所以,當我們要談到 Vintage Guitar 的年份的時候,我現在會老實告訴你我真正的想法:1970年以前問世,而且狀況好、而且有代表性的吉他,才是真正的 Vintage Guitar。
這裡面最具代表性的幾把吉他的款式:Stratocaster,Telecaster,Les Paul,ES-335(還有ES-345,ES-355等),算是已經代表了二十世紀當最基本的能源:電氣,當它介入了人類的樂器的演化史,並且從而加入了媒體的擴張以及其影響,並因此改變了人類的流行音樂,繼而從此永遠的改變了人類的思維想法,以及對於「人」這麼基本的社會單元的價值觀的相當程度的再創造。
李奧·芬德 在學時主修的是會計項目,但是他更是一個出色的修理收音機的電器專業人員。這種跟在戰時被大力推廣有關的工作,促使他對於收音機的電器修復創造本身,以及,那個戰後的和平時期在每天的空氣中藉由 DJ 們所播放出來的歌曲,大有感受。他覺得市場需要一種能夠藉由電力把吉他,那麼個人的一種樂器的音量以及能量播放到無限大(是的,木吉他完全無法勝任的彈出他所感覺到的樂音),把個人對於自由、愛與和平浪漫的追求,散佈到無限大:於是他發明成就了 Telecaster 和 Stratocaster,Precision 貝斯,Bassman 擴音器,並且莫名其妙的捲入了一種他事前完全不知情的音樂型態叫做搖滾樂,的發明。
Les Paul 更是如此。 Les Paul 本身就是一個歌者和作曲家,也是一個音響電器專家。他甚至根本覺得錄音是不夠的,他要讓歌手以及演奏者能夠錄音一次、錄音兩次、錄音到許多次,然後把錄音的結果「混音」下來,才能夠滿足他在音樂內對於和平與愛的追求,所以他發明了多軌錄音機。這些錄製的歌曲可以在他和他太太的組合「Les Paul & Mary Ford」 的專輯中聽到。戰爭使得家庭分散、親友傷亡、父子不歸: Les Paul 和他太太的雙人組合,用他們的創作與歌聲,療癒了美國人戰後幾乎破碎的心靈。
更厲害的,吉他手Les Paul 發現空心的木吉他的弦音的延長,沒有比在實心木頭上延長得更久、共鳴得更久, 所以他改革了 Gibson 這間公司的 ES(Electric Spanish,電西班牙琴)系列的琴,使得後來絕大部分的這系列的琴,琴身的正當中都用實木來建構,其影響造就了 Gibson 公司最成功的 ES-335 系列琴,使得實心、空心得兩全;當然,他也在1952年就推出了他最著名的發明:Les Paul 型電吉他,使得他在二十世紀的搖滾流行音樂界的地位,無人可比,無可比擬。
我們現在談的幾個廠牌,都是美國廠牌;由於美國戰後擁有最精確先進的工業技術,再加上廣大的林業的生長與種植面積: 五零年以後,如上,吉他工業,藉由歌曲,蓬勃的電視、廣播電台和 酒吧內的 JuBox 點唱機的流行音樂聲中搖晃啊,搖晃!~~扭盪呀,扭盪!~~迴旋啊,迴旋!~~~就這樣猶如海嘯一般的作興起來。
如果要我說得更徹底一點,我認為 電吉他、搖滾樂與 戰爭,三者是分不開的。或者更細一點來說,搖滾樂是人類處於戰爭與和平之間的一種矛盾的吶喊,而吉他必須要電氣化才能解決這種人性與音樂的,近乎撕裂的矛盾情感。
如果你還不相信的話,比如說,到後來的1968年到 1969年之間的越戰,其實美國已經差不多很清楚地顯現了將會戰敗的命運了:譬如:美軍戰死的人數已經超過了三萬人。 三萬人! 這些美國的年輕人被徵召入伍,從地球的另一邊被飛機載到地球的這一邊的越南,來打仗,並且因此而戰死。 在他們的國內之前就已經 雨後春筍般的各地的抗議、抗議遊行、再抗議的反戰遊行的爆發了多少的警民、軍民的衝突..........為了維護「世界和平」而使得美國再次嚴重地捲入了另一次耗時十年的巨大的戰爭。
Hey Jude , don’t make it bad; Take a sad song and make it better.........
Are you going to Scarborough Fair..............
Come on baby Light My Fire........
Those were the days my friends.......
Oh, Happy Days........Oh, Happy days........
Baby, baby, just call me Angel Of the Morning ,Baby................
Everybody’s talking at me.......
So , Baby, It’s You..Sha-La-La-La-La-La......
Come Together, right now, Over me.....
Get back, Get back, Get back to where you once belong.........
Let The Sun Shine In, Let The Sun Shine In....The Sun..........
In the Year 2525....if human can survive......
I’ll, Never Fall In Love Again......
Vintage,不就是要帶個幾十年以上的年紀嗎?那一種甚至帶塵的葡萄酒瓶,開了瓶當然不能馬上喝,因為你看到拔出來的軟木瓶塞的下半緣,浸泡到酒的那一小半截已經被酒泡到 黑紅色了,聞起來:~啊!~~~~那一年的夏天,我們還穿著卡其褲,白襯衫.......................
是的, Vintage 就是要跟 陽光、露水、雨水、風塵、雲彩一起生長,經過滋潤浸泡,再被曬乾;被太陽炙曬,再經過風吹飄搖、飄搖;再被雨淋沖洗,連日重滴洗刷,再反覆炙熱曬乾................
是的,Vintage 吉他對於我來說,要有五十年,或以上的歷史。要有一些標準被設定,要見過一些世面,要被彈出一些訴說人類故事的歌曲,人們因而有了改變,世界因而不同;這樣,這些從地上長出來的樹木被砍伐而製成吉他的木頭,才因此融入了整個的大生態的世界。
也記得 1969 年那一年,跟著爸爸在看電視,說,阿波羅太空船,人類登陸月球了.....
那一年,波音747 開始了試飛.........
同一年,就是那個搖滾盛宴五十萬人的 Woodstock 三天三夜的演唱會......
吉他手,吉米罕醉克斯 死了.........
就是那一年我考上了高雄中學,身著卡其布的制服。高中一年級的我,在新買的那一把櫻桃紅色的 Vox 半空心電吉他上,苦練著「日升之屋」的吉他分解和弦,很開心,好投入....的苦練著。
Vintage 吉他,就要那麼久,才能被擺進你腦中、身體,還有心靈裏的的那個位置。
同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅李語蕎Hathaway Lee,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#BillieEilish #LoVasAOlvidar #freestyle 這首歌是Billie Eilish/ROSALÌA - Lo Vas A Olvidar。 這次碧梨🍐發了西班牙語歌曲,當我第一次聽這首歌時就被深深吸引。 我單曲循環了非常多次,你們也能用心體會看看,內心深處被治癒...
「sad spanish」的推薦目錄:
- 關於sad spanish 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於sad spanish 在 Vicky Sun Music Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於sad spanish 在 Hikari Green Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於sad spanish 在 李語蕎Hathaway Lee Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於sad spanish 在 炭粉tanfan PRANK Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於sad spanish 在 Lindie Botes Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於sad spanish 在 sad Spanish quotes - Pinterest 的評價
sad spanish 在 Vicky Sun Music Facebook 的最讚貼文
最近迷上一首歌 New song obsession
“Por Causa de Você, Menina” - Jorge Ben Dor
The title is “Because of you, girl”. I initially thought this was a happy tune, but the googling the lyrics taught me that it’s actually about a rather tragic unrequited love. Ive found that many Portuguese and Spanish songs sing sad lyrics with a happy tune and rhythm. Mayhaps this is for a balance in life.
謝謝我的朋友們 Norma Medina 跟 Fabio Moreira 最近讓我接觸很多很棒的歌。大家也可以去追蹤他們,看看他們現場表演。
Obrigada and gracias to Norma and Fabio for all this new music in my life. You all should go follow them and see them play if you can.
想看我表演的,今晚 馬友友印度餐廳酒吧-松江路 Mayur Indian kitchen restaurant bar & MIK-6 live music house 見。7:30pm!
If you want to see me play, see you at MIK-6 tonight at 7:30.
sad spanish 在 Hikari Green Facebook 的最佳貼文
As already many dear friends recognized and sent me messages about that, I have been safely back to Japan from Malaysia.
I was detained by Malaysian immigration during convention, and now finally released. You can see below statement from Organizer ( Geek Summit オタクサミット / WCS Malaysia) to see what happened in detail.
Fistly I would like to say big thank you to all who made much effort to release us earlier, Japanese/Spanish Embassy, Organizers, WCS members and all dear frineds who worried us....thank you so much for everything.
We did Cosplay Judge for WCS preliminary of Malaysia then, but then immigration came and finally detained. This time not only 3 Japanese Cosplayers, but one World Cosplay Summit Japan Inc permament member (Pol Roca from Spain, not cosplayer) has detained as well. So it is not the incident only for cosplayers anymore. (also I am the member of WCS too)
We already know similar incident has happened in this March in Malaysia, so to prevent in advance, we already confirmed all required points to the organizer, and also the organizer told us they took all required process and organizers are too careful about that as well, but still it happened again.....
Now here I wrote that since I do not want to see anyone who have such experience again in future anymore.
Also we were sad since on some news they reported as if we are not innocent (of course we are released as innocent)....and their news photos are from Malaysian immigration taken for their investigation, which should not be used on the medias, but it was used.....
During detention, we should stay too dirty jail sometimes with handcuffs, where crammed over 200 overstayed people and there were too many big mosquitos/cockroaches/mouses....stayed there for days with no-clean small foods/drinks, without bed & human rights. Strongly I do not want to see further cosplayers to have such experiences so I wrote that.
I know so far Malaysia used to be great and safety for international guests too, but just right now it is not. We should wait until the timing it will be better.
Now I quickly wrote that because I truly appreticate to all Organizers, Japanese/Spanish Embassy, WCS Inc. and all dear friends who helped us lots during our detention, and also feel thankful to all the friends who worried us about that, it relieved me lots too....!! My dear friends must know that I never wrote such kind of posts so far on SNSs, but this time I received many messages from dear friends with big worry, so finally I wrote this with some important things. I will take enough rest and again, thank you so much.
sad spanish 在 李語蕎Hathaway Lee Youtube 的最讚貼文
#BillieEilish #LoVasAOlvidar #freestyle
這首歌是Billie Eilish/ROSALÌA - Lo Vas A Olvidar。
This song is Billie Eilish/ROSALÌA-Lo Vas A Olvidar.
This time, ls a Spanish song, and when I first listened to it, I was deeply attracted.
I have repeated my singles many times, and you can also experience it with your heart, and you are healed deep in your heart.
In fact, the meaning of the lyrics is to tell the heart-piercing memories of a love without result.
It is a sad song, but for me, this song is more about bringing me peace. 🙂
It is indeed a challenge to listen to songs and impromptu dance shooting that day. If you like,please follow 😊
Want to see more works, welcome to the xigua app🔍 語蕎吃一斤
Bilibili @语荞Hathaway

sad spanish 在 炭粉tanfan PRANK Youtube 的精選貼文
Rescue tanfan拯救炭粉按鈕⬇️⬇️⬇️
#BL #腐女 #親吻
The video has English / Spanish subtitles
El video tiene subtítulos en inglés / español.
這支影片已經黃標了😭😭😭如果可以請大家幫忙分享出去~辛苦做的影片又黃標 嗚嗚嗚嗚😭😭😭你們的支持是我做影片的動力!! 謝謝大家!!💝💝💝
The video has been youtube yellow label 😭😭😭 If you can please share it with you ~ The hard-made video is also yellow label, it is very sad 😭😭😭
Your support is my motivation for making videos !! Thank you all !! 💝💝💝
►BL惡整 終於跟韓系天菜兄弟告白了!! 日文老師當場證婚!!
►我們買房子了!! 承諾終生!!
►BL惡整 終於跟喜歡的荷蘭混血男神告白了!! 強制掰彎!! BL告白#1
►BL為愛而戰!! 直接在爸媽面前親起來!!
►BL家庭革命 帶男友回家!! 坦承在一起了!!
►BL惡整 貓系女友大戰犬系男友!! 與主人洗澡HIGH翻天!!
►BL惡整 性感猛男大戰SWAG小鮮肉!!
►BL 為了鮮肉去變性!! 找比熊學習當女生!!
►BL惡整!! 鮮肉私密處除毛!! 生理反應狂呻吟!! 熱蠟除毛!!
►BL 我們終於結婚了!!
►BL狂惡整 狼人殺!! 天黑請親嘴~ 腐女暴走啦!!! Werewolves of Miller's Hollow
►BL停止更新!! 孝元!小黑!大點!不拍片了.....很抱歉我們盡力了
►BL狂惡整!! 與天菜男神手銬一整天 強制登記結婚!!
►BL約會!! 與天菜男神共度春宵!! 互相洗澡!!
►BL月經體驗!! 最強天菜小三上位!! 女生真的辛苦了....
►BL腐惡整!! 在鮮肉面前看神秘片!! 公司噴滿地老闆抓狂!!
►BL腐系挑戰!! 野外求生戰場小鮮肉!! 阿斯~~~~
►BL 我們結婚了!! We got married เราแต่งงานกันแล้ว Мы поженились Chúng tôi kết hôn BL
►BL腐系啃食!! 鮮肉愛的互咬HIGH整天!! 拜託小力一點~~阿斯!!
►BL惡整過頭!! 拍片拍到一半吵架!! 正式決裂!?
►BL腐系惡整!! 天菜互黏三秒膠變成三腳獸!? 緊緊相依黏在一起!!
►BL狂惡整!! 剪爆鮮肉褲子 路人看到直接帶回家!!
►訂閱炭粉YouTube https://goo.gl/Z2M4KK
►追蹤炭粉Instagram :https://goo.gl/S0cc3H
►炭粉粉絲團 https://goo.gl/PQNKoN

sad spanish 在 Lindie Botes Youtube 的最佳解答
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Welcome to my channel! My name is Lindie and I share my love for languages through my polyglot progress and language learning tips here. South African by birth, I spent most of my life in France, Pakistan, the UAE and Japan. Now I work as a UI/UX designer in Singapore. I'm a Christian and strive to shine God’s light in all I do. May this channel inspire you to reach your language goals!
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sad spanish 在 sad Spanish quotes - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
Mar 25, 2020 - Explore Luzclaritagerena's board "sad Spanish quotes" on Pinterest. See more ideas about sad, sad love, love phrases. ... <看更多>