Imperial College Business School là trường Kinh doanh của Imperial College London liên tục được xếp hạng trong số các Trường kinh doanh hàng đầu thế giới cung cấp các chương trình MBA, MSc và Executive.
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- Admission Requirements: The applicants must have a first-class honors degree or an upper second class honors degree and GRE/GMAT scores, minimum 600 preferably.
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同時也有384部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅translation,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#'94年に任天堂情報開発本部、HAL研究所が開発、任天堂が発売した、ゴルフにビリヤードの要素を加えたテーブルゲーム作品。カービィシリーズ4作目となる。 BGMはカービィシリーズでお馴染みの安藤氏が作曲。 作曲:安藤浩和氏 Year: 1994.09.21 Manufacture: Ninte...
scores of 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
superposition [cd+booklet] / [cd_download]
*12-track CD (total 54:00) and 96-page booklet with a silver band.
*limited edition of 999 copies with a numbered edition card
*This album is exclusively released on codex | edition website
codex | edition will release a limited edition of “superposition”, a soundtrack CD and booklet of Ryoji Ikeda's performance piece which has been performed around the world since 2012.
Ryoji Ikeda's project superposition explores a new notion of information: quantum information, which premiered at Pompidou Center Paris in 2012. In the booklet that accompanies the CD, an archive of all the valuable elements that make up superposition, including the scores for all the scenes that operate on the entire stage and the text sources performed by the two percussionists.
superposition [video on demand] (2021.10.25 release)
*Video On Demand will be available from 25 October, 2021 at codex | edition online store.
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#葉郎每日讀報 #娛樂產業國際要聞揀3條
• 上個週末是向來電影票房比較難有表現的勞動節檔期,沒想到 Marvel 首部以亞洲人為主角的 PG-13 保護級電影《Shang-Chi and the Legends of the Ten Rings 尚氣與十環傳奇》衝出了跌破眼鏡的佳績。該片北美首週票房賣破7140萬美元,成為2021年僅次於《Black Widow 黑寡婦》的8030萬的北美首週票房記錄。全球票房估計超過1.27億美元。因為是少之又少以亞洲人為主角的超級英雄電影,而且還是知名度相對低的漫畫,外界原本對該片的票房預期都相當保守,萬萬沒想到甚至賣得比重量級大片《F9 玩命關頭9》還要受到觀眾歡迎。
• 《尚氣與十環傳奇》還一口氣衝出了這些記錄:打破了美國勞動節連假過去由2007年版的《Halloween 惡靈07月光光心慌慌》的賣座記錄;以1320萬美元票房打破勞動節連假的 IMAX 票房紀錄;歷年的9月票房記錄之中,也只有前後兩集的《It 牠》賣超過《尚氣與十環傳奇》。當然勞動節原本是屬於擁擠的暑假檔結束之後整個業界喘口氣的時候,過去本來就很少有大片選在這個檔期上映,更別提一部製作成本超過1.5億美元的漫威電影。但此刻嗷嗷待哺的電影院業迫切需要這部賣座電影。一個禮拜前的 CinemaCon 之上,NATO 美國電影院經營者協會才公開催促會員極盡所能一定讓該片賣錢。
• •雖然該世界最大的電影市場——中國政府還沒有放行《尚氣與十環傳奇》,因此中國上映日期仍然還沒有訂出來,但外界普遍的評論是漫威非常小心翼翼地處理了漫畫中原本的刻板印象毛病,若有機會上映應該能獲得不錯成績。
• 《尚氣與十環傳奇》衝出好票房的其中一個原因是 Disney 選擇了45天空窗期的發行模式,因此沒有在第一時間前往電影院買票的觀眾很可能要45天後才有可能在家裡看到該片。稍早,另一部採用零空窗期的同步上架發行策略的漫威電影《黑寡婦》則引發女主角Scarlett Johansson 對簿公堂。下一步要上映的漫威電影《Eternals 永恆族》目前還沒有完全確定發行方式,雖然 Marvel Studios 的 Kevin Feige 曾暗示該片應該會上 Disney+。
• Comscore 的票房分析師 Paul Dergarabedian 說《尚氣與十環傳奇》的票房意義非凡,因為這是2019年7月的《Spider-Man: Far From Home 蜘蛛人:離家日》以來首部在電影院獨家發行的漫威電影。《尚氣與十環傳奇》等於驗證了漫威電影仍然可以驅動大量觀眾前往電影院。
• 早先 Disney 的執行長 Bob Chapek 曾把《尚氣與十環傳奇》的電影院獨家上映模式說成是一種「實驗」,引發該片男主角劉思慕跳出來反駁說該片從來不是一個,而是被低估的文化和娛樂產品。"We are the surprise. I’m fired the f**k up to make history on September 3rd; JOIN US." 劉思慕的發言一語成讖。
• Forbes 則利用這個時機提醒大家 Disney 2009年花40億美元買下 Marvel,如今預估整個 Marvel 價值530億,約佔整個 Disney 市值的16%。相比之下,同樣花40億買下來的 Lucasfilm 相形之下遜色許多。
◇ 新聞來源:
Marvel’s Shang-Chi smashes Labor Day record with $71.4m in ticket sales(https://flip.it/4q30Bl)
Box Office: ‘Shang-Chi’ Smashes Labor Day Record with $83M-Plus(https://flip.it/3_dOrx)
From Avengers To Shang-Chi, What Marvel Studios Is Really Worth To Walt Disney(https://flip.it/aN3bbn)
│韓團 BTS 的微博帳號因違法募款而被關閉帳號│
◇ 新聞來源:China's Weibo Bans BTS Fan Account for Illegal Fundraising(https://flip.it/.tU1_f)
│ 後來賣給 Amazon 的 Paramount 電影《The Tomorrow War 明日之戰》在中國上映賣得800萬美元│
◇ 新聞來源:Rare ‘Tomorrow War’ Theatrical Release Scores $8 Million in China(https://flip.it/qjuX3i)
scores of 在 translation Youtube 的最佳貼文
Year: 1994.09.21
Manufacture: Nintendo / HAL Laboratory,Nintendo EAD
Hardware: spc700
computer: super famicom / snes
Composer: Hirokazu Ando
00:00 01.Introduction
01:19 02.Kirby's Dream Course
03:36 03.Star Card
04:54 04.Learn the Rules
06:00 05.Duel on the Dream Course
07:07 06.Dream Land
08:27 07.Before You Start...
09:05 08.The First Hole
12:13 09.Over Water
13:57 10.Cloudy Mountain Peaks
16:36 11.Space Valley
19:26 12.Jigsaw Plains
22:33 13.Green Fields
25:08 14.The Tricky Stuff
27:57 15.Castles of Cake
30:25 16.Iceberg Ocean
33:21 17.Scorecard
35:52 18.Ride to the Sky
38:18 19.Victory!
38:26 20.High Scores
39:10 21.Showdown with Dedede
40:29 22.Dedede is Getting Closer!
43:02 23.Staff Roll
45:05 24.Game Over
46:00 25.Continue or Give Up_
47:04 26.1-up!
47:07 27.Fall!
47:13 28.Fanfare
47:17 29.Hole in One!
47:24 30.Lose Life

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► Learn piano songs quick and easy: http://tinyurl.com/flowkey-marioverehrer1 *
► Submit Your Music: https://marioverehrer.aidaform.com/contact-form
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► Sheet Music: https://www.musicnotes.com/l/Marioverehrer
► Classical Sheet Music: https://gumroad.com/marioverehrer
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* Affiliate Link
The second movement of Johann Sebastian Bach's Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D major (BWV 1068) is known as Air on the G String and one of the most well known baroque pieces.
The MIDI is based on ed92214's MIDI published on musescore: https://musescore.com/user/30344780/scores/5707606
♫ Promote Your Music ♫
To submit your music on my channel:
➝ Send me a message with my contact form: https://marioverehrer.aidaform.com/contact-form
➝ Or write me a message on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Marioverehrer2
➝ Always send a link or music file of your work.
➝ If I'm interested, I will message you back.
Composer(s): Johann Sebastian Bach
Original Music © Johann Sebastian Bach (1730)

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▼Original:YOASOBI「大正浪漫」Official Music Video
This is my piano cover/tutorial with sheet music of "Taisho Romance" by YOASOBI.