AH-HAH! Say hello to my very first IGTV video!
Always wanted to make some casual videos about my routine and finally getting the time during this MCO period at home. Hope you guys have been well staying home!
Here comes my after shower routine, always start with teeth brushing!
Then a good 15 mins mask. One of my masking hacks, always cut my sheet mask using my mini scissor so it fits perfectly on my skin. Massage the extra essence into skin then rinse off before applying any skincare. I’ll tell you why I practise rinsing off after mask later :)
Then proceed to my step 1, Hydra beauty micro liquid essence. My favourite all day err day, its light-weighted and it absorbs right into my skin I don’t feel a distinct layer on my skin.
Step 2, Hydra beauty micro serum. I only apply serum during evening, so one time per day.
Step 3, Hydra beauty nutrition. I only apply this on the alternate days, as I have pretty sensitive skin that I get break out/ white bumps if I overly hydrating my skin. Yet skincare routine without moisturiser cream is not sufficient for hydration so this way works perfectly for my skin. (That’s also why I wash off after mask. If you don’t have super acne prone skin like me please don’t wash off those precious serum.) BUT, it really depends on what skin type you have.
Step 4, Hydra beauty micro gel Yeux. This eye-gel is also one of my favourite products in hydra beauty collection, light and weightless.
So ta-dah. Here’s my every night after shower skin care routine. Share with me some of your skin care hacks too!