1. 就係傳說中嘅「就係咁咗嘅樣 乜都唔駛撈就至理想」。FIRE movement,Financial Independence, Retire Early.財務自由。星期一返工Benz for the mouth為口奔馳嘅你好需要睇
已經2000人訂!多謝大家!Two thousand people can't be wrong!(扯,幾百萬人冇訂添!).下一個目標當然係攞你命3000!
月頭訂最抵!一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100. 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
2. 首先講返,你要幾錢先夠,好抱歉,多數你自己先知。因為你總有啲秘密唔想同人講,你生唔生仔,移唔移民,會唔會想離婚分身家,你估你屋企兩老幾時死,呢啲全部係好關鍵嘅問題,但我同你三唔識七你唔會話我知。所以嘥氣。
3. 但我可以做嘅,我將自己嘅case,近乎全無保留(除咗我已經有幾多錢外)話晒你知,你學我嘅方法自己計一次,想食鹹啲淡啲自己調節個食譜。
4. 同時警告你,坊間好多講FIRE嘅,都係掛羊頭賣狗肉,又係賣產品。乜乜基金乜乜保險乜乜債券,或者尹光NFT捷克樓盤(真係有!)。十居其九呢啲財務自由嘅方法,就係令個保險經紀或理財顧問自己財務自由。而我絶對唔sell產品,冇回佣拎,就係拎你嗰100蚊月費。因為量夠大,就夠我當返工。記住,我地生活在個高度金融化嘅社會,你要諗下人地做乜益你,點rip you off,賺乜。我就賺你100蚊(其實冇,得80落袋)
5. 然後,我用咗啲時間,搞清啲基本概念。乜嘢叫財務自由,乜嘢叫net worth,乜嘢叫開支。唔好笑,因為好多人都亂嚟。有人當供樓係開支,傻的嗎?頂多你還息嗰部份係開支。正如有人問我net worth計唔計自住樓。當然計啦!「但只係紙上富貴,賣咗瞓街咩」。但你可以移民,當然亦可拎住幾千萬瞓街。
6. 然後,講「嗰個數字」,傳說中甩難上岸嘅數字。但我可以話你知,你問下人,會見到好矛盾。一方面好多人同你講,XXX咁少錢邊夠退休?但另一方面,往往講呢句嘢嘅人,係成世都唔會累積到呢個數。咁你見到個矛盾未?佢地係咪六十歲畀人的去深山?又好似唔係喎。
7. 而「嗰個數字」,之所以咁難搞,因為涉及太多不確定。下星期嘅事都有人問「喂埃汾我好唔好沽晒啲股票呀 聽講恒大又爆煲 美國又縮表喎」,何況幾十年後?會唔會股市衰足三十年?會唔會年年通脹30%?會唔會我下年死咗?真係答你唔到。
8. 但,我做嘅嘢,咪就係盡量在啲不確定嘅嘢,搵啲比較確定,做啲假設幫你計咯。最緊要啲假設唔好太過分,即係唔係「我唔貪心諗住一年冇風險有10%回報」之類
9. 然後熱身,我用返我本書(都話十分好睇!)嘅例子,阿煩的故事。主人翁5萬收入(難但唔係不可能),一個月開支3萬5,你當佢租樓啦,暫時冇儲蓄冇股票。
10. 咁佢要幾錢先可以「財務自由」? 要幾耐先可以?其實係同一個問題。「財務自由」就係佢嘅投資回報夠冚佢開支,咁當你累積到「嗰舊錢」時咪就係「財務自由」,亦都可以計到要幾耐。要嘅假設?除咗佢收入,開支,身家(樓上講晒),就係投資回報率,同埋佢一年拎幾多錢出嚟。呢啲不難去搵啲回理嘅假設。
11. 我會教埋你點計,同埋睇埋咁多年嘅表現,去睇啲投資回報假設係咪realistic,而唔係假設你買到Tesla贏幾百倍。仲有講埋通脹又點計
12. 然後就由佢呢個 case,你已經睇到點樣可以易啲達到「財務自由」。答案就係,都係老生常談,冇捷徑。你以為係提升回報?表面係,但話咁易咩。你高回報嘅,十居其十都係有機會輸一大截,之後更難翻身。
13. 咁所以,都係開源節流。但同好多人想像唔同,FIRE 其實係話你知,節流有效過開源好多,果然難聽過粗口。點解?文入面講你知。
14. 咁仲有乜?都係我講嘅嘢,要早開始,不過你見,香港地,個個係想get rich quick,從來都唔係FIRE講嘅嘢,人地唔係教你短時間贏佢老味幾十倍然後唔使做。況且得罪講句,好多人嘅錢,贏幾十倍都唔夠唔使做,咁贏幾十倍嘅嘢,贏面有幾多?你輸嗰時又會輸幾多?即係買股票嗰啲係傻仔?你不如照下鏡?
15. 仲有,要買得大。你見人地FIRE嘅計法,一定預你啲錢扣除開支以外全部投資,你一年儲到十萬蚊但只拎兩三萬去投資,條數就會竹水而唔及儲錢少你一截但全部投資嘅人
16. 最後,我講我嘅情況,近乎全部保留公開。都話係幾個input,投資回報我用default嘅回報率,唔會覺得自己好巴閉年年15%(咁低畀你啲網友笑添呀,應該年年30%)。收入開支都公開晒。咁咪計到個數。當然開支都有比較好嘅情況同比較大鑊嘅情況(視乎我住香港定台灣,又視乎囡囡返唔返工),但,總係有個數字畀到你。我就畀咗我嘅數字你。
17. 當然最後,都係同你由頭go through 一次。真係冇捷徑,都係嗰幾味,開源節流(而節流有用過開源),瞓身投資,早開始。但入面計數嘅例子會畀你見到點解咁重要。
已經2000人訂!多謝大家!Two thousand people can't be wrong!(扯,幾百萬人冇訂添!).下一個目標當然係攞你命3000!
月頭訂最抵!一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100. 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅馬天佑 Mayao,也在其Youtube影片中提到,發夢都估唔到 會收到Lady GaGa 呢份禮物 收到dm既時候真係有尖叫出嚟 寄到嚟公司嘅時候簡直係手震添 所以特登拍左個 full review 成條line所有product試哂 真 係 出 乎 意 料 之 外 - After screaming out loud after receivi...
sell the rip 在 馬天佑 Mayao Facebook 的最讚貼文
會收到Lady GaGa 呢份禮物
所以特登拍左個 full review
真 係 出 乎 意 料 之 外
After screaming out loud after receiving the package from Haus Lab, i decided to do a full review on the whole range of products.
used products:
Glam attack Liquid shimmer powder $187
RIP lip Liner ride $138
Le Riot Lip Gloss Venus$154
Eyeliner sticker (not for sell)
sell the rip 在 馬天佑 Mayao Facebook 的最讚貼文
會收到Lady GaGa 呢份禮物
所以特登拍左個 full review
真 係 出 乎 意 料 之 外
After screaming out loud after receiving the package from Haus Lab, i decided to do a full review on the whole range of products.
used products:
Glam attack Liquid shimmer powder $187
RIP lip Liner ride $138
Le Riot Lip Gloss Venus$154
Eyeliner sticker (not for sell)
sell the rip 在 馬天佑 Mayao Youtube 的最佳解答
會收到Lady GaGa 呢份禮物
所以特登拍左個 full review
真 係 出 乎 意 料 之 外
After screaming out loud after receiving the package from Haus Lab, i decided to do a full review on the whole range of products.
used products:
Glam attack Liquid shimmer powder $187
RIP lip Liner ride $138
Le Riot Lip Gloss Venus$154
Eyeliner sticker (not for sell)
過嚟我 IG say個 hi 啦 @Mayaoo ❤️
我個 Telegram 開咗啦 !
[Other Video]
▶️[Unbiased] Everything you need to know about Fenty beauty + SECRET TRICKS!! 令你返唔到轉頭嘅化妝品?!
▶️[世紀災難] 中伏淘寶化妝品 真係咁唔值得買?!有咩方法補救 ?!
▶️[廣東話ASMR] 全世界最好味嘅食物之 「我要食麥當勞?」
▶️[開箱實測] 全世銷量第一嘅藍牙耳機 AirPods去到今日嘅AirPods pro 係唔係真係咁大分別?
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If you are looking for a collaboration or wanted me to review products, here is the detail.
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sell the rip 在 Adrian Lo Dejavu Youtube 的最讚貼文
DISCLAIMER: Vape or electronic cigarette is strictly not suitable for kids under 18. All Vaping reviews will be set to age restriction. This review is for adult smokers trying to get better health for quit smoking. For adult vapers to update about new products and tutorial. Vape safe and be happy gais! ☺️
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sell the rip 在 serpentza Youtube 的最佳貼文
China's most iconic gaming console is the "Red White Machine" otherwise known as a famiclone (knockoff NES or knockoff Famicom) the company that has been producing them in China non-stop for 30 years has just released the 30th Anniversary version of their "Red White Machine", I got my hands on one and decided to talk about how gaming in China has always had a bit of a difficult history.
Video games in China is a massive industry and pastime that includes the production, sale, import/export, and playing of video games. China is the largest and highest grossing (revenues) video game market in the world, since 2015. The landscape of the topic is strongly shaped by China's average income level, rampant software piracy, and governmental measures to control game content and playing times. In 2011, China's PC game sector was worth $6 billion, the largest in the world. Arcade games are also a thriving industry in China. Console games were banned from the country in 2000, but the ban was lifted in July 2015.
In eSports, China has been the top country in terms of tournament winnings, possessing some of the world's best talents across video games.
The Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau have unique legal and cultural environments, thus the information below does not apply in these two regions.
As with almost all mass media in the country, video games in China are subject to the policies of censorship in China.
Violating basic principles of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China
Threatening national unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity
Divulging state secrets
Threatening state security
Damaging national sovereignty
Disturbing social order
Infringing upon others' rights
On July 2015, the ban on video game consoles within the country was lifted. According to a statement from the country's Ministry of Culture, companies like Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft — among others — will now be allowed to manufacture and sell video game consoles anywhere in the country.
Game consoles were first banned in 2000 due to fears that the devices — and the 3D worlds produced by them — had a negative effect on the mental and physical development of children. In 2015, China eased those restrictions by letting game console-makers operate in an experimental 11-square-mile area in Shanghai, known as the free trade zone.
The State General Administration of Press and Publication and anti-porn and illegal publication offices have also played a role in screening games.
Examples of banned games have included:
Hearts of Iron (for "distorting history and damaging China's sovereignty and territorial integrity")
I.G.I.-2: Covert Strike (for "intentionally blackening China and the Chinese army's image")
Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour (for "smearing the image of China and the Chinese army")
Battlefield 4 (for "smearing the image of China and endangering national security")
In addition to banning games completely, several games have had their content screened to remove certain imagery deemed offensive or unfavorable. Common examples include skeletons or skulls being either fleshed out or removed entirely. Cases of which can be seen in Chinese versions of popular video games such as DOTA 2 and World of Warcraft.
⚫ Watch Conquering Southern China (my documentary) and see China like no one outside of China has ever seen it before: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/conqueringsouthernchina
⚫ Support me on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/serpentza
Join me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/winstoninchina
Twitter: @serpentza
Instagram: serpent_za
My other channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/advchina
Music used: Virtual Vice - Sanctuary Run
Artist's bandcamp: https://virtual-vice.bandcamp.com/releases