self-control definition 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

#1. Self-control Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of SELF-CONTROL is restraint exercised over one's own impulses, emotions, or desires. How to use self-control in a sentence.
#2. Frontiers | The 'Operational' Definition of Self-Control
Self -control has also been defined as the ability to delay immediate gratification of a smaller reward for a larger reward later in time ( ...
Self -control, an aspect of inhibitory control, is the ability to regulate one's emotions, thoughts, and behavior in the face of temptations and impulses.
#4. SELF-CONTROL在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
When your child gains self-control over his impulses, that leads to greater confidence and more productive behavior.
#5. How to Improve Your Self-Control - Verywell Mind
Self -control refers to your ability to manage your behavior in order to achieve goals, improve positive outcomes, and avoid negative ...
#6. Self-control - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
Self -control is the quality that allows you to stop yourself from doing things you want to do but that might not be in your best interest.
#7. Self-control definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Self -control is the ability to not show your feelings or not do the things that your feelings make you want to do. His self-control, reserve and aloofness were ...
#8. Self-control Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
control or restraint of oneself or one's actions, feelings, etc. COMPARE COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS. self control ...
#9. self-control - APA Dictionary of Psychology
self -control n. the ability to be in command of one's behavior (overt, covert, emotional, or physical) and to restrain or inhibit one's impulses.
#10. Self-control Meaning - YourDictionary
Self -control meaning · Control of oneself, or of one's own emotions, desires, actions, etc. · Control of one's emotions, desires, or actions by one's own will.
#11. Self-Control | Psychology Today
Self -control—or the ability to manage one's impulses, emotions, and behaviors to achieve long-term goals—is what separates humans from the rest of the ...
#12. The 'Operational' Definition of Self-Control - NCBI
Ultimately, an 'operational' definition is proposed in which self-regulation entails scaffolding for goal pursuit, including setting standards, ...
#13. self-control noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and ...
the ability to remain calm and not show your emotions even though you are feeling angry, excited, etc. to lose/regain your self-control ...
#14. Self-control - The Free Dictionary
The keeping of one's thoughts and emotions to oneself: control, reserve, restraint, reticence, self-restraint, taciturnity, uncommunicativeness. The American ...
#15. SELF-CONTROL (noun) definition and synonyms - Macmillan ...
Definition of SELF-CONTROL (noun): ability to control own behaviour. ... self-control Definitions and Synonyms. noun uncountable.
#16. (PDF) The 'Operational' Definition of Self-Control
Ultimately, an 'operational' definition is proposed in which self-regulation entails scaffolding for goal pursuit, including setting standards, ...
#17. Self-Control: Definition And How To Have It | BetterHelp
The definition of self-control is having the ability to exercise restraint over your impulses, emotions, or desires at the appropriate time.
#18. How Self-Control Shapes the Meaning of Choice
Self -control is defined as “restraint exercised over one's own impulses, emotions, or desires” (Merriam-Webster.com). One way this restraint can ...
#19. self-control - Longman Dictionary
self -controlˌself-conˈtrol ; CONTROLthe ability to behave calmly and sensibly even when you feel very excited, angry etc ...
#20. SELF-CONTROL English Definition and Meaning | Lexico.com
The ability to control oneself, in particular one's emotions and desires or the expression of them in one's behavior, especially in difficult situations.
#21. What Is Self-Control Theory in Psychology?
A Definition; 4 Elements and Examples of Self-Control Theory; A Look at the Psychology; How Does the Theory Differ From the Control Theory of ...
#22. 3 Types of Self-Control - Understood.org
What it means: The ability to stop and think before acting. It lets us think through consequences before we do something. Without it kids may:.
#23. Self Control - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Self -control research is an emerging field that focuses on the person's ability to suppress impulses (these could be thoughts, emotions, or behaviors) and delay ...
#24. Self-control - Definition for English-Language Learners from ...
Definition of self-control written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, ...
#25. What does self-control mean? - Definitions.net
Self -control is the ability to control one's emotions, behavior, and desires in order to obtain some reward, or avoid some punishment.
#26. self-control - 自我控制 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
自我控制 · Self-Control · 名詞解釋: 自我控制(自制)是心靈中的理性對情緒、情感、欲望、需求或本能的控制,是在社會關係或道德規範的要求下,逐漸培養出來的意向力,用以 ...
#27. Full article: Finding meaning in self-control: The effect of self ...
The present research explored whether self-control is associated with the perception of meaning in life. A week-long daily diary study ...
#28. Self-control - Urban Dictionary
Self -control ... One of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. A visible attribute of a true Christian life as found in Galatians 5:22-23. Having command or mastery over, ...
#29. synonyms for self-control - Thesaurus.com
Can You Define These Words To Describe Loved Ones? START THE QUIZ. How to use self-control in ...
#30. Self-Control | My HR
Definition. Self-Control is the ability to keep one's emotions under control and restrain negative actions when provoked, faced with opposition or hostility ...
#31. What Is Self-Control? - Definition & Theory | Study.com
Self -control is often referred to as will power, not yielding to the flesh, and high emotional intelligence/control. Most commonly, when someone makes a comment ...
#32. self-control synonyms with definition | Macmillan Thesaurus
Synonyms for 'self-control': discipline, self-discipline, willpower, temperance, self-restraint, constraint, self-censorship, stiff upper lip.
#33. self-control | Free On-Line English Dictionary - Kids Wordsmyth
definition : control of one's feelings or behavior. It takes self-control for me not to yell when I'm angry.
#34. self-control-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: control self-assessment,在英语-中文情境中翻译"self-control"
#35. Control Your Destiny with 4 Types of Self Control - because I ...
4 Types of self-control. Physical movement; Emotion; Concentration; Impulses. Watch the video and then use these questions to get a deeper understanding of the ...
#36. The Critical Importance of Self-Control (And How to Grow in It)
Self -control is the war between impulsivity and doing what's right or beneficial. It's the ability to control emotions, impulses or behaviors to ...
#37. Self-control | Encyclopedia.com
Self -control has been defined as the capacity that individuals have to exert control over their own thoughts, emotions, impulses, and ...
#38. Temptation and Self-Control - jstor
This motivates the following definition. DEFINITION: The preference > has a preference for commitment at A if there exists B c A such that B >- A. The ...
#39. self-control - Meaning in Hindi - Shabdkosh
self -controlnoun · the act of denying yourself; controlling your impulses. Synonyms : self-denial, self-discipline · the trait of resolutely controlling your own ...
#40. Self controlled case series methods: an alternative to standard ...
The self controlled case series (SCCS) method is an epidemiological study design for which individuals act as their own control—ie, ...
#41. 5 Ways To Improve Self-Control - Forbes
Looking for ways to increase discipline and improve your self-control? Here are five ways to build good habits.
#42. 8339 self-control - Dictionary of Bible Themes
8339 self-control. Physical and emotional self-mastery, particularly in situations of intense provocation or temptation.
#43. The Meaning of Self-control | Nikhia Cook | TEDxYouth@Harlow
#44. What is Self-Regulation? - Your Therapy Source
Self -regulation is the ability to monitor and manage your energy states, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in ways that are acceptable and ...
#45. What is Self-Control? - LearningWorks for Kids
For example, you use your Self-Control skills when you ignore someone who is really bugging you or you stop yourself from hitting your younger sibling.
#46. How Emotional Self-Control Impacts Your Work - Korn Ferry
Emotional Self-Control is the ability to keep your disruptive emotions and impulses in check, to maintain your effectiveness under stressful or even hostile ...
#47. self-control - Chinese translation – Linguee
Many translated example sentences containing "self-control" – Chinese-English dictionary and search engine for Chinese translations.
#48. What is Self-Control | IGI Global
What is Self-Control? Definition of Self-Control: Is the ability to manage your actions, feelings, and emotions.
#49. Self-control and self-discipline aren't the same - Fredericksburg
Self -control is discipline in the face of pressure from an immediate urge, desire or compulsion. Self-control relates to delaying immediate ...
#50. low-self control | sociology | Britannica
Other articles where low-self control is discussed: criminology: Sociological theories: The theory of low self-control retains the focus on restraints from ...
#51. 自制力與目標追求(一) - Medium
在這個系列的文章中,我整理了目前心理學家對於自制力(self-control), ... Self-control, as we define it above, is a specific instance of ...
#52. The Science of Self-Control - John Templeton Foundation
Adequately resolving the motivational conflicts that define self-control, in other words, is a matter of counter-balancing the force of some of our motivational ...
#53. Self-control - BehavioralEconomics.com | The BE Hub
Self -control, in psychology, is a cognitive process that serves to restrain certain behaviors and emotions vis-a-vis temptations and impulses.
#54. Teaching self-control: Evidence-based tips - Parenting Science
But however you define it, self-control is about being able to regulate yourself. Can a child resist distractions? Inhibit impulses? Bounce back from difficult ...
#55. Etymology, origin and meaning of self-control by etymonline
Origin and meaning of self-control: 1711, from self- + control (n.). Coined by English moral philosopher Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbu ... See more.
#56. Self-Indulgence vs. Self-Control by Elizabeth Hussey, LCSW
There is a fine line between self- indulgence and self-control. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of self-indulgence ...
#57. Meaning in Life, Self-Control, Positive and Negative Affect
The present study explores gender differences in adolescence with regard to meaning in life and self-control skills and in relation to ...
#58. Self-Discipline - Career Skills from MindTools.com
Self -discipline is the ability to push yourself forward, stay motivated, and take action, regardless of how you're feeling, physically or emotionally. You are ...
#59. Self-control : Définition simple et facile du dictionnaire - L ...
Le self-control désigne le comportement d'un individu, qui grâce à un travail sur ses émotions, sa sensibilité et ses réflexes, ...
#60. Self-Control Theory and Crime - Oxford Research ...
Gottfredson and Hirschi advanced self-control theory in 1990 as part of their general theory of crime. Self-control is defined as the ...
#61. Why Self-Control Is So Important | SUCCESS
Coach Wooden chose to direct his definition of self-control at the individual by urging him or her to “Practice self-discipline and keep ...
#62. 8 Easy Ways To Increase Your Self-Control - American Express
You can gain greater self-control in all situations by using these expert tips and advice backed by scientific research.
#63. For Kids, Self-Control Factors Into Future Success - NPR
The researchers define self-control as having skills like conscientiousness, self-discipline and perseverance, as well as being able to ...
#64. What is self-control? - Quora
Self -control is the thinking skill to control the feelings and behaviors in order to make good decisions. It also helps in reducing impulsive actions and ...
#65. Définition de SELF-CONTROL
l'impudeur d'un tel manque de retenue, de self-control (Martin du G.,Notes Gide, 1951, p. 1387).Spiritualité du Moyen Âge; naturalisme scientifique de ...
#66. Low on Self-Control? Surrounding Yourself With Strong-Willed ...
Research suggests that people with low self-control prefer and depend on ... “Self-control, by its name and definition, is a 'self' process ...
#67. Self-control – the moral muscle | The Psychologist
Self -control is what people use to restrain their desires and impulses. More precisely, it can be understood as the capacity to override one response(and ...
#68. ATL-REG 5: Self-Control of Feelings and Behavior - Desired ...
Return to DRDP Measures Definition: Child increasingly develops strategies for regulating feelings and behavior, becoming less reliant on adult guidance ...
#69. Définitions : self-control - Dictionnaire de français Larousse
Maîtrise de soi, contrôle de soi : Perdre son self-control. VOUS CHERCHEZ PEUT-ÊTRE. self-control n.m.. Maîtrise de soi, contrôle de soi. Mots proches.
#70. Self-Regulation | Character Strength | VIA Institute
Self -Regulation is a complex character strength. It has to do with controlling your appetites and emotions and regulating what you do.
#71. Self-control and The Model for Improvement - Informing ...
... Juran's definition of self-control (here) have a one-one correspondence: ... Self-control has an implicit Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle, too.
#72. Focus and Self Control - Mind in the Making
Life today can be stressful, and the skill of Focus and Self Control is especially important as we try to get everything done each day.
#73. Self control Meaning in Hindi
Self control Meaning in Hindi · self control. आत्मसंयम Edit · air traffic control. हवाई-यातायात संचालन Edit; हवाई-यातायात ...
#74. Self-Control and Self-Regulation | Universität des Saarlandes
Some researchers stress the control of dominant responses such as thoughts, emotions, and impulses as defining elements of self-control. Other definitions ...
#75. Timing and Self-Control - MIT Economics
function, other interpretations are sometimes possible as well, for example, in the case of linear costs (defined below), the definition of temptation utility ...
#76. The effect of self-control on the perception of meaning in life ...
Study 2 tested two potential mechanisms underlying the association between trait self-control and meaning in life: Successful goal progress and experience of ...
#77. Self-control: A vital behavior for leaders everywhere - Fisher ...
Thought self-control only matters for athletes? Think again... ... Search. self-control listed in dictionary ...
#78. Self-Regulation: Definition, Skills, & Strategies - The Berkeley ...
Self -regulation is defined as the mental processes we use to control our mind's functions, states, and inner processes. Or, self-regulation may be defined as ...
#79. Self-Control at Work - A Peer-Reviewed Academic Articles | GBR
Current definitions across theories of self-control concur that self-control is the capacity to change or inhibit dominant response tendencies while ...
#80. Digital self-control | New Economics Foundation
Digital self-control ... The definition of personal data would also be extended to include inferences produced in other profiles, too.
#81. The Roles of Self-Regulation and Self-Control in Procrastination
because of absence or lack of self-regulation [1]. In another definition, Steel (2007) has defined procrastination as voluntary.
#82. The Science Of Developing Self-Control In Life - Darius Foroux
Here's the thing: We need self-control to make those good things happen. ... been key to many of the traits such as prosociality, that define modern humans.
#83. The best way to exercise self-control is not to exercise it at all
But what is self-control exactly? A working definition is that it's the ability to do what's in your best interests in the long run – such ...
#84. Self control meaning in Hindi - सेल्फ मतलब हिंदी में - Hinkhoj
Definition of Self control · the act of denying yourself; controlling your impulses · the trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior ...
#85. Self control is overrated. Willpower is too. - Vox
Participants have to indicate which color they see and ignore what the word actually says. “When the meaning of the word conflicts with the ...
#86. Behavioral Self-Control Strategies for Young Children - ERIC
Behavioral self-control strategies may include a) operational definitions of controlling and controlled behaviors which may entail detailed task analyses of ...
#87. Self-Control and Exercise: A Review of the Bi-Directional ...
More specifically, self-control has been defined as the mental capacity of an individual to alter, modify, change, or override, his or her ...
#88. Self-regulation in children & teenagers
Self -regulation is the ability to understand and manage your behaviour and your reactions to feelings and things happening around you.
#89. self-control - English–Irish Dictionary (de Bhaldraithe)
Everything about 'self-control' in the de Bhaldraithe Dictionary.
#90. The Fruit Of The Holy Spirit: What Is Self-Control? - Osprey ...
En means 'in' and kratos means 'strength' or 'power.' The Bible typically refers to self-control as 'temperance,' meaning self-restraint or ...
#91. Emotional Self-Control | Key Step Media
Emotional Self-Control is the ability to manage disruptive emotions and impulses and to maintain effectiveness under stressful or even hostile conditions.
#92. What Is Self-Discipline - Definitions and Meaning - Success ...
Collins dictionary says: “Self-discipline is the ability to control yourself and to make yourself work hard or behave in a particular way without needing ...
#93. Patience Vs Self Control: What's The Difference - Harappa ...
The definition of self-control clearly outlines it as the ability to control one's emotions and desires during challenging situations so ...
#94. Accessing Self-Control | SpringerLink
In this paper, I define self-control by its behavioural function, which is the regulation of output to match motivational commitments such as ...
#95. Teaching Your Child Self-Control (for Parents) - Kids Health
Tantrums and outbursts can rile even the most patient parents. Helping kids learn self-control teaches them how to respond to situations without just acting ...
#96. Nikhia Cook: The Meaning of Self-control | TED Talk
#97. Self Discipline For Students: Strategy to Success - University ...
Just what exactly is self discipline and how can it relate to students? Self discipline means regulating oneself and making corrections to one's thoughts and ...
#98. Morality and Self-Control: How They are Intertwined ... - OSF
Keywords: morality, self-control, moralization, moral behavior ... This proposed definition of moral self-control also helps distinguish moral self-.
#99. Definition and synonyms of self-control in the English dictionary
«Self-Control» Self-control is the ability to control one's emotions, behavior, and desires in the face of external demands in order to function in society.
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