則是從競品脫穎而出的關鍵;而「開源、雲端、社群」是最強後盾,攜手雲端服務供應商 (CSP) 亦是佈局重點。
《STM32G4 Series——採 Arm Cortex-M14 高速內核、具浮點運算器之通用 MCU》
#意法半導體ST #STM32MP1 #OpenSTLinuxDistribution #STM32CubeMX #STM32CubeProgrammer
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Google 重新定位物聯網布局 Android Things 縮水
Android Things 是 Google 為物聯網裝置推出的 OS 系統,去年 5 月正式推出 1.0 版本。本來是計劃讓一眾在手機 App 開發上素有經驗的開發人,可以用慣用的知識和經驗,來開發物聯網以至應用到 Google Assistant 的智能物聯網裝置。不過想不到還未到一年, Google 就宣布將 Android Things 「重新聚焦」在智能喇叭和智能顯示屏上,並終止對 SoM 模組的支援。
Google 沒有說明「重新聚焦」的原因,不過叫今年想開發物聯網產品的開發商,應該轉移到雲端數據分析平台 Cloud IoT Core 服務,和仍是 Alpha 階段的 Cloud IoT Edge 邊緣裝置上。前者提供安全和簡易的物聯網裝置聯繫、裝置管理和數據分析,後者則為邊緣裝置提供安全連接和人工智能邊緣處理能力。
而在重新聚焦的同時, Google 亦結束 Android Things 對 NXP 、 Qualcomm 、 MediaTek 的量產 SoM ( System on Module )系統模組的支援。現時 Android Things 支援的硬件,僅有 NXP 的 i.MX7D 和 Raspberry Pi 3B 兩個開發平台。開發者仍然可以透過 Android Things 管理介面將新開發的程式推播到最多 100 個裝置,作非商業用途。
其實 Google 在 CES 2019 就公布了將會推出讓電器廠商輕易將 Google Assistant 功能加進產品裡的 Google Assistant Connect 平台,詳情相信會在今年 5 月的 Google I/O 裡公布。
附圖:正式版推出不到一年, Google 就宣告將 Android Things 「縮水」。
Google 的新物聯網服務架構,不過當中的 Cloud IoT Edge 其實仍然在 Alpha 階段。
現在 Android Things 支援的硬件,只剩下 NXP 的 i.MX7D 和 Raspberry Pi 3B 。
Lenovo 有推出過 Android Things 的智能顯示屏