[NetFlix 績後升15%創新高,但純利收入都低過預期,升乜?]
TLDR:純利收入都低過預期,升乜?冇錯訂戶數係超過預期,但帶唔到純利收入又有乜用?最令人驚喜嘅其實唔係呢啲,係公司卒之燒錢燒成正果,而家話唔使再燒,仲分分鐘有錢做回購。公司原本一路燒錢,但肺炎救佢一命,除咗多人訂,同搞到迪士尼好忙外,最重要係:低息!不過睇返,過去半年公司股價根本橫行,你miss一日就冇咗15%。將來會點?迪士尼定Netflix?Why not both?Amazon都冇殺死Walmart,但殺晒啲中小企。最後我仲會講下Netflix獨特嘅企業文化。
迪士尼定Netflix做霸主?Why not both?
最後: Netflix獨特嘅企業文化
1. Netflix出完第四季(亦即係全年)業績,升14%,股價創新高
2. 但,升乜?你見純利,大幅低過預期。收入,亦都係低過分析員預期。「明明埃汾話業績冇好定壞,只有好過預期定低過預期」(呢啲咪你學藝不精咯,睇多啲文啦)
3. 咁可能都有人留意到,訂戶數目幾好,遠超預期。第四季上咗850萬個新客,遠比市場預期嘅650萬為多。全年上咗3700萬新客,史上最多了。而家去到2.04億訂戶,唔好忘記仲要係入唔到14億人嘅大陸喎。(Facebook Youtube Whatsapp 微訊 instream 抖音嗰啲10億人用,但,免費嘢點同)
4. 不過,如果只係訂戶數字勝預期,但純利同收入差,有乜用?唔足以令股價咁升吧?所以我相信,係因為其他原因。
5. 咩原因?就係因為公司宣佈現金流轉正(講FCF,Free cash flow,唔知係乜有得佢,但呢個唔係純利),應該好多人都知Netflix以燒錢出名,似乎止血了。仲有,話唔使再借錢,唔使債冚債,之後到期嘅債,內部現金夠找。仲話有閒錢可以做share buyback,回購股票,嘩。十年未試過。
6. 回帶少少,發唔發現,呢半年冇乜聽Netflix呢隻股票嘅新聞?劇集電影就好多,但隻股票極靜。因為半年都係橫行,鳩做,連登仔又可以鬧升市冇自己份(見好多人鬧隻蘋果,但舊年升一個開,之前你又唔買?奉旨要等埋你上車?)
7. 但,事實係嗰句,Success Is Like Being Pregnant Everyone Says Congratulations But Nobody Knows How Many Times You Were 忽ed. 雖然話疫情受惠股,但舊年下半年,股價真係橫行的。而家又梗係個個話成功啦,但之前半年呢?
8. 特別係舊年第三季業績後,隊咗一轉。都幾合理,因為大家覺得,爆到遍地開花,要上台嘅都上晒了(呢個嚟緊都會係Netflix嘅死穴)。舊年第三季都未訂嘅人,應該成世都唔會訂—Turns out 唔係,咪話第四季都仲上咗650萬人—其中一個就係我!
9. 我在台灣隔離十四日,結果join咗兩樣以前唔用嘅嘢:Netflix,同埋外賣平台。外賣平台用咗好多。Netflix?我差不多冇睇過咁滯,但月費照交。幾咁好嘅business model,況且佢marginal cost極低
10. 再回帶遠少少,當局者迷。你而家睇返,根本覺得買Netflix係撈兵拿,正如當年買Facebook 買Starbucks一樣,見到呢啲公司點冒起,同埋點趕絶傳統公司。大把時間畀你買。但中間你總會質疑好多嘢,人之常情。Netflix就係畀人質疑得最多嘅(包括我),亦所以升得最勁!
11. 道理好簡單,Starbucks大家都知幾毫子咖啡豆賣你幾十蚊杯賺到笑,頂多畀高少少人工搵幾件四正啲嘅少男少女叫下你個名。貴租?人地交得起。有人租咪合理。但,正係太簡單啦,早早都知道。
12. Netflix Tesla唔同,呢啲公司一來太劃時代,二來太出位,三來太進取,一路有人質疑。創辦人都話你知公司一度生死邊緣(Starbucks應該冇試過)。但正係因為咁,先升到你笑。
13. 講返,即使我唔上Netflix,都知道你地上,人人都見到。但啲人質疑乜?就係公司一直不停燒錢,燒得好勁。搶market share,買內容,整內容,搶人(Netflix出撚名人工高,但,請你先算啦,我夠知美斯C朗人工高)。一直唔少人質疑,玩呢個燒錢遊戲玩到幾耐?公司嘅護城河亦好似唔夠高,傳統公司(主要係迪士尼)大把錢燒,你點夠佢嚟?
14. 但,好大程度上,Netflix先係最大嘅肺炎受惠股。冇工返冇學返留在屋企睇Netflix就好明顯,但仲有三個層面:第一,迪士尼火燒後欄(戲院收皮,樂園唔開,ESPN冇波播),唔得閒應付你住。第二,戲院唔開,直頭加速晒啲人睇戲睇電視嘅習慣改變,我估第時同啲新一代講阿叔以前去戲院拍拖,等於我老豆同我講佢當年去涼茶舖聽歌睇電視咁。
15. 但重要嘅係,第三:低息,買債,印銀紙。如果而家5厘息甚至10厘息,Netflix嘅情況可能都幾唔同。低息,當然係有利啲借大錢搏老命嘅公司,例如Netflix同Tesla,or to a certain extent恒大之類嘅內房,同時懲罰債主同埋儲錢嘅人(睇咗咁多年仲未睇穿?)。
16. 好啦,結果Netflix搏一搏單車變摩托,突襲荷里活同迪士尼成功,燒錢有回報,再嚟一場肺炎真係天助我也,利率低令利息開支冇乜壓力,要發債融資亦大把人願意。結果公司而家話正現金流(Free Cash flow,唔同純利),唔使再燒錢
17. 再講白啲,公司話明嚟緊幾個月到期嘅5億債,唔使re finance (即係新債冚舊債),直頭內部現金夠找,仲話唔使再倚賴外部融資。仲痴線到話可以有能力回購股票!十年冇試過
18. 回購嘛,當然係好東西。唔好執著於啲乜鬼「回購只係財技」嘅廢話。咁派息係咪財技?你又鬧公司唔派息?美國公司好多都只回購,唔派息,原因之一係有股息稅。回購是甚麼?你咪當係印公仔紙集資嘅反向過程,公司用入面嘅錢(留意!唔同大股東增持!),買返街度嘅股票。並唔止係「托價」(反正完全合法),而係我公司如果有錢冇地方洗,與其派息畀股東股東仲要畀人扣稅,與其管理層做埋啲白痴收購,不如就買返自己股票。買完公司冇錢會少咗錢—但總股數都少咗,咪拉高個每股盈利(Earnings per share)。你睇蘋果每股盈利嘅升幅,係明顯高過佢純利升幅,因為不停回購。
19. 如果玩得再盡啲?我以前都寫過,啲公司借錢然後拎啲錢做回購都仲得!啲巨型科企發債咁平,根本有數計。借平錢不停買自己啲股票,幾咁簡單。
20. 所以你而家明點解低息環境有助股市啦!亦明白點解美國啲左翼(包括好多民主黨嘅後生)鬧聯儲局劫貧濟富。你睇到個騙局未?長期低息,有事就救企業,印錢。作為散仔,不投資,你係肯定向下流的。
21. 我唯一有少少懷疑係,Netflix真係有必要回購股票?股價都在高位,亦都要大量投資,係咪批新股會著數啲?
迪士尼定Netflix做霸主?Why not both?
22. 將來會點?上個月舊文(到底我一個月寫幾多文?)有寫過迪士尼 vs Netflix(但主要由迪士尼角度出發)(https://bityl.co/5HDV)。你可以當Netflix偷襲成功,巨人迪士尼未識反應,加埋一場肺炎幫到Netflix,一度Netflix市值大過迪士尼,十分有意義嘅一刻。但講咗,舊年下半年Netflix原地踏步,迪士尼就越升越有,因為企穩陣腳,你識串流我唔識?迪士尼始終有品牌有內容同有錢,點會坐以待斃?
23. 誰死誰負?我估係大家都贏,super!講真的,你見Amazon都冇打死Walmart,人地啲CEO拎咁高人工唔係流的,唔係坐定定講句「網購大勢所趨冇得搞」就得,否則請你返嚟把托?
24. 睇嘢唔好咁表面,冇話唔係你死就我亡,亦唔只係咩新一代挑戰廢老。出嚟行求財唔係求氣嘛。有話根本Netflix根本冇改變荷里活,係荷里活改變Netflix(https://bityl.co/5HDn),Netflix都要跟荷里活玩拍戲拎奧斯卡嘅遊戲(我諗起話滿人蒙古人被漢化咁)。甚至有人話,而家迪士尼先係挑戰者,Netflix係Incumbent 舊勢力(即係,「建制」)(https://bityl.co/5HDr)。也不無道理,反正兩間公司咁高咁大,市值差不多,叮噹馬頭,大衞已經變到哥利亞咁大
25. 咁咩公司死?咪就係其他小型公司。Go Bear舊文都有講(https://bityl.co/5HDf),啲咩二三線媒體公司,特別係只做內容冇平台嘅,應該好快死得。呢,話口未完美高梅(MGM)就似乎要賣,得啲占士邦片咋,冇戲院你點算(https://bityl.co/5HDo)。
26. 你估真係Content is King?時代唔同啦,Facebook 啲content 差不多全部唔係自己,亦都一個仙都畀你,但你自動免費幫佢做content.係咪令你諗到啲乜?
27. 最後補多幾樣。首先再係講,Stay invested.今時今日嘅Netflix,都話市值同迪士尼咁大,已經係幾成熟嘅公司。可能升多幾倍,但照計唔會升十倍。甚至話,你當佢一年升15%,已經交到貨,美股一路以嚟長期回報都係咁上下。咁你見,15%,往往就係一晚之間升晒!之前半年橫行。你走漏一日,就冇。
28. 哦,你話咁好易,我出業績前買,出完就沽咗佢。但,如果差過預期咁點?你而家睇返係簡單,Netflix連續31季收入增長超過20%。但你見2012年尾時,增長一樣由50%跌到單位數,當時啲股價一樣坐過山車,十個有九個都震走啦,「止蝕」嘛
29. 事實你見到,雖然連續31季收入增長超過20%,但最新增長係2013年中以嚟最慢。亦所以話間公司已經開始成熟。早前講過,「而家去到2.04億訂戶,唔好忘記仲要係入唔到14億人嘅大陸喎。(Facebook Youtube Whatsapp 微訊 instream 抖音嗰啲10億人用,但,免費嘢點同)」
30. 但另一角度睇,仲有幾多空間?不過管理層當然一早知你會問(知道出面擔心乜嘢,呢啲真係基本功),就答你,Netflix暫時只係佔美國人睇電視時間嘅10%,仲有空間上。又當然,公司應該係有啲加價空間的,我唔覺得加10%會有超過5%嘅人走佬,個total income應該仲大。最後,會唔會做收購?
最後: Netflix獨特嘅企業文化
31. 真係最後,我睇到一半,但推介大家睇No Rules Rules呢本書。唔好只係用用家嘅角度去睇間公司,Netflix在商界,最出面係獨特嘅「企業文化」—好多公司(特別係香港公司)都濫用呢個字,根本就冇文化。
32. Netflix嘅文化就出晒名,精英主義,自由,好Q高人工(人地工程師一年出幾十萬花紅,美金啦梗係),但極之高壓,炒人全不手軟,先唔會理你啲KOL講咩影響士氣(個個生意都未做過去教人地美國巨企管人,好好笑)。天才嘅天堂,平庸者嘅地獄。
33. 想快睇嘅,可以睇呢篇文,中文嘢,易入口(https://bityl.co/5HEU)。但簡單嚟講,精英文化,好似歐洲頂級球會或者NBA咁,唔使講人情,我地唔係一家人,你掂嘅你上,唔掂嘅即時收工。你放工做乜我唔理你,上到場冇貨交嘅即死,唔使講咩「我為公司打咁多年江山」。阿丕嫂就係批鬥大會,聞說好似人工都完全公開。
34. 你稍為有啲自己之明嘅,就知道呢啲公司唔係正常人可以入到,正如你都唔會去皇馬巴塞踢正選。亦所以你啲濕鳩公司唔好諗住學人地。打工更加唔好怨咩「才華同收入唔成正比」,有冇諗過如果真係成正比,你可能仲低人工?
35. 幸好,你冇料在Netflix做都好,你都可以買佢嘅股票!分享人地嘅成果。係咪好偉大?
36. 仲有,唔好以為搞間公司只係識拍戲 識搞算法就得。踢波都仲只係場上嗰十幾個人,Netflix咁大,唔通創辦人自己去拍戲?去睇韓劇?一定係靠其他人。佢點請到好嘅人?就係靠以上講嘅嘢,而唔係講埋啲乜撚work life balance(但唔畀錢),”we offer competitive salary and benefits”。Netflix最叻,可能係管人。人地offer NON - competitive salary and benefits—高到你根本match唔到。
37. 仲有,財務呢?你可以話佢大膽,但咁大間公司點都係calculated risk,夠膽咁樣燒錢去搶份額,而唔係坐定定講「巨企霸權打壓我呀」。而家梗係個個都識講燒錢搶市場,但人地幾多年前做?
你嘅2020年點?我嘅2020年就幾好。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100唔使,5個月已1200人訂!(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。年費仲有85折,仲係睇13個月添。
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Nikola รถบรรทุกไฟฟ้า ล้านล้าน ลวงโลก /โดย ลงทุนแมน
ในช่วงไม่กี่เดือนที่ผ่านมา เราอาจจะได้เห็นข่าวว่ามีหลายบริษัทที่ถูกจับทุจริต
ทั้งการโกงบัญชีของ Luckin Coffee ธุรกิจร้านกาแฟที่โตระเบิดจนมีสาขามากกว่า Starbucks
...Continue ReadingNikola, a trillionaire electric truck / by investment man.
In the past few months, we may have seen the news that many companies have been caught corrupt.
Luckin Coffee's accounting cheating, a grown-up coffee shop business explodes more branches than Starbucks.
To Kingold, a Chinese gold trading company in US stock market caught using fake gold for loan.
And recently, another company that was accused of corruption and deceiving the whole world.
That's a Nikola company that claims to produce electric and hydrogen vehicles that many people see have a chance to grow into Tesla's most important competitor, the world's most valuable car company.
Suspicious occurs because the founder of Trevor Milton has announced his sudden resignation after being accused of corruption for only 10 days.
This whole thing is pressure on Nikola company's shares falling from the highest point in June this year. Over 79 %
So what did Nikola do to be suspicious of corruption?
Investment man will tell you about it.
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First let's get to know the other important character of this story. That's Hindenburg Research.
This company does a corrupt business. It's going to make huge profit from Short Sell or borrowing shares of companies that are likely to be pre-sell.
Back to the beginning of this year, Muddy Waters Research was one of the corrupted companies who took huge profit from Short Sell after they caught Luckin Coffee cheating on their record of over-sales.
Hindenburg Research has Short Sell, Nikola Stocks, and has published a 76 page long report to show proof that Nikola is running a world-wide business.
Nikola was founded in 2014 with a mission to build automotive, polluting with electric battery technology with hydrogen from the company's research and development.
With clean energy the world's investment theme, including seniors like Tesla, can achieve huge success to the value of increasingly becoming the world's most valuable car company.
Nikola is easy to earn credibility and magnetism. Investors are attracted to fundraising quickly. Fast to the Stock Exchange. After only 6 years of business.
So how much does Nikola earn now?
If we come to see the results of Nikola company.
First 6 months, year 2019 Income 4 million baht. Lost 1,477 million baht.
First 6 months, year 2020 Income 3 million baht. Lost 4,198 million baht.
Interesting is Nikola's income we see coming from another business.
Because the company actually has income from selling automotive is 0 baht..
And this is because Nikola hasn't sold a car yet because the company can't produce a really viable car. Only the prototype is still under the testing. Expected to start manufacturing by 2021
Although Nikola hasn't sold any cars yet, you know that Nikola has reached 1.1 trillion baht more than Ford, the company that sold 5.5 million cars in the past year.
Such value is the expectation of investors who believe in electric and hydrogen battery technology that can make Nikola a blast. No different than Tesla can do.
But it seems like none of these things are true..
One of the key points Hindenburg Research accuses Nikola is that this company doesn't have its own technology, but only hires other manufacturers to produce.
By some reports, Nikola has gone to order inverter, an electric truck component from Cascadia.
But after Nikola took the car out, the company claimed that the inverter was a technology manufactured by the black tape to close the Cascadia brand..
And the latest case Nikola just announced to redeem 11 % of his own company's shares in exchange for hiring GM to produce a car.
There are many investors starting to see that Nikola's technology used to produce is almost from all GM.
Apart from technology that the company is accused of
Over the time, Trevor Milton, the founder of the company, has been suspicious. Changing the launch of the model car to be manufactured into a show of just a running model car. Plus, open for the reservation to pull money into the company.
And recently after Nikola was attacked by Hindenburg Research company.
Instead, the founder of a company like Trevor Milton brought evidence to confirm transparency and confidence that the company was in the right direction, but he announced his resignation almost immediately..
The story of Trevor Milton has been linked to Elizabeth Holmes, the former owner of a single drop of blood startup, changed the world Theranos who haunted the world a few years ago.
Nikola used to have a company worth of 1.1 trillion baht after entering the stock market successfully within a month.
But today, the company's value has fallen to 2.3 billion Baht. It's a 79 % fall.
Which if Hindenburg Research reports are true.
Worth 2.3 hundred thousand baht. It should be too much.
Because the true value of this company may just be emptiness..
Blockdit is a platform of source of thinkers
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starbucks business model 在 IFee Channel Facebook 的最佳解答
“ตัวเลขนี้มีความหมาย” 🤩🥰🤩
ตัวเลขนี้จะ #ไม่น่าตื่นเต้นเลย ถ้าเป็นตัวเลขจากบริษัทที่อนุญาตให้ #เราเป็นเพียงผู้บริโภค...
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แต่สำหรับ Reborn ความเจ๋งของตัวเลขนี้คือ
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ตัวเลข 6667 เซ็ท จึงมีความหมายมากๆสำหรับคนที่มองหาโอกาส...
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Line : Raneezo54
starbucks business model 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答
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starbucks business model 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文
starbucks business model 在 The Starbucks bottled Frappuccino business model ... 的推薦與評價
The Starbucks bottled Frappuccino business model · In the early 1990's, as Starbucks started taking off as a company, Howard Schulz (CEO) was looking out for new ... ... <看更多>
starbucks business model 在 Starbucks Business Model Canvas - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Starbucks Business Model Canvas ... As part of our mission to help entrepreneurs tell their stories in a compelling way, we can help you design an ... ... <看更多>