去爱琴海Santorini 不是梦!
【10天游🇬🇷米克诺Mykonos-圣托里尼Santorini-雅典Athens-天空之城Meteora RM7600让你还剩钱回来】
🔥谢谢Nyew Hooi Ting投稿🔥
这次的自助行程真的比想象中的还要更加顺利,因为少数朋友去过这国家,无法询问,所以整个行程都是靠自己一个人上网参考其他人的blog的行程、景点、预顶车票、火车票、船票、巴士票、租借车程序等等,都是一手包办。所以对于这次的行程还是有点压力和紧张,担心在购买时会出错,还有看到网友说先买票可能会遇到他们罢工,就是说可能买好的票就白费了,去到那里还要买过或耽误了下个行程之类的问题,但最终整个行程所购买的票都没有一丝出错,也没有遇到罢工的情况,真的是完美无缺!而且票都不需要打印出来,直接用电话给他们看e-ticket就可以了,超级方便。而且,这次的花费也不超出我的预算,10天的行程,RM7600 或 $2560 还让我们剩钱回来。
从网友的blog中得知是不用国际驾照也可以租借到车或摩托,只是价钱会比较高,或是在你的驾照有些着英文字license就可以了,而马来西亚的驾照是有写着‘license’的字眼。但但但但是,如果有打算去希腊租借车或摩托旅游的话,请到JPJ换取国际驾照,只需RM150限期一年,不然是很难租借到他们的交通工具。国际驾照是跟着你马来西亚的驾照而定,若你有车与摩托的驾照,那你申请国际驾照时就自动两者可以驱使;若你只拥有车的驾照,国际驾照也只是车照,只能驾车不能驾摩托。你没有国际驾照,他们是不会租给你的,因为在我们租借时有问到那老板,她说如果你没有国际驾照,她租给你被警察半路遮拦你查到你没有国际驾照的话,警察会开罚单给两者,罚单为 €1000各者。如果你没有国际驾照,租借到的话是买不到保险,所以有什么意外的话你要全程赔偿。
在这之前,读了网友的退税手续,也跟着做,但是自己经历的是完全已网友所分享的完全不同,所以在这里想跟大家分享一下我的退税经历。我知道Scoot航空是不能先check in,只能在三小时前才可以check in。之前看网友分享是可以不先打boarding ticket就可以把你所买的退税单到Tax Refund / VAT Refund Office给工作人员盖章,然后过后进gate了才拿回你的钱,没有盖章的话就拿不了钱。我们早早就到飞机场,打算先去到VAT Counter把我们的退税单据盖章,但是工作人员说必须先打好Boarding ticket才可以来做退税。当我们check in好,打好boarding ticket后,又跑回去刚才那VAT Refund Counter,工作人员又说Scoot的话必须进去Gate里退税🙄 我们真的是一路提心吊胆,不懂是不是会被骗!就算你问了机场的工作人员,他们会跟你说要在进Departure之前就要盖章(就是我先前去的counter),他们根本不懂Scoot航空的退税程序已经换了,真的够烂!😡 害我们还没吃东西就匆匆忙忙进了gate,还好我们真的够幸运,遇到Scoot的周年纪念,当场有免费的buffet吃,不然就得饿着肚子上飞机吃飞机餐。最后我们也顺利退到所有的税,但是男人们没机会抽到香烟就被gate关着了,哈哈!
1. 你必须先check in,打好你的boarding ticket。
2. 你所买的东西,要退税的,比如:包包、手表、裤带、鞋子等不是液体的物品,千万别寄舱,因为在退税时他们要看你买的东西,如果你不小心寄舱了,那你的税是拿不回了。
3. 你打好boarding ticket后,把你要退税的物品提在手上。
4. 你们可以先去医饱肚子先,因为进到gate就只等待上机,很少卖食物,吃饱了才进gate,但切记不要太迟进去,因为不是你一个人退税而已。
5. 在进gate之前,你会先通过全身与物品扫描。过后,再继续往你的gate方向走,Scoot航空的gate是在A30,A31,A32。
6. 当你找到Scoot航空的gate后,你会看到Passport Control Counter,把护照给他盖了后,表示已经出境了,就直接可以进到你的gate了。
7. 退税的Counter就在你过了Passport Control的右手边。有两个counter,一个写着VAT Refund,一个是写着Change。
8. 你先把你所有退税的单、物品、boarding ticket和护照拿到VAT Refund Counter给他,他会看这四样东西,一样都不可以少。过后他看完了就会在你的单上盖章,手续完成。
9. 把这些盖印的单据到旁边的Change Counter拿钱就可以了,如果你要拿回Cash的话,每一张收据他们会抽Eur 4,就比如本来单据上所写你所退到的税是 €60,你就只能拿到 €56。拿cash的话也只限少于Eur130以下才可以,超过Eur130的话就只能把税退进你的credit card,需要5天的工作日才能退到。
***如果你要退税的物品是液体的,超过100ml的,比如:美容产品、香水等液体类的,是一定要寄舱的,不然等进gate时通通都会进垃圾桶。所以你必须先打好boarding ticket再跟counter的人说,你的行李不要寄先,你有退税的液体物要先退税。那么你就可以拿着你的退税单、液体物品、boarding ticket和护照,去找VAT Refund Counter,给工作人员看了,他会在你的单局盖章后,你才把你的液体物放在行李箱,再拿回到Scoot counter寄舱。接着跟着以上4,5,6,7然后跳过8直接去9拿回你的钱就可以了。(我们当时是没有买液体物,不过我们在等退税时与台湾的旅客交流得知的,希望可以帮到你们)
Day 1 :17-6-2018
为了节省时间,这次我们选择Scoot Airline直飞到雅典,从新加坡要直接雅典也只有Scoot Airline,其他的航空都需要转机。从新加坡直飞雅典需要11小时,我们乘坐了0235的飞机,抵达那里才早上0835,直接在机场等机再飞往米克诺。飞往米克诺的飞机是下午1500,抵达米克诺只需要1小时,也就是1600就抵达米克诺岛。我们拜托了酒店的人员来机场接我们到酒店check in。到了酒店休息一会儿,梳洗好就搭公共巴士出发到米克诺小镇逛逛、寻找晚餐。由于天很迟才暗,我们逛得忘记时间,错过了最后一趟巴士,所以搭德士回酒店。
晚餐-Paraportiani Tavern:€60 (还可以,不过份量很大)
SIM Cards:€60
Day 2:18-6-2018
卡特米利风车Windmills of Kato Mill—圣尼可拉斯教堂St. Nikolas Church—米克诺小巷—小威尼斯Little Venice
午餐-Souvlaki Story:€34.50 (推荐!好吃、便宜)
冰淇淋-Trio Bambini:€5.90
饮料 + 啤酒带回酒店:€25.74
晚餐-Snack Bar:€20.10 (推荐!好吃、便宜)
Day 3:19-6-2018
因为米克诺有很多个码头,有分新和旧,为了安全起见,11点check out酒店后,我们托酒店的老板送我们到新码头(Myknos)搭船到圣托里尼(Thira)。我们选择Golden Star Ferries到圣托里尼,需要耗费5小时才可以抵达,时间不足的朋友可以选择乘搭Seajets Ferries,三个小时就到了,不过价钱是贵上一半。船上的位子不定,可以选个自己喜欢又舒服的位子来坐,也可以睡,可以进食,超级方便。到达圣托里尼后,租借汽车负责人到码头接我们,然后讲解了租车的手续后,就把车子交给我们,也就是开始我们的自驾行程。这里要提醒,从码头到城市的那段路,我们认为是最危险的,路旁就是悬崖,要超级超级小心,还好男朋友的反方向驾驶技术很快就上手,但还是要非常小心。拿到车就直接check in酒店,再到Fira小镇(The Greek)吃晚餐、逛逛、看夜景,夜景超级美。
晚餐-The Greek:€66(推荐!意大利面最好吃)
Day 4:20-6-2018
圣岛唯一地下室葡萄酒厂Winery Wine Musuem—Perissa Black Beach黑沙滩—Pirgos小镇—Akrotiri Lighthouse灯塔—Red Beach红沙滩—Fira小镇
这天的行程都是在于整个岛屿的南端,没有租车是比较难去到的景点,我们一路沿着走,真心觉得路边望去得风景是最美的,我们都一边走,看到美景就随时停车在路边拍照,有些点可以望到火山口、漂亮的海景、整个岛屿的建筑物等等。真心建议你们,不用花太多在酒店方面,租辆车把整个岛转几圈比较值得!首先去了葡萄酒博物馆,要注意,圣岛的葡萄酒博物馆有很多,但是只有这一家地下室葡萄酒博物馆才是唯一的,入门票为两类 €10(可以尝试他们的4种酒)与 €20(可以尝试他们的8种酒)我们是选前者,喜欢喝红酒的可以选后者的票。我们都不怎爱喝红酒的,但尝试了他们的红酒后,除了赞不绝口,还败了几支作为纪念品,个人觉得还蛮值得去的。接着就去黑沙滩,黑沙滩除了沙滩是黑色之外,还可以近距离看到火山口,还真的挺美的呢!再来就是Pirgos小镇,除了Fira和Oia可以看到蓝教堂之外,Pirgos也可以让你看到蓝教堂,重点是在这里与蓝教堂拍照的话不需要拍长龙,可以拍到你满意为止。我个人认为去到Pirgos小镇除了蓝教堂外,它身后还隐藏着另一片美,跟着教堂的指示爬到最顶端往下,一栋栋雪白的建组屋就在你的脚下 ,再配上蓝天白云与大海,超级无敌漂亮!接着再继续往下驾,去到最南端的Akrotiri灯塔,虽然只有一座灯塔,而到处都是悬崖,要非常小心!当你爬上灯塔上望时,感觉伸手就可以触天,整片大海就在你的脚下,没有任何阻挡物挡着你眼前的美景,可以慢慢地享受那片美!最后还去了红沙滩,所谓的红沙滩不只沙滩是红色的,就连整座山石都是红色的,太不可思议了!
地下室葡萄酒工厂门票: €30
午餐-在Pyros小镇Café Ouzeri: €29(是当地一对老夫妇营业的餐馆,食物不错吃,推荐去喝喝咖啡,就在蓝教堂底下而已)
小食:Eur 13.60
Day 5:21-6-2018
Fira Old Port—Oia
Check out Fira的酒店后,我们就直接开车到Fira小镇。旧港是在Fira小镇的底下,可以步行、骑驴或乘坐缆车下去。我们乘缆车下去,再骑驴上来,是个很好的体验!缆车很快、很斜,下的时候感觉就像要掉进海里了;骑驴是希腊最古老的交通工具,值得体验!缆车和骑驴一样价格,各都是一个人€6。过后再随便逛逛买了点手信就出发到Oia。接着出发到Oia check in酒店,在酒店小睡了一会儿。大概到了傍晚时间再步行Oia小镇寻找最著名的蓝教堂和看日落。但是呢,这个时间是最多人挤在蓝教堂周围拍照,所以大致上是只拍到人,很难拍到蓝教堂,哈哈!所以我们决定放弃再等隔一天的中午最热的时段才来拍!真的太不容易了!接着,我们再一路走到最端,就是给人看日落的观望台。我们来得太迟了,没有一个位子可以让我们挤进去,因为游客们都是很早就在那里霸好位子等看日落。所以我们也决定隔天一定要早早来霸位!就这样随便逛逛再找家餐厅吃晚餐就回酒店休息啦!
骑驴子被拍照作为纪念品:€10(买不买随你,一张是€4,我们三张都要所以跟她减成三张 €10)
晚餐-Mes Amis:€36.50 (最浓最好喝的咖啡在这里,食物也很好吃,推荐)
Day 6:22-6-2018
午餐-Lotza看海看蓝教堂餐厅: €56(食物还可以,不过环境非常到位)
小食-Santo Dynamic: €15(点了当地炸薯条和饮料,不过薯条好吃)
晚餐-Skala Restaurant:€60 (老板们觉得这一餐最好吃,最值得)
Day 7:23-6-2018
Amoudi Bay—Fira—Santorini Airport
11点Check out酒店就开车去了Amoudi Bay,不开车也可以步行到,但是要从最顶端走到最底。Amoudi Bay是一个小小的港湾,但是真的很美,海水很清澈。我们逛了一下找了间看景餐厅吃我们的早午餐。吃饱后,我们再慢慢从最南端一路往北下,一路沿着的风景真的不可以少看一眼!又回到Fira小镇,个人觉得Fira小镇比较好逛,要买手信的朋友可以在Fira小镇购买,因为Fira价格比Oia来得便宜。还有,Fira小镇的小食店、餐馆选择比Oia来得更多些,有亚洲餐馆。过后给我们在Fira小镇找到Fila,进去逛了才得知整个希腊国只有一家Fila就在Fira这家,所以喜欢Fila的朋友们千万不要错过,我的老板也败了几件衣服,但是Fila是没有得退税的噢!逛完街再打包点小食就前往到飞机场,准备飞回雅典咯。再见Santorini!我们有缘再见!我们的飞机是7.30pm,飞到雅典是8.30pm,到了雅典机场,我们自行搭metro(就是我们所谓的地铁,一人 €10)到我们的民宿地铁站,打包晚餐再回民宿休息。
早午餐-Ammoudi Fish Restaurant:€82.30(食物还可以不过很贵,但是环境很美)
晚餐-Giavviwuko(Gyros & Kebab):€17.70
Day 8:24-6-2018
Athens Railway—Kalambaka(Meteora天空之城)
5个小时后,终于都到了,天空之城的火车站是Kalambaka,也是最后一站,你看到火车上下剩你而已你就可以下了!哈哈!一下火车就可以看到壮观的天空之城就在你眼前,你也会一直听到‘Oh My God’的传叫声!接着我们去找我们的民宿,把东西放下,我们就马上出门找租借摩托,我们租了一辆摩托(€20)和一辆电子脚车(€15),会租电子脚车的原因是我们的朋友没有摩托驾照才租的,但是不要小看这电子脚车,非常有力,所以没有摩多驾照的朋友也不需要担心。绕整座山也需要5个小时,我们租借的价钱是租借5个小时,如果租24小时就比较划算,就只加多几块钱而已。
午餐-All Time在Meteora山脚下的一家餐厅:€44.50(食物不错吃,还有送甜品)
晚餐-Food Factory(Kebab):€25.40(这一家的kebab最好吃,选料多又特别,非常推荐)
Day 9:25-6-2018
天空之城—雅典—雅典卫城Acropolis of Athens—宪法广场Syntagma
我们乘坐最早的巴士5.45am回到雅典大概是要11.30am,不过坐巴士回的话都没有直通,需要转巴士。5.45am从Kalambaka去到Trikala Bus Interchange(大概1个小时)再换巴士直通回雅典。11.30am也顺利抵达雅典,我们乘搭德士回民宿放东西,就马上出门逛街啦~逛了大概5个小时,大家都买得不亦乐乎,买好了再搭德士回民宿休息。大概7点我们再买了90分钟的地铁票(€1.40)到雅典卫城Acropolis of Athens和宪法广场Syntagma Square走走。本来是要进去卫城逛逛,但我们到那里也7.30pm了,而他们8pm就关门了,门票为 €20一个人,所以就没进去,只在外面拍几张照留念。我们就直接去宪法广场,刚好去到遇到军人换岗,看了整个换岗仪式,还蛮可爱的,嘻嘻!看完后,就回到我们民宿附近吃晚餐,再回民宿整理行李,准备明早回国。
Day 10:26-6-2018
我们的航班是11.30am,我们6.15am从民宿乘坐德士出发到机场,德士Eur35三个人,搭地铁也要Eur10一个人,还要扛行李,所以为了方便我们就搭德士去机场,大概7点我们就抵达机场。Check in好,匆匆忙忙退了税就等待上机回国。刚好在机场遇到Scoot航空庆祝周年纪念,有免费buffet吃,省一餐!再见啦!漂亮的希腊,我们有缘再见!
Total:€895.00 / 3 = €298.40 = RM 1408.20一个人
1. 飞机票
新加坡—雅典来回Scoot Airline(25kg 寄舱sharing、位子、保险和回程飞机餐):$887 = RM2617
雅典—米克诺 Volatea Airline(20kg寄舱sharing和保险):RM397.60
圣托尼里—雅典 Sky Express(每人20kg寄舱和保险):RM393.00
2. 船票——米克诺—圣托尼里 Golden Star:RM198.10
3. 火车票——雅典—天空之城:RM70.50
4. 长途巴士票——天空之城—雅典:RM114.60
5. Metro——机场—雅典城市、雅典城市范围(90 分钟):€11.40 = RM53.80
6. 德士(Mykonos & Athens):€23.00 = RM108.56
7. 租借汽车、摩托
汽车—圣托尼里(租5天4夜):€88.34 = RM275.33
摩托—天空之城(租5个小时):€10 = RM47.20
8. Hotel Shuttle Bus(Mykonos)机场去酒店、酒店去码头:€10 = RM47.20
9. 当地巴士(Mykonos): €3.60 = RM17
1. 米克诺Mykonos — Sun of Mykonos Studios(2晚):RM728.34
Sun of Mykonos Studios的设计非常梦幻,好像童话故事里的城堡,但是唯一小缺点就是不靠近Mykonos小镇,离小镇大概要10分钟的车程。而且没有德士可以搭,需要搭本地巴士才可以去到,巴士每一个小时只有一趟,但可以依照巴士的时间出发你的行程,基本上是没什么困难,若你是有租车或摩托就没什么问题。
2. 圣托尼里 Santorini-Fira — Anatoli Hotel (2晚包早餐):RM1002.15
Anatoli Hotel的设计是走向希腊传统风格,接待处和餐厅都是岩石屋。从房走出就可以看到海景,早上可以一边享用英式的早餐,一边听着希腊的曲子,而且酒店人员的服务非常好,非常亲切。此外,这家酒店非常靠近市区,只需要走10分钟就可以到达,非常方便!这一家非常推荐!
3. 圣托尼里 Santorini-Oia — Pension The Flower (2晚):RM790.64
Pension The Flower是新开不久的一家平民酒店,这家酒店也是可以看到海景,后院有一片葡萄园,还种满了很多鲜花,酒店人员也非常亲切。这家的地点也蛮好,走路不到10分钟就可以抵达Oia市区,非常方便。这一家也非常推荐!
4. 雅典Athens-Airbnb — Blue Aegean(3晚):RM535.59
5. 天空之城 Kalambaka-Airbnb — Vicky’s cosy and close(一晚):RM211.20
Total:RM 3267.92 / 3 = RM 1089.30
我们当时的兑换率:€1 = $1.60 = RM4.72
总交通费:RM 4339.90 一个人
总住宿费:RM 1089.30 一个人
总膳食与其它费:RM 1408.20 一个人
总花费:RM 7545.40一个人 / $ 2558 一个人
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singapore airline check in counter 在 Lawrence Wong 王冠逸 Facebook 的最讚貼文
this is terrible. please be careful if you are thinking of flying your pets. i moved coconut from Singapore to Beijing earlier this year and she was so stressed! upon arriving, i found blood on her two front paws. she must have been pawing her life out till it bleeds! it's really very stressful for the pets and the least the airline and airport could do is to make sure they are safe and comfortable.
JUSTICE for CHARLIE and all other pets at the mercy of NEGLIGENT AIRLINES
Please be wary of transporting your pet by SINGAPORE AIRLINES
Their negligence killed our pet Charlie.
We had planned to take our pet by Singapore Airlines to Ho Chi Minh. On Sep 2nd our scheduled travel date we arrived early as at the PPS Counter to check in our luggage and Charlie.
Since pets are taken on as excess baggage we had bought close to 220 kgs of excess baggage in addition to our allowance including Charlie and his crate which weighed around 22 kgs in total. Charlie has been with us since he was 30 days old and had completed 4 hours and 7 months. We were anxious about the move but with respect to Charlie we were very confident that he was in safe hands with Singapore Airlines. That is where we made a terrible mistake.
Our flight to Vietnam was at 1:30 pm. Though we had bought excess baggage for Charlie earlier at the airport we were told that the policy had changed and we had to make a fresh payment towards pet handling charges for Charlie. After the payment was made all our bags were weighed and checked in .
Charlie's crate was secured with plastic tags. The pet handling staff were not willing to even put the tags. Charlie was barking and they were scared. All pets do get anxious when the owners leave them even for some time. I asked them if they wanted to keep the leash lest they needed to
open the crate in case of any issues.They said it was not required . I presumed that if there was any emergency they would have a leash on hand if they had to open the crate.We were so wrong about the blind faith that we placed in Singapore Airlines.
Charlie was wheeled away with his crate in a trolley around 11 am. We proceeded to have breakfast and then around 12:30 pm we went to the boarding gate. We told them at the boarding gate that we had a pet.They told us he was a bit anxious and had some mucus and if we wanted to see him.Please note this. Mucus or saliva is a very normal thing for a dog and we felt we should not make him more anxious just before boarding.We boarded the aircraft and while on board the Captain made an announcement that we had a pet on
board the aircraft. We knew Charlie had boarded from the announcement.In just an hour and a half we would land and then
maybe in another half an hour or so we would be able to take him after completing the airport formalities.Our agent in Vietnam would be there to handle that for us.We landed in HCMC . We were received and taken to a separate counter to complete the immigration formalities faster. We thought this was because we had a pet . We completed the immigration only to taken aside and told by the Singapore Airlines staff that Charlie had passed away. We broke down in complete shock. We wanted to see him. We were in for a bigger shock. Charlie died not on the flight but he was not on the plane as he died in Singapore. We were terribly shocked. We demanded to understand how it happened , why we were not called and informed that Charlie had an issue or if he was distressed and why we were allowed to board and no announcement made to let us know before the aircraft took off. We were told that the gates had closed and they did not want to delay the flight and that is why they felt they should not inform us . The staff in Vietnam said they had no details except that they received a telex about the death of Charlie and what we wanted to be done with his body. They kept saying we are stating the information they received. We demanded to speak to the Singapore staff but the Vietnam staff could not put anyone on the phone for us and no one from Singapore attempted to reach us. They got somebody on the line after I kept saying I need to know. We had informed that you that the dog had mucus and if you wanted to see him. They never told us that our dog was severely distressed .As per airline policies pets who are severely distressed are never allowed to fly and the owners are informed that they are not fit to fly. The captain of the flight on some airlines in our experience with Air India took a look at Charlie and only after he gave a go ahead Charlie was boarded in. We were allowed to be with Charlie until boarding after which the captain saw him and then we proceeded.
Charlie's death took us by complete shock. We questioned how the captain made the announcement about the pet on the aircraft when Charlie had not boarded. They said there was no time to inform him. He was dead when they brought him
to the plane and since they could put a dead dog on the plane they did not want the flight to be delayed because of this incident . They chose to inform us on arrival.
Singapore Airlines is responsible for our pet's death. He was a perfectly healthy dog. They were clearly trying to cover up negligence on their part. They were playing it safe. We checked when the next flight back to Singapore was and said we want to take that. The staff asked us to get back before 6pm for the 7:30 pm flight. We dropped off my daughter with a relative at the serviced apartment and reached the airport before 6 pm. We were met by the same staff who informed us about Charlie. They asked us where our tickets were. We said we had no tickets as it was only an onward journey to HCMC from Singapore. We had assumed that the airline would have the tickets ready as we were informed of his death in Singapore only on arrival in HCMC. They are an insensitive airline. They told us that they could not do the booking over the counter and there was no override option.My husband tried to login in using the roaming service . The connectivity was very slow and after a half an hour struggle we did the bookings.
Singapore Airlines is a dishonest airline and a completely insensitive airline. Their perceived image is not what they are. The staff at Vietnam did not do anything to help us in our situation. Charlie died at the hands of the airline but they clearly were not feeling responsible for what happened or even regretted what had happened. Charlie was a dog after all. I had questioned them if they would have proceeded to take off if someone had gone into labor or someone was having a heart attack . The flight would not take off if a human life was at stake. Human life is precious . A pet's life is worthless . Only people who have dogs understand that they are integral part of the family. In our case I did not see any difference between my 12 year daughter and 4.7 year old Charlie, an American cocker spaniel. I have had him since he was 30 days old.
My husband and myself could not control our tears on the flight. We could not stop crying from the time we heard Charlie had passed away. We landed around 10 pm
In Singapore. Three airline staff held a placard with my husband's name and took us to the lost and found area where Charlie's crate was placed on a trolley with a plastic sheet over the crate.Before we landed in Singapore from
Ho Chi Minh we had reached out to my husband's Cousin to check on what happened. He was told that Charlie had been taken away by AVA, the Agri and Animal government authority of Singapore.We were anxious on the flight whether we would be able to see him immediately on arriving.
Charlie lay motionless , his body was cold, he was stiff , his face was down. There was evidence of a big struggle due to distress. He had chewed up the entire wee pad made of cotton. I was always so gentle with him and here he was in this state due to negligent handling .
What were they doing when he was distressed and was trying to get out of the crate was chewing on the wee pad?
Why did the pet handling staff not break open the crate and release him
and offer some water and try to relieve him and alert us ? This was an SOS situation. What stopped them?
We were told that the pet handling staff are not actually trained people who can handle pets. They treat pets like baggage. Their job is to move them to the pet hold area.
How could he have become motionless suddenly? What happened prior to that.? Who was there with him? Why did that person not alert the staff to reach us? Was there anyone with him in the first place? The presence of another human being even not known to him would have given him hope and could have saved his life.
The passenger services station
manager ,a man in his late twenties told us he was the in charge on the current shift and he wasn't aware of exactly happened in the earlier shift.We could not take it any more.
What led to Charlie's death? He was insensitive to our questions. He was hoping we would take Charlie's body and walk out of the airport without asking any questions.
We knew we were not going to get any answers from SIA. One of the senior staff who works at the Changi Airport spoke to us. We asked her who was responsible for managing the pet while in the pet holding area.
Were the airport authorities accountable in any way or the airline staff solely responsible. She could understand us as she had a pet herself and she seemed to understand our agony.Since Singapore Airlines seemed to show no remorse or were not serious nor honest in the way they were handling the whole situation we checked if we could file a report with the police at the airport. We went to the Singapore Airport police force and explained our situation. The officer took down the details and registered our complaint. He asked us if we suspected any foul play on the part of the airlines.We told the officer that Charlie has had a big struggle which is evident . Either the pet handlers chose to ignore it or they were not around for the entire period of time he was in the pet hold area. He was a perfectly healthy dog. He was examined by a vet and the vet certificate endorsed by AVA prior to travel .The officer took pictures of how he was lying face down in the crate with just very little left of the wee pad left in the crate. All along the SIA officer was tight lipped divulging no information but constantly engaged on his phone we are sure he was providing updates on what was happening. We requested for the protocol observed while keeping the pet in holding area. SIA is all the time talking about protocol but they had nothing to share here. They wanted to play safe to ensure the truth does not come out.They did not want their image to be tarnished and were trying to shield their staff .They did not care that our pet died and they should own up for the lapse at their end.
We did not want to go for an autopsy as that would establish that the dog suffered a panic attack maybe but what ensued in the two hours after he was taken away and what the staff did about it would not come out from the autopsy.Because it was only a pet they were least bothered.
Singapore Airlines should be banned from transporting pets since they clearly have no pet safety protocols in place and by their own admission do not have staff who can handle pets and pets are treated only as baggage and the crate never opened unless there is an emergency. Emergency for them means ''until the dog is completely unresponsive ''...
I cannot forgive myself for entrusting my baby in the hands of this ruthless airline. Please do not trust this airline with your pet .They simply don't care.
This is the real ugly face of the airline and not what is projected by them.The passenger services station manager did not share his contact number and refused to give any commitment in terms when they would write to us or send us the details of any investigation which they would carry out internally.
Pets dying while on board is heard off.Never in the holding area. The owners are intimated if the pet is distressed. If they treat them as excess baggage then they should let us know that they will not be monitoring our pet. Pet owners treat their pets like children and will not risk their pets with such an airline. A pet is not a wild animal that someone could not have opened the crate and freed him and offered some water and called us to calm him down . We would have decided not to fly or fly another day maybe after sedating him or would have even chosen another airline where he would have been more comfortable.
After registering the complaint we called the dog undertakers who came to collect Charlie around 4:30 pm. It is only when they removed Charlie from the crate we were horrified to see that he had chewed off his paw partially there was blood on his paw and on the mouth . He has used his paws to break open the crate and in desperation had chewed up the wee pad. He appears to have suffered a heart attack from the stress . The passenger services station manager gave us the CEO 's email when we asked for his bosses email Id. We are not uneducated and he thought we were fools to believe him.This shows how they deal with such issues. We went to spend the night at our cousin's place with a heavy heart. We have not stopped crying since this happened. We are in shock and we are unable to believe this happened at the hands of a pro pet airline such as Singapore Airlines in a very pet friendly nation in their home base of Singapore.
The ashes were delivered to us around 2pm by the undertakers and we boarded the 5:30 pm flight back to Ho Chi Minh city.
Charley deserves justice. Another pet should not meet the same fate. SIA has no right to be flying pets given the negligence they showed in Charlie's case unless they come out with revisions in their pet handling policies.
As expected we never got email from SIA even on Sunday . This shows their indifference to what happened.
We boarded the return flight to HCMC at 5:30 pm after collecting Charlie's ashes.
One of the senior air hostesses noticed us crying and ask us if she could help us. When we told her what had happened she was shocked and wanted to help us since we had not received any sort of communication in writing from Singapore Airlines. She in turn appraised the flight manager on board who assured us that he would report this to the concerned people.
We got an email on 4th morning that they were looking into the incident clearly only after the staff on the return flight reported what had happened to us.
I looked out for Charlie all the time and had made so many adjustments and arrangements at home to ensure the environment was safe for Charlie.Charlie was the baby of our house and all of us loved him and cared for him deeply.Charlie was my daughter's sibling and our son.It is hard to replace him. It is very difficult to cope with his loss. In a new city without him life seems empty. Time can heal is what they say. Time can heal certain wounds but the loss of a loved one hurts a lot and takes many years to heal. It does not matter if the loved one is a pet or a human.
Pet lovers and owners will understand this.
Whichever Airline you choose please insist on being there in the pet holding area till the time they are transported to the aircraft or check on who is going to be with them in the pet holding area and how your pets are going to be handed if they become distressed. In the name of protocol they may not permit you to be around. Believe us they have no safety protocols that they observe and no one will be around watching with your pet. Please question and understand how your pets are going to be handled before choosing the airline. You must insist that they inform you if you pet is distressed.
Please do not use Singapore Airlines till the time they bring about changes in the policies with respect to pet handling. They intended to brush the whole incident under the carpet and did not accept responsibility.Please do not go by their perceived image and also by the fact that Singapore is a pet friendly nation.
I am sharing pictures of how I found Charlie. As much as it hurts and I don't want to remember Charlie like this I want the world to know what can happen to your pets if you choose to fly with such an airline.
singapore airline check in counter 在 Cheekiemonkies Facebook 的最讚貼文
First look at the check-in counter at KidZania Singapore! And you can probably tell its partner airline too. On schedule to open in April 2016! 😊