雖然大選後,有關蔡英文的論文門報導變少了,但在彭文正、林環牆、賀德芬等人努力追查下,英國資訊委員會(UK Information Commissioner's office,ICO)竟同意倫敦大學不公開蔡的口試委員名單,因為公布了會造成當事人的傷害和痛苦(Disclosing this information would cause that individual a degree of damage or distress)。今年九月教育部公布蔡英文的「國立政治大學教師資格審查履歷表」,蔡英文自填的博士論文題目是「Law of Subsidies Dumping and Market Safeguards」,跟蔡英文號稱取得「博士」學位的論文(放在LSE婦女圖書館和台灣國圖)題目,「Unfair Trade Practices and Safeguard Actions」完全不同。逼得總統府發言人特別聲明,履歷表填的論文題目是「博士」論文的Part Two。這又是另一個謊話:沒有人在申請教職時不填博士論文題目,只填第二部的題目。那只證明一點:當時申請政大教職時蔡英文根本沒有博士論文。
再加上蔡英文在《洋蔥炒蛋到小英便當》一書中,說明姊姊蔡英玲陪她去倫敦參加博士口試的照片,後來被網友比對出,背景是波士頓的教堂。以及最新出爐的謊言,日前賀德芬老師公布的,蔡英文的「國立政治大學教師資格審查履歷表」,蔡英文自填的博士論文題目,跟蔡英文號稱取得博士學位的論文題目,不一樣。事實上,這題目也跟蔡英文於2011年在各大學(開南大學、交通大學、彰師大、靜宜大學)演講,侃侃而談介紹自己的「博士」論文題目「Safeguarding Domestic Market」又不一樣。更是跟2011年10月出版的「小英便當與洋蔥炒蛋」一書的論文題目(「Unfair Trade Practices and Selfguard for Domestc Market」)不同!怎麼有人連自己博士論文題目都會連續講錯、寫錯?
在精神醫學有一少見的精神病理現象,英文叫Pseudologia fantastica(有人翻成「謊話幻想」),又名pathological lying(可翻成「病態性說謊」)。精神醫學教科書是這樣描述的:「有限的事實,混合了大量、生動的幻想。聽者的興趣使當事人很高興,於是又更強化了本症狀。這些症狀不僅是事實的扭曲,有時還會偽造一些自相矛盾的過去生活,如聲稱父母已死,博取同情」。另也有這樣的描述;「流利、似是而非的說謊,通常是浮誇、極端事物的不真實敘述。這些敘述隱隱約約被當事人相信是真的」。但本現象不是妄想,因為如果有人找出事實來質疑時,當事人還是會承認錯誤。又,他們說謊,主要不一定為了得到實質利益或逃避責任,而是為了滿足內心某種需求,或許從中可提升自尊與自信。
——原載台灣《風傳媒》網刊 2021年9月21日
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2011/5/19 彰師大
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Is a U.S.-China hot war imminent?|Lee Yee
In July, Pompeo claimed the American policy towards China is harsher than the one towards the Soviet Union in the Cold War era. The approach has been shifted from “listening to its words and watching its deeds” to “ignoring its words and only watching its deeds”. Recent developments show that the U.S. is striding closer and closer to a complete de-linkage with China. The recall of the ambassador from China was just a prelude. What followed was the U.S. official interpretation that “one China policy” is not equivalent to “one China principle”, plus the emphasis that “the U.S. holds no specific standpoint towards the sovereignty of Taiwan”. Furthermore, during the visit of Krach, U.S. Under Secretary of State, Tsai Ing-wen stated that “Taiwan has the determination to take the critical step”. Adding fuel to this, Hsiao Bi Khim, Taiwan’s delegate at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the U.S., introduced herself as the “Taiwan Ambassador to the U.S.” on Twitter. In view of all these, is the U.S. going to establish diplomatic relation with Taiwan? Will it turn out to be the “October surprise” before the U.S. presidential election? In response, China dispatched fighter jets to violate the airspace of Taiwan, and as “Global Times” put it, “this was not a gesture of warning, but an actual combat exercise of attacking Taiwan”. In return, Taiwan authority urged China “not to underestimate its armed forces' resolve in safeguarding Taiwan”. As tension keeps building up across the Strait, will the U.S. intervene and finally trigger a U.S.-China hot war?
For the last few months, while analyzing the situation, quite a few observers have drawn upon the “Thucydides trap” originated from an ancient Greek historian. According to this theory, when an emerging power threatens to displace an existing great power as an international hegemony, there will be an unavoidable tendency towards war.
To be frank, these observers may have well overestimated the strength of China. Thanks to its huge population, China has become the second largest economic entity in the world. But we are now living in an era that national strength is rather defined by technological advancement. In reality, China is militarily inferior to Russia and technologically lagging far behind major western countries. To put it simply, China is yet to be capable of challenging the American dominance.
Back in the 1980s, in the heyday of its economic development, Japan has significantly outperformed the U.S. in the capital market, and some American scholars have come to the “Japan No.1” conclusion. Despite this, there was never a sign of military confrontation between U.S. and Japan. A decade later, the formation of the European Union posed new challenge to the American supremacy. But again, the two did not come anywhere close to a war. So why has the emergence of China, which in fact lacks the capabilities to overwhelm the U.S., aroused much anticipation of war?
Rudolph Rummel, an American professor of political studies, have made a thorough analysis on the correlation between wars and democracy in human history. After humans surviving a thousand years of darkness, it was not until the independence of the U.S. in 1776 that unveiled a democratic institution with public elections, separation of powers, multi-party system as well as freedom of speech, press, religion and assembly. After more than a hundred years, in 1900 there were only 13 democratic countries in the world. And after another decade, in 2015 the rose to 130, and dictatorial states without meaningful elections have become the minority.
According to Rummel’s statistics, there were 371 wars between 1816 and 2005. Among them, 205 were fought between two dictatorial countries and 166 between democratic and dictatorial ones. Interestingly, there had not been a single war between democratic countries. The conclusion is all too obvious: if there were only democratic states on earth, wars would not happen.
And here lies the fundamental reason why the “Thucydides Trap” has been more valid in the old days when dictatorial systems prevailed, but has failed to apply in contemporary cases between two democratic countries. And it also explains why the competitions between the U.S. and Japan or the EU have not led to any war, while the challenge from China will probably end up differently.
In a democratic system, to wage a war requires a consensus among the government, legislature, media and public opinion. It is rather a matter of the people’s collective will than the ruler’s subjective decision. Whereas within a dictatorial structure, no approval from the legislature is needed, media and public opinion are never respected and judicial challenge simply does not exist. A dictator or oligarch can just go to war at will.
From a dictator’s point of view, whether to enter a war or not is not subject to external circumstance, but the domestic status of his ruling. When a dictator’s position gets shaken by severe economic downturn and widespread public discontent, he will try to divert domestic dissatisfaction by means of foreign maneuvers. The dictator tends to single out those “non-conforming groups”, as so identified by the “little pink” Chinese patriots, and tries bullying them, as what the CCP is doing in India, Hong Kong and Inner Mongolia. The objective is to distract attention with extreme nationalism. More often than not, stirring up external instability has become a tactic to secure domestic stability of the dictator’s rule.
Perhaps a shrewd dictator will weigh up the strength of his counterpart before taking action. Nevertheless, the intrinsically defective system may hinder the dictator from understanding the reality and accessing different views. And personal intellectual and intelligent inadequacies may also breed unrealistic self-inflating belief. The resulted stupidity can make a tragedy more imminent than everyone may expect.
safeguarding domestic market 在 蔡總統妳的論文題目到底是甚麼? - 歷史哥澄清唬 - Facebook 的推薦與評價
... 舉辦「變動中的新世界─談青年世代和未來」座談會,幾乎每一場都提及自己的論文題目是:「Safeguarding Domestic Market」(國內市場防護措施)。 ... <看更多>